Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 308 Hesitation

Chapter 308 Hesitation
In Tianjin Wei in September of the sixth year of Wanli, the names of Ma Dafu and Sha Erbao were mentioned the most, and the leaders walked through the streets to find their former pilgrims, first sent rice noodles, wine and meat, and then talked about the current During the difficult days, they scolded Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong together.

Pan Ming, the leader, came to Tianjin Acropolis on September [-]th, not because there were incenses in the city that he should connect with, but because he came to discuss some business in the city.

Pan Ming is a man of modesty. He has never threatened anyone in the past few years. He has also been a peacemaker many times, and his relationship has been maintained.

Now that Chuantouxiang is down, everyone misses the old love and can still take care of his business. This can be regarded as Pan Ming's long-term plan.

He was dressed in a long brown gown, dressed as an outsider. From the riverside to the city gate, and from the city gate to the city, Pan Ming really saw many familiar faces along the way.

The bosses who used to be arrogant and swaggeringly walked, all of them disguised themselves as ordinary people, walked carefully with their heads down, scurrying around the streets and alleys, carrying things in their hands, coming out of one house and entering another house, if they didn't know who they were, they would have Knowing that most of them entered Xiangzhong's house, they would be considered thieves.

Pan Ming also lowered his head. He used to think that Chuantouxiang was majestic, but now he just feels ashamed. He lowered his head to avoid embarrassment when they meet.

After walking for a while, the passers-by on the road hurriedly stepped aside to let the 50-man brocade-clothed guards pass by, and Pan Ming naturally gave way.

A team of 50 people lined up in a row of five in a column, holding weapons in their hands, and marched in neat steps. The two generals in front carried knives on their waists and chanted in a low voice, and the expressions behind them were solemn and quiet. stride.

Even though he was walking, he had a murderous look on his face. Pan Ming had seen hundreds of people fighting in groups on the pier, but the hundreds of people screaming and shouting were not as good as these 50 people.

Pan Ming also knew that the three courtyards in the city where Chuantouxiang used to be were now occupied by the Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong, who housed a battalion of 200 people in each courtyard, and people from the three courtyards took turns patrolling the city every day.

Although his family background has fallen, Pan Ming was a person who had seen the world back then. He knew what a thousand households in Jinyiwei meant, and he knew better than those Xiangtou who came from grassroots.

When I was in Wuqiang County, there was a Zhuangzi outside the county seat. It is said that the owner of the Zhuangzi was the remnant of Liu Liuliu and Qi Mahu’s rebellion. There were more than 500 farmers in the village, and they were domineering in the local area. The matter clashed with a servant of the county government, and the servant was beaten to death.

The county magistrate was furious and sent people to arrest him, but he was beaten back. The county magistrate immediately reported to the police, and sent a thousand generals to suppress it.

The entire Zhuangzi was washed clean by the officers and soldiers, and the owner of the village was also arrested and beheaded. Even if he had defeated Mr. Qian at that time, there were still defenses, and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty came continuously, and there was always a time when they couldn't stop them.

From then on, Pan Ming had a calculation in his heart. No matter how the people can't beat the officials, seeing such a majestic Zhuangzi, who has been domineering for so long, he will be destroyed if he is destroyed.

Now, this boat's head is fragrant up and down, making wind and rain, but who is this Wang Tong, who dares to pull cannons over the street to bombard the shop, so what will happen to him? It's really not good Very easy to say.

The soldiers patrolling the street had already passed by, Pan Ming was still there in a daze, the severed finger of his left hand was a little itchy, he looked up at the sky, it was very clear, but Pan Ming knew that it might be cloudy in a few days, maybe There is a light rain or something, and the feeling of the severed finger has always been very effective.

Thinking of this, Pan Ming stretched out his hand and touched his neck. He could still feel itchy after cutting off his finger. If his neck was broken, would he still feel itchy?

After watching this scene, I just felt that my legs weighed a thousand catties, and I walked more and more slowly. Thinking about the wealth I had saved, thinking about the honest woman and the child in my stomach, my head was in a mess.

Being in Chuantouxiang, he really knows quite a lot about Wang Tong's details. This Jinyiwei Qianhu is not very old, but he is a figure who reaches the sky. It is said that he is a close friend of the Lord Long Live. Come to Tianjin.

But when he came to Tianjin, this favor was not bad at all. It is not necessary to hear about it. Everyone saw it in their eyes, besieged the military preparations, beat the eunuch's servants, bombarded the shop, killed people in the street, all kinds of things happened. , but nothing happened, on the contrary, it became bigger and bigger.

It's not that there is someone behind him, what is this, such a character, who sells his body to seek refuge, is almost the same, and if he really wants to tear his face and make trouble with him, isn't it life-threatening?

Just walking while thinking like this, when I looked up, there was the Drum Tower not far in front of me. Isn't that near the Drum Tower the residence of Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong?
Pan Ming was startled subconsciously, but found that at this moment his mind was turning over and over again, "how about selling yourself for refuge".

Chuantouxiang treats me well, and it seems that I have worked hard to get her status. Each of them is the best at home, but the one with the highest position and the most money is not those cronies of Xiangtou, but an outsider like himself. I'm afraid there will be no other benefits in this life.

If you follow the instructions above, it will be a crime of beheading if you don't do it well. If you don't follow the above instructions, Chuantouxiang has many ruthless people here.

One's own property, one's own wife and children, Pan Ming was thinking, but unknowingly came to the door of Wang Tong's mansion of Qianhu in Jinyiwei, Tianjin.

The guards guarding the door watched a man in Uesugi approaching in disbelief, and they were all on alert. The people behind had already drawn their weapons, and the leader in front shouted loudly:

"This is Lord Wang's mansion, idlers retreat!!"

Pan Ming was caught off guard, and almost jumped up when he was yelled at. He calmed down but didn't dare to turn his head, for fear that there would be someone watching Chuantouxiang outside, but since he was often active outside the city, people in the city might not know him.

Seeing him standing still, the soldiers at the door became more and more alert. Even the people in front had already drawn their weapons. If there was any mistake, they would be killed on the spot.

Pan Ming touched the severed finger of his left hand with his right hand, thinking about his family's prominence when he was in Wuqiang County, what did he rely on for that prominence, and it was not because of his fame and official status. When he was at home, he would take out the Four Books from time to time at night. Looking at the Five Classics, it is not impossible to forget the imperial examination.

There is such an opportunity in front of him, to see if he can grasp it well, Pan Ming took a deep breath, bowed deeply, and said in a low voice:
"Several officials, the younger ones have important matters to meet with Mr. Wang..."
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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