Chapter 309

On the morning of September [-]th in the sixth year of Wanli, people in and outside the city had breakfast and were ready to go to work and carry out the busy work of the day.

But the fans of Chuantouxiang were depressed and panicked, not knowing what to do. On September [-]th, the bun shop run by Sha Erbao's sister and brother-in-law was smashed.

His family is really miserable. He went to the Qing Army Hall to file a complaint, but was kicked out. At noon, the stall selling buns was smashed up. It is said that it was done by a few policemen in brocade and sweater uniforms.

Could it be that Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong really didn't want everyone to live, and he was so ruthless, what happened in the city, the outside of the city would not know so quickly.

But now the leaders of Chuantouxiang are running around in and out of the city, and everyone outside the city knows about any troubles, and the news spreads very quickly.

Seeing Sha Erbao's tragic situation, everyone thought of their own family, living so hard now, with so many laborers coming to grab food outside, and Jin Yiwei Qianhu Wang Tong doing this again, what to do in the future, how to live on.

When I was worrying, I heard the rapid sound of gongs outside. The person beating the gongs and drums may not be some kind of celebration or funeral. Just beating the gongs usually means that something happened.

While some people were still wondering, the sound of the gongs became chaotic. It wasn't just one place, but all around. It was necessary to go out and have a look.

The sound of gongs sounded in the places where the boat bows and incense crowds gathered inside and outside the city. Some of the people who beat the gongs were the heads, and some were the leaders of the weekdays.

Pan Ming also knocked on the gong in his hand. Seeing that there were many people coming out, he shouted loudly:
"Everyone who burns incense, young and old, we have done our duty to live and eat for so many years. We have never offended anyone or done anything harmful to nature, but someone will not let us live. Everyone knows about Brother Sha Erbao's family. , Sha Erbao is an honest child, why was he driven to a dead end."

With the constant propaganda and agitation for more than ten days, everyone felt angry in their hearts, and everyone looked bad. When Pan Ming spoke loudly here, he could hear someone not far away saying the same thing.

"The big guy came into the city with me, and he wanted to give Sha Erbao an explanation, and he wanted to give Sha Erbao's hard-working sister an explanation. If we don't get up again, we will be on the verge of death, and we will be the ones who can't survive!!"

After finishing speaking, Pan Ming beat the gong and walked towards the city, "Follow Pan to reason", "Let that dog official give an explanation", "Anyway, if we don't let our brother live, what are you afraid of!!"

People have the mentality of following the herd, plus there is resentment and despair in their hearts, one person follows, two people follow, and the others follow.

Everyone led the people out, and more and more people gathered on the road, and they walked towards the direction of Tianjin Acropolis in a noisy manner.

There are more than 4000 people in Chuantou Incense outside the city, and the crowds gather, followed by idlers watching the excitement, and the flow of people grows stronger and stronger.

Several official roads were blocked. Seeing such a mighty and aggressive team, no vehicles, horses and pedestrians dared to stop in front, they could only give way.

There are more and more people, the atmosphere is getting more and more intense, and the mood that was still waiting and fearful is gradually getting excited.

At the gate of the Tianjin Acropolis, there are soldiers on duty as usual. According to their rules, the first thing to do when such a large flow of people rushes over is to close the gate and wait for help.

But today is a good day. Seeing people coming from outside, the first reaction of the soldiers guarding the gate was to dodge to the two sides. They didn't care about the gate at all. In the past, the officers guarding the gate would definitely draw out their knives and kill a few to stabilize the morale of the army. Today is also strange, the officers are not afraid of military punishment, they run with the soldiers.

Originally, seeing the heavily armed soldiers at the gate of the city, the incense crowd who walked in the front were a little shy, but when they saw those soldiers running away and dodging, they couldn't help but become more courageous.

As soon as this mighty flow of people entered the city, the city of Tianjin was suddenly in chaos. All the shops had already opened, and seeing so many people rushing in, they were all shocked.

Immediately, they yelled at the guys to put on the door panels, hold the door against it, and pick up their belongings to prepare. Such a chaotic situation is most likely to cause looting and smashing.

"There is still heavenly law and law in this world. If you want to find a fair brother for Sha Erbao, come with me!!"

Not only was the flow of people from outside the city pouring into the city, but there were also people in the city stirring up momentum. All the flow of people had only one destination, which was Wang Tong's mansion near the Drum Tower.

Panda's personal soldiers in the military department, and Gao Tongzhi's yamen servants in the Qing military department, all of whom had the duty of suppressing and suppressing, all disappeared at this time.

Although the soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu patrolled the streets every day, but at this time, when the day and night shifts were handed over, no one came out of the three yards, and the gates were locked.

As for the official office of Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin, Hang Baihu wanted someone to close the gate, but the order has not yet been issued. Except for [-] of his subordinates, all the rest have run away, and he is jumping there. There is nothing you can do about cursing.

Tianjin Acropolis is not a big place, thousands of people flocked in Chuantouxiang, and there were also some spectators, but the government did not take any measures to deal with it.

Before noon, the Tianjin Acropolis was in complete chaos.

The things brought about by this kind of chaos, there is not a single thing missing in the city, there are already local ruffians who have begun to take advantage of the fire, and people in the city are crying and shouting.

The road near the Drum Tower of the Acropolis of Tianjin was completely blocked, and the mansion of Wang Tong, a thousand households of Tianjin Jinyiwei, was surrounded by these people.

If it wasn't for the soldiers with weapons on duty on the wall, and the archers staring at the gates above the front door and the back door, someone might have climbed over the wall and entered.

Even so, the people outside were still approaching step by step, and someone shouted:
"I'm waiting for a living!!!"

"Chuantouxiang is a good citizen, why was he forced to go to the bottom of the road!!"

"There are old and young in my family, if you don't give me a way out, don't you want me to die and the whole family can't make it!!"

"Brother Sha Erbao Sha died so badly, who did he offend, how did he end up like this!!"

"Dog officer, don't think that you can do anything wrong, there are other great masters in Tianjin City, the capital also has Long Live Lord and all the prime ministers!!"

"Officer Dog, if you don't tell us to live, we won't be afraid of death!!"

Everyone in Chuantouxiang was yelling and cursing, and they didn't know who started it. They picked up bricks and stones from the ground and threw them over.

The soldiers on the top of the wall were caught off guard, they didn't even have time to cover their heads and faces, they fell straight in, and they dared to show their heads after a while, holding shields in their hands to cover them.

In this way, the gathered crowd became more imposing, their shouts became louder, and they kept rushing forward.

Pan Ming, who was walking among the crowd while beating the gong, started to slow down when he saw the Drum Tower. After walking a few steps, he suddenly dropped the gong to cover his stomach.

Someone from the side came to ask with concern, Pan Ming's face was full of pain, and he said weakly:
"It's not right to eat that bowl of porridge in the morning. It hurts my stomach. Brothers, don't worry about me. Just move forward. Don't delay everyone because of me."

Everyone was emotional and didn't care about it so much, and let Pan Ming run to the side of the road clutching his stomach. When the team passed by, Pan Ming straightened up, obviously the pain was gone, and he just hung at the end of the team and followed.

Two days ago, Yang Sichen's whole family was taken into Wang Tong's mansion. Yang Sichen thought it was an approval, but he only found out today that it was clearly a disaster.

I just finished breakfast in my own independent house, when I heard the buzzing sound outside, I thought what was the matter when I heard the noisy people, and wanted to go out to have a look, but was stopped by the guards in the mansion, saying that it was the master's order No, don't go out.

Less than half an hour later, they could hear earth-shattering shouts and curses outside, many servants ran in, and the guards in the mansion marched towards the wall holding their shields in a row.

"This is a big deal, this is a big deal!!"

Yang Sichen is indeed smart, he immediately realized what was going on, and then immediately realized what it meant, and felt dizzy for a while.

Coming out from Shen Shixing, leaving the capital and coming to Tianjin Wei, this is already my last destination. If this side collapses, there will be nowhere to go in the world, and everything will be over.

The most important thing in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty is stability. Whether you are an eunuch, Jin Yiwei or a local official, as long as the local people gather to make trouble, no matter who is right and who is wrong, the official will be punished. Fame.

This is also the reason why the local herdsmen officials dare not offend the local tyrants. These people are calling the wind and rain in the local area, and a little incitement will cause thousands of people to gather in the government office.

Then there will be officials who say that you treat the people harshly and stir up civil uprisings, and your superiors will think that you are not capable enough to hold back the situation.

This is also my own fault. I always thought that Wang Tong was monopolizing the power, and the princes in the court were jealous, but I didn't expect that the Tianjin Acropolis had been suppressed to a certain extent. A slight provocation would be a catastrophe. Right now, this catastrophe has already begun !

It must be appeased, and the disturbance must not be bigger. Yang Sichen walked quickly while his mind was spinning, and met Cai Nan who was also panic-stricken on the way.

The guards in the mansion were calm, a few generals were loudly making arrangements there, the female relatives walked inward, and groups of soldiers went to the courtyard walls. There were almost [-] soldiers in the mansion, but this was a drop in the bucket, really If you want to do it, I'm afraid you won't be able to defend it.

Wang Tong's residence was in the middle of the mansion, and the door was open. The guards at the door saw Cai Nan and Yang Sichen coming, and they were familiar with each other, so naturally they would not stop them.

When the anxious two entered the living room, they were both stunned.

Wang Tong was sitting at the table, holding bread in one hand and cooked meat in the other, and was feasting on it. When he saw the two people coming in, he said with a smile:

"If you want to have strength to do things, you have to eat hard bread and cooked beef. You can't eat too much, seven is just right."

The room is quiet, only the sound of "dog officer" coming in from outside...
On the first day of November, I wrote last night until early in the morning, please support Lao Bai with monthly tickets, all subscriptions and monthly tickets are here! !
(End of this chapter)

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