Chapter 311
There were seven battalions of regular soldiers, the first battalion was in Wang Tong's mansion, the third battalion was in three yards, the remaining three battalions were stationed on the bank of the Haihe River, the first battalion of the reserve battalion stayed at the new barracks, and the remaining twelve battalions would divide into three routes with the cavalry and enter the city together.

The brigade marched quietly, only the orders of the officers and the sound of neat footsteps on the ground. When the brigade of incense passed by just now, the shopkeepers on both sides of the street dared to lie on the cracks of the door to watch the excitement, and the bold ones even went out to say hello.

But watching Jin Yiwei's soldiers and horses striding forward behind the door, I felt the chilling aura made my whole body cold after a few glances, and the sound of heavy footsteps knocked on my heart every time.

After watching it for a while, I didn't dare to look at it again, and hid back in fear.There was a Bodhisattva God of Wealth at home who hurriedly offered incense and worshiped, saying that he must be safe and sound.

After the soldiers of each battalion entered the city, they temporarily formed a team in front of the city gate. The original soldiers guarding the city gate were thrown out of the city, and then the city gates began to close.

One hundred households were separated from each road, and they cooperated with the horse team to search and advance first, while the rest of the brigade remained in place, with a horse-drawn carriage parked at the west gate of Tianjin Acropolis.

Tan Jiang, who was riding on the horse, leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"My lord, what should I do next!"

The curtain of the carriage was raised, and Yu Dayou who was sitting inside said with a tired expression on his face:
"Follow your master's instructions. I'm not used to doing this in the city to kill the enemy on the battlefield."

General Tan nodded with a smile, and gave some instructions to the coachman. The carriage, under the guard of a dozen soldiers, went to the garrisoned yard on its own.

Not to mention what happened to Wang Tong's mansion, the streets in the Acropolis of Tianjin were already in a mess, the Bingbei Road, the Food Supervision Office, and the Qing Army Hall blocked both ends of the street. Those who face the enemy will guard there.

Almost all the incense crowd surrounded Wang Tong's mansion, and they didn't smash and loot as usual, but the rogues and local ruffians who took advantage of the fire in the city were the real troublemakers.

These bastards who sit on the ground are very familiar with who is rich and who has beautiful daughters in the city. Seeing the chaos in the city, the most dreaded Jinyi guards do not show up, and the evil star is still under siege. It's the posture of sweeping the snow in front of the door, and they all feel that the opportunity has come.

In groups of three or five, tangled into crowds, they began to create chaos in the city. In just one hour, the city was already full of smog and chaos.

There are many big families, shops and warehouses, there are many servants and rogues, and there are many people on their side, so it is so easy to beat them down.

The unlucky ones are those small families and middle-class families, who are really crying for their fathers and mothers. Back then, Liu Liu and Liu Qi's rebellious soldiers crossed the border in disorder, and the occupied counties had not yet suffered such damage.

There were even people who set fire after looting. When the fire intensified, the situation would become more chaotic, and there would be more opportunities to fish in troubled waters. With such chaos in the city, they naturally didn't know that the gates of the four cities had been closed and the army had already entered the city.

Among them, there are gangsters in the north of Acropolis in Tianjin, who call themselves "Hejian Eight Righteousnesses". The shop couldn't afford to offend, and when Wang Tong came later, he could only bully some small merchants.

Seeing the chaos today, an opportunity came consciously. Several people got together, listened to the idea of ​​the fourth among them, and headed towards a shop selling incense, candles and burning paper in the south of the city together.

For any burning and burial in and outside the city, all the goods from this shop are used, which are very oily, and I heard that the shopkeeper of this shop has newly taken a beautiful woman from a kiln as a concubine, and everyone is excited.

Other people's houses are closed, but this incense burning paper shop is closed. It is quite courageous, but it is a good opportunity for this Hejian Bayi, so he rushes in.

The shopkeeper of this shop had an excited look on his face, he didn't expect these scoundrels with knives, axes and sticks to rush in, and suddenly panicked, the shopkeeper stepped forward and shouted:
"This is the bow..."

Before he finished chanting, he was knocked over with sticks, and the others rushed towards the back room. The guys were caught off guard, and these Hejian Bayis were all aggressive characters. A few were injured.

It didn't take much effort, the shopkeeper's guy was tied up, and the fourth child volunteered to watch outside, and asked the brothers to get money to try something new first, and then he had a drink of soup.

It was so righteous, a few gangsters who couldn't bear it for a long time rushed towards the house, listening to the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and then there was a woman crying.

The shopkeeper who woke up couldn't help but said loudly:

"Burning incense in the incense city at the bow of the ship, the brothers will give some thin noodles..."

This time, he didn't finish talking either. The fourth child just kicked him up and kicked him unconscious. The shop was very close to the city gate. When he was kicked unconscious, he could already hear the sound of a large group of people entering the city.

The fourth child hurried to the door and shouted loudly to the approaching Buqi:

"Zhenxing Building, Delicious Pavilion!!"

Seeing a man dressed as a rogue standing at the door as a sentinel, the cavalry who ran in the front had already drawn out their sabers, but when they heard this man shouting, they put down the raised sabers.

The fourth child made two gestures and said a few words in a low voice. Three cavalrymen and a dozen soldiers following behind strode in. The boss of Hejian Bayi had already reached out and grabbed the little wife of the shopkeeper. After groping for two, I heard several screams behind me, turned around in shock, and slashed head-on with a knife.

The female relatives in the house saw that the heads of the villains who had been vicious just now were suddenly decapitated, and blood spurted wildly. Instead of feeling the joy of being rescued, they became more frightened, screamed there, and fainted for two minutes. indivual.

The Jinyi guards who came in had cold eyes and did not go to rescue them. Instead, they turned their waist sabers upside down and knocked the others unconscious with the hilt, before turning around and going out.

The shopkeeper outside struggled on the ground and said loudly:

"Thanks to the military master for coming to rescue, otherwise the villain's family will suffer, the military master will release the younger one first, and the younger one will definitely work hard."

The three cavalrymen standing in front of him looked cold, one of them turned his head to look at the fourth brother beside him, the obscene smile and ferocity on the fourth brother's face of Hejian Bayi disappeared, only the indifference remained. , he nodded to the cavalry and whispered:
"The Chuantou incense burns incense secretly in the city, this is the place!"

The knives in the hands of the cavalry were still stained with the blood of the rogue inside. After hearing the words of the "old four", they swung it down expressionlessly, screaming and begging for mercy. The body and the head are separated, and the death is clean.

There are several places like this in the city, often a group of gangsters attacked in, and then Jin Yiwei's soldiers rushed to them, but they killed the gangsters and the sufferer together, not for rescue.

As for other cases of rebellion and looting in various places, the methods of Jinyiwei's camps are very simple. They searched along the streets, and when they saw rioters, they pulled them out and killed them on the spot. At the same time, they ordered all households to close their doors and not go out. , otherwise it will be punished as a thief.

The rascals were making a fuss in the common people's homes, looting property and chasing women, but they didn't guard against the wolf-like soldiers behind them arriving and beheading them directly.

In such a chaotic season, those who dare to run around in the streets are rogues and thieves, and women, children, old and weak are refugees. What the Jinyi guards do is to kill all the running around and drive the women, children, old and weak back to the nearest house.

The small city seems to be combed through like a comb, and the place that has been combed quickly becomes quiet and deserted.

There were no bricks and stones around, and the headless arrows shot from the mansion just now made the besieging incense crowd more courageous. They were somewhat scruples about the mansion of Jinyiwei Qianhu, and they didn't dare to move forward. Throwing bricks and stones.

But seeing this headless arrow, everyone became more courageous. It turned out that Jin Yiwei was also afraid of us. Everyone encouraged each other and rushed forward noisily.

The more daring ones wanted to climb over the wall, but this time they were so bloody that they climbed to the top of the wall and watched someone poke at them with a stick.

The poke was also at a vulnerable place, and he hit the face hard, which was equivalent to being punched hard, and he fell down with blood from his mouth and nose.

Although his face was covered in blood, he fell to the ground and shouted in pain, but it made the people outside more courageous. They were about to climb over the wall and enter. Jin Yiwei didn't use a sword, but just used a stick. They were afraid.

Everyone even encouraged each other and climbed on the human ladder, but the guards inside were guarded tightly, no one could climb over the wall, and they were all poked out on the top of the wall.

Relatively speaking, the side of the main entrance is much cleaner. Arrows are constantly being shot out, most of which are headless arrows, but there are also a few real arrows mixed in. From time to time, the incense crowd screams loudly. It may be that these frightened Jin Yiwei are in a panic. , I forgot to break off the arrows. Although only four arrows were shot out in total, there is no need to look for injuries here, after all, the courtyard wall is so big!

The soldier who was waving the red flag stayed on the roof all the time, paying attention to the movement around, reporting down from time to time, and seeing people waving the red flag in the distance around him.

"My lord, everything is ready."

Wang Tong heard the notification, and said to Cai Nan who was beside him with a pale face:
"Eunuch Cai, you know why I repaired the wall a few days ago!!"

"Adults are far-sighted, and today I know why adults have today's achievements..."

"Eunuch Cai, you are now the supervisor of my Huwei Army, you can call Wang Tong by his name, why are you so polite!"

The two were chatting, and Li Hutou and thirty other soldiers brought the horses. The front yard was spacious, but they could only form a formation of six and three at one time, and the rest of the horses had to be in the aisles on both sides of the yard.

Another soldier and farmer came to the courtyard wall and put their hands on the main entrance and the walls on both sides.

Wang Tong walked down the steps and mounted his horse to the right end of the first row, and shouted in a deep voice:
"Open the door!!"

Hearing this order, the soldiers and bankers by the courtyard wall shouted and exerted their strength in unison, and the main gate and the courtyard walls on both sides fell forward with a bang.
thank you, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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