Chapter 312

The streets near the Drum Tower were extremely crowded, that is to say, there was a space left by the main entrance, and the crowd blocked by the headless arrow kept avoiding to both sides.

Xiangzhong, who was shouting and cursing at the main entrance, suddenly saw that the main entrance and the walls on both sides fell forward together. They were bricks, stones and big trees. Dodge backwards to make room again.

Ordinarily, the courtyard wall collapsed, and if it fell on the ground, the bricks would fall apart. This piece fell neatly, but the sound of hitting the ground was the sound of wood.

But at this time, no one cared about this anymore. The towering courtyard wall collapsed, revealing the cavalry lined up behind.

The incense crowd didn't react, and they all stood there in a daze, but saw a young man beside the horse team raise a knife in his hand, swing it forward, and shouted loudly at the same time.

The cavalry in the first row shook their reins at the same time, and the horses neighed repeatedly, but under the control of the cavalry, they rushed forward in a single row.

The horse was half as tall as a man, including the cavalry on the horse, it was twice as tall as a man on the ground, not to mention its size, and the spear and knife in its hand, the sharp blade was shining with cold light.

Just now that bastard was there yelling that the son was afraid, if he was afraid, how could he tear down the courtyard wall, what is the matter with this spear and sword.

The time of daze was not long, the person in front screamed wildly, turned around and was about to run, it was so crowded, the speed of turning back and forth was different, naturally it was crowded into a ball.

Shooting people with headless arrows, poking people with bamboo stalks, these kinds of performances of not daring to kill and be beaten behind closed doors were not seen at all, and I watched the fans rushing over.

Unable to escape and unable to run away, the horse slammed into the crowd firmly, it looked like a battering ram hit the city wall.

The people in front were knocked down to the ground directly, not in the front row, even those in the back were knocked down together, and those in the back hurriedly backed up, pushing if they couldn't move back, and punching and kicking if they couldn't push. Kicking, some people fell to the ground in a panic, but no one paid attention, and countless feet stepped on it.

The horses that were originally out of formation in the yard rushed out one by one, forming a queue behind the few riders in front. The first row collided a few times, and the crowd had been compressed to the point where there was no room for action. They dodged to one side, and the second row went up again.

After bumping three times, the retreating person finally exited the street in front of Wang Tong's mansion, and was able to run at last. At this point, who cares about venting their anger, who cares about getting the dog officer to give justice, the opponent's spear and halberd Killed out, escape is important, run.

After running for a few steps, I found that the surrounding streets were blocked by heavily armed soldiers. When they saw the scattered incense coming, the soldiers shouted in unison:
"Kneel down and don't kill, kneel down and don't kill!!!"

The shouting in unison clearly reached the ears of every scattered incense. Why don't you kill them when you kneel down? Some people are still confused, and some people are still running towards the soldiers' lines like headless chickens. , ran to the front, mercilessly stabbed with knives and spears, and fell to the ground without even screaming.

One died, and no one reacted yet. There were more than a dozen dead, and there was no space to run backwards. The doors and windows of the houses on both sides of the courtyard were closed, and it was impossible to get in. I don’t know how to kneel, but I know whether to kneel. If you continue to move forward, you will definitely not survive, so you have to grit your teeth and kneel down with your head in your hands.

The line of soldiers moved forward slowly, passing the obedient kneeling man, immediately the soldiers from the back row stepped forward and bound their arms swiftly, more and more kneeling people, and those who were bound also More and more, the Chuantou Xiangzhong, who was a little relieved, discovered one thing.

These Jinyiwei soldiers prepared so many ropes, looked up tremblingly, but found that except for the two rows of soldiers in front, all the soldiers behind were carrying ropes.

By now, even a fool would understand that the other party had already prepared ropes to tie people up, and was preparing to set a trap for him to fall into.

The formation of more than 30 cavalry led by Wang Tong fell apart after the first round, but it didn't matter, Xiangzhong didn't even have a sharp blade on their arms.

Riding on horses and wearing armor, the cavalry with long weapons is among the crowd, even if the tiger enters the flock, those with spears don't need to stab them, they just strike down with spears, and those with big knives smash them with the back of their knives. .

Those who were hit had mild bruises and bruises, and it was normal to have broken bones. Wherever they went, there was a crowd of crying fathers and mothers, and the crowd ran desperately towards the way they came.

But the way to come has been blocked by a large number of soldiers, and now around Wang Tong's mansion, the waves of "Kneel down and don't kill!" can be heard outside.

"Dog officer, you still dare to hit someone!!"

Wang Tong was driving his horse happily, but he heard someone pointing at him and shouting loudly. Wang Tong pulled his horse and said with a loud laugh:

"The rioters should be killed, so what's the point of beating!!"

The man was quickly submerged in the crowd, crowded and chaotic, and Wang Tong's horse was moving slower and slower. At this time, several people did not run backwards, but squeezed towards Wang Tong's side with difficulty.

Wang Tong beat left and right with the knife in his hand, driving away the people in front of him. He ran half a circle around the courtyard wall, but the crowd began to disperse. The reason why it was crowded was that the outside was also compressing inward.

Although everything was expected, the chaotic and noisy crowd in front of him made him a little anxious, and he didn't notice that there was something wrong with the movement behind him.

It seemed that someone jumped up, Wang Tong reacted suddenly, and when he turned his head, he saw a person jumping up and stabbing with a short knife, and it was too late to hide.

Just in this haste, a spear suddenly appeared like a poisonous snake, pierced the assassin's neck accurately, and caused the assassin to tilt and fall directly to the ground.

Wang Tong was shocked, and when he looked back, it was Li Hu who shook his spear at him. Wang Tong nodded, turned around and shouted loudly:
"Kneel down and don't kill, let's kill those who don't kneel!!"

After he finished speaking, his legs clamped down on the horse's belly, and the mount suffered from pain and rushed forward. The few Xiangzhong who hadn't had time to run in front couldn't dodge and were knocked down to the ground.

The horseshoe stomped and yelled loudly. With Wang Tong's move, he rushed directly to a place. The rest of the cavalry were also irritated by the crowd. Wang Tong shouted, and everyone passed it on. When he got up, there were screams in the field.

Wang Tong leaned his horse against the courtyard wall, the assassin just now made him more vigilant, the screams, and the orderly sound of "kneel down and don't kill", the people in the outer circle kept kneeling, and the people in the inner circle became more and more less.

In the end, except for Jin Yiwei's soldiers, everyone else on the field either knelt down or died.

The scene finally quieted down. Wang Tong looked up at the sky. The sun was westward, that is, it was late hour, but Wang Tong felt as if his whole body was falling apart, and he was extremely tired.

If you really want to slash and kill, you may not be so exhausted, but if you really want to kill indiscriminately, I am afraid there will be something to say. Wang Tong took a deep breath on the horse and looked at the cavalry around him, including Li Hutou. Inside, everyone is tired, but they are all excited.

Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"Don't rush to rest, search everyone in this scene."

The order was given, and the cavalry immediately rode forward and issued orders loudly. The road was too crowded, and the large open space around the Drum Tower was completely filled.

The soldiers on the outskirts had already begun to take away the captive incense in batches and let them go to other streets in the Tianjin Acropolis. Anyway, at this time, everyone was closed and the streets were empty spaces.

Wang Tong gave an order, and the teams began to search people while they were taking them away. At the beginning, there was really nothing to gain, but soon some people were caught out. Wang Tong had already dismounted from his horse and was sitting on the knocked down front door. Suddenly, he remembered something. thing, said with a loud laugh:

"Anyone with weapons at their feet will be dealt with as an assassin!"

After shouting these words, there were sudden changes in several places of the densely packed incense crowd kneeling on the ground. They squirmed and crawled to one side as if they were dodging something.

Some of the empty people in the middle looked ashamed, and some cursed loudly, but they were immediately grabbed by the rushing soldiers and brought out.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the counting was completed, and a total of fifteen assassins were caught.

Under Wang Tong's order, a platform was built with the knocked down gate and walls, and the assassins were all brought to the wooden platform. Wang Tong stretched his body and walked onto the platform with a broad-bladed hatchet. Go up and ask the first person on the right:

"Who asked you to kill me!?"

The man was taken aback, looked at his companion, gritted his teeth showing a resolute look, and stared at Wang Tong just as he was about to say a few impassioned words, but Wang Tong's ax had already been chopped off.

The ax was heavy, and as it slashed down, half of the body flew out with the head attached. Blood sprayed out directly, and everyone on and off the stage was drenched.

The pilgrims under the stage screamed loudly, and the assassins on the stage also shrank back. Wang Tong shook his arms, really tired. He asked the second one:

"Who asked you to kill me!?"

The man's eyes were already a little shy, and he turned his head to look at his companion, but before turning back, Wang Tong struck down with another axe, and someone near the stage in the audience had already vomited wildly, and Wang Tong wiped the shoulder of the third person with the axe. Wiped the blood, smiled and asked:

"Who asked you to kill me!?"

"It's Pu Quan, it's Pu Quan..."

Wang Tong turned to look at the other assassins, everyone nodded desperately, and Wang Tong laughed out loud:

"It's not enough to make trouble, and even use dead men to kill this official, you really dare to do it..."

At this moment, under the guard of two soldiers, a man dressed as a civil servant squeezed in with difficulty, and when he reached the stage, he hurriedly said loudly:

"Wang Qianhu, the small one is the book office of the Bingbei Road Yamen. The city gate is closed, and the scholars and people are frightened and delay their official duties. Please open it as soon as possible..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tong turned down the stage, turned the ax upside down and slammed it over. The book office couldn't dodge in time, and was hit on the shoulder. The sound of bones breaking could be heard clearly. Kicking his lower abdomen, he shouted:

thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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