Chapter 313

Half of his shoulders collapsed, and he was screaming loudly, when Wang Tong kicked his stomach, knocking him to the ground.

The screams stopped, and then they howled louder and more tragically. The two soldiers who escorted him were unambiguous. They jumped back very quickly, knelt down and kowtowed for mercy said:

"Master Wang, the little ones are just following here, everything has nothing to do with the little ones!"

Wang Tong was panting heavily. Although he was exhausted, his mind seemed to be on fire. More than 6000 people entered the city to make a fuss, and all the yamen stood by. If he was unprepared, the mansion would be bloodbathed today. , Waiting for the situation to subside, but to add to the chaos.

The audience was completely silent, the captives and even the soldiers of Jin Yiwei looked at the ax in Wang Tong's hand with some fear, the broad blade was dripping blood.

A gust of cold wind blew, Wang Tong woke up a little bit, the yamen in the city were not just watching, from inside to outside, they were clearly conniving.

"Go back and tell Panda that there is a serious case in the city, and I will seal the city. Anyone who wants to leave the city will be punished as a thief, take them back!!"

Wang Tong snorted coldly, and the two soldiers hurried forward to help him away. Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"Bring out the heads of everyone in the arena. If you don't bring them, the people around you will be punished as a serious crime!"

This is the same as the confession of the assassin. The bloody scene has frightened the people below. Everyone was told before coming that there are too many of us, and we will be afraid if we make trouble with the government. Let it soften, and our good days of Chuantouxiang will be back.

This inexplicable idea was completely shattered when the cavalry rushed out. After all, most of Chuantouxiang was working. Seeing the scene of the swordsman killing, some people were so frightened that they collapsed and lost control. All they thought about was survival.

It was like this when the assassin was confessed, and it was even more so when Wang Tong asked about the tricks. These damn tricks incited everyone to enter the city, but now, fortunately, no one can escape.

After Wang Tong finished asking, he heard shouting and cursing in the arena, some of them yelled at the people around them for betraying, and some of them desperately begged for help.

The brocade guards entered the crowd again, and grabbed the heads out one by one.

"Torture, torture, ask the mastermind and contact person behind it. Tonight, each battalion will rest in shifts and camp on the spot. The curfew in the whole city remains in place. Take these people out of the city tomorrow morning."

Wang Tong finally relaxed a little, looking around and issuing orders, if so many people are taken out of the city now, there is no place to surround them, and it is really impossible to catch them if they escape in the chaos.

The gates in the city are closed, and every household is not allowed to go out. It is like a big natural prison. As long as the camps block the streets, they can go anywhere, and they can still buy breakfast for the common people the next day. Supply soldiers nearby.

At this time, Tan Bing could be seen waving at the other end of the line, Wang Tong raised his hand in response, and said to General Tan beside him:
"Break up these disorderly people in batches and take care of them separately. If anyone makes any noise, they will be shot to death. Afterwards, I will give you a paperwork. Just let go and kill people!"

General Tan made a military salute and agreed, Wang Tong greeted him, and Li Hutou and dozens of personal guards followed on horseback.

The terrified incense crowd saw Wang Tong leaving on horseback. Even though they were still tied up and didn't know what was waiting for them next, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Some young people even cried there. .

Although the Tianjin Acropolis is not big, tens of thousands of people are crowded in the center of the city, but the rest of the city is very deserted. Residents can't come out at home, and apart from the soldiers on duty, there is not even a ghost to be seen on the street.

After Wang Tong and others rode out a few streets, they went to the Qing Military Hall. Sun Dahai was waiting at the gate of the Qing Military Hall. When he saw Wang Tong coming, he hurried down the steps to salute and said:

"My lord, since I came here, the door of the Qing Army Hall has been closed tightly, and no one is allowed to enter!"

Before Wang Tong's soldiers and horses entered the city, each yamen arranged their subordinates to guard the streets, and when they saw Wang Tong's royal guard team, they all shrank back.

"Call the door and say that the official is here!"

With a cold command, the guards in Jin Yi who were following Sun Dahai immediately went up and smashed the door, slammed it a few times, and shouted loudly:

"Hurry up and open the door, my Lord Qianhu Wang is here!"

"Go over the wall and open the door from the inside!!"

The soldiers built personal ladders, and some people stepped on the horses directly and climbed in along the wall. When they heard cursing and screaming from inside the door, the door of the Qing army hall was opened from the inside.

Wang Tong strode in, and the soldiers behind him poured in. Originally, the servants of the Qing military hall were still angry, but when they saw the blood-stained Jinyiwei holding sharp knives, they all backed away in fright, and walked out of the way.

Tongzhi Gao could hear the noise outside, Wang Tong stepped into the second hall, Tongzhi Gao rushed out to greet him, his face was quite unhappy, and he raised his voice and asked:

"Wang Qianhu, why did you trespass on our official office? You and I have each other's subordinates. We should meet each other with courtesy. If you are so rude, won't you be afraid of being laughed at if it spreads?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Tong grabbed his front, pulled him over, stared at him and said in a cold voice:
"I'm not afraid of being laughed at by others, Mr. Gao, take your fast yamen servants to investigate the case with me!"

With this movement of Wang Tong, several yamen servants of Gao Tongzhi subconsciously drew out their weapons. With this movement, the soldiers around Wang Tong unsheathed their swords and laid their spears flat.

The Qing Army Hall is just a civil yamen, how can it compete with this kind of armed forces similar to the army? The confrontation between the two sides immediately filled the front yard of the Qing Army Hall with a murderous look, and the yamen servants' weapons were immediately thrown on the ground by themselves. Wang Tong It was even more clear that Tongzhi Gao's face turned pale quickly.

The smell of blood on Wang Tong's body was very heavy, and Gao Tongzhi could feel it naturally. When Wang Tong let go, he didn't dare to say anything, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Since it's a big case, I'm going to mobilize the manpower right now, Mr. Wang will wait for a while."

In just a few words, the famous criminal masters and arresting officers of the Qing Army Office have already assembled. Although they are nervous, they have nothing to fear. Everyone is from the yamen. It won't be difficult.

Wang Tong had already got on the horse, and Gao Tongzhi also got on the horse slowly. As soon as he hit the horse, Gao Tongzhi leaned over, smiled bitterly and said in a low voice:

"Master Wang, Mr. Gao is an official stationed in Tianjin by the Hejian Prefecture, Mr. Pan is from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of War, Eunuch Wan is from the palace, and General Li is from Jizhen. My lords fight with gods. I dare not come here and get involved."

"Calling Mr. Gao to investigate the case, of course it won't harm you. Besides, the situation in the city is already like this, Mr. Gao can't understand."

In the officialdom, he only said three points. Gao Tongzhi thought he was straightforward enough, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to speak more truthfully. For a while, he didn't know what to say, so he smiled wryly and shook his head.

A group of people from the Qing Army Department followed in a daze, and arrived at the Jinyiwei Qianhu Official Office in the north of Tianjin City, which was a street away from the official office.

This place is considered a poor area in the city, and the houses and streets are quite dilapidated. As soon as Wang Tong and the others arrived, they saw Ma Sanbiao leading a cavalry team waiting here.

Wang Tong approached and asked directly:

"Is it all still in there?"

"After the brothers shouted that Jingjie was not allowed to go out, no one came out. The little one had people watching at the front and back, and no one came out!!"

Ma Sanbiao replied in a deep voice, his voice was not too low, but Gao Tongzhi and others didn't understand what they were talking about at all. Wang Tong nodded and said simply:
"Go in and arrest people!"

Give an order, and the guards in brocade clothes gathered around surrounded them. Four people carried a round wooden stake one person tall and ran to the door of a house in small steps. Behind them were a dozen people holding shields and waist knives. Everyone was light. The foot leaned over.

With a cry, the four of them carried the round wooden stakes and rushed towards the main door. The door was originally a broken door, and the latch inside was just to prevent people from pushing it.

With a "click", the latch snapped, and the whole door opened wide. There were several people squatting or standing in the yard, with anxious faces. Seeing people rushing in, they froze in a hurry, not knowing how to react.

The guards in brocade clothes with swords and shields behind them rushed in, and everyone shouted:

"Drop your weapon, raise your hand and don't kill!!"

But in such a short period of time, the people in the yard couldn't react at all. The first action was to pick up the weapon at hand, but how could they react? When a person wanted to resist, several knives were chopped on his body. When I reacted, I knelt on the ground and kowtowed like garlic.

There were screams and roars in the room, and then there was a burst of jumping and screaming in the backyard. When Wang Tong strode into the yard, there were already six people kneeling on the ground dejectedly.

Pan Ming also knelt in it, trembling like chaff all over his body, Wang Tong looked over, he nodded unnoticed, Wang Tong turned his head and said to Gao Tongzhi:
"Xiangzhong's rebellion is a major event. The imperial court must investigate. This is the den of Chuantouxiang's rebellion. Please ask Mr. Gao's guards and Jinyi's soldiers to search together!"

So far, what can be done, Gao Tongzhi nodded helplessly, followed the police behind him to give some instructions, and a group of people began to search carefully from the yard.

Wang Tong ignored the few people kneeling there, and just found a place to sit down. It was getting dark, and Tianjin Acropolis was unusually quiet.

After a while, someone inside shouted:

"I found something!"

A policeman from the Qing Army Office quickly walked out with something in his hands, and brought something to Wang Tong with his hands in his hands.

Everyone can see clearly that there is a Buddha statue on the lotus seat, with its hands raised high, and there are small suns in the hands and on the chest and abdomen...
Seeing that Lao Bai Jinyi is in charge of the country, vote for Lao Bai with the monthly guaranteed monthly ticket in your hand. You are asking for votes both front and back. Keep the distance in front, and the chase is too tight. We need everyone's support! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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