Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 314 Unexpectedly Inside and Outside the City

Chapter 314 Unexpectedly Inside and Outside the City
"This Buddha statue looks familiar!"

Wang Tong joked with a smile, Ma Sanbiao and Li Hutou, who had been guarding Wang Tong's side all the time, went over to have a look, and immediately yelled out.

"This is not the bird that the Sanyang Cult worships."

When the Hunyuan Sanyang Buddha was in the capital, Wang Tong was involved in the first bloodbath, and Li Hutou and Ma Sanbiao were involved to varying degrees.

"Master Wang, is this...?"

Gao Tongzhi next to him asked in a deep voice, the Sanyang Sect and the Tiandi Sanyang Society are all in the vicinity of the capital, so naturally he would not know, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"This thing is called the Hunyuan Sanyang Buddha, and it is used by the demons. I participated in the investigation in the capital, and finally wiped out the Heaven and Earth Sanyang Society and used the soldiers and horses of the Royal Horse Supervisor Longxiang Zuowei!"

As soon as he heard the words "Yu Ma Jian", Gao Tongzhi didn't dare to ask any more questions. The more he knew about the affairs in the palace, the more disasters would happen. Wang Tong took the Sanyang Buddha and looked around.

After all, I haven't seen this thing for more than a year. I don't know if the thing made by the workshop is based on my memory. I don't know if it looks like the prototype. After a few glances, I left the incense crowd kneeling aside. Pan Ming has always had a headache. Touching the ground, I was also afraid that my emotional expression would be exposed.

The other pilgrims stood there dejectedly, but now there was one person staring at the Hunyuan Sanyang Buddha in Wang Tong's hand. Wang Tong was taken aback, but he knew this person, and asked with a smile:

"Pu recognized this thing with his head?"

Pu's whole body trembled, and his whole body seemed to be discouraged and limp. Wang Tong's voice became colder, and he continued:
"Pu won't be so cowardly when he arranges for the assassin to do it."

Pu Quan stiffly kowtowed to the ground and never dared to raise his head again. This reaction seemed a bit strange, but Wang Tong didn't care.

All kinds of things in the house have been searched out, needless to say about long and short weapons, there is also a little gold and silver, and there are big and small symbols of the Sanyang Sect, and things like the Hunyuan Sanyang Jing, these things, Wang Tong already knew the content, so there was no surprise.

However, the few policemen brought by Gao Tongzhi were very experienced. They scraped inside and out several times but couldn't find anything, and finally overturned the water tank in the house.

According to the explanation of the criminal master, the water tank is full of water, and the things at the bottom of the tank are generally invisible and no one pays attention to it. Moreover, the water tank is heavy, and few people are willing to move it. There may be an entrance to the cellar or something below.

There is no cellar, but after the water tank was overturned, there was a small ornament in it, which should have been left in the bottom of the tank in a hurry, and the policemen showed it to Wang Tong.

For the small bronze Buddha statue of Sanyang, there was no smile on Wang Tong's face this time, because he didn't ask someone to make it. Wang Tong stared at the small Buddha statue in the bright place.

Even Li Hutou didn’t know about Pan Ming’s framing, and others knew even less. Those talismans and scriptures were directly handed over by Wang Tong to Qiao Da for making them. According to the order, it must not be thrown into the water tank.

This small Buddha statue has a hanging rope, Wang Tong lifted it up and asked:


Everyone looked up, except for Pu Quan, the rest of the faces were very confused. Wang Tong walked up to Pu Quanquan and asked with a smile:

"Head Pu, I didn't expect you to believe in the Sanyang Buddha. Could it be that you are also a bastard?"

Pu Quan looked at the standard Korean appearance, the face was flat and there were no ups and downs. He had no courage and strength at this time, and he couldn't even lift his head. He just collapsed on the ground and kept begging:

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life..."

Wang Tong turned around and picked up the short axe, motioned to the two men to put Pu Quan's arm flat, turned the ax and slammed it on it, and Pu Quan's right hand immediately became bloody.

Gao Tongzhi and the Xing Mingshi around him subconsciously frowned and turned around. Wang Tong ignored Pu Quan's sudden scream, and said in a low growl:
"Who else believes it, why do you believe it, explain it carefully!! I tell you clearly, Pu Quan, you will definitely die. Whether you will be stabbed with a knife, or give you a good time, it depends on whether you say it or not!!"

Pu Quan looked at the appearance of a rough man, but he also had the common problem of Korean people, he didn't like to see big scenes, and when it came to life and death, he was frightened and soft.

His hand was smashed, Pu Quan was crying and crying, and he didn't respond to Wang Tong's question. Wang Tong waited for a while, and said impatiently:
"Put out his other hand!!"

"...the villain's master is Jin Xiangtou... that is the Jindou Cang...Jindou Cang is passed on to the villain, and it is said that the most trustworthy people in Chuantouxiang can believe in Sanyang Buddha... The villain and five brothers ...My lord, please forgive my life...Young one...The criminals are willing to say anything..."

Wang Tong glanced at Pan Ming next to him, but Pan Ming looked at Pu Quan with hatred. He thought that Pan Ming was not the most important person, and he didn't even know anything about the Sanyang Buddha.

"Where is Jindou Cang now?"

Seeing the ax leave his other hand, Pu Quan endured the pain and told the place. Wang Tong turned around and said to Sun Dahai:
"Take all the people in the yard back and guard them with the old brother you brought from the capital. No one is allowed to see them except me, do you understand!?"

What Wang Tong said was serious, and Sun Dahai also solemnly gave a military salute, and Wang Tong said to Gao Tongzhi next to him:
"Master Gao, for today's events, the Qing Military Office will issue a document together with my Jinyiwei Qianhu, with a pen and seal on it, and it will be submitted to the capital."

Seeing Wang Tong's appearance, seeing the Sanyang Buddha, and hearing some words, Gao Tongzhi also knew that he was involved in trouble, but the matter has come to this point, what else can he do, he can only agree with a frown.

On Wang Tong's side, there was no delay at all, and he hurried out the door. After a while, hooves roared outside the door, and the group went away again.

Jindou Cang has been staying in a boat on the river since the morning. There is a yellow clay stove in the cabin, on which the wine is warmed, and a few side dishes are placed on the small table.

The old Korean man watched the brigade of incenses heading towards the city from the pier, and retreated into the cabin with a smile, poured himself a drink, and said to the boat boss at the bow:

"When the old man was in Koryo, he could only eat white rice for a few days during Chinese New Year. Later, when he went to the country of Wa, he realized that life in the past was really not a human life. When he came to Ming Dynasty, he knew that the country of Wa was nothing. Knowing what will happen to Jiangnan, you must go and see it."

The boat boss seemed to know his identity, nodded silently with a smile, and did not answer.

Not long after that brigade of incense passed by, Jinyiwei's brigade appeared, and then the city gate was closed, and Jindou Cang couldn't laugh anymore.

He walked a few steps at the bow of the boat, and was persuaded by the boat boss to go back. The canal on the Tianjin Wei side was blocked and the boat couldn't move at all. The city gate was closed for longer and longer, and the faint noise gradually disappeared. , Jin Doucang's forehead was sweating, and he became more and more anxious.

Seeing the sun go down, Jin Doucang came out and said anxiously:

"Brothers, something is wrong. The boat can't move. Let's go ashore and take a car. The old man is familiar with this place. If we get a big car, let's go first, otherwise we won't be able to go."

The dull boat boss said in a muffled voice:

"Guests, don't worry, the big boss has ordered that if the boat can't leave, the chariots and horses he arranged will come to pick us up. If we leave first, it would be bad for both sides to fail."

Jin Doucang scolded a few times, but now on the canal, even if he wanted to walk around, there was water all around him, and he couldn't move at his age. Pu Quan and the others who were close to him were sent to the city, so they could only go back to the cabin and wait.

The sun was setting, the boat boss had been standing at the bow of the boat looking at the direction of the city gate, Jindou Cang came out again, and was about to speak, but the boat boss didn't know what he saw, turned around and said with a smile:

"Guests go back to pack their things first, and we'll dock right now."

Jindou Cang finally heaved a sigh of relief. There were 150 taels of gold leaves and a few pieces of jade in his close-fitting bag.

He hurriedly turned around to get it, and the boss of the boat followed him in.

A short scream that no one in the noisy canal heard or noticed.

After Wang Tong and his men rushed to the boat with the black flag, they couldn't find anything except the body of Jindoucang.

According to Pu Quan's confession, there were more than a dozen leaders in the city, who left the city after the chaos, and then boarded the boat with the black flags and went to Shandong overnight.

But when I came here, I only saw a big gash on the back of Jindou Cang's head, and the blood flowed all over the cabin. I asked around, and all the boats nearby said that the boss and the guys on this boat had just disembarked. , Said that Zuo Zuo couldn't leave tonight, and went ashore to have a glass of wine before coming back.

Wang Tong walked a few steps back and forth on the boat, and he also knew that no one would come back from this boat.

"Go back to the city, prepare forty horses, and send an urgent letter to the capital tomorrow or tonight."

When disembarking, Wang Tong ordered coldly.

"Ignorant junior, you are looking for your own death, causing such a big incident, even the emperor may not be able to protect you."

In the yamen of Bingbeidao, Panda of Bingbeidao walked up and down excitedly, talking to himself constantly, but stopped after walking for a while, and raised his voice and said:
"Get your horses and manpower ready. As soon as the gates of the city open tomorrow, there will be an urgent letter to the capital. Prepare quickly, don't delay things!!"

"What reason did I use to attack the city? The Ministry of War has no news, and there is no official in the city. A citizen came out to ask for help, but the king passed by and said that Jin Yiwei was catching thieves in the city. Besides, once the city gate is closed, how will I attack? This general has a total of 5000 people, but Wang Tong has nearly [-] people!"

"Then can the general go to the Haihe River..."

"Fart!! There are more than a dozen general cannons over there, you're going to send yourself to death, don't mess with Lao Tzu's soldiers!"

"Be sure to write the story carefully, don't write things that are speculative, we will write what we see."

Xiang Yan, the son of Dongchang in Tianjin Wei, was sweating profusely, and told his subordinates anxiously. After saying this, he wiped his sweat nervously, and said to himself:
"What a disaster, there was no news about this chaos beforehand, so I can only ask Wang Qianhu to protect me..."
In the first few days, Lao Bai didn't want to let go of the guaranteed monthly tickets in everyone's hands. Let's vote for it, and continue with stable updates and wonderful stories! !thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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