Chapter 315
Under the three trees, there are endless words.

The so-called "three woods" refers to all kinds of torture tools in the yamen, such as sticks, boards, wooden donkeys, etc., which normal people can't bear at all. Chuantouxiang's leaders, including Pu Quan, are all normal people.

After Wang Tong arranged the city's night rotation, Mrs. Ma hurriedly brought up the dinner, and all the people who were caught confessed.

The reason why Pu Quan chose the vicinity of Jinyiwei’s thousand-household government office as his den was that firstly, officials were unwilling to set foot in the dirty and messy place there, and secondly, this Jinyiwei government office even Wang Tong didn’t come here often, let alone where Jinyiwei was located, and there was a light on it. Under the meaning of black.

Originally, Wang Tong thought it would not be so simple to discover the amulet worn by the Sanyang Sect, but after the results of the interrogation, he found that it was not too complicated.

There is a not-so-secret secret in Chuantou Incense, which is known to almost all the core incense holders, that is, although it is claimed that five incense heads are in charge, the big incense head is the one who really speaks.

Chuantouxiang used to be just a gang of coolies on the pier, and the reason why it can develop to such a scale is all the result of the big Xiangtou's planning.

The rest of them are either senior or have many apprentices. Only Jin Doucang has no root or foundation because he came here in Korea, relying on his dedication to work faithfully and shameless flattery to climb up.

It is precisely because of this lack of root and base that he has won the trust of the big incense head. He is the number one among the incense heads in the boat, and the person who is in charge of daily affairs.

The biggest source of income for Chuan Tou Xiang is the loading and unloading on the Haihe River. The cost of loading and unloading is higher than the tax Wang Tong levies today, not to mention that several Xiang Tou and Da Xiang Tou are even richer by doing business with those seagoing ships.

After Wang Tong set up the fort, he smashed the incense burners inside and outside the city to collect money for safety, which was equivalent to blocking the money source of the bow incense from all aspects.

In fact, the fortunes of Xiangtou and Daxiangtou were cut off, and there were Japanese pirates on board the sea ships. Mercury, deerskin, oxtail medicine and poplin were all sold to the Japanese country in the trade.

The few people in the lead couldn't get rid of the crime of collusion, the crime of beheading and ransacking the family, ruining their fortunes, and hurting their lives. If such an enmity is formed, it will naturally last forever.

Da Xiangtou and several Xiangtou avoided, but Da Xiangtou took out more than 5000 taels of silver and sent dozens of people to help. Pu Quan and his core leaders came forward to instigate provocation, and sent the Chuantouxiang Brigade Xiangzhong went to the city to make trouble.

As an official in the local area, if tens of thousands of people really quarrel, the court will not consider what is right and wrong. Those who are directly in charge of this matter will definitely step down, and those who have no background will be questioned.

After all, the place is not stable, if you say one thousand words and ten thousand, it is because you are incapable, or you have done something to harm the people, and the common people are as meek as sheep, and you have stirred up chaos by you, which shows that you are at fault.

Chuantouxiang has a good grasp of things in the officialdom, and they are going to use this to force Wang Tong to step down.

What others don't know is that Pu Quan, as Jin Douchang's confidant, has also arranged more than a dozen assassins. If Wang Tong shows up, he will take his life in the chaos.

From the beginning to the end, Ma Dafu's death gave them a chance to start. Of course, if there was no such thing, there might be Niu Dafu, Yang Dafu and so on. Take the initiative to help this favor, and take advantage of the opportunity of holding a big funeral to stir up the incense congregation that is about to disperse.

Sha Erbao has long been in their line of sight. Many of the incense crowd at the bottom are the same as Sha Erbao. They have made a lot of money in Chuantou incense, but most of them have been taken away. It doesn't make any difference, if they break up, they will leave, and they will just find a job again.

Without Chuantouxiang, there are so many jobs along the canals and sea rivers, and maybe they can earn more than before. People like Sha Erbao will not die a few times, and they can't arouse any resentment and anger at all.

Moreover, there are many people entering and leaving the shack by the canal, and it is difficult for anyone to notice what he is doing. One night, he entered Sha Erbao's shack, strangled him to death, and looked like he hanged himself.

Originally, the Jinyi guards led by Wang Tong were extremely fierce. They had already frightened everyone, and no one could think of any resistance, so they were all ready to do things honestly.

But as soon as Sha Erbao died, the gangsters who took the money started to instigate in series in the streets and alleys. This is because the Jinyiwei didn’t give us Xiangzhong a way to live or something. We were cornered, and rabbits wanted to bite people. We were forced to this point. On the boat, the incense holders of Chuantouxiang were angry and angry.

At this point, as long as someone stands out and demonstrates, everyone will follow.

The pilgrims followed suit, and some of the bosses were indeed used to living a glorious and arrogant life. They were suddenly knocked down to the bottom of the valley. Wang Tong was coaxed to step down, and everyone will have a good life.

As for Pu Quan and others, the more than 5000 taels was just an outward expenditure, and Daxiangtou made another wish for them. After the matter was over, they uploaded it and left. Daxiangtou arranged a house and field for them in Jiangnan. Let them go there and enjoy it for a few years.

No one thought that what they thought was a secret plan, Wang Tong did it more comprehensively, introducing people into the city, and then closing the city gate, unexpectedly creating a situation of catching a turtle in a jar.

As for the matter of Sanyang Sect, Pu Quan didn't say much on the contrary, he just said that if Chuantouxiang wants to get along well, he must worship under Jindou Cang's door. He believed in the Sanyang religion.

Everyone believes in God for the sake of benefit. Since joining the Sanyang Sect has improved their status, why not do it? No one has ever refused.

Park Quan knew that there were dozens of people who believed in this, but now there are only a dozen or so believers. After many people believed, they moved with their families, and they don't know where they went.

This confession is nothing more than confirming some things that Wang Tong predicted and judged, and there is not much valuable information that Wang Tong needs.

Even the fact that Daxiangtou is Chai Fulin, the big owner of Tonghai Warehouse, Wang Tong was not surprised at all. The scale of Chuantouxiang, the several places it occupies, and the benefits it seeks are all closely related to business. It is impossible to get too much benefit from it, and only big merchants who specialize in trading can make a fortune in it.

Wang Tong's initial guess was on Tonghai, Yongsheng and Jinhe. Now that Jinhe's shop in Tianjinwei has been sold by Wang Tongping, Tonghai's big boss has long since disappeared. Yongsheng is doing business in Taiping, but in The Acropolis of Tianjin has been around for so long, it doesn't matter, it's nothing more than the depth.

"Pu Quan and the other thieves will be imprisoned after recording their confessions. The battalions should not rush to rest. According to their confessions, they will clean up the city again and arrest all the people who buried the incense sticks."

The food in front of Wang Tong had already cooled down, and he still did not move a mouthful. After listening to the confession relayed by Sun Dahai, he gave orders there, and Tan Bing went out to make arrangements after saluting.

Zhang Shiqiang reminded in a low voice on the side:
"Gao Tongzhi over there..."

Wang Tong nodded, and said again:
"Da Hai, find someone to watch over the Qing Army Hall. The policemen and master criminals who are handling the case together today, each of them will keep the red envelopes of 20 to [-] taels, saying that they will handle the case overnight!"

On Sun Dahai's side, he clasped his fists and saluted quickly, and hurriedly walked outside. Wang Tong let out a breath and sat on a chair. Ma Sanbiao and Li Hutou stood aside, while Yang Sichen and Cai Nan sat.

"Sanbiao, Hutou, you go to have some food first, and then each of you will lead a hundred households, and take turns on duty at night, so you can't relax in the slightest."

Ma Sanbiao is already used to the manner of a soldier, and Li Hutou gave a military salute similarly. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"It's a hard day today, and you won't be free at night. You two have to eat first, and you have to watch closely tonight."

"What's the hard work, my lord hasn't eaten a bite of food until now!"

Ma Sanbiao said carelessly, Li Hutou came directly to stand at attention, and said crisply, "It's not hard work", Wang Tong laughed, pointed at the things on the table and said loudly:

"Come and go to the hot one first."

Zhang Shiqiang hurriedly went outside to make arrangements. The battalion officers and hundreds of households of the first battalion were Wang Tong's former servants, and they were also people who were at ease. They, but if they take advantage of the chaos at night, it will be troublesome. Wang Tong's mansion is the most critical place, so naturally the most assured cronies should be in charge.

Yang Sichen and Cai Nan were a little embarrassed over there. They were the two who were the most alarmed when they heard the disturbance outside during the day, and they were the two who offered to appease them, but they didn't expect the matter to be resolved in such a way.

Wang Tong also saw the embarrassment of the two people, and said with a smile:

"A few days ago, Chuan Touxiang had an informant. For the sake of safety, the maids and servants in this mansion may not be reliable, so only this official knows, and the others follow orders."

After explaining a few sentences, since Wang Tong explained aloud, this has already given him enough face. The two of them were worried that Wang Tong would be blamed or looked down upon because of this matter, and now their knots have been resolved.

Wang Tong's face became serious, and he said solemnly:
"In the daytime, we rely on our knives to quell the chaos, but this matter is not over yet, and we still have to rely on your pens to fight, to fight, you two go to the cell now, the confessions of those people, the evidence that I found How to describe it to him as a deliberate conspiracy, write that if you don't kill today, it will cause great harm in the future, and write today's behavior as an article that is beneficial to the Ming Dynasty, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, it depends on you There are two."

The meaning is very clear, and the words are straightforward. When they heard that they were useful, the two were really relieved, and they got up quickly and said:
"Don't worry, my lord, the subordinates (students) will go right away."

When Cai Nan was about to leave the house, he reminded me aloud:
"My lord, raising more than 6000 mouths for a day costs a few hundred taels of silver, and other expenses are quite a lot. We are tight on money now, my lord thinks twice."

"Don't worry, it's not for nothing!"

Wang Tong replied with a smile.
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(End of this chapter)

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