Chapter 316
All the people under Wang Tong's subordinates were dispatched, even Mrs. Ma was directing the maids and servants to cook. Many people in the mansion fought for several hours, and then they were busy for several hours, even ignoring the meal. Take a bite, and only now can eat.

Zhang Shiqiang returned to the living room after he was busy outside, and saw Wang Tong was wiping his waist knife and axe with a damp cloth. Before Zhang Shiqiang could persuade him to rest, Wang Tong said again:
"Bring Pan Ming."

Chuan Touxiang locked the heads in twos and threes in the cell, so no one noticed that Pan Ming was locked in one place alone. Jin Yiwei and the officials of the Qing Army Office took turns to take people out for torture and questioning. Everyone had been ordered in advance, so naturally no one was there. He went to touch Pan Ming, but there were bursts of heart-piercing screams, and he was trembling when he heard them.

During the day, Wang Tong's side could be said to have won a complete victory, but Pan Ming was still uneasy. After all, he used to be a member of a family of officials, so he probably understood the key to this.

With such a big commotion in Chuantouxiang and looters in the city, the Acropolis of Tianjin was completely in chaos for a day. Although today is over, Wang Tong’s superiors in the court still don’t know how to blame them. This level has passed. , it is completely over.

I heard that Wang Tong's methods are as good as the sky, and judging by his expected methods, he may have been prepared for a long time.

Not long after, a few soldiers came to Pan Ming's cell, opened the door and took him out. Pan Ming had shackles on his hands and feet, and the soldiers lifted him up.

Walking in the aisle of the cell, the head in the next cell said weakly:

"Old Pan, just say what you have to say, Chuantouxiang is not our own father or mother, who gave this little money and caused the disaster of killing us..."

This feeble persuasion was mixed with painful groans. Pan Ming didn't dare to answer, but he was thankful in his heart. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly. Otherwise, how could he bear this cruel method.

There was a middle-aged man in front of him, who seemed to be the leader of the mansion, but he heard the soldiers around him shouting from Master Zhang, but he didn't know who it was.

Before entering Wang Tong's main hall, Mr. Zhang said in a low voice:
"The shackles can't be untied, let's endure it for a few days!!"

Pan Ming didn't care what he was feeling right now. After hearing this, he lowered his head. The night was already dark, and he watched the maids rushing into the main hall with the food.

After entering the house and closing the door, the others were sent out. Wang Tong had already wiped the knife clean and was wiping the ax carefully.

The wet cloth was thrown on the ground casually, and his eyes almost turned purple and black. Pan Ming, who was kneeling there, looked at this, and felt that his eyes and scalp were twitching. During the day, it was this young Qianhutan Killing and beheading while laughing, blood splattered everywhere.

Suddenly, Pan Ming felt that all his worries disappeared. He felt that he was actually extremely lucky. If he hadn't come to inform him, he would have been tortured just now. Maybe his blood was on the knife and ax that Wang Tong wiped.

Wang Tong didn't notice the change in Pan Ming's heart, he just finished wiping the knife and axe, put it aside casually, and asked:
"Thanks to you for what happened today!"

"The little one deserves to die in the den of thieves, and being able to do something for the grown-up is the blessing of the villain's previous life."

For so many years in Chuantouxiang, the skill of flattery and flattery has been on the rise, and he came here casually. Wang Tong smiled and continued:
"If you didn't come, I would have led my troops to search outside the city the day before yesterday. Your news saved me some effort. It would be convenient to eradicate all those who should be exposed."

Pan Ming kowtowed on the ground, but he didn't dare to continue talking. Wang Tong took a sip of hot tea, smiled and said leisurely:
"Pan Ming, you are a Tongsheng from Wuqiang County. You chopped off your fingers to frighten the butcher shop. You have nothing to do with Chuantouxiang but you can do it well. You dare to inform me at this critical moment. Hehe, Chuantouxiang. There are nearly a hundred leaders, and you are the only one who came to the door. I really don’t understand that there are thieves on one side and officials on the other. Their brains are broken, and they actually believe in thieves and not in officials?”

Wang Tong raised his voice, and Pan Ming kowtowed and said quickly:
"My lord doesn't know something. In the past, Chuantouxiang once besieged the government office in the city. Afterwards, the lord returned to his hometown..."

Wang Tong waved his hand, turned the topic back, and continued:
"Don't mention that, Pan Ming, you are a decisive person. Seeing your incitement in the streets and alleys, your eloquence is also amazing. You are really a talent. How about it, are you willing to work for me!?"

The voice was not loud. Hearing this, Pan Ming froze for a moment, then blushed, knocked his head, and said loudly in a crying voice:
"The kindness of the master, the great kindness of the master, it is difficult to repay the little one who is an ox and a horse, and it is difficult for the young one to be broken into pieces. If the master says a word, he will go through water and fire..."

Wang Tong nodded in satisfaction. Under such circumstances, Pan Ming is still so clear-headed that he knows how to quickly change the title of "adult" into "Master", but he is really a useful talent.

"There are almost 7000 Chuan Tou Xiang and those who followed him to make trouble in the city today. Counting their family members, there are tens of thousands of people. These people are just not clear-headed, and it is not a capital offense. They can be released without security. When will it be instigated by someone with a heart, let alone such a violent disturbance, it is impossible not to punish it."

Wang Tong's speech slowed down, but this idea had just taken shape, and he had to straighten it out slowly before he could express it:
"The Chuantouxiang must be kept, but the name needs to be changed. There are more than 6000 young and strong teams, and it is impossible to manage without a structure. The leader is manned. You choose Pan Ming yourself. The list will be reported to the official for review."

Pan Ming just kowtowed incessantly there, no matter what happened, there was already a pile of wealth waiting in front of him, Wang Tong said to himself:
"It will take five years for the official to be built. The two sides of the Haihe River will be repaired. In the future, the seaside will also be repaired. There are many projects inside and outside the city. These people are required to work. When working, the loading and unloading on the dock is also inseparable. It’s up to you to drive them, how to arrange deployment, this officer will only pay you a meal fee, and the interest for loading and unloading at the dock will also be given to you, how to use it for five years, you can think about it!!”

"Master's kindness is so great, they have committed a crime of death by a thousand swords but received such a light punishment, it is too late to be grateful, and they will definitely serve the master with their lives."

It is of course a fake to do so, which is tantamount to making these incenses slaves for five years. The incenses are also a group of arrogant people, and there will definitely be conflicts.

However, Pan Ming's head has turned around quite a bit below, and after saying the flattering words, he kowtowed and said:
"The master has ordered, and the younger one must do it faithfully, but in order to do this job properly, the younger one has to ask the elder master for a few things."

He agreed with all his mouth, and thought carefully. This is the method of an elite in the workplace. The more it is like this, Wang Tong feels that this person is reliable in doing things, and he agrees with a smile. Pan Ming then said:

"First of all, those with little interest should be used on the pilgrims. Those bachelors are fine, and those with family members need this money to support their families. With this, they can feel at ease. The second thing is whether they can be in reliable Choose 6000 salaries from the incense crowd, and they will be under the leadership of the master, and the younger ones can be used when the time comes, after all, there are more than [-] people, and if something happens in a hurry, the younger ones can be suppressed by someone nearby."

Nowadays, the identity of such rioters and the need to organize their own armed forces are indeed sensitive topics, so Pan Ming said that Wang Tong's people should be in charge.

Wang Tong nodded, what Pan Ming thinks is similar to what he thinks, there are thousands of young men in the bow of the boat, and they are also an excellent source of soldiers, and they are selected internally, using the incense crowd to suppress the incense crowd, splitting them up, The effect is sure to be good.

Suddenly, Wang Tong thought of a word "to provoke the masses to fight against the masses". This word, which was quite unfamiliar in that life, is extremely suitable here.

Thinking of this, Wang Tong couldn't help but burst out laughing. Isn't Pan Ming kneeling below a dog's leg, and what is he, a big landlord or a bully, it's really funny.

Turning it over and thinking about it, there is nothing to laugh about. It seems that this is the case.

"Do it well. Tomorrow we will take the incense crowd out of the city, so go ahead and do it. It will certainly benefit you if you do it. Let's be a school captain in Qianhuli first!"

The soldiers at the bottom of Jinyiwei are called Xiaowei, but this is a real official status, and they are official servants who can show off their power in an open and aboveboard manner.

Pan Ming stood there in a daze, forgot to even kowtow to thank him, escaped from home, and hung out in the bow of the boat again, took a risk on his own, and unexpectedly became an official, thinking about the ups and downs from childhood to adulthood, Unconsciously shed tears.

Only then did Wang Tong pick up a piece of cake from the coffee table next to him, and after talking for a long time, the food that had just been reheated became cold again. garlic.

On the canal ten miles north of the Tianjin Acropolis, several ships were leaning on the bank, but dozens of horses were docked there, and there were many people scattered around, all of whom looked like they were on guard.

The boats that come and go are also familiar with it. Nine times out of ten, they are wealthy people, not only on the boat, but also on the shore. There are guards and attendants.

The boats stopped strangely, as if several boats had surrounded one of them. Although the boat in the middle was covered with a black awning and looked ordinary from the outside, it was obviously furnished by a wealthy family inside, which was very grand.

At this time of night, the palace lanterns in the cabin are bright, just like daytime, the sandalwood furniture, fine porcelain utensils, and jade decorations are all beautiful.

Chai Fulin, the big owner of Tonghai Warehouse sitting in the middle, had a gloomy expression and said nothing. A man dressed as a servant beside him said in a deep voice:

"Third Master, Second Master said to let you go back quickly, don't worry about things here, so as not to get involved in anything else, the little one just got the news from the city, and the chaos has been suppressed, Chuantouxiang is in the city Everyone in hiding has been cleaned up, and this side is finished, let's go!"

Chai Fulin sighed, and said listlessly:
"I have to make arrangements for my friends at sea, and then go!"

(End of this chapter)

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