Chapter 317
Residents of Tianjin Acropolis experienced another fright after waking up in the morning after spending a day and night in fear.

No matter what happened, the sky didn't fall, there was still food in the house, and breakfast was still needed, but when it was calculated that the meal was ready, someone knocked on the door vigorously.

"Open the door, Jin Yiwei is here to buy food!!"

Since the commotion started in the morning yesterday, everyone was also lying on the crack of the door watching. First, Chuantouxiang passed by, then the city's ruffians smashed and looted, and finally Jin Yiwei's army entered the city.

Some people saw the Jin Yiwei beheading the rogues directly on the street, and some didn't. As for the scene of soldiers besieging the rioters in the Chuantouxiang Brigade, most of them didn't see it.

But it became quiet from the afternoon, and then the Jinyi guards patrolled everywhere with weapons, and everyone knew who would win and who would win.

Chaos broke out in the city, the thieves washed it once, and the officers and soldiers had to wash it again, and the door was called in the early morning, so they were going to rush in and start a fight.

They were also so scared that their brains were confused. If they really rushed in to rob, the door would just be knocked open, and they would still have to knock on the door.

I was afraid, so I didn't dare not open the door. I opened the door tremblingly, only to find out that it was really someone who came to buy food. The money Jin Yiwei gave was [-]% to [-]% higher than the market price, and the money he gave was cash.

They bought them door to door, and almost all the residents in the city had their breakfasts sold out. Although the guards in brocade clothes were not smiling, they just stood at the door and bought and sold them with cash, and never entered.

This kind of behavior quickly calmed down the hearts of the people in the city. This kind of behavior shows that Jin Yiwei has controlled the situation and the city is no longer in chaos.

This Qianjiafan provided the food for the guards in brocade clothes. As for the incense crowd, at most they just gave them saliva to drink, and they were escorted even if they were hungry and had no energy.

The gate of the city, which had been closed for a whole day, was finally opened, the upper body was tied up, people were connected with ropes, and the captives of Xiangzhong went out of the city one by one.

Residents of the merchants on both sides of the canal have been in fear for a day. The proprietors and shopkeepers of each house packed up the things together, and some people went directly to the countryside or took a boat on the river, leaving a waiter to wait and see.

Many ships come from afar to Tianjin Wei to unload or buy goods, but there are no shops on the wharf, and everyone goes to avoid disasters. They can’t load or unload their goods, but they can’t go back like this, or they will lose a lot of money, and the ships will accumulate more and more. The more there are, the more traffic and passenger ships will be unable to go north and south, and the more blocked it will be.

All this chaos began to disappear when Jinyiwei pressed the incense congregants out of the city. Those who closed their doors opened for business, and those who stayed behind rushed to notify the shopkeeper. Jinyiwei's police officers also began to collect taxes on the canal for inspection.

The incense congregations who entered the city yesterday in a threatening manner looked ashamed today, and were tied up and led out of the city like cattle and horses. More than 6000 people walked slowly on the official road, and it took a long time to walk.

Everyone inside and outside the city knew what happened to these people, and they were even more in awe of Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu, especially Qianhu Lord Wang Tong.

There were also Xiangzhong's family members who came up crying and shouting, but they were all beaten and driven away by the guards escorting them. Their own man and son were among the captives. Why didn't the relatives and family members worry about it? They were too close, and Jin Yiwei's soldiers didn't bother to pay attention.

After a whole morning of tossing, at lunch time, several carts of pancakes and hot soup in large wooden barrels were brought in from the city.

The captives of Chuantouxiang were all taken to the open space on the bank of the Haihe River, and they formed a scattered square team, and the soldiers surrounded them in a circle.

The pilgrims were starved all day and night, even when they got up in the morning and drank some water, they were all hungry at this time, and the pancakes were handed out one by one, and several people shared a soup bowl with more than ten people, and everyone gobbled it up.

However, after eating a few mouthfuls, the stomach was padded, and looking at the soldiers around, someone suddenly thought, could this be the last meal for everyone before going on the road?

In front of the captives, I did not know where to find a few wooden tables and put them together. Several people who looked like generals stood on it, made a trumpet shape with their hands and put them together in front of their mouths, and shouted loudly:
"You gather people to create chaos, this is a crime of treason, it is a capital crime, you should be beheaded!!"

More than 6000 people gathered together, which is also a big place. Others may not be able to hear the shouts on the wooden table, but the surrounding soldiers have already received orders.

"Gathering crowds to cause chaos, great rebellion, death penalty shall be executed!!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and this was clearly heard. Before the soldiers finished speaking, the spears in their hands were flattened, and the swords were unsheathed.

The gleaming swords circled the surroundings, and said that he was a capital offender. Under the murderous aura, everyone collapsed. With the current appearance, if they want to run away, the soldiers will probably come in and kill people. No wonder he was led to this remote place on the bank of the Haihe River, no wonder he had to be given food first.

The people inside were crying, and their wives and children followed for nearly two thousand. The distance was not far, so they could hear clearly, and they were all crying, and some people came forward crying. The soldiers did not use swords or spears, but Sticks and whips are not vegetarians either, they beat him head and face, and he beat him back.

"All ready!!"

As the general shouted, the flag began to shake, the soldiers stepped forward, the crying inside and outside became louder, and the killing was in sight, at this moment, several horses came galloping, and immediately a man shouted loudly :

"Master Wang has orders, stop!!!~~~"

In a blink of an eye, he came to the front, and the man who called out got off his horse, and fell down because of panic. No one laughed at his embarrassment. Someone in the front had already recognized who it was. Isn't this the boss Pan Ming!
Pan Ming stumbled to the side of the wooden platform, and shouted to the bottom:

"Brothers, we committed a serious crime yesterday and should have been beheaded, but Mr. Wang is gracious..."

There was no discrepancy from the plan. In line with this, under the command of Yu Dayou, the outside of the city was also cleaned up, and the family members and remaining people of the Xiangxiang people on the bow of the boat were swept out.

After five years of work, the family members were responsible for cooking and doing miscellaneous work to earn flowers. Only the old and the weak were supported by the two warehouses under Wang Tong's name. With threats and temptations, more than 6000 Chuantouxiang and their families accepted more than [-] people. Wang Tong's conditions.

Because of the participation of these people, the construction on the bank of the Haihe River has been rapidly accelerated. Seeing that the roads and shops are gradually taking shape, the bank of the Haihe River is becoming more and more like a golden treasure. The news from the side is passed to the north and the south.

As the news spread, no one would let go of this opportunity to make a fortune, and more and more people would come here.

With such a well-organized labor force in his hands, Wang Tong's subsequent projects are very efficient, with sufficient manpower and money to keep up. There is no obstacle, and naturally everything is convenient.

But these are the aftermath.

The gates of the city were opened wide in the early morning, and one gate was of course used to let the captives of the ship's head fragrant, while the other three gates were for people to enter and exit.

Every city gate is guarded by a guard in brocade clothes from a hundred households, and there are two other leaders there. If you want to survive, you should be obedient and recognize people, and there is no one who refuses.

They were not swept up yesterday, and many people who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get out of the city today were found out again. However, Xiangzhong is like a mob, so it is natural to arrest people in the street.But there are also messengers from a few yamens who leave the city quickly, so this cannot be stopped.

The soldiers guarding the city gate went to the Drum Tower at any time to inform Wang Tong about the situation of the city gate, the messengers from the Qing Army Hall to Hejian Mansion, the military preparation road and the supervising grain to the capital, and the household department outside the city to transfer After the commander's fast horse to the capital left the city, the soldiers hurried to report.

But by coincidence, the messengers over there went out, and the officials opposite here came to the door.

After going through a few hard and soft things, Panda, the military guard, and Wan Dao, the eunuch who supervised the grain, never came to the door. Wang Tong is a domineering man with a backing, so why go to eat.

Today is a bit different, Wang Tong is reading the memorial written by Yang Sichen in the room, and he himself has a letter to send to the capital, it is a secret letter written entirely by himself, and he has already set off last night.

"My lord, Mr. Pan, who is in charge of the army, and Eunuch Wan, who is in charge of food, asks to see you."

There was a notification, and before Wang Tong could say please, Panda walked in angrily. He was wearing an official uniform today, very formal.

It is extremely rude to walk in without waiting for the servant to invite. Civil servants like Panda paid the most attention, but today they completely ignored it.

"Wang Qianhu, the city gate is closed during the day. I am responsible for guarding and transshipment. I have to go out of the city on important matters. Why did you break the arm of the secretary who came to pass the message? As an official of the court, you act like Bandits, disregarding the court's laws and regulations, this official is about to impeach you!!"

"My lord, Eunuch Feng and Eunuch Zhang are reasonable people. You entered the city with thousands of soldiers and horses, beating and killing them. The chaos inside and outside the city was like that. The river was blocked for almost five miles, which delayed the grain from entering the capital. What a crime this is, our family is going to sue you, and see who the palace is targeting!"

Panda's voice was stern, and Wan Dao's yin and yang were strange. Wang Tong stood up to greet him, but after hearing the first sentence, he turned around and sat on the chair. Panda's beard trembled, and he said angrily:

"Shameless and disrespectful, I am a fourth-rank military officer, you are only a fifth-rank military officer, why don't you worship me when you see me, but you are so arrogant, you act recklessly, and you are so disrespectful, don't you know that the law of the court is like a furnace?" , can't tolerate any villains..."

Hearing this, Wang Tong didn't get up, but just sat there with a sneer and replied:
"It's a coincidence that you want to join this official. This official also wants to join you. The rioters enter the city, loot and make noise, and disturb the people. As officials of the imperial court, you are on business inside and outside the court, but you don't care. The officials of Daming, or the two adults have a good relationship with Chuantouxiang, don’t you have the heart to take care of it!?”
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(End of this chapter)

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