Chapter 318

"Absurd to the extreme! Absurd to the extreme!"

Hearing Wang Tong's rebuttal, Panda was furious, and shouted directly. Seeing Wang Tong's sneer, he said urgently:

"When the former Qianhu was here, why didn't the Chuantou incense crowd gather into the city? Didn't the incense crowd enter the city yesterday because they had nowhere to go? What's more, the incense crowd just shouted a few angry words around the city. , Why do you want to kill people, such a careless disregard for human life."

Wang Tong stood up slowly. Seeing Wang Tong's reaction, Panda thought that his reprimand had an effect. His voice became a little higher, and he continued:

"If it wasn't for Wang Qianhu, you went against the law after you came to Tianjin, scraped the ground, and robbed good people and merchants, how could you provoke such a situation? The warning to kill is nothing more than to cover up your guilty conscience, do you think killing with a knife can cover up all your evil deeds!!!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, his fingers almost touched Wang Tong's face, his expression and attitude were even more righteous, and he threw out the words in a set manner.

"There is a blue sky above your head, and reading the books of sages and sages has an aura of arrogance. Although you are fierce, this official must speak uprightly, and the people of the world must speak uprightly. The sage will not tolerate you!"

"For the sake of our ancestors in the palace, our family has always been unwilling to say anything to you, Wang Qianhu, but water transportation is so important, and you are extorting taxes from it. ..."


The more excited the two were talking, they didn't expect Wang Tong to shout violently. Panda and Wan Dao took a step back in fright and stopped talking. Wang Tong said in a deep voice:

"The bow of the boat burns incense and gathers people, extorts shops inside and outside the city, bullies men and women, why don't you care about it!!?"

"Chuantouxiang is bullying the market everywhere, exorcising money, making private ships and merchant ships unprofitable, why don't you care!!!?"

"While there are Japanese pirates on the Haihe River even if ships come in and out, why don't you care!!?"

"These incense people entered the city to besiege the government office, which is tantamount to treason. As a soldier, you have the responsibility of defending and coordinating. Why don't you care about it, Panda!!!?"

When Wang Tong asked, Panda took a step back, his face was also green and red, and Wang Tong shouted:

"As the official of the imperial court, seeing signs of rebellion in the city, you didn't send troops, didn't ask for help, but stayed in your own mansion and ignored it. Is it negligence or collusion with the rioters!!!?"

"Wang Qianhu is so majestic and majestic. Could it be that he wants soldiers to come in and take our family and Mr. Pan?"

"Wan Dao, you set up checkpoints on the canal privately and extorted merchant ships. The money you got went into the public treasury, didn't it fall into the private pockets of you and your minions below you? I have a tax on the river, and every penny is clear. account, or send it to the internal treasury, or use it for infrastructure, what is extortion!!!”

He asked sharply, with reasonable grounds, although the distance between the two sides was a few feet, but every word was like a fist, hitting them back step by step, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

But Wang Tong didn't end, and his voice became louder:
"The canal inspections often block the canal, and the merchants would rather take the detour by land. You have such a nasty move, and you have the face to tell me what the reason is!"

Wan Dao trembled all over, fixed his eyes on Wang Tong, but his face became paler and paler, but Wang Tong turned to Panda, and angrily said:
"You withheld the royal guard's salary, allowed Chuantouxiang to bully the market, and didn't collect taxes, but used Chuantouxiang to collect some transportation fees. This transportation fee is higher than my official's [-]% and [-]%. Where did the money go? , who can explain it clearly?"

Speaking of this moment, Wang Tong's eyes were like lightning, and he stared closely, but Panda and Wan Dao didn't dare to look at him, Wang Tong sneered again, and said:
"A few days ago, there was news from my office that military supply officials from Jizhen and Xuanzhen often came to Tianjin to demand that the food shipped to them was intermittent. Although there was no delay, the supply of military supplies must be stable after all. First of all, the transshipment department said that the tank ships were tense and had to move around, but five days ago, 120 tank ships loaded with fruit and wood specialties from Shandong came to Tianjin to go to the capital, what happened to these ships!?"

Shandong fruit tree specialties are not rare things, and the profits are not high, and the tank boats are tax-free. They will definitely not pretend to go north with these, but they will pay too much.

After asking this question, Panda trembled again, he didn't have the momentum when he came, but he rolled his eyes, but he put on an awe-inspiring look, and shouted:
"Wang Tong, don't gossip about him, don't spit on others, I do what I do, you use the name of the palace to exploit merchants from all over the world, you use the name of Jin Yiwei to kill good people, and the Ming Dynasty will last forever. You have never fought for profit with the people, but you are so dirty and stingy, ruining the dignity of the court and harming the common people. This official will not let you go, even if you don’t want this black hat, you will be punished, you villain, Mr. Qingjing side!!"

After finishing speaking, he left in a huff. Wan Dao also snorted coldly and followed away. Wang Tong raised his voice from behind and said:

"You two, Mr. Wang will not let it go, and Mr. Wang will investigate everything to the end."

The two of them left without looking back.

"My lord, when Panda and Wan Dao came here, they were aggressive, but when they left, they were disheveled!"

Wang Tong stood on the steps, and Yang Sichen came over to make fun of him and said that what he saw just now was a little terrified. Bing Beidao is the person with the highest official position in Tianjin, and he has great power. Even if there is someone behind Wang Tong, firstly he is a military official, but secondly, his rank is fifth rank.

Unexpectedly, when confronting those two people, Wang Tong was well-founded and not weak at all. While Yang Sichen was glad that he followed the right person, he was also a little puzzled.

Just now this was flattery and questioning again, Wang Tong sneered and said:
"I have never been treated well in the court. After this incident, I don't know how many impeachments and criticisms I will suffer. Panda and Wandao have lived with me for so long. If I don't show loyalty now, I'm afraid they will be in trouble in the future." There is no chance to do it, but there is one thing they didn't expect, that is, I know a lot about their activities, but no one cares about them, do you really think that everyone in the world is blind and deaf?"

Yang Sichen echoed twice from behind, and Wang Tong asked calmly:
"Did you remember all the debates in the classroom just now?"

A good secretary and copywriter, who can remember key points in debates and narrations, was a basic requirement in the workplace back then. If Yang Sichen could do it, he had already demonstrated his ability to analyze, and now he was looking at the ability of the book office.

"Returning to the adults, the students have written them all down, but the students don't know much about the fact that the more than a hundred tank boats and the fragrant power at the bow are higher than the tax, so they have to ask the adults for advice."

Hearing this answer, Wang Tong nodded in satisfaction, but he still had to see something, and said:
"According to the format of the impeachment memorandum, write it first, make a draft, and send it to the official here, and we will discuss it in detail."

Yang Sichen bowed and agreed, and hurriedly turned around to write. Wang Tong went back to the room, sat there thinking for a while, and raised his voice and said:

"Look for Supervisor Cai!!"

There was a guard outside who agreed, and hurried to go. Ming rules, civil servants lead the army, eunuchs supervise the army, and generals are responsible for specific commands. No matter how you count, the new supervisor Cai Nan is above Wang Tong, but Wang Tong seems to be calling Like my own book office, I am not at all polite.

Cai Nan hadn't come yet, but Wang Tong said to Tan Bing who just woke up from a sleep and passed by the door:
"Tan Bing, transfer the Second Battalion and the No.11 Reserve Battalion into the city, and take turns guarding Master Dao Pan's mansion and Grain Supervising Eunuch Wan's mansion!"

Tan Bing originally wanted to greet him, but he was taken aback when he heard the order. He looked up and found Wang Tong smiled, and said gently:
"The city is so chaotic, it is inevitable that there will be rioters and thieves. Master Pan and Eunuch Wan are both of high status. If there is any injury, this officer will not be able to bear it. Let's do a good job of guarding."

"My little one obeys, master. Those who go in from outside will naturally be strictly interrogated. What if they come out from inside?"

"The city is so chaotic, if someone in the mansion colludes with the thieves outside, it will still be unkind to the two adults, and we will investigate it together. Our soldiers will also work harder, helping people buy things, delivering water and firewood, etc. .”

Wang Tong said it was considerate, but Tan Bing grinned, clasped his fists and said:
"What the master ordered is that the younger one will do it now, so that the two adults can live in peace and not be disturbed by outsiders."

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, Tan Bing strode out, got on his horse to mobilize the camp head and entered the city.

At this time, Cai Nan, who was busy calculating the population of Chuantouxiang's accounts, was called over. The two sides are now on the same level, but Cai Nan feels that if Wang Tong treats him politely, he will feel uncomfortable. The subordinates in the account room shouted and shouted, but they felt that this should be the case.

As soon as he entered the room, Wang Tong dismissed the irrelevant people first, and said with a serious expression:
"Cai Jianjun, you have also gone through the case of the Sanyang Sect in the capital, and you know how many heads were chopped off. First, this kind of thing happened next to us. You and I should not be careless. This kind of cult is the most troublesome. Tianjin Acropolis is full of many things, and the imperial court also has to play gongs and sing operas. They can't take care of everywhere. Cai Jianjun, I will handle the case of Sanyang Sect for you. Whoever you use and how much money you spend, just open your mouth. Over there, Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Zou also need to contact a lot, and arrest anyone, no matter who they are, regardless of their identities, and I will take care of everything!"

Cai Nan was originally sitting down, but upon hearing what Wang Tong said, she quickly stood up and said solemnly:

"Our family knows the pros and cons of it, please rest assured, Mr. Wang, we must investigate to the end!"

At dusk, about fifteen miles away from the mouth of the Haihe River, at the mouth of the Tangjia River, several big ships parked there quietly, and a dozen small boats loaded the goods beside the big ships, and then carried the goods to the land...

(End of this chapter)

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