Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 319 Unexpected Boss Reaction

Chapter 319 Unexpected Boss Reaction

Wang Tong is the emperor's most trusted minister, while Zhang Ge and other adults in the court are hostile to Wang Tong and quite disgusted.

Since Wang Tong became Wanli's confidant, whenever Wang Tong was mentioned at the court meeting, it would inevitably cause heated debates, and several official changes were caused by this.

Tianjin Wei was originally a corner of the country, and the princes of the court would not pay too much attention to it, but that was in the past, and now there is Wang Tong here.

The emperor's eyes are fixed here, the emperor is the court, although the Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Gelao and Feng Gonggong are in charge of everything now, but the emperor is the emperor after all, and now the emperor is still young, so it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

Since the Son of Heaven cares about this side and caused all kinds of troubles, no matter how you think about it, you have to put an eyeliner on it, and respond in time if there is any trouble.Don't make it so that the little emperor is already angry at the court meeting, Mr. Zhang Ge and the party members will not give an inch, but his family doesn't know the ins and outs.

Nearly [-] people from Tianjin Acropolis marched into the city to besiege the government offices of Jinyiwei's thousand households. As long as the eyeliner is not blind, such a major event can be seen clearly.

When the hidden eyeliners saw that the Jinyiwei Qianhu government office was surrounded by groups, and everyone was yelling and throwing bricks and stones inside, everyone made a judgment——Wang Tong's political life was over.

After making this judgment, it is natural to spread the news as soon as possible. However, when people sneaked to the gate of the city, they found that the army had entered the city and the gate was closed.

Although Jin Yiwei asked everyone to stay at home and not go out, these spying stalkers also had some solutions, and they probably could grasp what happened in the city.

Everyone was surprised that Jin Yiwei was able to control the situation so quickly, but the judgment of Wang Tong's ending did not change.

The city gate was opened, and the news of each family was quickly passed to the capital.

The Qing Army Office in the Tianjin Acropolis is an agency stationed by Hejian Prefecture in charge of civil affairs. Gao Tongzhi reported to Hejian Prefecture.

He is the only official who knows that Chuantouxiang is related to the Sanyang Sect. After his news is sent to Hejian Mansion, Hejian Mansion has to report it layer by layer, which is much later than the news from other places. sky.

"Wang Tong, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, is cruel and heartless. He treats the people harshly and stirs up civil uprisings. He should be severely punished..."

"Tianjin Acropolis is the place where the capital and the three towns of Beidi transport grain. Wang Tong is incompetent and reckless, and he is good at making disturbances..."

"Your Majesty has been on the throne for six years. The sage is on the throne, the sages are assisting, and the world is peaceful. However, there is chaos in the Tianjin Acropolis. It is Wang Tongzhi's fault..."

"Raising taxes without authorization, seizing people's wealth, good people are forced to do helpless actions, the fault lies with the officials and not the people, Wang Tong perverted in Tianjin Acropolis and caused catastrophe, he should be punished for felony..."

"Your Majesty governs the world for reason and not for profit. He competes with the people for profit, extracts taxes along the river, exploits good people by rectifying the sea and borders, and finally stirs up such troubles. Wang Tong is a villain, and the crime cannot be pardoned. Your Majesty seeks profit. There are also mistakes, when self-examination and self-examination..."

This was expected by all parties. After the news of Tianjin Wei's people besieging the Jinyiwei official office spread to the capital, there was an uproar immediately.

Officials have come to participate in impeachment, even non-official scholars are writing to criticize, wine shop washers, singers, storytellers, all sing this as the latest joke, and the noise is extremely exciting.

The bigwigs in the court naturally knew the news earlier than the officials, but they didn't take any action. They waited for the public opinion in the capital to take shape and the people who made up their minds set the tone before taking any action.

The capital was dispatched, Tianjin guards prepared roads, and grain supervision each had memorials, and the memorials were handed over to the Supervisor of Rites through the General Administration Department. The completion of these procedures was equivalent to the completion of the formal process.

The emperor can stay and not send, but the courtiers can already use this to talk about it.

"You bastard! A bunch of bastards!!"

In the mansion of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, who has always been as stable as a mountain, is losing his temper, and he throws out all the notes in his hand.

When the news of the Tianjin incident came, Zhang Juzheng's chief follower, You Qi, immediately passed on the news. Although You Qi was Zhang Juzheng's servant, officials at the level of the servant even smiled and bowed their hands when they saw him, and politely called The "Seventh Brother" is also a man with all-hands, he knows that his master and the bigwigs in the capital don't like Wang Tong, and everyone just took advantage of this disturbance.

Never expected that Zhang Juzheng would be so angry after reading this article. You Qi originally wanted to make fun of him, but now he lowered his head and stood aside tremblingly.

Zhang Juzheng took a few deep breaths, managed to calm down, and suddenly slammed the table down again, shouting:

"You Qi, call Liu Shouyou and Zhou Si'an from the Ministry of Punishment!!"

Zhou Si'an was the Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Liu Shouyou was the commander of Jinyiwei, and You Qi was also confused, thinking that at this time, he should call a few senior scholars from the cabinet.

But he didn't dare to talk too much, and hurried out to spread the word.

Although they are ministers in the same hall, one is the Minister of the Six Departments, the other is the commander of Jinyi's pro-army, a dignitary with a high status, the chief assistant Zhang Juzheng summons him, but it seems like he is calling a domestic slave.

The two of them didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, when the word came, they hurriedly rode a horse and sat in a sedan chair at their own house, hurried over, and saw Zhang Juzheng with a gloomy expression as soon as they entered the door.

"The news from the fast horse from Tianjin Wei, the two of you, read it first, and then talk about it after reading it."

You Qi hurriedly handed over the booklet, Liu Shouyou and Zhou Si'an hurriedly passed it on, after a few glances they probably understood the situation, looked at each other, Liu Shouyou was closer to Zhang Juzheng after all, and said cautiously:
"Elder Ge, Wang Tong is doing too much unrighteousness..."

"The old man asks you, did you participate in the riots in Tianjin Wei?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Juzheng asked this question suddenly, Liu Shouyou trembled, and quickly argued:

"Elder Ge, how dare my subordinates do such a thing, even if I give my subordinates the courage to do it, I would not dare to do it, please be careful!"

Only then did Zhang Juzheng's mood stabilize, and he ordered in a cold voice:
"Master Liu, Master Zhou, the two of you should investigate the matter of Tianjin Wei, who instigated it, who instigated it, and why, and you must give the old man a result within ten days."

Seeing the confused expressions on the faces of those two people, Zhang Juzheng's rage had subsided a little, and he said:
"The old man can't understand Wang Tong, and it's also for the sake of Daming's country, His Majesty's integrity and morality, and has no personal grievances, but what happened to the siege of the government office by nearly ten thousand people in Tianjin, this is treason, no matter what Wang Tong did, They are all ministers of His Majesty, they are all officials of Ming Dynasty, if they are wronged and dissatisfied, they can appeal at all levels, but they besieged the official office and threatened the officials, what is going on!!?"

Hearing this, Liu Shouyou and Zhou Si'an understood a little bit, and Zhang Juzheng raised his voice when he said this:
"If the people are dissatisfied and go to besiege the government office, then there are no laws and rules in this world. Today, Wang Tong is sent down like this. What about Li Tong and Liu Tong tomorrow? !!"

Liu Shouyou and Zhou Si'an bowed together and said:
"The old man sees it, and the subordinates (lower officials) will do it now."

After Zhang Juzheng finished speaking, he saw off the guests. The two of them took orders and hurried out. Naturally, Zhang Juzheng would not send them off in person, and following them was Chang Sui You Qi.

Leaving the house, Liu Shouyou was still confused, and Zhou Si'an next to him was also puzzled. The two of them were only casual acquaintances, so it was not easy to discuss and ask each other.

However, looking at the upper reaches of the seven, he saw the look of enlightenment on the face of this long follower. Liu Shouyou often went in and out of Zhang Juzheng's mansion, and the two were familiar with each other, so he couldn't help asking in a low voice:

"You Qi, Tianjin Wei's case is bad for Wang Tong, but it's good for Ge Lao. Why is Ge Lao so..."

"Master Liu, do you still remember what happened in Lu'an Mansion in June this year?"

"It's the one who cleared the land, the one who found out that the inventory of the land was false..."

Liu Shouyou also suddenly realized, and Zhou Si'an listened intently from the sidelines. He was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and he had heard about cases from all over the place.

Shanxi found [-] hectares of hidden fields, and all the prefectures and prefectures in Shanxi are inseparable. So many fields have been tracked down, and I don’t know how many powerful people have been damaged. Cutting off people’s wealth is similar to killing and cutting flesh. Not to be reconciled, there was a riot in Changzhi, Lu'an Prefecture, in June this year.

Thousands of people besieged the government office, and the magistrate and a few cronies crawled out of the dog hole and ran away. They wanted to investigate afterwards, because Shanxi was so complicated that nothing could be done.

The reason for the siege at that time was that Qingzhang’s land was competing for the interests of the people, and the officials played their hands in it. The capital and several supervisory censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate echoed it, saying that the world and all people belong to His Majesty, and the land is both public and private. Same.Although all these were suppressed by Zhang Juzheng, he still held his breath.

The Tianjin Wei incident this time can be said to stir up old grievances and touch Zhang Juzheng's bottom line.

Zhang Juzheng is a minister of power and does not allow anyone to shake his position, but he is also a loyal minister who seeks to benefit the Ming Dynasty and maintain the country of the Ming Dynasty. The people gathered to besiege the Yamen, which is tantamount to challenging the authority of the government, the authority of the imperial court, and shake the rule of Tong. It's no wonder he loses his temper like this.

The news sent to Zhang Juzheng was much rougher than what Feng Baoxian was reading.

Xiang Yan was like a spy in the "bright place", Feng Youning also arranged a lot of people there in the dark, and the urgent reports from the two parties were delivered to Feng Bao at about the same time.

Feng Youning, who was in charge of thousands of households in Dongchang, had been watching Feng Bao's expression from the sidelines. At the beginning, Feng Bao's face was a bit cautious, but later he was full of sneers.

"Wang Tong sent money to the palace, but there was no exploitation in the local area, nor did it harass the people. It didn't add money, and it wasn't harsh. Why did it make trouble? No one fanned the flames. What kind of people dare to go to the city to make trouble? Why, Along the way, all government agencies, including officers and soldiers, stood by and watched, investigating, investigating to the end!!"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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