Chapter 320

"I'm the military guard of the Tianjin Guards. I'm in charge of the transfer of local military supplies and the local guard. Why don't you let me go out? What qualifications do you have!"

Bing Beidao Panda jumped into a rage at the gate of his mansion, pointing at the soldiers in front of him and yelling at them, but the soldiers holding the weapons didn't move their expressions or their bodies, they just stood there.

Seeing the spear and sword in the opponent's hand, Panda and the servants around him didn't have the courage to push forward. Panda has been confined in his mansion for five days.

Anyway, the official office and the mansion are the front and back yards. If anyone came to do errands inside and outside the city, after asking them clearly, they would also put them in.

The establishment of the military equipment road here is an overall plan. The specific affairs are handled by the military supplies. circle here.

Originally, Panda also wanted to wait for the news of Wang Tong's resignation, and he would recuperate at home for a few days, but he calculated that the news had already reached the capital, and the higher-ups should have given a reply.

Moreover, this reply should have reached Tianjin City, and Mr. Pan couldn't sit still at home. Could it be that the news was blocked by the fans, or the court's will was concealed.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Panda simply broke his face and came out to make trouble. He thought that his family was a fourth-rank officer, and the soldiers besieged outside even had no role as a battalion officer. Dare not stop myself.

Unexpectedly, he was blocked as soon as he came out, and he was there holding his official position and scolding sharply, but the soldiers didn't respond at all, they just lined up in front of him with weapons, and there were more and more people.

Ten, dozens, hundreds of soldiers lined up holding weapons and looked at him indifferently. Mr. Dao Pan, the soldier, became more and more guilty, and the voice of shouting gradually weakened.

He was getting more and more embarrassed, and just as he was looking for a reason to go down the steps and turn back to the house, he saw a soldier riding a horse from a distance, and whispered something in an officer's ear.

The officer nodded, then smiled and said:

"Master Pan, please stop, there is a scene that I want to show you."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and more than a dozen soldiers stood between Panda and the gate, blocking his retreat at once. At this moment, Panda finally panicked, looked back and forth, and said loudly:
"What are you going to do? I am the official of the imperial court. Even if you are Jin Yiwei, you must have a will to..."

The officer who spoke waved his hand impatiently, and turned around. The soldiers of Jinyiwei surrounded Panda, but they didn't do anything, and let Panda jump and curse.

Not long after, a group of people came from the direction of the Jinyiwei official office, several large carts, and the carts were full of large wooden cages, and the wooden cages were filled with people.

When they arrived at the gate of the Bingbei Dao official office, they stopped the cart, opened the wooden cage, and dragged out the prisoners from inside. These prisoners were all shackled, and they were completely brought to the door by the guards in brocade clothes, and released in front of the door. After five, all the soldiers standing in front of Panda got out of the way.

At this moment, Panda was confused, and he was not in a hurry to go back, but just stood here watching in a daze.

"The rioters besieged the government office. These people intended to assassinate Lord Qianhu. After interrogation, they claimed to be bandits. They got the money from Chuantouxiang. They came here to commit the murder. The physical evidence and confession have been obtained, and they have been pledged. "

After a following general finished speaking loudly, the guards in brocade clothes standing behind the five prisoners raised their knives and fell, their heads were chopped off, and blood from the chest gushed out from the cut.

The place where the murder was done was still some distance away from Panda, and the blood spurted out couldn't reach his body, but after this moment, Panda's face turned pale instantly, he staggered back a few steps, and stayed there. A civil servant who was born as a scholar had seen such bloody scenes there, and felt that his eyes were red, and his heart seemed to be jumping out of his chest.

After beheading, the soldiers threw the body and the head into the wooden cage, and walked away. The soldiers who "guarded" Bingbeidao's mansion would not be affected, and they did not prevent Panda from returning home. Just business as usual.

Bing Bei Dao Panda stumbled back into the mansion, the servants beside him looked no better, all of them panicked.

After this incident, Bing Beidao went up and down in the house, and never mentioned anything about going out, very honest and unusual.

On this day, there were two executions in the city, one was the open space in front of the Bingbei Road, and the other was the open space in front of the Food Supervision Office.

No matter Wan Dao or Panda, they both knew that Wang Tong was trying to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, but they knew that, seeing people dying in front of them made their necks shudder, and they were much more honest.

On the first day of October, the capital was already going to wear cotton-padded clothes, but the government and the public were extremely enthusiastic. Low-ranking officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Imperial College, and various ministries, as well as literati with or without fame in the capital, were mobilized repeatedly.

The memorials poured into the Secretary of General Administration like a snowflake, and the discussion below was even more raucous. It was nothing more than that Wang Tong was a national traitor. If Tianjin, a tiny place, caused such chaos, what will happen in the future?The emperor is so favored and trusted, what should he do when he entrusts him with important tasks in the future?
Grandfather Taizu exiled those who had contributed to tax collection, and Grandpa Cheng exempted business tax. This is an ancestral system that does not compete with the people for profit. But Wang Tong takes [-]% of the tax on the canal. What about this?
Most of the scholars who went to the capital from all over the country brought some special products from their hometown, either as gifts to each other, or sold in the capital.

Scholars from the south, there are more or less people in their families who are inextricably related to the trade on the canal. Wang Tong's tax collection is equivalent to eating a piece of meat.

How can everyone tolerate such a bastard thing, the righteous people of Tianjin Wei have already taken the initiative, everyone will follow! !
From the end of September to the first day of October in the sixth year of Wanli, the court and the people in the capital all said that Wang Tong should be killed.

On the second day of October, the criminals and confessions escorted from Tianjin were sent to the capital and handed over to the Ministry of Punishment as usual, because this was not the job of Jinyiwei.

The yamen of the Ministry of Punishment is also a sieve for ventilation. When a prisoner is sent to a large prison, news of the crime spread quickly.

The turmoil in Tianjin Wei was related to a cult. It is said that it was the Sanyang Sect. It is said that in the fifth year of Wanli, the soldiers and horses of the Yumajian went to Huang County to wipe out the dens of the Sanyang Sect.

The uproar of public opinion in the capital quickly calmed down. Tang Sai'er, the Buddhist mother of the year, started, and then the White Lotus Sect and the Maitreya Sect almost rebelled from generation to generation, and besieging the government was even more common.

The Ming court also had a clear attitude towards cases involving cults, killing and killing without mercy.

Could it be that the people in Tianjin Acropolis besieged the Jinyiwei official office because of the instigation of the Sanyang Sect. There is such a coincidence in this world, but the news from the Ministry of Punishment will never be false!

When everyone was talking about righteous people, there was such a sudden turning point, which was really shocking. In this way, Wang Tong did not make any big mistakes, but he made great achievements.

The matter of tax collection is also a trivial matter. The speech officials who were originally filled with righteous indignation, as well as the lay scholars in the capital, stopped their attacks one after another. Everyone wanted to save face. I can't do it right away, just shut up and be quiet first.

However, those storytellers in the Washe Restaurant don’t care about this. They know that they are worthless people. A few days ago in the Washe Restaurant, all they talked about was face-to-face cursing. If they were investigated, it would be a disaster immediately imminent.

There are many records of this transformation in the notes of later generations. One of them said that there was a storyteller in the south of the city. , These few people were high-spirited, talking and laughing happily, calling the name of the Holy One before the execution, and their heads were hung on the city wall after death, and their expressions did not change.Every time this is said, the audience is moved to tears.

Then on the third day of October, the story of the storyteller suddenly changed. It was said that these five people were rogues in the city, and they captured children and girls for the demon way. In the end, Mr. Wang Qianhu killed these demons with Shangfang sword. , What Shangfang's sword is shining with golden light, with thousands of auras and so on.

People who heard this were all stunned, but after a few days, everyone was very interested in the story of Wang Qianhu killing demons and killing demons, and everyone was willing to listen to it.

On the third and fourth day of October, apart from Wang Tong escorting all the collected information and witnesses and material evidence to the capital, the information inquired from all aspects became more and more comprehensive.

The matter of the Sanyang Sect is confirmed by the documents of the Hejian Mansion, the confession of the Chuantou incense sticks, the talisman Buddha statues, and the scriptures found in some people's homes, all of which are the same as the previous archives of the capital.

As for the others, if the chiefs want to incite the pilgrims, they must go to the streets and alleys. The momentum must be quite large. The people in Dongchang, Jinyiwei, and the Ministry of Justice have rich experience. If they work hard to investigate, there is nothing they can't find. , not to mention such a blatant series.

Some people organized, some instigated, some assassins mixed in, and the ship's head incense was only an association of coolies, it did not sell trade, and taxation had nothing to do with them. All the activities of bullying men and women, burning incense and collecting money were all investigated one by one. out.

As it happened, the riots in Acropolis of Tianjin can already be characterized. The local villains intend to rebel, and the Sanyang Sect is involved. Fortunately, Wang Tong of Qianhu was alert and brave, and used military tactics to smash it.

Not only is there no fault, but also has great merit.

The officials in Tianjin Acropolis stood by and watched this matter, and they all have major faults, at least they are guilty of negligence of duty and oversight.

"Hold on, there is at least one force available in Tianjin Acropolis, so reckless, everything has been completely defeated by you, and you should take over Tangjiahe as soon as possible, it is not reliable, it is too easy to be broken .”

The voice at the top was very flat, and Chai Fulin, who was kneeling below, looked downcast and said nothing.
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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