Chapter 321
On the sixth day of October, in Wenyuan Pavilion, all the ministers bowed down and listened carefully.

"The Grand Canal is the lifeblood of the country, and the water transportation is the foundation of maintaining the fundamental government. Why are the departments and offices so negligent and allow this cancer to grow."

There are no more than ten people in the world who can say this, and there are only two who say this in Wenyuan Pavilion. Emperor Wanli did not speak, and the one who spoke was the first assistant Zhang Juzheng.

"Tianjin Acropolis is the gateway to the sea of ​​Gyeonggi, and it is also a transshipment hub. There are nearly ten thousand people on the bow of the boat, and there are demons mixed in. If there is a chaos, you can take a boat to the capital in a short time, and you will have elbows and armpits. At that time, the world will shake and panic. The country will be unstable, such a catastrophe is on the sidelines, and it is not known until the incident, why is this!!"

Zhang Juzheng's voice was not high, but it gradually rose. Every time a question was raised, everyone trembled involuntarily. Mr. Shoufu was always happy and angry, but today's expression was not enough to describe his face as livid.

That Wang Tong was really lucky. He thought he could be involved in this civil uprising, but he didn't expect it to be a great contribution.Everyone whispered in their hearts, but no one dared to speak.

"Why, don't you adults know?"

Zhang Juzheng's voice raised again, everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to speak out, but Shen Shixing hesitated for a while, stood up, and said loudly:
"Your Majesty, Elder Ge, my lords, Tianjin Acropolis has an arsenal workshop and grain storage. This time the rebels besieged the government office, but they didn't touch these two places. It shows that they have no intention of rebelling."

Hearing this, Wanli and Zhang Juzheng raised their eyebrows at the same time, and their expressions were both unfriendly. Generally speaking, the cause of rebellion is to capture the arsenal, obtain weapons and distribute them around, and coerce the people; secondly, it is to rob the granary and make long-term plans. There is nothing wrong with that, the problem is not the time to say this.

Shen Shixing continued:
"I checked the old files. Three years ago, Chuantouxiang also besieged the government office. This matter was lightly exposed, and no one brought it up again. It can be seen that it has become a habit for the rioters to gather crowds to intimidate the government. They did not intend to rebel, but they did. The anti-insurgency campaign, but Tianjin Acropolis was originally an important place in Zhili, with military preparations, food supervision, guards and generals, and the Qing army knew why it was ignored in all aspects, resulting in expansion and expansion. Whether there is connivance or collusion among them is unknown, it goes without saying that rioters should be punished severely, but officials must be held accountable and strictly enforced!!"

Only then did Zhang Juzheng nod his head slightly, but the others cursed secretly in their hearts, thinking that Shen Shixing, you are really a villain, it's fine if the people lose their heads, but you still have to implicate the officials.

"Your Majesty, what Zhang Gelao and Lord Shen said is true, but there is a nest of snakes and rats in Tianjin, deceiving the upper and lower, deceiving the saints, and also deceiving the princes. As a cabinet scholar and a minister of the Ministry of War, I have also failed to observe. The responsibility, I ask you to punish me!!"

After Zhang Siwei finished speaking, he knelt on the ground, and all the officials in the court immediately realized that they meant to put the responsibility on those officials in Tianjin, but that's all.

"Your Majesty, please punish me for my negligence..."

"Your Majesty, I am afraid and ashamed, please Your Majesty..."

For a while, the bigwigs in Wenyuan Pavilion knelt down to plead guilty. Zhang Juzheng lifted the hem of his court clothes, turned around and knelt down, kowtowed and blamed himself:
"I am the head of the cabinet, but I don't know that this chaos happened in the heart of my heart. I ask your majesty to punish me!"

After the little emperor saw this situation, he shook his head. Everyone said that he was guilty, but he couldn't do anything about it. However, the matter that he thought would take a lot of trouble went in this direction. Tianjin's Wang Tong is good.

"Why are Mr. Zhang and all the lovers doing this? Get up!"

Wanli eased his voice first, and then asked:
"However, since the tone of punishment has been set, how should Tianjin Wei deal with it? What do you ministers mean?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Panda, the military commander of Tianjin, neglected to supervise and dereliction of duty. The Metropolitan Procuratorate intends to fine him with salary for three years and demote him to see the effect..."

Lu Guangming, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, hastily stepped forward and said that although everyone does not rely on salary for food, the three-year fine and demotion mean that they will not be given any good jobs after completing this term. They even have to be sent to remote places to serve as officials. If they understand, they should invite themselves to serve after completing this post.

At this moment, Feng Bao, who had been standing by and waiting, suddenly said:

"Long live Lord, Supervising Grain Wandao is responsible for spying, but he is always ignorant. The servant girl asked the Lord Long Live for permission to send Dongchang to arrest him and return to Beijing to judge the crime. The servant girl is in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies, but the subordinates have such The matter is actually a negligence of responsibility and oversight, please punish me, Lord Long Live, so as to serve as an example to others."

"It's still Feng Dabangong Zhongtiguo, let's find out what you want to do! You have so many things to worry about inside and out, you can take care of that, and you can't be punished..."

Emperor Wanli said something with a smile, and Feng Bao knelt down to thank him again. When Emperor Wanli turned his head, his expression changed, and he said with a sneer:

"I have also heard a few stories made up in the market, such as Tianjin Wuyi Fighting Wangtong, and Wanmin petition. After reading the transcript below, I laughed so hard!!"

With the Secretary of Public Security, Emperor Wanli was well aware of the turmoil in the capital, and many courtiers, either openly or secretly, expressed evasion or admonishment, hoping to withdraw this institution, but none of them succeeded. If the little emperor said things, From an outsider's point of view, it looks really funny.

But what he said in this scene must have nothing to do with being funny. Even the smile disappeared from Emperor Wanli's face, and he continued:
"It's okay for the common people to be confused. Why are the officials from all over the capital and all over Tianjin so confused? Panda, the soldier of Tianjin, is even more affectionate. What water can carry a boat, what kind of righteous people in Tianjin , What does he think of himself as, is he still a loyal official of Daming on salary, or is he working for Chuantouxiang and Sanyang Sect..."

How could Lu Guangming of the Metropolitan Procuratorate not understand the question and answer between Cai Cai and Feng Bao just now? Da's regular filial piety is almost [-]% more than that of others, and his own boats are also more convenient.

Naihe said so far, no one knows what to do next, Lu Guangming didn't hesitate much, and said:
"What your Majesty said is that the minister is confused, and Panda, the military commander, will be dismissed immediately. Please ask a supervisor to inquire!!"

Only then did Emperor Wanli nod, but his eyes turned to Zhang Juzheng, and he glanced at Zhang Siwei. Everyone is a person with a clear mind, so how could they not understand what Wanli meant.

"Your Majesty, Li Dameng, the general in Tianjin, is responsible for guarding the land. Such civil disturbances are indifferent. If an enemy invades, what should I do? I think I should be dismissed on the spot and arrested in the capital for questioning!"

What Zhang Siwei said was categorical. Several civil and military officials in Tianjin were often mentioned in the capital these days, and all relevant officials remembered it clearly.

Just as Emperor Wanli was about to speak, Zhang Juzheng murmured and said:
"Your Majesty, Minister Li has some impressions. During the reign of Emperor Sejongsu, he followed Hu Zongxian to suppress Japanese in Nanzhili and Zhejiang. All the monsters are colluding, it's too stupid, I think it's just stupid, let's be dismissed and return home!"

"What Ge Lao said is, Your Majesty, it was the minister Menglang just now. After all, there is no other evidence other than negligence in supervision and negligence of responsibility. If you deal with it rashly, it will chill the hearts of the soldiers in the border town."

Emperor Wanli frowned, looked at Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei, his voice became colder, and he said:
"Officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Imperial Academy, and the heads of the Sixth Department had the most fun this time, and they kept saying that they were righteous, so everyone should be punished together!"

"Your Majesty, don't sin with speech. If you convict and punish people because of this matter, it will definitely block the way of speech and lead to unclear government affairs. According to what I see, a few words of admonition are enough. Although these people are wrong, they are speaking out of justice after all. , is the future pillar of Ming Dynasty..."

Panda was severely punished, but Zhang Juzheng refused to continue to expand the scope of attack. The civil unrest in Tianjin Acropolis had indeed touched the bottom line, but after the situation stabilized, the emperor could not let the emperor investigate, otherwise all the ministers in the court would have There is a possibility of being involved, so block it with words first.

Hearing this, Wanli heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair. People say that the Son of Heaven is the ruler of the world, but his family has no chance to do whatever he wants. Could it be that Tianjin Wei's matter can be exploited, but Zhang Juzheng still blocks it everywhere , Wanli is used to this process, he said with a normal expression:
"Since this is the case, I will leave this matter to Mr. Zhang to take care of it. However, Wang Tong of Qianhu calmly manages this matter, quells the civil unrest, and has made great achievements. There should also be a rule for how to reward him."

Zhang Juzheng's face darkened, he stepped forward and knelt down and said, "

"Your Majesty, I believe that although Wang Qianhu has made great achievements in quelling civil unrest, but as a royal guard, Qianhu has the responsibility of inspecting and monitoring. If he sits and watches the chaos, he is also guilty of negligence. What does His Majesty think?"

Emperor Wanli sat there, looked at Zhang Juzheng who was kneeling there, and then at everyone in Wenyuan Pavilion. He couldn't find anyone who supported him, or even a look of dissatisfaction.

"Just do as Elder Zhang Ge wants, everyone has nothing to do, let's leave today..."

After all the ministers finished their salutes, Wanli stood up with a peaceful face. When he turned around, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and then he stretched out his hand to cover it.

The fate of Panda, Wan Dao, and Li Dameng was determined in this way, but no one cared about it. Everyone locked up the three vacant positions, which were all fat and important positions.

The Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War gave out candidates on the second day. The candidates were relatively unknown to everyone, but after a little inquiring, they knew the details. They were all close friends of Mr. Zhang Ge. people.

Tianjin Weixiang is chaotic, and it is clear at a glance who has gained the most benefits.
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(End of this chapter)

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