Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 322 No Benefit 1 Talk

Chapter 322 A Talk Without Benefits
"...Shuntian Mansion, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Wucheng Bingmasi and other yamen will work together, but there is no sign of Sanyang Sect inside or outside the city..."

"Yu Jiyong, Wailang, a member of the household department, from Jiangling, Huguang, Jinshi in the second year of Longqing, 42 years old this year, his wife is You Qi's cousin, the meeting has been completed, and he will prepare for the Tianjin guards."

"Sun Zhibin, Jizhen coastal defense guerrilla, from Qixia, Dengzhou, Shandong, joined the army for 32 years in Jiajing, 48 years old this year, and was once the personal guard of Qi Jiguang, the chief officer of Jizhen."

"Xu Guang, chief supervisor of the imperial prison, from Hengshui, Beizhili, entered the palace in Jiajing 41, and is 46 years old this year. He is Feng Baoyi's son."

"...The decree was drafted by the cabinet, and the director of ceremonies approved the redemption on the [-]th day of October, and arrived in Tianjin on the [-]th day of October..."

In the study room, Wang Tong frowned as he looked at the manuscript from the capital. Some things could be shared with those around him. After he finished reading it, Yang Sichen next to him took it and handed it to Cai Nan, and the two of them read it together.

In addition to the information given to him by the Department of Public Security, Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong also exchanged private letters, and some personnel arrangements have long been known.

Originally, according to the previous correspondence, Wang Tong begged Emperor Wanli to clarify all the ambiguous rights and responsibilities of Tianjin Wei. .

The inspector is just a ninth-rank officer, and the guard is just a position. The routine is only held by a military officer of the sixth rank, but the patrol has the power to inspect and arrest, and the guard has the power to lead the guard. This is the same as the firearms supervisor. , Although the position is low, it has fame and real power.

However, Zhang Juzheng blocked these roads both during the court meeting and privately. If Emperor Wanli offered to reward those who made meritorious deeds, Wang Tong would have to be investigated for the crime of negligence of duty and oversight.

After all, Panda, Wan Dao, and Li Dameng were accused of negligence, and Wang Tong couldn't get rid of this responsibility. You said that you deliberately lured the snake out of the hole and brought the evidence.

Until the decree was issued, Wanli did not have the opportunity to raise the matter, so it passed vaguely. Since the matter of the gold flower and silver increase was raised, Wang Tong has sent 30 taels of silver to the capital intermittently in Tianjin. , Emperor Wanli was very embarrassed when he saw the silver and didn't get it for Wang Tong.

The private letter said so, could it be possible to get angry at the emperor, so he could only accept it like this, and he had to reply in a secret letter, saying thank you for His Majesty's protection, or he would be punished for negligence or something.

Tianjin Wei’s Xiangluan took out Chuantouxiang, a thorn in its side, and spent more than 6000 labors, but there are actually some clues of Chuantouxiang, which makes people feel a lump in their hearts.

There are more than 6000 laborers, and there are also thousands of people who can help with odd jobs. There are almost ten thousand mouths to eat. This is also a waste of money.

Not to mention that the newcomers are all close friends of Mr. Zhang Ge and Mr. Feng. As for Mr. Qi's people, no one in the world knows that Mr. Qi and Mr. Zhang Ge are one.

The people who came here are inherently hostile to him, and the errands in his hands are not justified, and he doesn't know how many troubles will arise in the future.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't get anything at all, but made wedding clothes for others.

When he got the secret letter from Wanli, he was already unhappy, but looking at the things sent by the Secretary of Public Security, Wang Tong's depression accumulated to a certain extent.

"Today, on the tenth day of October, just after the court meeting, Eunuch Zhang sent a fast horse to send it over. The news from your lord's side is really fast!"

Cai Nan jokingly said that he could tell that Wang Tong was not in a good mood.

Regarding Cai Nan's performance, Yang Sichen felt extremely surprised. It is said that this eunuch is a guy who adapts to the wind. He speaks in a manner and is completely like a servant.

"What's the use of having news? It's not like this."

Wang Tong said dejectedly, "Although Yang Sichen is calm on the surface, he is very surprised in his heart. You are still so dissatisfied that news from the palace is sent to you regularly. It is really impossible to use common sense to infer that Wang Tong's office in Tianjin, but Yang Sichen also I found a problem, my sense of existence is too weak.

Since coming here, he didn't show much performance, and was quickly positioned as the role of the book office. He studied the study of vertical and horizontal strategy hard, could it be just for this.

Yang Sichen thought about it, then stepped forward and said:
"My lord, Master Shen has also made efforts on this matter. According to the rules, Panda and Wan Dao are at best dealt with as fines. There is always a time to grope, and at this time, adults can arrange it calmly."

Wang Tong still shook his head, but said:
"Without your letter, I'm afraid there wouldn't even be this result. Mr. Yang, I need you to worry more about things inside and outside the house from now on."

Having said that, Yang Sichen bowed to the direction of the capital seriously, and then bowed to Wang Tong, and said seriously:

"My lord said that if I hadn't been taken in by my lord, the students wouldn't be where they are today. If it wasn't for this private letter, how would the students understand the love and care of Lord Shen? I was really confused that day. I thought about it first, and I feel extremely ashamed."

Because of the cause and effect of this letter, Yang Sichen was sure that Shen Shixing really valued him. Of course, if Wang Tong hadn't taken him in, he wouldn't have mentioned all of this.

Scholars have a lot of twists and turns. It is enough to talk about it. Wang Tong nodded and said:
"Our level here is not high, and it is an official office with a military position, but there are really a lot of things to add up in all aspects. Things like paperwork, account entry and exit must be straightened out, otherwise they will accumulate and become a mess in the end. If outsiders don't come to investigate, we will be in chaos first."

Few people in this era can pay attention to the importance of rules and procedures, which are the necessary conditions for formality and efficiency. Although Yang Sichen was born in Juren, his understanding of this may not be as good as that of Wang Tong, and he was rudely stunned there. , It took me a long time to think about this meaning.

What Wang said was plain, but the meaning in it was profound. Yang Sichen pondered for a while before cupping his fists and saying:
"The adults are far-sighted, and the students are amazed. How about allowing the students to plan for a few days, and then give the adults a draft?"

At the end of the story, I already had a bit of a wry smile. I was born in the imperial examination, and I read the books of sages. I only read about strategy in the past two years, but when I arrived in Tianjin, I found it was useless. The eunuch who was born in Li Nei Shutang is so much better than himself in how to do things and run errands.

From Tongsheng to Jinshi, this step is to read the Four Books and Five Classics, and there is nothing to do except reading, but the inner court entered the inner book hall and came out step by step, until there was a chance to work in the 24 Yamen, and even to the young prison, Eunuchs and even enlisted as supervisors of ceremonies, every step of the way has to do errands and do practical work, so the gap naturally widens like this.

What about Yang Sichen, whether he can use it for himself, still needs to be observed, but Wang Tong is not in a hurry, this incident can also see the sophistication of the princes in the court.

Not to mention that Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of rites, not only blocked Wang Tong's access to powerful officials, but also found positions for his own staff. Even Shen Shihang not only sold himself a The favor also sold Yang Sichen a favor, and Yang Sichen should be grateful to him.

Although Yang Sichen also wanted to do things for Wang Tong, but thinking about having such a person who didn't agree with him around him, it always made people feel uncomfortable and wary.

So first arrange some things for him to do. These things are difficult problems. If they are done well, everyone will be happy.

Although Wang Tong did need scribes, he had to be careful not to make mistakes.

Seeing that Yang Sichen went out after leaving, he was clearly in deep thought, Wang Tong smiled with satisfaction, turned his head and said to Cai Nan:
"Cai Jianjun, you are a supervisor now. If you can do some chores for others, let others do it. There are so many soldiers and horses outside the city, together with the 500 people drawn by Xiangzhong, quickly edit them into a roster and send them to Eunuch Zhang. Go, there is no name and no role here, don't give someone an excuse then."

"My lord Wang, please call me Xiao Cai. My lord calls this supervising army. I feel uncomfortable. I will deal with the roster immediately tomorrow, and show it to my lord for review as soon as possible."

"What's uncomfortable, you are the military supervisor now, if other people see me shouting at you, I don't know how many gossips I have, now I can't bear this."

Seeing Cai Nan standing up with a wry smile and explaining, Wang Tong couldn't help joking a few words. Cai Nan bent over and cupped his hands, and said with a smile:

"When I didn't arrive in Tianjin, my subordinates felt that I was not afraid of everything. Twenty years later, thirty years later, I entered the Supervisor of Rituals smoothly. Who would have thought that Eunuch Zou and his subordinates would be caught by someone after causing trouble. In the next 20 years, I might wash clothes at the Huanyi Bureau, and move jars at the Wine and Vinegar Noodle Bureau..."

Speaking of this, Cai Nan's throat was blocked, and her voice was a little hoarse. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth and said:
"Your Excellency took us in and let us take care of a lot of things. Everyone inside and outside respectfully called Mrs. Cai. I thought things would never repeat like this. I didn't expect another chance to supervise the army. Think carefully. The scenery of the capital also depends on the adults to make the restaurants and martial arts halls. Being able to be a military supervisor here also depends on the adults to make the soldiers and horses. Without adults, there are no small ones. You still have Be a servant, you little one, what do you want to call the supervising army, you really feel uncomfortable!"

Wang Tong pointed at Cai Nan, smiled but didn't say anything. Everyone knew everything, but when he said this, he thought of the three people who were questioned.

Wan Dao was arrested and brought back to the capital for questioning, Panda was dismissed for questioning, Li Dameng was dismissed and returned to his hometown, the first two were to be punished, and the latter returned to his hometown safe and sound. , nothing, military generals have no officials...

"Cai Jianjun, call Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang in!!"
I haven't eaten dinner yet, do you support me with monthly tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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