Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 323 A scholar is not as good as keeping people by the eunuch river

Chapter 323 A scholar is not as good as an eunuch
"Immediately send someone to watch outside the house of Panda, Wan Dao and Li Dameng. If the guess is correct, there may be some movement."

Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang are Wang Tong's personal friends, and they hurried to work as soon as they were ordered.

Cai Nan in the room was a little strange. Seeing that Wang Tong didn't tell her what he meant, she was about to cup her fists and say goodbye, but she didn't make a sound yet.

A personal soldier quickly ran in from the outside, "I have something urgent to report to your lord!" Wang Tong was in charge of guarding a battalion of 200 people, of which 100 people were in charge of the inner house. The news outside, except for a few leaders who could meet him directly. , Others must be passed on with these personal soldiers.

Kneeling at the door, the soldier quickly said:

"Wandao hanged himself!"

Wang Tong suddenly stood up from his seat, and he was actually guessed right. Cai Nan beside him also had a shocked expression on his face. Wang Tong took a breath and said:
"Cai Jianjun, you go to Wandao's side, and the soldiers guarding there have to ask one by one to see who they let in. I will go to Panda's mansion."

Cai Nan agreed, and hurried to go. Wang Tong shouted to prepare the horse, and walked out the door. His subordinates brought the mount here. Wang Tong got on the horse and ordered to the following soldiers:
"Tell Tan Bing to go to Li Dameng's side immediately, and he must see a living person!!"

After finishing speaking, he hurried out of the mansion directly and headed towards Panda's Bingbeidao official office.

The Acropolis of Tianjin is not big, and the distance is not far. When Wang Tong arrived at the gate of Panda's mansion on the Bingbei Road, he saw Jinyiwei's soldiers guarding there.

Seeing him coming, the battalion officer and two hundred households hurried over to salute. After Wang Tong got off his horse, he didn't say much, and said directly:
"Open the door, enter the mansion and talk!!"

The people below agreed, although there were Panda's guards at the gate of the Bingbei Road, but seeing the ferocious brocade guards approaching, they dared to block them there, not to mention being surrounded outside for a few days, the killing that day shocked these guards, at this time They are just for show.

Wang Tong strode forward, and the soldiers behind him lined up to enter. Seeing these people coming in, the masters and the book office in the hall were all panicked.

Although the outside is blocked, the Bingbei Dao official office should be working normally, but there is no sign of Panda in the lobby or the second hall, so he grabbed a random person and asked, and he said that Panda hadn't come out for work for a few days.

Could it be that he ran away? Wang Tong looked back, and the following Baihu shook his head, and said with certainty:

"Our people in the mansion are watching. Panda must not have left the mansion these days."

The official office in front could not be found, but when we got to the private house in the back, the front was in a panic, and the maids and servants in the back saw the guards in brocade clothes coming in, and the timid ones cried loudly.

People in the capital are familiar with this scene. Jin Yiwei came to the door in such a threatening manner, could it be that he came to search the house to ask for crimes...

Eunuchs are extreme, often a bit cruel, but this literati has no courage, Wan Dao committed suicide, but this Master Pan was drunk in the study.

After entering the study room, Wang Tong frowned as he was greeted by the stench of alcohol. The two young women screamed and ran to the back, but Panda lay unconscious on the wine table.

Wang Tong took a few steps forward and pulled Panda out. Someone next to him handed over a pot of herbal tea. Wang Tong took it and splashed it all on Panda's face. Then Panda opened his eyes in a daze. Tong asked with a sneer:

"Master Pan, Eunuch Wan hanged himself."

Panda opened his eyes with difficulty, saw that it was Wang Tong, couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed vaguely:

"I have studied hard in the cold window, and finally won the gold list. I want to enjoy this glory and fame, but you vulgar warriors just rely on your favor to suppress me everywhere. Even if you come here, it will never end. I just want to Live a rich day..."

Before he finished speaking, he came to his senses, his eyes widened suddenly, his limp body trembled violently, and even Wang Tong couldn't grasp it with all his strength.

Panda stretched out his hand in a panic, blocked Wang Tong's arm, took two steps back, but tripped over the round stool, fell to the ground, struggled to sit up, and said in a hoarse cry:
"As for death, for death, no one in the imperial court, from the elder Zhang Ge to the lowly officials below, doesn't take money. I just set aside some boats to buy and sell some private salt. It's nothing more than dismissal from office. unto death, sin not unto death..."

His eyes were blurred, the corners of his mouth were drooling, and he didn't know it. The dignified look he usually saw was completely gone. Wang Tong took a few careful glances, and finally confirmed that Panda had collapsed.

The sea ships brought in grain, and the tank ships were emptied, and the tank ships were exempted from inspection and tax, and smuggled salt upstream and downstream. Isn’t there a Changlu salt field more than a hundred miles south of Tianjin Wei?
This illicit salt enters Shandong along the canal, then enters Henan along the Yellow River, sells it along the way, and then brings back the special products of Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan. Among them, mercury is a special product of Shanxi and Shaanxi, and deerskin can also be collected nearby. provinces, oxtail medicine is the best in Shanshan.

It's really a complete industrial chain, but Daming didn't get a penny from it. Pirates, Japanese pirates, local tyrants, and demons of cults all relied on this wealth to grow and grow, becoming a cancer on Daming's body.

After Panda who was sitting on the ground said a few words hoarsely, he vomited out with a wow. The smell in the room was even more disgusting, but Panda didn't notice it at all, and sat there crying loudly.

Wang Tong stared at him in disgust, and said:
"Master Pan is not in good spirits. Most of the people in the mansion are women and children. It is inevitable that they will not be able to take care of them. Let twenty soldiers enter the mansion to take care of them. Always be with Mr. Pan. Don't make any mistakes!"

The hundred households who followed hurriedly bowed and agreed, and Wang Tong didn't want to stay in this room any longer, so he turned around and walked out the door. Sun Dahai, who had just rushed over, stepped forward and asked:
"My lord, put this Panda up first."

"No, it will take a few days for the decree to come down, and it will be sent to the capital for punishment. Wan Dao's house and here should be closely watched, and no one or anything will come in or out."

Just as he got on his horse and was about to leave, another Zhang Shiqiang rode over from the other direction of the street, approached him and said in a low voice:

"My lord, Wan Dao was hanged this morning."

"Look tight over there, no one is allowed to enter or leave from now on, and all the policemen under Wan Dao will be arrested, let's do it!"

After giving an order, Wang Tong rode away on his own, and the people behind him didn't notice, Wang Tong's face was gloomy and terrifying.

He knew the news in advance by relying on the Secretary of Public Security and secret letters with the emperor, and the Sanyang Sect or those behind them also knew the news in advance.

Calculating from the time when the news reached Tianjin Wei, the source of the other party's news might be at the same level as his own, that is to say, it also came from the palace, and he was also a high-level person.

This conjecture cannot be told rashly to Emperor Wanli, otherwise, if it is not handled properly, it will anger all aspects of the palace, and everything will be closed at that time.

After returning to his mansion, orders were issued one after another, and the guards in the Tianjin Acropolis, the training camp outside the city and the Haihe River were all strengthened.

Especially in the place where the incense congregation gathers, Wang Tong even gave an order to kill people immediately if there is a slight change, so that no chaos can be allowed to happen.

Panda collapsed, Wan Dao committed suicide, and Li Dameng, the general in charge of Tianjin, obviously also knew the news.

"Master, Li Dameng started at noon. Some of his generals seemed to have cried, and some went to kowtow in front of Li Dameng's hall, and some were preparing chariots and horses."

"Send someone to keep an eye on it, you go out first, and I will be quiet for a while!"

Among the group of guys brought by Zhang Shiqiang in Tongzhou, one of them worked as an errand in the mansion of General Li Can.

The door of the study was closed, Wang Tong took a few deep breaths, and tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically.

Li Dameng was dismissed from office and returned to his hometown. In other words, he did not have any crimes on him, and it was no different from being an official. , Dismissing some of the family's generals and soldiers, it means that there are still people who want to follow.

The officers and soldiers who have been fighting for a long time must be a group of people who hate themselves deeply. If they are allowed to leave Tianjin, it will be a serious disaster.

Moreover, these people know how to train troops and how to march and form formations. Such a group of tiger and wolf warriors were recruited, or they were going to defect to those forces with ulterior motives this time.

Wang Tong slammed the table hard and shouted loudly:
"Come here, there is an urgent order!!"

Even in the general's mansion, if you don't pay attention to observe, you will feel that there is no difference.

General Li Shen's personal soldiers did not live in the mansion, and the main courtyard of Li Dameng's private house was where Li Dameng practiced martial arts, so the family servants would not come close easily.

Li Dameng had to go to the barracks every night, which was also a habit. The servants prepared their horses according to the rules, and they were followed by their own personal guards.

The mansion is only a few hundred steps away from the barracks. General Li Shen walked towards the river with his men after he left the door. Naturally, no one came to ask. People in the mansion thought he had gone to the barracks. The people in the barracks Thought he wasn't here yet.

A group of people walked quietly, and they could already see the red lights hanging from the boats on the shore. After seeing the red lights, Li Dameng breathed a sigh of relief. There was also some commotion around him, obviously his subordinates were also a little relaxed.

At this moment, several knights rushed up the road from the side of the road and stood in front of them. In astonishment, the leader said loudly:
"Did Mr. Li think that the imperial court might issue an order to question and arrest him, so he left first? Please rest assured, the imperial court's decree is to dismiss you, and there is no other punishment."

Saying this at this moment seemed to be joking, how could Li Shen's team listen, and shouted a few times, all of them had already drawn their weapons in their hands! ——
Thank you everyone, I really don’t have the energy to issue a single chapter to ask for votes, so can I vote?
(End of this chapter)

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