Chapter 324

I thought that I was the first to receive the news, and the order of the imperial court has not yet come down, and my family is still free, and no one cares when I leave at this time.

I didn't expect that I thought everything was done in secret, but I saw someone stop me halfway.

In the middle of the night, when the lights were dark and the lights were dark, the other party was so calmly riding on the road and blocking the road, and he didn't notice it beforehand, it was really shocking.

These personal soldiers and generals of our own family, although they have not fought bloody battles a few times, they still eat delicious food and drink, and they practice every day with sufficient pay. up.

Li Dameng cursed inwardly, feeling that something was wrong, could it be that the other side wanted to silence him, but that was wrong, if it was silenced, wouldn't it be better to get on the boat and then do it.

"Master Li, Eunuch Wan, and Lord Pan have always been on good terms. Eunuch Wan has gone today, and Lord Pan has gone crazy today. There must be something hidden in it. If Lord Li can tell, he won't dare to say that he was promoted, and the official will be reinstated..."

While chattering over there, Li Shenjiang stretched out his hand and patted the person around him, and the soldier beside him knew it, and he moved his bow and set his arrow deftly.

It shot at the few black shadows in front of it. Although it looked vaguely at night, this image was enough to aim at.

With a sharp whistle of "嗖", the arrows flew out quickly. This sound seemed to be an order, and the soldiers around Li Shen raised their bows and arrows, and shot towards that side.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded continuously, and the sound of arrows shooting into the shield, the opponent had already been prepared, and the knights ran down the road after shooting a round of arrows.

"Master Li is a good archer. Do you still remember the broken street outside the city next to the barren beach?"

Hearing this, General Li Shen immediately came to his senses, drew out his knife immediately, and roared loudly:
"Wang Tong, you bastard, there is no me today!!"

"After today, there will be no you, Li Dameng, in the world!!"

Li Dameng's men took out their weapons but they didn't know where the opponent was. Wang Tong shouted one last time and finally found out that he was on the right side of the team.

If you didn't pay attention, you might think it was a firefly, but in this season, how could there be fireflies? When the breeze stopped, someone on Li Dameng's side shouted:

"Such a strong saltpeter smell..."

It was too late to react, and the dots of flames flew over with howling, but instead of shooting at the horses, they shot at the side of the road.

"嗤嗤" repeatedly, sharp-eyed can see the fire-wrapped arrows shot into the hay bales, as soon as the fire and the hay came into contact, they immediately ignited, and the burning so fast was naturally due to the saltpeter.

There are straw bales prepared by the roadside and where the knights who blocked the road just now stayed.

The fire suddenly lit up, and the horses who had walked for a while on the night road were already used to the darkness, but suddenly it was bright, and the horses' eyes could not adapt, and they were all frightened.

Not to mention the horses, even the first reaction of General Li Shen and the others was to subconsciously cover their eyes.

In the dark night, the road was bright, but the rest of the place was dark. Li Shen immediately exposed these people and became the most conspicuous target.

The dense roar of arrows sounded at this moment. Li Shenjiang raised his knife with a roar, but then it fell down weakly, and a long arrow shot right through his neck.

The chief general of his own family fell off his horse, and the rest of the soldiers and generals didn't even care about it. The arrow rain was dense, accurate and fast, and from time to time someone screamed and fell off the horse.

"It's a tartar!!"

Someone discovered that the arrow was a short arrow, and shouted loudly there, but the consequence of shouting loudly was to expose himself more easily, and then the archer would aim at him.

Seeing that his main general was shot to death, General Li's family had no intention of fighting, but the arrows rained heavily on both sides, and there was no chance of escaping.

In less than two rounds, the people in the outer circle had been shot down, and the rest of the people got off their horses one after another and used the horses as a barrier to avoid them, but this protection would not last long.

The archers on both sides have precise arrow skills. If a person hides behind a horse, the horse will be shot to death immediately. The short arrows are shot quickly, but it is the Ming standard long arrows that kill people.

The fire on the straw pile gradually dimmed, and there were only five survivors left in General Li Shen's group. These people lay down, covered their bodies with shields and horse corpses, and did not dare to move.

The rain of arrows stopped, and so did the screams. General Li Shen's remaining subordinates still didn't dare to move, and they couldn't even hear the painful groans around them. If they were to be placed on the battlefield, the people injured by the arrows would still scream , but now almost everyone around him is dead.

"Our brothers are just eating food and serving as soldiers. Please, masters, give us a way out!!"

The remnant soldiers trembled and begged for mercy, but no one paid attention to them. Instead, they could hear footsteps approaching, and someone shouted:
"Every corpse is stabbed with a knife, so as to die completely!!"

Hearing these words, a few remnant soldiers who were lucky enough to jump up with their weapons in their hands, only to see men in armor with spears and broadswords in their hands had already surrounded them.

"Pull out all the arrows, without leaving any traces, the corpses will be piled up together!!"

The smell of fireworks and blood wafted in the air, and Wang Tong gave orders loudly while poking at the corpses on the ground with a knife.

Sniping and killing Li Dameng is no small matter, after all, the order has not been made, and he is still an official of the court, but if he does not take action at this time, Li Dameng will escape, not only cannot be found, but also a serious problem.

Wang Tong mobilized all his family members, and brought over a dozen generals from the Tan family, as well as a few trusted servants.

Although the number of people is less than sixty, those villagers and the generals of the Tan family are all good bows and arrows. Ambushing on both sides, not fighting in front of the formation, those villagers from the grassland can shoot with short bows in their hands. As for the generals of the Tan family, for every arrow shot, one life must be taken away.

After the sniping, the corpses and traces must be cleaned up, otherwise people will find the clues and track them down, it will be a catastrophe.

Wang Tong asked people to deal with it, and at the same time, he personally checked each corpse to see if there were any arrows that had not been pulled out.

Li Dameng was the first to be shot to death. When Wang Tong walked over, he saw General Tan standing there watching quietly. Hearing the sound of footsteps, General Tan turned his head and said:
"Master, the bows held by Li Dameng's personal soldiers are the same as the bows and arrows that were used to kill the master on the street that day. To shoot bows and arrows, you must use familiar household items. The master's judgment is right, it is indeed the one sent by Li Dameng. hand."

With a tired voice, he suddenly stepped on Li Dameng's head, pulled out the arrow, drew out the knife and slashed it, and said hoarsely:

"We have 17 brothers who were born and died in Nanzhili, Zhejiang Province. We fought Japanese pirates to the death, and fought with Tartars in Jizhen. God bless our brothers. None of us died. We sent the boss away and came to serve him again. Master, you never thought that our brother’s life did not die on the battlefield, but died in the hands of Daming’s own generals, and he would not close his eyes when he got to Lord Yan’s side!!”

In the end, his throat was blocked by crying, and he was speechless. The battlefield was almost cleaned, and the dealers and servants had already lit torches and went to both sides of the road to see if there were any scattered arrows.

This is also because the dealers and family generals are so bold that they shoot in the middle on both sides of the road. Although both sides are at an oblique angle, they will hurt their family members if they are not careful.

The generals of the Tan family have already gathered here. Under the light of the torch, Tan Bing's eyes were red, and he didn't say a word there. Tan Jian was already crying there, and Tan Gong hissed:

"Seventh Brother, Twelfth Brother, Fifteenth Brother, Eldest Brother shot the culprit to death with his own hands, to avenge you, you can also sleep a wink, first go serve the boss..."

Speaking of this, Tan Gong couldn't help but cover his eyes, choked up and couldn't speak.

Wang Tong was also a little bit embarrassed, it was the first time he had seen such a scene of revenge and the true friendship between brothers and comrades.

After everyone vented their emotions, Wang Tong said:
"The hatred of the three brothers has been avenged, and their spirits in the sky are relieved. Let's clean up this place and go to the training camp first!!"

Each of the generals of the Tan family chopped a knife on Li Dameng's corpse, and the servants over there had already carried the corpse together, and piled up some dead wood and grass nearby.

Tan Jiang shook his head, turned around and said in a rough voice:

"Our brothers can avenge this revenge, all rely on the master's deeds, if there is no master, I'm afraid I will let this person go, master, I will pay homage to you!!"

After all, Li Dameng has the identity of an official, even if he is dismissed, he can't do it at will. If Wang Tong didn't set up a trap to kill him, he might have no hope of revenge in this life.

"Master, we are all members of the Wang family, but now our surname is Tan. Please allow me to let the children follow the surname of Wang..."

The Tan family will always put themselves in the position of assisting and helping, instead of treating themselves as servants, but today they have completely shown their loyalty.

Wang Tong smiled, reached out and patted his heart, and said with a smile:

"Why change your surname, the days will be long in the future, what we look at is not what your surname is, but what you think in your heart and how you do things!!"

The generals of the Tan family looked up at Wang Tong, and bowed deeply again.

The corpses and firewood were piled together, the servants and farmers had already checked, the boat waiting by the river was already on fire, Wang Tong casually threw the torch in his hand.

Throwing more than a dozen torches, the flames started to burn immediately, and when the fire engulfed the corpse, the farmer and servants continued to throw firewood into it, making the fire more and more intense.

The burnt smell in the air is getting stronger and stronger. With this momentum, the corpse will be burnt so that nothing can be seen, and there will be no traces.

On October [-]th, the family of Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin, reported to the officials that Li Dameng was missing.

On October [-]th, the decree arrived at Tianjin Acropolis.
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(End of this chapter)

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