Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 325 Where is the Gold and Silver?

Chapter 325 Where is the Gold and Silver?
The Weixiang chaos in Tianjin, which was thought to cause an uproar, subsided like this.

The soldiers who were newly sent to Tianjin Guards to prepare for the military affairs, supervise food supplies, and guard generals also had a rough idea of ​​how their predecessors fell. .

You rely on Mr. Zhang Ge, I am Eunuch Feng's man, but Wang Tong is still the emperor's playmate, he is the most trusted one right now, the young emperor and young minister, I don't know what the future will be in the future!

With this understanding and the fact that the new official took office, he was a lot more careful when he came here, everything was cautious and low-key.

The construction progress on both sides of the Haihe River has accelerated a lot, and it will snow and freeze in about half a month. At this time, all projects will stop, and at most it will be dredging the silt of the Haihe River and the canal.

But at this time, when you take a boat into the Haihe River, you can see that the warehouses on both sides of the river and the rows of shops near the river have already taken shape.

The goods on the sea ship are unloaded by small boats, directly stacked in the warehouses and yards on the shore, and sold in the nearby shops, and then sold.

The transportation distance is short, and the loading and unloading costs are low. Although there are taxes and fees and Ping An brand money, there is no delay in work, and the work is straightforward.

The miscellaneous money and other money are gone, and it saves time. The sea merchants calculate this account. The situation of on-time unloading is much better.

As for those merchants who have opened stores, they can buy high-quality and cheap southern goods and foreign goods nearby. They are branch stores, and they can be directly transported back by water through the Haihe River and the Canal. It is also very convenient to buy.

On the bank of the Hai River, even though the shop is not owned by the family, the rent is not high. Everything is convenient. There are also warehouses and yards, as well as labor for loading and unloading. No harassment.

Except for those Xiangxiang people in the bow of the boat who are doing their best, this is a completely happy situation.

After Bingbeidao Panda’s house was ransacked, all items were deducted, almost 16 taels of silver, and Wandao had 12 taels of silver. After everything was registered, Wang Tong sent all of them to the capital for supply to the inner treasury.

Calculated in this way, Wang Tong has completed [-]% of the increase in gold flowers and silver. However, the princes in the capital have passed their anger in private. If there is any silver from the house to be sent over, they must stop this practice. , if you do this, the property of the officials will be confiscated to enrich the internal treasury, and the world will be in chaos.

There is another layer of meaning that everyone tacitly understands, what to do if you find out about yourself, what to do if you find out about your cronies and family members, this trend must not rise.

For the more than one hundred empty tank boats mentioned by Wang Tong, the questioning of the sailors and the bow of the ship made little progress, and nothing was found at all.

These boatmen only said that they were just obeying orders to sail the boat, go to various places along the waterway, unload the bags of grain on the boat, and then load other goods, and they didn't know anything else.

The weight and shape of the salt bag and the grain bag must look different, but the boatmen and sailors bit their words to death, and they did obey orders, and the person who asked was helpless.

Everyone knows that trafficking in illicit salt is what everyone is doing, but it must not be said on the table, more than 100 ships of illicit salt, such a crime may not be solved by beheading.

Jin Yiwei's inquiry to the boatmen was less than three days old, and Wang Tong received various reports saying that Panda's madness and Wan Dao's suicide had frightened the officials of Bingbei Road and the Ministry of Household Transshipment Department to death. The brave man who didn't know where he came from was entangled with the Jinyiwei official office and Wang Tong's mansion all day long.

What did they say that the Jiangbei River was about to freeze, and the boats had to return to the south as soon as possible, or else it would delay the transportation of grain to the north next year, and even delay the transshipment of the North Zhili.

When he received a private letter from Zhang Cheng in the palace and a close friend of Qi Jiguang, the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, Wang Tong had no choice but to let him go. The salt government and salt tax were involved in the Ming Dynasty. Going in, the roots are tangled in every direction, and the water is too deep.

It is indeed helpless to say that Wang Tong no longer pursues the matter of illegal salt trafficking. The capital's constant accusations against Wang Tong, especially the criticism of Wang Tong's opening of the sea to tax the two things have temporarily stopped. Knowing is not a reward.

The combined property of Panda and Wan Dao is nearly 30 taels. I don't know how much property Li Dameng has, but Li Dameng's two sons are dudes who are good at playing with women, but his father's martial arts have not been inherited at all.

With the order of dismissal, the two sons dismissed all the soldiers and generals in the family. These people have to spend enough money to feed and drink enough to support them every year, and the cost is really too high.

Without the thought of revenge and the ability to revenge, there is no threat at all. Wang Tong didn't bother to pay attention to it, and he didn't make any decisions about the property left by his family.

However, the family property of these three people is estimated to be around 50 taels. Although this amount is astonishing, these three people have stayed in Tianjin for almost five years.

Such a large-scale smuggling of smuggled salt, as well as the profits from the sea, how much did they earn? It’s not just 50 taels. These three people are just providing various conveniences for these things, providing overt and covert protection, that’s all. The real number of big heads is even more astonishing, but the money of this big head is not known in whose hands.

Who is taking such a huge wealth and what to do with it, which really makes people feel uneasy.

There are probably three directions of suspicion, Jinhe, Tonghai and Yongsheng. Seven days after the Jinhe warehouse was bombarded, the store and goods were transferred at a low price, the local employees were dismissed, and the people sent by the head office returned to the head office. shop, they are not counted, Tong Hai and Yong Sheng are two big businessmen.

Tonghai Warehouse was closed before the Xiangchao, but Yongsheng Warehouse is now open for business, and even rented a few good locations on both sides of the Haihe River.

Speaking of it, Tonghai Warehouse was the most suspect, but people went to the store and found nothing, but there was no way to find out about Yongsheng Warehouse, because the boss behind Yongsheng Warehouse was Yongsheng Bofang Qianli.

Yong Shengbo Fang Qianli's ancestors were granted the title of Marquis, and later his grandfather's generation lost his title. He fought with local barbarians in Datong Town with real knives and real guns, and gained an official position by virtue of his military exploits.

However, Uncle Yong Sheng's position was not earned through military exploits, but because his granddaughter was engaged to King Lu, so he had to be made an earl and then recuperate at home.

The royal family should marry a daughter from a poor family and a good family. This is the ancestral precept of the Ming Dynasty. However, the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li loves her youngest son and wants to find someone who can help her. Fang Qianli, who is a nice granddaughter, is here.

As far as Wang Tong is concerned, since King Lu is involved, he must be cautious. The royal family is also Wanli's brother. If he makes a mistake, he will be crushed to pieces.

Moreover, Wang Tong was just speculating, without any hard evidence. After thinking about it, Wang Tong still didn't write these things down in the secret letter.

There is another reason, Wanli got married...

The emperor's wedding is the most important thing in the world, but in the early winter of the sixth year of Wanli, everyone didn't take it seriously.

Now the master of the Ming Empire is Empress Dowager Li, Elder Zhang Ge, and Eunuch Feng, except that it is not Emperor Wanli, an emperor who has worked hard to maintain even his cronies in Tianjin, and has to look at the expression of the chief assistant at the court meeting. A person who can call the shots.

On the surface, it is natural to do the scenery. The Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households and the 24 yamen in the palace have been preparing for it early, determining the etiquette, process, allocating special expenses, and determining the officials who will preside over the wedding.

Minister of Rites, Shen Shixing, has devoted all his energy to this during these days. Apart from a few words at the court meeting, he has not participated in the slightest of things that happened in Tianjin.

This performance made Empress Dowager Li appreciate him quite a bit, saying that everyone went to seek camps in order to arrange for their cronies and cronies, but it was rare that Shen Shixing was still busy with practical work.

On the night of October 25th, in the Forbidden City, the rarely noisy palace returned to normal tranquility.

Wanli and his new wife, Queen Wang, both took off their formal attire and put on ordinary clothes.

The emperor's wedding is naturally different from the common people's wedding. It is less festive, but has annoying and complicated etiquette. Even when entering the bridal chamber, the emperor and the empress took off their gowns and put on ordinary clothes, and went to the bedside of the bedroom together. This process was accompanied by court ladies and eunuchs, and some people sang the ceremony with a prolonged voice.

Finally, there were only two people left in the house, but Wanli was not interested at all. The bride is fourteen years old this year, two years younger than him. As usual, she chooses a girl from an innocent family in the capital.

Emperor Wanli, who had known about men and women for a long time, had no interest in this girl who could only be described as dignified. Seeing the girl's silent appearance always reminded him of those ministers in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Glancing sideways, Wanli turned his head bored, and Queen Wang was there quietly, completely following the etiquette taught by the eunuchs and nuns.

The bridal chamber was so quiet for a while, Emperor Wanli stood up, and the Queen Wang and Empress beside him moved subconsciously, Wanli waved his hand to indicate that nothing happened, but walked out the door by himself.

Opening the door, the eunuchs and maids serving outside looked at him with rather surprised eyes. Emperor Wanli ignored him, and felt the depression in his heart dissipated a lot when the cold wind outside.

Whether there is a queen or not, it seems that there is not much difference. Then what are the benefits of this big marriage? Emperor Wanli thought about it in his mind. He suddenly thought of one thing. You don't have to have dinner together.

You don't have to meet each other every day, you don't have to answer inquiries every day, you can arrange your own time, and you can do what you want...

A big marriage is also good, and a smile appeared on Wanli's face.

(End of this chapter)

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