Chapter 326

When the people get married, everyone has to follow suit. When the emperor gets married, the courtiers just write a congratulatory form.

On the contrary, nobles and vassal kings from all over the world have to spend a lot of time on gifts, but they are all high-end goods. If the gifts are really expensive and special, I can’t guarantee what the empress dowager and the big brothers think. Are you searching too hard? , the bigger possibility is that you have too many good things in your hand, which will be coveted by everyone.

Wang Tong, as one of the thousand households of Jinyiwei, was not even allowed to write a congratulatory form according to his official rank, but the actual situation is here, and a congratulations in empty words would not be justified.

On the day before the wedding, Wang Tong's congratulatory gift was personally delivered to Emperor Wanli's desk by Zhao Jinliang.

It's not gold and silver treasures, nor is it a rare specialty, just a few thick books and account books.

There are a total of five battalions of one thousand households of Tianjin Jinyiwei, and the roster of fifteen battalions of the Huwei Army, as well as the account books of tax collection along the river and maritime trade on Tianjin Wei side.

Wang Tong himself had the same set of soldiers and horses, nothing more than seven battalions of main soldiers and thirteen reserve troops, but formally speaking, Jinyiwei only had a thousand-member staff, and the rest were the so-called Huwei Army.

The Tiger's Mighty Army has no designation and organization so far, but this is a matter mentioned when leaving the capital. Since the emperor has an impression, he is not afraid of someone talking about the official organization.

The performance of these soldiers and horses under his command will naturally bring the news to all parts of the capital, and Wanli will also know that the spirit and spirit shown by the army will surely satisfy everyone from all walks of life.

However, Emperor Wanli's reaction when he saw these rosters was happier than hearing Tianjin Jinyiwei's brave performance.

About the thousand households of Jinyiwei, about all aspects of the Tiger's Mighty Army, personnel, equipment, and establishment, are clearly recorded in the roster.

With this booklet, you can understand everything about the 1000 members of Jinyiwei in Tianjin and the 3000 members of the Tiger's Mighty Army. If there is a personnel change, an ordinary official can control the Tiger's Mighty Army.

The financial resources are even more clear, how to distribute taxes everywhere, how much income, how much will be sent to the capital, how much will be used for military pay, how much will be invested in workshops, how much will be used for infrastructure, and so on.

The meaning of this account book is similar to that of the army's roster, and it is also clearly explained. As long as you want to take it, you can send someone to take over these accounts at any time.

Emperor Wanli was very careful. He specially asked Zhang Cheng to call the eunuch who settled the accounts in the palace to check the accounts, and the results came out quickly, saying that there were no omissions in everything.

If you want to check further, you need someone to go to the field to see it. This result has satisfied Emperor Wanli very much. A large sum of money was delivered to the palace, and the eyeliners sent by all parties said that Wang The general life is simple, and the accounts are so clear, there will be no greed.

Thinking about it from another angle, to achieve this point, Emperor Wanli would rather Wang Tong be more greedy for ink, why should he live in such a poor life? Everyone who turned a blind eye to it knew it.

Seeing these rosters, Emperor Wanli was not happy because everything was clear, nor was it because of Wang Tong's bravery and wealth.

The significance of these rosters is that Emperor Wanli can take over at any time, Tianjin Wei's army and taxation, he can get it whenever he wants.

In other words, this is his power and wealth that belongs entirely to him.

Emperor Wanli was the emperor of Ming Dynasty, but he was also a bare emperor with no power and power. All the military power, financial power, and personnel power were in the hands of the Queen Mother, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.

I don't have my own strength, I don't have my own organization, I don't dare to speak loudly, and I have to calculate other people's reactions in everything I do.

Since meeting Wang Tong, all this has changed. Wang Tong first created the Department of Public Security, and Emperor Wanli finally had his own intelligence channel without having to rely on Feng Bao's Dongchang and Zhang Juzheng's Jinyiwei. Now there is Tianjin When the little emperor looked at the roster and ledger, the smile on his face never disappeared. If it wasn't for someone beside him, he might have stood up and shouted happily.

Why did the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li hand over all the powers of the inner court to Feng Bao, but the Imperial Horse Supervisor was firmly in his hands? Appointing people who are close to him is because military power is very important.

I remember when I was in the Huwei Martial Arts Academy, Wang Tong once said in a chat that "power grows out of the handle of a knife".

On weekdays, Emperor Wanli was tired of listening to the courtiers talking about the government affairs for half an hour in Wenyuan Pavilion, but today he received Wang Tong's 'bridal gift' and looked at it carefully for two hours without saying a word.

Zhang Cheng has been standing quietly by the side. Wang Tong's congratulatory gift did not surprise him. How much money Wang Tong can collect and how many soldiers he has raised are all under the investigation of Dongchang and Jinyiwei. There are many.

Just now I habitually reviewed what Wang Tong did, but I still couldn't help but be surprised. He is only a 15-year-old kid, how could he make such a big deal.

He was the one who created the Department of Public Security, and he raised the additional 100 million income in the palace, and now he has trained such a useful army. Could it be that this person really has Su Hui?

Moreover, Wang Tong is very knowledgeable, he has a lot of power, but he actively asks for the separation of power, and takes the initiative to explain to the higher authorities. This method can eliminate the suspicion of him from the higher authorities, and can also deepen his trust.

The soldiers, horses and wealth are all in Tianjin, so the emperor will definitely not take care of them himself. The most trusted person is Wang Tong. After all, isn’t he still in charge?

After pondering over and over again, apart from admiration and astonishment, Zhang Cheng only came to a conclusion that Wang Tong's future is really great. Now that he is so useful, he still doesn't know what will happen in the future. .

"Long Live Lord, it's getting dark, and the slaves are coming in to light the lamps."

When he realized it, it was already very dark outside, Zhao Jinliang greeted him in a low voice outside, Wanli then looked away from Wang Tong's "congratulatory gift", patted the table excitedly, and said:
"Zhang Banban, make a decree of Dao. In the future, don't send all the money collected by Wang Tong to my side. Keep more for yourself. It's also for my own good that the Tiger's Mighty Army will grow bigger and better. Spend this Silver, I am very happy!"

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and said in a low voice:

"Long Live Lord, it doesn't matter if you give more money to Tianjin, but this Tiger's Mighty Army is doing big things, and Long Live Lord don't mention it from now on, just understand it in your heart."

Emperor Wanli was excited at first, but when he was told this, his face immediately became gloomy, but there were too many such things, but then the little emperor sighed, and asked in a deep voice:

"The widow is enthusiastic about raising soldiers and horses, but the Queen Mother and Mr. Zhang can't see it!?"

Hearing these words, even the wry smile disappeared from Zhang Cheng's face, he bowed his body, and said in a low voice:
"There is nothing more holy than Lord Long Live. The Imperial Horse Supervisor and the avant-garde guards of the government army are placed inside and outside the imperial city, and the rest of the guards and battalions are also inside and outside the capital. Lord Long Live, you are so concerned about Tianjin, don't you feel worried about this side? It means that although Wang Tong is worthy of the favor of Lord Long Live, if the Queen Mother and Mr. Zhang think too much..."

There was no light in the house, and it was dark outside, so I couldn't see what Wanli's expression was like, so I was silent for a while before opening my mouth and saying:
"Then let's make a plan to ask Wang Tong to keep more money!"

"Long Live Lord, this servant risked his life to say something. The day after tomorrow is the day of Long Live Lord's wedding. The two empress dowagers are watching closely. If Long Live Lord makes such a decree, Wang Tong may be..."

"It's so dark, why are you still dawdling outside! Quickly turn on the lamp!!"

Emperor Wanli did not answer, but suddenly shouted to the outside, Zhao Jinliang hurriedly opened the door, and ran in with a candle.

Zhang Cheng didn't speak, but stretched out his hand and started sorting out the files on the desk.

It was already the second day of November when the Central Decree was received from the capital, and the proportion of tax and silver collected by Tianjin could be increased from half to [-]%. However, this decree has not been countersigned by the cabinet. Strictly speaking, , officials can refuse, so it is called Zhongzhi.

However, Wang Tong is a military officer, and the money collected is sent directly to the inner treasury of the palace, and there are no civil servants in the middle, so the effect of the decree is really useful.

Wang Tong collected tax money, he was not greedy, and sent most of it to the palace, and the palace couldn't see it. On one side was the palace, a family of Jinyiwei from Tianjin Wei, and the palace took almost all of it. Isn't that true? Let the world laugh?

One thing Wang Tong didn't mention was that the rents charged by the shops on the bank of the Haihe River were all the income of Tianjin Jinyiwei, and the two warehouses in which Wang Tong took shares were doing business well. Both the North and the South participated in the trade of goods and made a fortune.

Wang Tong didn't mention these things to the above, and maybe the above also knew about them, but these things belonged to Wang Tong, and Wang Qianhu also wanted to make a fortune as an official!

The weather is getting colder, and water transport and sea transport have to prepare for the winter. Water transport will be suspended for three months, and sea transport will be suspended for two months. However, according to Wang Tong's news, sea transport will not stop before November [-].

But after entering November, sea ships came less and less. Originally, there were ships coming almost every day, but now there was one every three days or five days. Wang Tong had too many things to do, so he didn't notice.

Tang Shan, who was a pirate, was doing inspections by the Hai River at this time, but he noticed it. On the second day of November, he went to the customs office on the canal to inquire about the situation. I have something urgent to see Wang Tong.

(End of this chapter)

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