Chapter 328
Tangjiahe Estuary is a fishing port, it is more like a natural berth than a port.

This fishing port is a little different from other places. It has a river that leads to the sea. The Tangjia River is not a big river. When the water is at its heaviest, a boat with a hundred boats can go there. of.

Usually, no one pays attention to it except some fishermen who come in and out along this river, but now it is very lively. There are more than a dozen large ships parked at the port, and hundreds of small boats full of goods come and go.

The dozens of families near the port were all smiling, and people from the sea boats began to come over. Everyone thought that the pirates had come and the village would be wiped out.

Who would have thought that instead of killing people and looting, these people on the sea would spend a lot of money to live in their houses and let them buy wine and meat utensils.

Although they sent someone to follow them when shopping, they didn't care if the price was more expensive. Everyone calculated that this year, every household can buy half a piece of pig, a few jars of good wine, and have a good year.

This is much easier than fishing in the sea and working hard to farm. Before the people from the sea can speak, the people in the village will talk about it first, and no one will tell this matter to the outside world. Tie them together and throw them into the sea to feed the fish.

"A ship needs to be unloaded for at least four days. There is not even a woman in this ghost place. It's really boring!"

"Aren't there a few women in the village? Old Zhang, you have a lot of money in your pocket, so you might be willing to sleep with you..."

"Damn it, these wives are not as beautiful as the ones in Manjaka and Java, and it's disgusting to look at."

On a ship that was unloading, a few sailors looked down and chatted boredly. These people were all strong men with knives and axes in their hands, and they didn't look good.

After watching for a long time, a person pointed to the boat below and cursed:
"The ants are not moving so slowly. I am dizzy seeing it. The cargo in the cabin has only been unloaded for less than [-]%. When will this day be over?"

"Isn't this going to save the [-]% of the tax money? We have to borrow some mercury this time. That stuff is too taxing."

After saying this, the person who scolded lost his temper, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth and said:
"Straight mother, I used to go to Tianjin Wei, change clothes and go to the city to find a girl, good wine and good meat, happy for a few days, what is this now, come here for dozens of days, go back after dozens of days, could it be You have to wait for the devils to find women."

The person next to him smiled, cursed "be careful" towards the boat, and said:
"With this posture this year, I'm afraid they will celebrate the New Year at sea."

Speaking of this, everyone's mood was a little low, and one person looked back and cursed in a low voice:

"Old Liang, that bastard, the shipowner over there said [-]% to [-]%, at least the goods will not be caught and confiscated. He wants to take advantage of this and get the boat over. These sampans will come down in four days. , don't spend money..."

"I heard that it was the relationship from the past that brought us here. He has a lot of people and can eat everyone's goods."

"I didn't see Sanshui Wang's boat this time!!"

The boat was chatting there, and when they saw two sea boats slowly coming in, everyone turned around and took a few glances habitually, but this time it gave them a lot of talk.

"This boat is terribly broken. If the wind and waves are too big, it will enter the water if it cannot be kept in place."

"Looking at the nailed board, it should be a hole punched by a cannon?"

"Could it be beaten by the white devil's boat, isn't it? The boat also has a water flag, and the white devil dare not touch it after paying the annual road money with Sanshui Wang!"

The two new boats are indeed very broken. The holes on the hulls of the boats seem to be newly patched, and the boards are nailed inside and outside. Everyone is used to running boats at sea. It can also be seen that the mainmast of one of the boats is also damaged. The new color, I really don't know what evil star I encountered.

When encountering pirates from the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom, killing them is nothing more than jumping on board and boarding the ship. No matter how fierce the fight is, they will not make holes in the ship.

If the boats of the Franji White Devils collided with those boats, and they collided and were bombarded, all the masts and hulls of the boats would suffer.

But the Sanshui King has a rule that every ship that goes on the sea has to pay him 1000 taels of silver for crossing the sea every year. After paying a silver, the Sanshui King will provide him with shelter. Dare to offend the king of Sanshui. In the fourth year of Wanli, two Franji boats came from thousands of miles away without knowing the rules. They robbed two ships and killed all the people on board. As a result, the king of Sanshui found out.

Those two ships had already gone to Luzon, but they were washed aboard in the port, and the entire ship was killed, but Francois' governor in Luzon recognized him silently, not daring to There is no sense of pursuit.

From then on, no one dared to touch the boat protected by King Sanshui on the waters of Daming and Nanyang.

But looking at the scars on the two ships, it is clear that only Western gunboats can make this appearance. I really don't know what kind of bad luck it is to encounter such an ugly Western ship.

When the ship enters the port, it has to lower its sails, and the speed is also very slow. The terrain at the mouth of the Tangjia River is more troublesome, so entering the port is very slow.

The helmsman on the two ships didn't seem to be familiar with the skills, and the two ships were walking very awkwardly, and they were even more horizontal at the opening.

Loading and unloading, like ants moving house, is extremely boring for the sailors and boatmen on the ship. The two awkwardly entered ships immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing that the two ships were not able to control their direction, and actually hit a horizontal line at the exit, the boatmen and sailors laughed loudly, some even whistled, and some clapped their hands. The scene was extremely lively for a while.

The sailors on the two ships were swearing and swearing loudly, while they were nervously busy on the ship, some people loosened the rudder rope, and some went to tie the sails tightly.

The roar of laughter and whistles became louder and louder. After all, the two boats did not turn around, and they just lay across the mouth of the sea. Who is operating the boat? Hands and feet to feed the sharks.

Suddenly everyone saw that the two ships had dropped anchor, and all the sails on the masts were lowered. What was going on, the laughter and whistle gradually stopped.

After such tossing, wouldn’t the ship not be able to move? The sailors on the two ships were still busy. What they did this time was even more incomprehensible. Why did they have to lift the tarpaulin of the cargo on the deck.

The tarpaulin was lifted, revealing the dark artillery on the side facing the bay. Those with sharp eyes could see the artillery, but the people inside were still confused, why the front was quiet.


Someone shouted on both ships, it seemed that the cannon had already been loaded, and the sailor standing beside the cannon hurriedly lit it.

"Boom boom boom" sounded continuously, and the two "clumsy and ridiculous" ships were immediately covered by white gunpowder smoke. There were only roars and roars on the sea, and the voices of other people were not covered, but they completely forgot to make a sound.

Once the cannon was fired, the recoil caused the cannon to recede. The wooden wheel of the gun mount rubbed against the splint and creaked. There were thick ropes on the gun mount connected to the side of the ship, and it was caught by the rope when it retreated a certain distance.

Each ship fired five cannons on one side, and the five cannons retreated, causing the hull to shake violently. Many sailors who operated the cannons failed to stand still and fell directly on the deck.

If they were real sailors, at least they would stabilize their bodies or grab something, but these "sailors" quickly got up, began to clean the barrel, and loaded ammunition.

The bay was very quiet, so quiet that the sailors on the two gunboats doubted whether they fired or not. Someone stopped to take a look, and was immediately scolded by the general standing on the ship tower:
"Concentrate, move faster, if you delay firing the cannon, you need to march!!"

After the loading here and one door was finished, the sailors beside the artillery raised a small flag, and just as the general was about to issue an order, screams and cries suddenly erupted from a dozen ships over there.

It turned out that he hadn't realized it until now, and the commanding army general was taken aback by this sudden reaction, so he waved his hand vigorously, and gave the order again.


Roar, smoke and screams.

The screams were very sparse. There were only five cannons on each ship, and only two of the five were three-pound cannons, and the rest were small one-pound and one-and-a-half-pound cannons.

The effect of the two rounds of artillery fire was also very poor. Only one unlucky ghost was hit by the shell and was killed on the spot. Burst shot and hit the nearby people, and only then screamed in pain.

It's just that those sampans loaded with cargo are very troublesome. The people on the sampans looked bad and jumped into the water one after another. At this critical time, they couldn't care about the biting cold in the water.

After two rounds, the soldiers didn't stop to load, but no one dared to stand up on each ship, and they all lay there terrified and dared not move.

The sampans on the other side of the Tangjia River were all moving backward like crazy, who would dare to be shot to death.

The people on the shore also heard the movement on the sea, and a group of people hurried out, wanting to go to a higher place to see what happened in the bay.

But as soon as they went out, they looked towards the land, and everyone stayed there. Some people turned around and wanted to run, but when they saw the sea, they realized that they had no way to escape.

"Where are so many cavalrymen? Doesn't Wang Tong have more than 200 horses in his hands?"

"What's the use of saying this, fight with them!!"

"You are crazy, there are thousands of riders..."

Dozens of cavalry broke away from the encircled group and reached the small hill by the sea, raising the red flag in their hands and shaking it.

"The red flag is waving!"

The sailors climbing on the top of the mast yelled at the bottom, and the generals immediately issued orders loudly:

"Prepare to release the sampan, approach the boat!!"

(End of this chapter)

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