Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 329 Heavy Punishment for Shipbuilding

Chapter 329 Heavy Punishment Shipbuilding
The firing of the third round of artillery dispelled everyone's luck, but the effect was still the same. Such a small-caliber artillery did little damage to the sea-going ship.

But it seems that the roar of the thunder, the smell of gunpowder smoke floating on the sea, and the screams and exclamations of the unlucky ghost who was killed, on the small cargo sampans under the sea ship, these effects are enough.

In everyone's mind, the cannon is like a magical weapon, and it is rare to even see it, but now it is coming from the opposite side without money, no one is heartbroken and dare not move.

Six small boats were lowered from the two ships, each with ten soldiers on board, and they rowed forward.

The people on the other boats and Ben didn't notice these actions, they all lay there with their heads in their hands, and those who were a little bit daring squirmed towards the sheltered place.

It was like this at sea, but on land it was more like herding sheep. Hundreds of black riders came over. Who dared to resist, the man with the sword hanging on his waist hurriedly untied his weapon and threw it on the ground.

Don’t dare to do it, what if you are trampled into meat by this horse team, but if you look carefully, there are more than 200 horses who are really riding around on the horse. rushed over.

Those who can live in this fishing village near the mouth of the Tangjia River are the leaders, the top figures on the boat, the representatives of the merchants who came to pick them up, and there may be a few guards, but these guards can't be anything at this time.

"Drop your weapon!!!"

The soldiers shouted loudly, and some of the stunned crowd out of the village reacted, shrank back behind the crowd, and ran away.

Those in the mountains and countryside, as long as they ran into the ditch to hide, maybe these cavalry could not be found. As a result, when the people ran out, no one chased the surrounding infantry.

When everyone was about to move, someone among the cavalry slammed their horses, speeding up their horses and chasing them out. On the horses, they had already taken their longbows. The back of the person's heart, seeing the one who ran fell to the ground.

Four ran, and four came out of the cavalry. They really showed their abilities. Except for the first one who shot arrows, another one stabbed with a spear on the horse, one beheaded his head with a machete, and one actually used it. It's a noose, and the rope is thrown out and accurately wrapped around the person's neck.

Putting a noose around the neck, when the time comes to stop the horse and pull it back, the running man will fly into the air, and when he lands on the ground, he may be strangled to death.

Every time one is killed, there is a round of applause in the cavalry. This scene does not look like a suppression, but a look of hunting. The people here are very happy, but those who were hunted are all terrified. Dare to move.

After this side was completely blocked, the soldiers began to force everyone to kneel down, watching the sampans that were transporting goods back and forth desperately paddling, the rumble of cannons on the sea was fierce, and the small sampans were looking for death when they entered the sea , everyone rowed to the other side, and everything was fine once they entered the canal.

Not long after, the side also became chaotic. The sampans in front ran backwards, but the ones behind couldn’t turn around in a hurry. Get up in the river and run towards the land, but you can't run fast even with water on your body, and secondly, the cavalry is arresting people along the river, how can people run faster than horses...

Two flat-bottomed tank boats squeezed side by side from the other side. The two tank boats almost blocked the Tangjia River. There were more than a dozen men standing at the bow of the boat, holding long sticks in their hands. Looking at someone on the other side, they would slap their heads in the face. beat.

"You guys are really brave. You can get here at least three hours away from Tianjin Wei. Do you think I'm blind?"

It was really easy to catch chickens and goats, surrounded by cavalry and gunboats. After a while, the Tang family village was full of people kneeling, and even those on the sea boat were grabbed and brought ashore.

Wang Tong looked at the fearful people on the ground, and couldn't help but sneered, these men running on the sea are also people who are used to fighting for life and death, but the small killings on land and sea were really shocking, and everyone couldn't help but Fear.

Wang Tong asked a question, but the people below bowed their heads. Wang Tong pretended to have suddenly realized, and said:
"Could it be that this is the so-called darkness under the lamp!"

This sentence is more stinging, but now he can say anything, and no one dares to speak up. After scanning around, Wang Tong asked with a sneer:

"My fellow merchants, I am a reasonable person. Now that the matter has come to this, what do you think we should do!"

Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong is notorious, but everyone knows that this master never bullies others, as long as you can tell a reason, Wang Qianhu still has to think about it.

There was a moment of silence below, and a bold trembling voice said:

"My lord, we didn't pay the tax money this time, and we are willing to accept the penalty, [-]% of the tax, [-]% of the fine, and the younger ones are willing to pay [-]% of the fine."

As soon as these words were said, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then there were voices of agreement, all of them are dead, and they will save their money and avoid disasters. This time they will admit that they are unlucky.

"All incoming goods will be confiscated, and only taels of silver will be reserved for each ship, and [-]% of the silver will be fined for shipments, all of which will be calculated according to the CIF price!"

After Wang Tong finished speaking coldly, he turned around and left. There was silence behind him, and then someone stood up and was about to catch up with the begging, but when he stood up, he was immediately beaten by the soldiers with spears and knelt down.

When Wang Tong got on the horse, someone behind him burst into tears. Wang Tong said that no matter how he counted, he would be ruined this time. He only hated himself for listening to the temptation of others. In the end, everything was taken away by someone, and the other party still did it with confidence.

Dozens of households from the fishing village near the mouth of the Tangjia River were also driven out. They separated in a circle and knelt there. Wang Tong rode up to him, and Ma Sanbiao was shouting at the top of his voice:
"You bastards colluding with pirates and Japanese pirates, this is a serious crime of beheading and exterminating the entire family... Stop howling, you are still a man... Five years of hard labor, this is considered light..."

First he said that he would be punished by death, and then he talked about hard labor. After seeing the tragic situation of those people who were killed just now, he was extremely grateful to hear about hard labor. Who would dare to have any objections.

Wang Tong rode over, stretched out his hand to stop Ma Sanbiao's yelling, and said coldly on the horse:

"Whoever is fishing and operating a boat by the sea, the official has a question, and if he answers it correctly, he will be exempted from the crime and hard labor."

As soon as these words were uttered, more than a dozen fishermen who reacted quickly raised their hands to answer, and Wang Tong asked:
"I would like to ask you, how many places in the upper and lower reaches of the Haihe estuary are similar to the Tangjiahe?"

The fishermen looked at each other and quickly gave an answer. One who looked older said:

"My lord, this is the only place. This is the place where several holes were broken after the earthquake the year before last. The water entered the Tangjia River, so that the boat can go. I'm afraid it's on the border of Shandong in the south. I haven't been to the small one in the north, but I heard the old People have said that those who can rely on big ships are all in Yongping Mansion."

Wang Tong turned his horse around, and Ma Sanbiao walked a few steps to keep up, and said:
"My lord, how to deal with these fishermen, let them go?"

"Take them all back, and arrange to go fishing on the Haihe River first, just in time to get some meat for the laborers."

The sun was in the west, and there were wailing and cursing all around the Tangjia River. Wang Tong took his horse to look around. When he passed by those gray-faced merchants, a accountant who was checking the goods there quickly walked over and asked said:
"Master, if the goods are fined [-]% of the money, if there are three companies here, even if the goods and money are all counted, there may not be enough, how to deal with it?"

"The boat will be held down, and the boatmen and sailors will stay and work. When they earn enough money, they leave!"

Hearing Wang Tong's order, the accountant couldn't help shivering. Seeing his frightened look, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"If you don't teach me a lesson, they won't remember this. They earn one point more, and we earn one point less. It's a mercy not to kill anyone today. Go!"

The accountant hurriedly saluted, and hurried back. As soon as the words here were spoken, the crying could be heard louder.

From the other side of the sea, a sampan stopped, and several people who looked like soldiers walked over with three people. Among the three people, two were craftsmen, and one was actually wearing the uniform of a sixth-rank civil servant. The appearance is very indecent, the hem of the robe is tucked into the belt, and he is discussing something fiercely with the craftsman.

When Wang Tong saw these people coming, he dismounted with a smile, went forward and said:
"Is Director Ren still in the habit of staying on board?"

The director of the Ministry of Industry, Ren Yuan, waved his hands in embarrassment, and said politely:

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your concern. It's just a few hours of sailing, but I vomited three times. It's really useless."

It was then that he saw that his complexion was not very good, but he was in a very excited state. Ren Yuan clapped his hands and continued:
"The five cannons weighed less than a thousand catties. They were fired back and connected with ropes, but the side of the ship was still torn apart in several places. I was lucky today. If I fired a few more cannons, they would probably be broken. I don't know how Franz will do it. You know everything if you don’t go out, and those who work don’t know anything if you don’t go out!”

"Don't those three fans know?"

"To tell the truth, my lord, those three Fanren are more careful and diligent than the craftsmen in our official workshop, and they also know a few tricks. Now that they are grasping tightly, what they learned is nothing. For the matter, they only sketched the general idea, saying that there were guns on the deck and guns in the cabin, but they couldn’t explain the details.”

The two talked for a few words, Wang Tong also sighed, looked at the two gunboats on the sea and said:

"If there is such a ship, it will come over in such a fake way, just block it and fire."

Ren Yuan hesitated there, clasped his fists and said:

"My lord, if you don't have your own ships, it will be inconvenient for you to switch on and off taxes. The warships of the Western Fans are indeed strong and powerful, so it's better to imitate a few of them..."

Seeing Wang Tong's silence, Ren Yuan did not continue, after a while, Wang Tong's expression became firm, and he said in a solemn voice:
"I want to build my own ship!!"
Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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