Chapter 330
If a private port in Tangjiahe is destroyed, there will be no suitable places to park and unload in the north and south. If you want to buy, sell and unload, you can only go to Tianjin.

Fifteen ships were severely fined by Wang Tong, and the goods were brought back to Tianjin Acropolis and sold on the spot. The price was [-]% cheaper than the market price, and merchants all over the city snapped up like crazy.

Not to mention these businessmen, even the residents in the city and the pedestrians and merchants traveling from north to south on the canal have come. The best southern goods are so cheap that you would be a fool not to buy them.

To say that these fifteen ships brought quite a lot of goods, and the twelfth lunar month was approaching, everyone had some spare money, and they wanted to think about celebrating the New Year.

Not to mention the huge profits of mercury and deerskin in the shipment, even if there is a [-]% profit, this time it is a small profit. Possible financing penalties redeemed the ship and cargo.

With the money from the sale of such a batch of goods, plus taxes and other income, Wang Tong sent another 10 taels of silver to the capital in November.

Originally, in the second half of the year, an increase of 100 million taels of gold flower and silver was proposed. The emperor patted his chest and said that he would raise it himself. Everyone thought it was a joke.

100 million taels of silver, and there are several other 100 million taels in the treasury. Some dignitaries and officials in the capital are very excited, wondering what kind of gold and silver mountains are there in Tianjinwei, and they can make so much money.

According to official rules, ten points are given to the superiors, and those who fall into the hands get three points if not five points, and those who have a bad heart will get ten points. With this calculation, wouldn't it be possible for Wang Tong to lose at least 30 taels in less than half a year.

That Wang Tong has just gone, he has just taken over various things and has just started, and he has status and status to pay attention to, and his eyes and ears are also good. Although the officials are constantly scolding, Wang Tong on the ground in Tianjin has nothing to do. It is said that the businessmen pay money. Also a lot less than before.

All of this shows a problem. Tianjin is indeed a treasure land. As long as you go there, you will naturally be able to make a lot of money. Now I heard that there is a big construction project on the Haihe River, and many merchants are using their money to invest in renting shops. Over there, no matter how you look at it, you will make a fortune.

Now some ordinary people in the capital are thinking about going to see it, Wang Tong is fat, but this piece of meat grows on the tiger, no one dares to touch it, but no one will stop him from investing money to make a fortune.

If you think about it a little longer, you will know that Tianjin Wei is open to the sea, and a large number of southern goods are coming from the sea. If you don't take advantage of this time to get some eyeliner there, it will be too late to start, and I'm afraid you won't be able to make money. Not to mention, but also to suffer a big loss.

The rich and noble families in the capital have their own plans and ideas. The capital is smart, and other places are not stupid. Linqing, Jinan, and Jining in Shandong, Baoding in North Zhili, and even people in Henan in Shanxi have got the news. Everyone wants to come Take a look at Tianjin Wei, there are only so many ways to make money nowadays, Tianjin suddenly pointed out a golden road for everyone, wouldn't it be sorry for Mr. Wang if you don't come.

More than a dozen generals of the Tan family have followed Wang Tongkuai for two years and have been serving as instructors in the Huwei Army. With their rich training experience and combat skills, they should have become generals long ago.

However, Wang Tong never gave them any titles, it was just a vain position of teaching, and it was not until November that they killed Li Dameng before letting the Tan family go deep and lead troops.

What kind of battalion lieutenant is the position given, responsible for training soldiers and horses, and assisting the battalion officers in combat? Those who respectfully perform the ceremony of master and apprentice.

Awkwardness is awkwardness, the generals of the Tan family, who are at least 33 years old, still accepted this arrangement. In the past, Wang Tong didn't let them take charge of even the soldiers, but now they have accepted them into Wang Tong's inner circle.

Veteran General Yu Dayou's spirit gradually weakened, but he became more and more busy every day. In addition to watching the military training, he called the generals at the head of the battalion every day to tell them stories and battle examples.

The old man was getting old, and he talked repetitively, even if he was old and strong like Yu Dayou, Li Hutou was the first to get bored.

"It's interesting to ride horses and hold guns every day, and urge the soldiers to practice hard. What do you do when you listen to Grandpa Yu talking about those things all day long!"

That's what he told Wang Tong, and Wang Tong's answer was very simple, that is, he slapped his forehead hard. Li Hutou was impatient and young, so it was not easy for him to sit down quietly. He also had the same attitude when he listened to Huang Yang's marching class at the Tiger's Mighty Martial Art Museum.

"What Master Yu said, you listen to me honestly and write it down. If you can't answer the question that day, I will let you go back to Beijing and accompany your father to patrol the streets!"

Wang Tong then threatened that Li Hutou was leading troops in Tianjin Huwei Army to fight. Although he was tired and boring every day, he was very happy.

To be honest, returning to the capital to manage South Street and being a member of the Jinyiwei Department of the Public Security Department is much more comfortable than here. However, Li Hutou naturally likes this military life, and secondly, he is unwilling to meet the strict Li Wenyuan. Very useful, immediately honest.

Later Wang Tong knew that the group of students who dared to come out of the Huwei Martial Arts Hall, Li Tao, Sun Xin, etc., were not willing to listen to this, so he urged Li Hutou to do this.

It is inevitable to call these people out and scold them severely.

However, the life of Jinyiwei system in Acropolis of Tianjin became dull, and the sea-going ships did not dare to take advantage of any loopholes, and came over honestly to unload and load cargo and pay taxes.

The construction by the Haihe River is progressing step by step, and it is becoming more and more formal. More and more businessmen from all over the world have come here. Everyone has seen the most abundant source of southern and foreign goods in the North, and they have also seen that they rushed here. of businessmen, everyone is aware of the huge business opportunity here.

The same is true for soldiers and horses training. Because of taboos and other considerations, Tianjin Wei Jinyiwei Qianhu no longer recruited soldiers, but the improvement of equipment has been going on. Tangjiahe's action made Wang Tong realize the role of horses in mobility. They shop around for available horses.

But the mule and horse markets in Shandong and Henan are also on the verge of closure, and it is not so easy to buy horses, so this matter can only be let go.

The plainness of Tianjin Wei seems to be in line with the general trend. Except for the small dissonant note of Tianjin Wei Wangtong, the rest of the world is operating in the plan of the first assistant Zhang Juzheng.

It seems a little wrong to say that Tianjin Wei is not in harmony. According to the old man's close friends, the old man is already considering adding the tax collection of officials in various places to the assessment next year. It's a rule, and there's nothing wrong with being strict.

The normal operation of the world, and everything in Tianjin on the right track made Emperor Wanli feel bored.

Tianjin Acropolis, which has always given him a sense of novelty, gave him a little surprise after encircling and suppressing private harbor merchants. A few boats, how about the construction today.

These things are the same as the big politics discussed in the daily court meeting. Although Wanli knows that these things are necessary and important, he really doesn't have much interest.

The world is governed by the queen mother, Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang, and Tianjin Wei is well-organized. Emperor Wanli felt that he had learned the means of governing the world and the ability to balance the ministers, but it was useless. All he did was Just sit there.

After all, Emperor Wanli was only 15 years old. Since he was bored, he had to find something interesting to do.

A queen with a staid personality and an ordinary appearance can't arouse Emperor Wanli's interest. If it weren't for the two empress dowagers staring at her, Wanli would not even want to sleep with her.

But Emperor Wanli felt that a big wedding was a very good thing, because after the big wedding, the routine day and night admonitions of the former queen mother are no longer needed, and the time he can arrange by himself has greatly increased, and he can finally think about what he wants to do. thing.

Although the imperial city is big, it is only such a piece of sky. If you go out for a stroll, there is no Wang Tong and Huwei martial arts hall on the South Street, and it is no different from the inside of the imperial palace.

After Emperor Wanli was free for a few days, he spent most of his time in the imperial study. Although it was boring to read the scrolls and performances from various places, it seemed that it was not much interesting to wander around.

On November 24th, the Beijing Normal University had its third snowfall since the beginning of winter, and it was also the biggest one. It wasn't Wanli's special order, the place had already been cleaned up.

The imperial study room was brightly lit, and Emperor Wanli was reading Wang Tong's memorial in the imperial study room alone, but Zhang Cheng was not there. The end of the year was approaching, and the chief eunuch, who was usually in harmony with each other, had to calculate the expenses for the whole year. I often quarrel with the academicians and ministers when they write off at the end of the year, and quarrel with each other.But no one dares to ignore it, after all, it is a matter of how much responsibility the family will bear this year and how much money will be spent in the second year.

Feng Bao, Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Hong stayed up all night every night, as did Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Siwei, and Shen Shixing, but Emperor Wanli was very happy. Anyway, he didn't have to worry about it. Empress Dowager Li made up her mind.

"Long live, Sun Hai, the admiral of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, Eunuch Sun, is asking to see you."

Zhao Jinliang reported in a soft voice outside, and Wanli, who was being dazed by Tianjin Wei's income calculation figures, was stunned. Sun Hai, the admiral and eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, was the direct descendant of the Empress Dowager Li. What was he doing here? ——
Lao Bai can tell stories, and was praised by friends again in the afternoon, haha

(End of this chapter)

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