Chapter 331

"Xiao Liang's saying that is a serious crime of usurpation. How can we, as slaves, be called father-in-law in front of Long Live God?"

The eunuch Sun Hai, the admiral of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, laughed and scolded in a low voice outside, it is indeed arrogance, but Sun Hai is also one of the top ten eunuchs in the palace, and Zhao Jinliang is a close friend in front of the Imperial Study Room, such misunderstandings and scolding will not attract blame .

"Xiao Liang will remember from now on, let Sun Hai come in!"

Emperor Wanli raised his voice in the imperial study, Zhao Jinliang opened the door blushing, Sun Hai reached out and touched the top of Zhao Jinliang's head, and walked in.

There is a teapot left on the charcoal stove in the room. According to the rules set by Emperor Wanli, no one who served tea and water was allowed to enter this room without greeting.

Zhao Jinliang waited until the door was closed, walked down the steps and waved to the door. An eunuch guarding outside the yard ran over quickly. Zhao Jinliang lowered his voice and said:

"Go and tell Zhang Zuzong that Sun Hai has come to see Lord Long Live."

The eunuch was poking his head just now, and when he heard what Zhao Jinliang said, he quickly bowed and went out quickly.

Zhao Jinliang turned around and walked to the door of the imperial study with small steps. Sun Hai's voice inside was not lowered, and he could hear it clearly outside.

Just now, although Sun Hai touched his head intimately, Zhao Jinliang clearly remembered that this was the first time he had seen Sun Hai since he entered the palace, and it was also the first time he had spoken to Sun Hai.

Sun Hai is 43 years old this year, but if you look at his appearance, he looks like a 35-[-] person with a medium build, but he is a bit special in the palace.

The Yumajian is the military yamen in the palace. It is in charge of nearly ten thousand elite soldiers in the warrior camp and the four guard camp.

In this kind of inner prison yamen, the eunuchs in charge are naturally the closest people to the royal family. The eunuch Zhang Jing, the eunuch who is in charge of the imperial horse, is an old man from Prince Yu's mansion. He was a parallel figure with Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng. They are also the old people of Prince Yu's Mansion, and they are still the companions of King Lu. To put it bluntly, these two are the confidantes of the Empress Dowager Li, and Sun Hai is the confidant of the Empress Dowager Chen.

Empress Dowager Rensheng Chen was the empress of Emperor Longqing, and Empress Dowager Cisheng Li, the biological mother of Emperor Wanli, was the imperial concubine.

The relationship between the two empress dowagers is very good. Mrs. Chen was not in good health when she was in Prince Yu's Mansion. From then until now, Mrs. Li has been in charge of everything, but Mrs. Li has maintained enough respect and humility towards Mrs. Chen. , Empress Dowager Chen loves Wanli very much because she has no heirs.

Compared with the strict discipline of Queen Mother Li, Queen Mother Chen felt more like a mother to Wanli, and his filial piety and respect for Queen Mother Chen was no less than that of Queen Mother Li.

Although the Empress Dowager Chen is indifferent to everything, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about everything. Sun Hai, the eunuch and admiral of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, is one of her representatives.

Although the imperial horse supervisor and admiral eunuch are eunuchs, they are different from the supervising army outside. The admiral eunuch is more like a general who leads the army. He is a veritable commander of the four battalions. In terms of martial arts, Sun Hai cleansed himself when he was young, but he learned martial arts from the commander of the guards when he was in the Yuwang Mansion.

Sun Hai kept a low profile in the palace. First, the person in charge of the palace was the Empress Dowager Li, and second, the daily drills of the Four Guards Battalion and the Warrior Battalion were inseparable from people.

But he didn't know why he came to the Yushufang today to flatter him, Zhao Jinliang was thinking hard there, he was working in the Yushufang every day, and the rest of the eunuchs, big and small, were all polite and courteous when they saw him, but there was no news about him.

Zhao Jinliang was thinking hard here, the eunuch who reported the letter outside the door had already run wildly, he was older, but he knew the importance of this matter better than Zhao Jinliang.

Although the snow that has fallen in the past few days has been cleaned, the road surface is still very slippery. I fell a few somersaults on the way, and even though I wore thick clothes, I still fell painfully.

When he arrived at the Supervisor of Rituals, he said it was an urgent matter at the Imperial Study Room, but the guards outside did not dare to intercept him, so he immediately let him in.

After getting someone to report it, Zhang Cheng came out to listen to what had happened, and went back to the house with a blank expression.

In the room, Feng Bao was resting with his eyes closed, rubbing his forehead lightly with his hands, while Zhang Hong and others were recording and checking with account books and notebooks.

When the door stopped, Feng Bao asked in a low voice without opening his eyes:

"what's up?"

Zhang Cheng glanced left and right, leaned forward and said in a low voice:

"Sun Hai went to see Lord Long Live at the Imperial Study Room."

Feng Bao stopped rubbing his forehead, opened his eyes slightly, and said suspiciously:

"What was he doing there?"

"Chen Niangniang has hardly made any orders for more than a year. Lao Lin is very strict at the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and he may be in a hurry..."

Feng Bao smiled silently and closed his eyes again. A few eunuchs beside him seemed to be busy with their own affairs, but they were actually listening carefully, and only Zhang Hong was there to seriously review.

When Zhang Cheng returned to the desk, an accompanying eunuch raised the notebook in his hand and said with a wry smile:

"This year, the national treasury finally has some surplus. I don't know how these border towns got the news so quickly, so they asked for money."

"Long Live Lord, when I was arranging the defense of the palace the day before yesterday, I went to Xiyuan. The scenery inside is really good. Although it's winter, but I led the people around, and when I came out, I felt very light. It's a little bit, very refreshing, the palace is such a good place, the slaves want to let the Long Live Lord know."

Emperor Wanli had been reading the document in his hand all the time. Hearing what Sun Hai said, a smile appeared on his face, and he put the document on the table.

Of course he also knew that Sun Hai belonged to Empress Dowager Chen. Even though Wanli didn't participate in various power struggles in the palace, it didn't mean he didn't know about these activities. The little emperor thought that Sun Hai was here to ask for something, or whom, the little emperor He was ready to refute it with a cold face, but he didn't expect to say a funny place.

Xiyuan is also a part of the Forbidden City. When Emperor Jiajing treated the maids harshly in the palace, he was murdered by the maids while he was asleep at night. He survived by luck and never dared to live in the palace again.

Emperor Jiajing worshiped Taoism and was superstitious about alchemy. He built a large number of palaces and Taoist temples in Xiyuan. In addition, he lived in Xiyuan for more than 20 years, and everything was beautifully built.

After Long Qing succeeded to the throne, the whole court was reviewing the mistakes of the previous dynasty, and this obsession with Taoism was also one of the mistakes, so Xiyuan was sealed up as a taboo place.

It is sealed and sealed, but there are no clear rules, and it belongs to the scope of the imperial palace. When guarding the imperial city, there must also be screened.

"Xiyuan... I remember when I was still in Prince Yu's mansion, I went to the palace to meet the emperor. The late emperor always led me around Xiyuan, seeing cranes, turtles and so on. I was always very happy... .”

Emperor Wanli was recalled by Sun Hai's words. Sun Hai knelt on the ground without getting up, but said there:

"Long live Lord is working hard on state affairs every day, so he should relax his mind so that he can relax properly. The servant girl arranged for the people below to clean the Xiyuan, and also asked Long live Lord to move to watch when he is free."

"What time is it?"

"Going back to Lord Long Live, when the servants came, the sound of bells and drums should be three o'clock in the unitary hour."

Wanli stood up from his chair and shouted:
"Xiao Liang, tell me to go down, I'm going to Xiyuan."

There was a little silence outside, Zhao Jinliang quickly responded, and ran away to give orders. Wanli smiled and looked at Sun Hai who was kneeling there, and said:
"Get up, Sun Hai, go and wear a thicker robe, and accompany me to see Xiyuan!!"

"The servant obeys the order!!"

Sun Hai quickly kowtowed and agreed, his face was full of excitement when he got up.

Walking in the palace is also very simple, there is a fixed team of people ready, and when the order is given, guards of honor and so on are all in place. When Emperor Wanli entered the sedan chair, the seats of the sedan chair were already heated by the stove.

Before Emperor Wanli got on the sedan chair, Zhao Jinliang quickly followed up and whispered, "

"Long live, it's time to go to your mother's side."

Emperor Wanli waved his hands irritably and ignored them at all.

Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng were in the Supervisor of Ceremonies, Zhang Juzheng was in the cabinet, and Empress Dowager Li also gave Emperor Wanli enough personal space. Now no one cares about him, but the little emperor feels bored and boring.

The old-fashioned and dignified king and queen did not have the slightest attraction to Emperor Wanli. Just in time for this empty and boring time, the eunuch Sun Hai brought the little emperor a new place, a place to spend time, and childhood memories The place - Xiyuan.

The gate of Xiyuan was slowly pushed open by several guards, and a fat eunuch shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty is here!~~~"

The eunuchs who sang the ceremony all had good voices, and they were particular about hearing a hundred officials. At this time, Wan Li was full of anticipation in front of the door. When the eunuch beside him shouted, he was immediately taken aback.

As soon as he was about to get angry, he was attracted by the scene inside the door. On the trees beside the road, among the pavilions and waterside pavilions, and on the edge of the hall, one after another palace lanterns were lit up one by one, showing the Xiyuan in the dark to Emperor Wanli little by little. in front of you.

The beautiful scenery in the snow is illuminated by the palace lanterns, which makes it more dreamy. There are no less than a few hundred palace lanterns lit up in the West Garden. That is to say, hundreds of people are waiting here to prepare. It takes multiple rehearsals to become proficient.

However, Emperor Wanli did not consider this. He was just fascinated by the dreamy beauty that suddenly appeared in front of him. While he was intoxicated, he heard the sound of silk and bamboo in his ears. It should be that he had arranged a team to play music in a secret place.

With beautiful scenery in the snow and beautiful music, Xiyuan at this time is like a fairyland. Emperor Wanli was stunned at the door, and Sun Hai stepped forward and said:

"Long Live Lord, please enter the West Garden to enjoy the scenery."

Wanli didn't react for a while, so he yelled again and then woke up. He was stunned and laughed there, patted Sun Hai's shoulder vigorously, and said loudly:
"Well done, well done."
I made a mistake in my busy schedule and got the surname of the Empress Dowager Rensheng wrong, it has been changed
(End of this chapter)

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