Chapter 332
There are no secrets in the palace, and the news that the eunuch Sun Hai accompanied Emperor Wanli to visit Xiyuan spread throughout the Forbidden City that night.

In everyone's minds, Xiyuan was no different from a wasteland, but they didn't expect it to be used by Sun Hai. Many people secretly admired Sun Hai's ingenious technique.

After all, everyone also knew that Emperor Wanli was in high spirits that night, and after returning to his bedroom, he rarely gave the empress a smile.

Sun Hai was originally one of the great eunuchs, and with his status there, it was not a big deal for the emperor to go to Xiyuan to play, it was just a part of the palace, so everyone was happy, no one wanted to say anything.

Now the most important thing inside and outside the palace is to write off the income and expenditure. If this is not done well, the palace will not even dare to set the amount of money for the New Year. Since the emperor has this preference, he will do it.

After Wanli's wedding, the time spent with the Empress Dowager Cisheng was greatly reduced. The Emperor Wanli, who had long been tired of the empress dowager's admonition, was not willing to come here at all except for the routine greetings.

Empress Dowager Li was reluctant to part with her son, but she also knew that after the wedding, Wanli was already considered an adult, at least formally he had to be treated as an adult.

The palace was lonely, and the Chen family could not communicate with each other every day. Queen Mother Li and King Lu spent more and more time together. King Lu proposed to move out by himself several times, but Queen Mother Li rejected it.

"You are just a doll. If you are with Aijia, who can say anything, just stay here. Watching you study and learn skills, Aijia will be happy to see you."

Wanli only asked his family to come less often, and he didn't care whether Wang Lu was a fan or not. He even felt that it was a good thing to have someone with the queen to attract the queen's attention.

The Tianjin Acropolis has already started to seal the river and the sea, and there are no more ships. Wang Tong's thoughts are all on buying horses and training soldiers. Apart from the routine greetings in the letter, it means that Tianjin Weijinyiwei and Huwei Army are going step by step. Various layout plans, some interesting anecdotes.

In Tianjin Wei and the surrounding counties, the bones after slaughtering cattle and sheep are taken away by Jin Yiwei, and a large pot of bone soup is boiled by the Hai River, and fish and shrimp are thrown into it. There is no shortage of salt.

Because in the grain villages that rely on grain transfer by grain, some of the old grains that have been eliminated are bought at low prices. Although there are many laborers, there is no shortage of grain supplies.

As a result, by the Weihai River in Tianjin now, because the laborers are full of food every day and drink oily bone soup and fish soup, they are envied by everyone.

Some people even gossip, saying that these disorderly people eat better than good people, so everyone will make trouble, and then come to Mr. Wang's side to eat pancakes and bone soup.

Like the good people, many poor people also come here to beg for a living, looking for an errand to do, they don't go only when they are full, but only if they can have a stutter.

Under Wang Tong's suggestion, Tianjin Acropolis, taking advantage of the relatively loose cash this year, led by Bingbei Dao, with the assistance of the Department of Household Transshipment and the Qing Army Department, allocated food funds and hired the Dingkou people who came to Tianjin Acropolis. Rivers were dredged, piers and roads repaired in preparation for the coming year.

After all, this year the canal and the Haihe River will be taxed, and as usual, some will be reserved for Tianjin Wei, which is also the rule of distribution.

After the civil unrest in Tianjin Wei this year, it is now thriving. This is different from the situation in other places where there is trouble and it will be a waste of time for several years.

Wang Tong also said in the secret letter that several sea-going ships were confiscated, and that they would use more ships in the future, and that they were thinking about building their own ships and so on.

Apart from the better food for the rioters, which made many people envious of this matter, Wanli was not interested in other things, especially the naval battle that Wang Tong spent a lot of effort describing, which Wanli found really boring.

Combat at sea is nothing more than a ship approaching and firing guns, or jumping on the opponent's ship to fight. It is as blood-boiling as a land battle. I really don't know why Wang Tong attaches so much importance to it.

Except for Tianjin, other things besides looking at him, the bosses didn't let him reach out at all. Under such a boring life, Emperor Wanli felt that Xiyuan was a good place.

There, apart from the gorgeous scenery like Qionglou Yuyu, the tranquility, the feeling that he belongs to him completely makes Wanli feel very comfortable.

After all, the imperial study room was too cramped. The little emperor was very obsessed with having such a world where he could completely relax and belong. Xiyuan was originally a complete palace. The eunuch used to be on duty to take care of it, and went to play whenever he had time.

The eunuch Sun Hai, the admiral of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, would naturally not be idle, as long as Emperor Wanli passed by, he would definitely be by his side.

Even Sun Hai's following experience is different from other people's. Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng are like elders who have different relationships with Wanli. Zhang Juzheng is a strict teacher and he is meticulous in his management.

For the rest of the eunuchs and ministers, Emperor Wanli could feel a kind of alienation behind their respect. These people knew that their master was not Wanli, but Feng Bao or Zhang Juzheng.

Sun Hai was different. Sun Hai's words and actions were all aimed at making Wanli happy, flattering and flattering everywhere, so that Emperor Wanli felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and being with him was comfortable.

It seems to be very sudden, in the twelfth lunar month of the sixth year of Wanli, Sun Hai, the admiral and eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, suddenly became a celebrity around the emperor, not to mention what other eunuchs thought, the two empress dowagers expressed their closeness to the Imperial Horse Supervisor and the emperor Without acquiescence, after all, it is not a bad thing for the emperor to seize military power.

At this time, the north-south travel takes between one month. A ship departs from the south of the Yangtze River and arrives in the north along the canal, and then returns. If you stay in the north and travel to a few more places, the time will be longer.

The news of the tax levied on the Wei Canal in Tianjin really spread in Jiangnan, that is, during September and October, and then people in Jiangnan calculated how much money they had been siphoned off, and then wrote to people in the north. It's November and December.

People from Duonan, Beijing official, family members wrote to complain, and some people must have said that the family paid for your education, and it was hard to earn a reputation but could not maintain the family.

However, some time ago Tianjin Weixiang was in chaos, and the officials of the capital suffered a lot. Although the big bosses defended it and there was no punishment, the admonition also made people feel ashamed.

What's more, the new year is approaching, and everyone is busy celebrating the new year, so it's better to be quiet, don't make too much noise, it's not a good year, everything will be discussed after the new year.

But years ago, in the guild halls of the capital, in the homes of relatively wealthy officials, many scholars and civil officials gathered every day. Everyone discussed and discussed with each other, and all the discussions were about the tax customs of Tianjin Wei...

"Mr. Chen, in the ninth year of Hongwu, the term of office of Cheng Le, the chief registrar of Pingyao, Shanxi, expired. As a result of the assessment by the state government, he was praised for going to Beijing to meet the emperor, but the Taizu's tax was fixed. If it is possible to restore the office, it is exploiting the people and dereliction of duty. The state examination is not true, but it is an order to reprimand and demote, why is that!"

In Lu Wang Zhu Yiliu's study, sitting across from Guozijian Jijiu Chen Ge, he is a great Confucianist in the world, and also a teacher invited by Queen Mother Li for Lu Wang.

Hearing Lu Wang raise this question, the tall and thin Chen Ge with gray beard and hair nodded slightly, got up and said:

"Your Highness, when the Taizu founded the country, he saw that the Tartars used heavy taxes to exploit the people, so that the people were destitute and the world was in chaos. Taking this as a lesson, the Taizu promulgated the "Every business tax, take one at thirty." , and those who pass are considered to have violated the 'law."

Lu Wang nodded half-understood, turned another page and continued to read, Guozijian Jijiu Chen Ge sat back, and exchanged glances with a civil servant beside him, all showing approval.

After reading the book over there, Lu Wang's childish face had an adult-like pensive expression, and he raised his head and asked again:

"Mr. Mou, in the 39th year of Emperor Sejongsu, Yang Shiqiao asked the government of Hangzhou to pay taxes. He asked the carpenter to write down his income, and then collected taxes. The tax silver was 15 taels a year, but the world praised it as Ming Dynasty. Minister, and was promoted from the Hangzhou government to participate in politics in Zhejiang... But as a courtier, shouldn't you charge more money for the court?"

The civil servant next to Chen Ge also stood up. He was fat and only reached Chen Ge's shoulders, and he was not young. He was Mou Naikui, who was the reviewer of the Imperial Academy, and he was also a very famous person. He replied:
"Your Highness, the Son of Heaven is rich all over the world. How much the people earn is actually how much the Tian family earns. The left and right are the same. Don't compete with the people for profit. The people are rich and the country is strong. Govern by the way of a sage. This is the foundation of peace in the world. , Taizu didn't pay much attention to business and taxation, and when he became a grandfather, he had "seasonal gifts for weddings, funerals, self-woven cloth, agricultural implements, food and taxable items purchased, goods transported by car and boat, fish, vegetables, miscellaneous fruits and non-market vendors. Those who are exempted from tax' rules, this is the demeanor of the sage and the great virtue of caring for the common people."

These two are people like old masters, world-famous Confucian scholars, with extensive knowledge and memorization, records of past dynasties, when others want to look up books, they pick them up casually, without any effort.

Lu Wang nodded again and again, his face full of curiosity, after listening, he suddenly shook his head and said:
"I want to give advice to the emperor's brother..."

Seeing the child's innocent expression, both Chen Ge and Mou Naikui sighed, bowed down together with fists in their hands, and begged:
"Your Highness, don't go to His Majesty's side to say these words. It's useless for me to wait for nothing. Your Highness must not break the brotherhood with Your Majesty. Then I will die."

"You two gentlemen, get up quickly, Yichun doesn't say anything, get up quickly..."

Lu Wang's powder-carved and jade-carved face was full of anxiety.

King Lu and Zhu Yixuan didn't ask Emperor Wanli these words, but the question and answer spread outside the palace, and literati all praised him in private, King Lu is really a virtuous king...
It's Empress Chen, she's changed

(End of this chapter)

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