Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 333 Li Sancai in the Suzhou Guild Hall

Chapter 333 Li Sancai in the Suzhou Guild Hall

The capital is the place with the most officials in the world, large and small, there are people who are officials in the capital from anywhere in the two Zhili and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the most important imperial examination for scholars and literati in the world is also held in the capital, and many scholars also gather here. Although it is once every few years, here you can prepare for the exam with peace of mind, you can also make friends with fellow villagers, and you may even reach the sky in one step. There is no chance, what else is there to prepare for another exam...

The capital is also one of the most prosperous and prosperous places in the world. In the imperial palace, officials and officials of various yamen spend public and private money, attracting goods and wealth from all over the world, and this attracts merchants and common people from all over the Ming Dynasty. Come, some want to make a fortune here, some just want to come here to make a living.

China has been passed down for thousands of years, and there is a tradition of being born in the native land. One is alone, without family and friends to take care of him. If he hears the local accent, it will be so emotional.

Everyone is wandering in a foreign land, and fellow villagers will help and support each other and take care of each other.

Over time, various circles have been drawn in the officialdom and folk circles because of the origin of the fellow villagers. Fortunately, the folk circles have various factions in the officialdom.

Generally speaking, no matter where the powerful figures of the chief assistant, second assistant, or ceremonial supervisor are from, they must support the officials and scholars from their hometown.

In the thirteen provinces of the two Zhili provinces, although it is said that there are candidates for Jinshi everywhere, in fact, the rich and the poor are different in different places, and the people who can afford to read are also somewhat different.

In the north, the nephews of small and medium-sized landlords may have to work in the fields, while in the south of the Yangtze River, rich peasants can provide their children with reading and writing. After this, the proportion of people with fame and reputation will naturally change.

Among the officials and scholars in the capital, the most people were from Nanzhili, among which the people from Suzhou, Changzhou and Songjiang were the most, followed by Zhejiang, and Zhejiang had the most people from Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou, followed by It is Huguang and Jiangxi, and these two places are comparable.

Every month, a large number of scholars from these places come to Beijing, and some of them live in the capital permanently.

Among these scholars, the success rate of the imperial examination is also very high, and there are also officials from the DPRK and China who take the initiative to make friends with them, either to take care of their fellow villagers, or to form a party for personal gain, or to take advantage of the solidarity and public opinion of these people.

Officials and scholars, whether in the court or in the opposition, made friends and colluded with each other, forming various power groups.

The guild hall is the place where people from the same country gather for activities. They first came to Beijing to serve as officials and do business out of the friendship and various considerations of the fellow countrymen. They invited each other, raised funds, purchased real estate, and provided for those who came to Beijing to seek work or stay in Beijing. Those who lived there lived, and those who came later continued to build and expand.

Up to now, the guild hall has become a place where literati from all over the world exchange and gather with each other. People discuss current affairs and state affairs here, write poems and essays, and often public opinion in the capital begins from this.

Their remarks plus the memorials of the officials, this is the so-called "clear discussion of scholars" in the capital, which is an extremely important force of public opinion. Shoufu, today's people have to pay attention to it.

Entering the twelfth lunar month, the family members and servants are busy with the affairs of the busy year, and the official affairs of the yamen are also idle day by day.

The Suzhou Guild Hall, actually the Nanzhili Guild Hall, is located in a prosperous place outside the Xuanwu Gate of the capital, and it looks like a wealthy family's house from the outside.

This is the busiest place in the Jingshi Guild Hall. It is no wonder that the Susongchang area in Nanzhili is the area with the most officials, and even the Guild Hall has become lively.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, this Suzhou guild hall is very lively. Officials and scholars come in and out, greeting each other. In the halls of the house, familiar people sit together, drinking tea and chatting. If you just look at this guild hall, you don’t know the day. I thought it was already Chinese New Year.

Just after lunch, someone outside raised the voice to announce, and everyone in the room got up one after another, saluting and greeting the person who came over enthusiastically.

"Brother Daofu, why are you here today?"

"Make an appointment with a few friends and come here for a small gathering."

"Daofu, I haven't seen you in the past few days. He will be my brother's host in the future, and we will go to Fushoulou in Niuma Lane to have a drink together."

"Second brother is polite, but make an appointment, and the younger brother will definitely go."

"Master Li!! My little brother is living in the capital. If it wasn't for your help, he would have died of illness in the inn. Your great kindness, we brothers will never forget, I kowtow to you here."

"Get up, get up, we are all disciples of the sages, and it is also necessary to rescue the emergency. You brothers can rest assured of the imperial examination. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

As soon as this person came in, it seemed that everyone had something to say to him, and everyone was showing goodwill to him. Anyone who could say a word to this person who came in would have a bright face and looked extremely radiant.

But this person looked ordinary, nothing more than a fat middle-aged man, at most 35 years old, wearing a blue scribe casual clothes, his face was a bit long, his eyes were small but very energetic.

Since entering the gate of the guild hall, this person walked slowly. Everyone greeted him, and he also greeted everyone with a kind face, without any arrogance or irritability. A person feels slighted.

When this person entered the inner hall, the bustle outside subsided. Everyone sat down to do their own business, and there were some newcomers asking in a low voice:

"Brother, who is this person, Daofu? Master Li? I haven't heard of such a person. Besides, from his accent, it seems to be from Shuntian Mansion?"

"This is Mr. Li Sancai, a member of the Shandong Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs. This is the No. [-] person in the capital who helps people in danger and rescues people who donate money..."

Speaking of this, someone on the side interrupted and said:
"Mr. Li was a Jinshi in the second year of Wanli. He is the first-class figure in the officialdom of the capital. He has become famous in recent years. People in and outside the capital say that Mr. Li will definitely be a pillar of the imperial court in the future. The Zhili scholars are friendly, that is our honor!"

The inner hall of the Suzhou Guild Hall is similar to the setting of an elegant seat in a restaurant. There are tables and chairs in the middle lobby, but there are separate small rooms around it for people with status to discuss and rest.

The door of the house where Li Sancai, a member of the Shandong Department of Hubu, was open, and some curious people deliberately sat around here, hoping to hear what this well-known figure in the capital had to say.

"Brother Yunzhen is going to Haizhou to take up his post this time, and it's winter again. It goes without saying that the journey has been hard, and brothers don't need to say much. Let's wish you a smooth journey with a glass of water and wine!"

This Li Sancai raised the porcelain cup to signal, and a person who was about the same age as him on the opposite side also toasted, both of them drank it down, and the person called Yunzhen sighed and said:
"I studied hard in the cold window, and I wanted to use the way of sages to assist the emperor and help the world in the court, but I didn't expect that the heavens failed to fulfill my wishes, and I got this dirty official to deal with those filthy and filthy people.

"How can you say that, brother Yunzhen, you are an official in the court, and you are also an official in the local area, but if you have a heart of loyalty to the Holy King and Daming, it is the same everywhere."

Li Sancai said seriously, and Yunzhen stood up to toast, bowed and said:

"Brother Daofu's words are like a slap in the face, Yunzhen is in a trance."

Those outside who were listening to the excitement all secretly gave their thumbs up. This Wei Yunzhen was originally the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and got the job of the Lianghuai Salt Transport Department years ago.

Huaiyan is sold all over the world, and the two jobs of the Huaiyan Transportation Department have always been the fattest of fat jobs. It is good luck that the head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and other idle positions are transferred here.

It can be seen that this lord is actually worried about not being able to carry out the righteous way in the court, and Li Sancai, Li lord is another warning, really a celebrity, a great sage!

Wei Yunzhen, who was going to be on a foreign job, was sitting with her back facing the door, so people outside naturally couldn't see the joy on this lord's face, and they really couldn't restrain their excitement.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone chatted, and someone mentioned Tianjin Wei, and the topic changed immediately.

"In the land of Tianjin Wei, why did such a big chaos happen only when Wang went here? Isn't it because the people lived and worked in peace and contentment a few years ago, and when Wang Tong went, the sky was three feet high, and the officials forced the people to rebel. That's why such a big event happened .”

"My little brother has a few relatives in Tianjin Wei. They fled to the capital and said that Wang Tong was huddled in the mansion that day and dared not go out. It was because several adults in the city came out to persuade the righteous people to disperse. But afterwards However, this Wang Tong searched and arrested wantonly, and started killing people on the charge of treason. A common frame, what a villain, what a beast!!!”

The more he talked, the more he was filled with righteous indignation, and there were already people outside the door who disregarded etiquette and listened attentively outside the door, many of them showed angry expressions.

At this time, an older person at the banquet said:
"Everyone be careful, that Wang Tong is the most trusted minister of the sage. Otherwise, Zhang Ge has been reprimanded several times. How can he hide from a small thousand households? You should not say anything, lest you be summoned." Misfortune, these past few years, isn't it a lesson?"

Some people said that, people inside and outside all thought of those cases in the capital, and thought about the attitude of Emperor Wanli's defense, and they all felt a little timid in their hearts.

"Absurd, I read the books of sages and sages, and I am a courtier of the Ming Dynasty. If I let such small and treacherous people do my best, can I be worthy of my own conscience, worthy of the salary of the court, worthy of the emperor, and worthy of the country of the Ming Dynasty? What is the use of the country supporting me? , Let the people of the world know that our awe-inspiring character, even if Wang Tong is so powerful, we have to risk our lives, fight him, and fight for justice!!"

Li Sancai jumped up against the case, passionate and generous, and after a moment of silence inside and outside, everyone burst into applause.
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(End of this chapter)

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