Chapter 334

All the officials and scholars in the capital who lost money due to the taxation of the canal, and even noble merchants, originally had complaints against Wang Tong. Everyone talked and complained to each other, but because of Emperor Wanli's protection of Wang Tong, no one dared to bring it to the table speak.

The words of Li Sancai, a member of the Shandong Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs, in the Suzhou Guild Hall instantly ignited the powder keg, and everyone in every place, who thought they could talk about government affairs and should talk about government affairs, was talking about Wang Tong. .

The wind started at the end of Qingping, and the discussion of a group of people in one place quickly became a trend of public opinion in the entire capital.

All guild halls and places where literati and officials gather are discussing this matter. In their mouths, Wang Tong has become a heinous villain who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

The Weixiang Rebellion in Tianjin was originally suppressed by Wang Tong, who led the army to wipe out the rebels. People from the cult also participated in it. Panda, all have inseparable relationship with this mess.

But the already clear facts changed inexplicably. Some people began to say that the things in Tianjin Wei were all distorted, why did my relatives from Tianjin Wei tell the truth.

Wang Tong forced the Tianjin Weimin to live in dire straits, and they couldn't shrink back during the chaos. Afterwards, he brutally pursued them, killed innocent people, and framed upright officials. All kinds of scandals began to spread again.

The market began to talk about the storytelling of "Tianjin Wei Wuyi". When discussing this matter, they all lamented that the sage was deceived by evil and evil.

It depends on which honest gentleman in the court dares to speak up and criticize the great harm of impeachment...

Thinking about studying poetry and books hard, getting fame in the imperial examination, and finally earning the privilege of tax exemption, I didn't expect that Wang Tong would step in and collect money in Tianjin.

The money that was due to my family was lost out of thin air. What a deep hatred, but everyone also knows that Wang Tong has the trust and protection of the emperor, and he impeached him rashly. .

Although the grievances are getting higher and higher, no one is willing to be the first bird, and everyone is waiting and watching.

Li Sancai, head of the Shandong Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs, is from Shaanxi, but moved to Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou when he was a child.

Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou is the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the north, where goods from the north and the south meet and trade. .

When Li Sancai was a teenager, the Li family was already a wealthy businessman in Zhangjiawan. When Li Sancai passed the Jinshi examination in the second year of Wanli and entered the household department as an official, his family fortune expanded even more.

Now the Li family in Tongzhou is known as the number one merchant in Tongzhou.

When Li Sancai entered the household department, he first joined the Yunnan Division as the head. This Yunnan Division is in charge of the customs of the world, and he takes care of it. A tax-free convenience, with this convenience, the business will naturally be much easier. It is a big family business, and with this help, it will naturally expand rapidly.

Merchants and merchants in Tongzhou are scrambling to make friends with the Li family, hoping to let Li Sancai take care of them. After this, the Li family has vaguely become the business leader of Tongzhou.

The family became richer and richer, and the money was willing to spend. In addition, Li Sancai was a long-sleeved and good dancer. Not only did his official career become smoother, but his reputation also increased.

There are quite a few poor literati in the capital, even among the capital officials, there are some officials in the Qingshui Yamen who are struggling. Li Sancai has always been generous to these people, and when Li Sancai is helping, he is extremely sincere. Never make the other person feel inferior.

Over the past few years, Li Sancai's reputation in the capital has become bigger and bigger. Even though he is a small head, the household department does not dare to despise him.

Although such a person is of low grade, he has control over the public opinion of the capital. If he offends him and is launched a clean-up attack by him, then the official struggle may not be stable at that time.

After Li Sancai was promoted to Shandong Secretary Wailang, his prestige and influence increased even more. Scholars in the capital and low-rank civil servants all took pride in making friends with Li Sancai in Jiaozhou. Some even met him and said a word , are regarded as a glorious glory.

The Shandong Division of the Household Department is in charge of the Salt Fields of the National Salt Transport Department. This is an errand for attracting wealth and making money every day. In contrast, the wealth of the Li family in Tongzhou has expanded even more.

At this time, even the wealthy Lianghuai salt merchants wanted to sell the Li family some face. Li Sancai was also well-known and traveled all over the world, and even Jiangnan Shilin was also famous.

The Li family is so rich, and they made their fortunes by relying on the canal trade. In the past, there were various conveniences, such as tax exemption, or inspection exemption, to pass up and down, but now Wang Tong has stepped in to set up a tax customs in Tianjin Wei, and open the sea in Tianjin Wei. , Daxing maritime trade.

The low price of goods imported by sea trade will definitely squeeze the trade on the canal, not to mention that this tax is tantamount to cutting flesh and drawing blood for nothing.

It doesn't matter to a small family, but the Li family is so rich, Wang Tong's deeds do not know how much money the Li family lost, and how much less they will earn in the future.Li Sancai's prosperity and wealth are closely related to the success and failure of his family business. We share honor and disgrace. If Wang Tong is around and Wang Tong is doing it, the Li family will gradually weaken. If the Li family has no money, Li Sancai will not be able to maintain his reputation. He couldn't keep his official career going smoothly, and before he knew it, the two of them became a life-and-death situation.

As the new year approached, all the bigwigs in the court had heard about the resumption of the public opinion in the capital's attack on Wang Tong, but they didn't care much about it.

Whether it is the Empress Dowager Li or Feng Gonggong, not to mention Zhang Ge, they are all very careful about the income and expenditure of wealth. From the first year of Wanli, everyone has to pay 120 points to deal with accounts and write off accounts at the end of each year. I'm sorry, I can't tell the cost, dismissal is a trivial matter, and it is possible to be imprisoned and questioned.

If you are caught by your own political enemies and competitors to frame yourself or your subordinates, you must be careful, or use such things to frame your own political enemies and competitors and fight for some benefits for yourself and your subordinates. You must be careful to prepare.

As for the criticism against Wang Tong, it seems that Wang Tong's name has not stopped since it appeared in everyone's minds, and everyone can guess how it will end, so why bother.

But for the Public Security Department, even though Zhang Cheng had no chance to intervene, Zou Yi and Lu Wancai of the Public Security Department were very nervous and specially arranged manpower to investigate.

After finding out the result, the two of them became less nervous, and Lu Wancai joked and laughed:
"Everyone in the world can say what Li Sancai said, but he can't say it. If the Li family in Tongzhou hadn't made a fuss about the tax and salt, they wouldn't be able to make such a statement. It's just a name."

It was easy to find out Li Sancai's righteous and high-spirited remarks in the Suzhou Guild Hall. After finding out what happened, Zou Yi also felt that this matter was normal.

"Scholars want to be famous, firstly they can't kill others, and secondly they are reluctant to do anything to their own family. It's nothing more than talking big, deceiving the court staff, or scolding someone who is difficult to provoke, and looking bold."

There was so much scolding outside, but the Secretary of General Administration did not even receive a memorial. This kind of turmoil was just a joke, and the Secretary of Public Security faded away.

All the strength of the Department of Public Security is now focused on Sun Hai, the eunuch who is the supervisor of the horse, even though Zhang Cheng did not order it, and Wang Tong did not send a letter to give advice.

Zou Yi's self-made arrangement was carried out. The emperor's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are of great significance to the political situation and to a person's prosperity and wealth, especially to people like the Secretary of Public Security.

The admiral and eunuch Sun Hai suddenly appeared and lured the emperor to visit Xiyuan. He was very happy. He didn't know who ordered it, and he didn't know what the purpose was. But the method used was different from the Huwei Martial Art Museum created by Wang Tong. , not to mention that Sun Hai was originally an eunuch in the palace.

If he is allowed to go on step by step, I am afraid that Emperor Wanli's trust in Zhang Cheng and his admiration for Wang Tong will be transferred to Sun Hai step by step, and the current situation of laborious management may be in vain. , vanished.

But no matter how much Sun Hai checked, he couldn't see any intentions. The conclusion was very simple. The Queen Mother Chen was too low-key. Sun Hai was reprimanded by the supervisory eunuch Lin Shulu many times. In desperation, Sun Hai could only curry favor with Emperor Wanli.

It is not easy to investigate other things. The eunuch Sun Hai, the admiral of the imperial horse inspector, holds the military power in his hand, and has his own strength, so he is on guard.

"Empress Dowager, after Lord Long Live left the court, he followed Sun Hai to Xiyuan. Sun Hai invited a troupe of tricks outside the palace. Lord Long Live saw that when dinner was being served, the Empress Dowager sent someone to invite him. Lost my temper."

In Cisheng Empress Dowager Li's bedroom, Empress Dowager Li was reclining on the couch, a female official was gently tapping her behind her, and a female official was beside her whispering.

Hearing this, Queen Mother Li frowned, and said coldly:

"I really don't know how to make progress. Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao don't care about him, but he indulged himself."

"Your Majesty, this servant is going to say hello to Zhang Jing and admonish that Sun Hai..."

The female officer who reported said in a low voice, Empress Dowager Li raised her hand and shook it, then said in a deep voice:
"Sun Hai's slave is from Sister Chen's side. It's not easy for the Ai family to say this. Let them go first. It's the first month of the twelfth lunar month. Let's make a fuss after the new year."

The female officer bowed her head and agreed, and then reported again:

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Academy and the Hanlin Academy have recently discussed that His Royal Highness King Lu is a first-class sage who knows great integrity and reason, and some officials and scholars also followed suit."

The female officer wanted to continue, but when she saw Empress Dowager Li's face was calm, she slowly closed her eyes and stopped talking. After a while of silence, Empress Dowager Li said:

"That child Yilu is not the emperor, so what's the use of being virtuous or not?"
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(End of this chapter)

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