Chapter 336

It is also a tradition that northerners call southerners "southern barbarians", and southerners call northerners "barbarians", let alone the meaning of this crude thing.

When this northerner came to the Central Plains, he always had the intention of being an alien coming to the world. First, he pretended to be brutal to cover up his timidity, and second, he was careful not to be laughed at.

The "barbarian rough guy" was scolding these soldiers where they were hurting, the soldier who asked for wine was fighting with his buddy, when he heard this sentence on the fire, he was furious, and when he turned around, he had already drawn out his knife.

The lobby of the Sifang Inn was already deserted, and looking in the direction of the conversation, there was a table with two guests, who looked to be dressed as merchants.

Seeing the attention of these ferocious soldiers, the expressions of the two merchants changed, and one of them even stood up with a look of panic on his face.

By this time, who still didn't understand, the one who panicked must have spoken quickly, the soldier didn't want to drink anymore, left the man behind, rushed over with a knife in his hand, and cursed:

"Shacai, did you say that!?"

The one who stood up took two steps back, but leaned against the wall. He was already panicking at this moment, but he wanted to be more forceful, so he stiffened his neck and said:
"Nearby is the Yamen of Bingbei Dao. If you use weapons like this recklessly, you will violate the king's law..."

If you give up immediately and make up for it, maybe you will be beaten up. Saying this sentence will add fuel to the flames. The eyes of the soldier who came over with a knife were all red. The knife fell.

Blood splattered in the lobby of the Sifang Inn immediately...
One merchant was hacked to death, the other was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, and the shopkeeper and clerk in the inn also panicked.

The dozen or so soldiers reacted quickly, and the leader also drew his knife and shouted in the shop:

"No one is allowed to leave, whoever wants to move, don't blame grandpa for being rude!!"

"Second child, fifth child, you guard the door, sixth child, hurry up and find Mr. Sun!!"

At this time, those big men showed their elite qualities, following the order of the leader, each of them performed their duties, guarding the front and rear exits of the inn.

However, the guys in the inn are more familiar with the inn. Before these soldiers guarded, two guys had already ran out.

The ground of Tianjin Wei is not big, and the two guys who ran out ran wildly, and it didn't take much time to arrive at the Qingjun Office. Although the name of the Qingjun Office is not common, it is actually a local government office similar to the Zhixian and Zhizhou Yamen. Specializes in local litigation and civil affairs.

"My lord, my lord, someone killed someone at Sifang Inn!!"

The Sifang Inn in Tianjin Wei is also a frequent place for official banquets, and the clerks are familiar with everyone in the Yamen. When the guards of the Qing Army Hall heard this, they hurried in to report to Gao Tongzhi.

Weixiang chaos in Tianjin, several related officials were dismissed and questioned, even Wang Tong can only be regarded as a no-brainer. On the contrary, Gao Tongzhi was responsible for breaking the Sanyang religious case. His performance appraisal was "excellent". If there is no accident, he will go to other places to be a magistrate in the middle of next year.

Having said that, among the officials in charge of Tianjin Wei, the rest of the successors will come after the Chinese New Year, and the one who can take charge is Tongzhi Gao.

As soon as he heard that it was a murder in broad daylight, Tongzhi Gao immediately paid attention to it, quickly summoned the police, sent out a bookmark, and immediately went out to arrest him.

Now that promotion is imminent, no disaster can happen at this moment. Besides, this murderer in the street must be a vicious person, and he must not be let go.

The Qing army hall also sent a dozen horses and five archers, together with thirty guards, to the Sifang Inn to arrest people.

The front of the Sifang Inn is very clean, and it is completely impossible to see that there was a murder case just now.

The arresters who rushed here were rather surprised. The two head arresters looked at each other, waved and called the man, and made another confirmation before asking him to go in.

Four arresters with water and fire sticks walked in front side by side, and the man with an iron ruler and waist knife walked behind, and rushed in with a shout.

After the policemen rushed in, they were all stunned. The tables and chairs in the lobby of the inn were all pushed away, leaving only one place, where a general sat there with a grand appearance, and the soldiers stood on both sides.

Seeing that it was related to the soldiers, the arresters who came in were secretly complaining, don't look at themselves with knives, guns and sticks, but if they want to fight these soldiers, they can't take advantage of it at all, not to mention that these big guys are all elite. , The clothes, armor and swords are all excellent, I don't know whose family it is.

"Gentlemen, the murderer is that person, catch him quickly!"

The guy who reported the case didn't know the embarrassment of these arresters. He entered the room and pointed at the soldier and shouted loudly. The soldier he called was standing on the left side of the general. After hearing the shout, he looked at Come over, startled the guy, and quickly hid behind the arresters.

Who the murderer was, the police officers of the Tianjin Weiqing Army Hall had already seen clearly, there was still blood on the wall over there, and among the dozen or so soldiers, only one had blood on his body.

But looking at this posture, how can I reach out to grab someone, but I have already come here, and it is unreasonable to stay still. While cursing the guy who reported the crime in my heart, I winked at each other and pushed each other away.

Of the two headhunters, one of them clasped his fists and said with a smile:

"The little ones are the police officers of the Qing Army Department, who came to arrest the murderer. I wonder who this adult is?"

The general sitting on the chair was tall and tall, with a beard on his face. Hearing this, he slowly raised his head and said in a deep voice:

"Sun Shoulian, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, who is patrolling the guerrillas in northern Liao."

Hearing that he was an officer and soldier from Liao Town, and that he was a guerrilla, the head catcher who spoke was even more troublesome. The job of guerrilla can only be done by military generals of the fifth rank and the fourth rank. He can be regarded as a person guarding one side. How can I offend you.

Before he could speak, Sun Shoulian spoke first, and asked calmly:

"How many of you are here to catch criminals!?"

The police officers didn't know what he meant by this rhetorical question, so they could only nod with a dry smile. Sun Shoulian suddenly raised his voice:
"Sun Si, get over here!!"

The murderous soldier was vicious and domineering, but he didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Sun Shoulian. When he heard the greeting, he hurried to the front, and when he was standing there at a loss, that Sun Shoulian just kicked him while he was sitting there, kicking him down on the ground. On the ground, before Sun Si got up, Sun Shoulian had already stood up and kicked down on his head and face.

He had the strength of a general, and he was ruthless in his strikes, that Sun Si's face was covered with blood immediately, Sun Shoulian didn't stop fighting, he took out his waist knife casually, and slammed his head and face.

Although the knife was not out of its sheath, the combination of the knife and the scabbard was not light. It was like a person hitting someone with a stick, and Sun Si was beaten all over the ground, screaming in pain.

Sun Shoulian beat and cursed, and roared loudly:

"In Liaodong, you bastards don't know what is good or bad, and you are used to being domineering. When you come to Tianjin Acropolis, Zhili is also doing so much mischief. You have caused such a disaster. How did you get involved? Do you think you are still in Liaozhen!!?"

The more Sun Shoulian spoke, the angrier he became. At the end, he simply stopped beating, drew his knife out of its sheath, and shouted loudly:
"You lawless bastard, a certain family will chop off your head today..."

As soon as the knife was raised, a few soldiers around him quickly hugged him, and the others knelt on the ground, kowtowing repeatedly, and the oldest man begged in a hissing voice:

"General, General, for the sake of Sun Si and General's life and death together for so many years, we went to the pass to run an errand, but lost our lives here, how can we explain to the brothers outside the pass, and show mercy to the general! "

All over there kowtowed, crying and begging for help. Sun Shoulian broke away from the person holding him, put down the knife in his hand, and finally sighed, and said:
"The face of a certain family has been ruined by you..."

The clerks and shopkeepers in the Sifang Inn all looked relieved. These officers and soldiers from Liao Town were rampant in the store and killed people in the store. Killing people paid for their lives, they should be punished.

The headhunters smiled wryly. They had seen a lot of things, so they couldn't see the meaning of Sun Shoulian's pretentiousness. Sure enough, Sun Shoulian blamed himself, turned his head and cupped his fists and said:

"Guys, this Sun Si is a family member who has been with a certain family for many years. He is no different from his family members. He committed a serious crime here today, so he will naturally be punished. But he is a soldier of our Liao Town, so he will naturally be punished by military law. Wait. I will take him back to Liao Town, and then proceed to march, what do the officers think?"

Those soldiers and servants had already stood up from the ground, holding their knives and staring at the arresters of the Qing Army Hall.

Regardless of the large number of people on my side, the other party is the personal soldiers of Liao Zhenjun's generals, and they are all elites.If it really happened to the officials, Li Chengliang, the chief soldier of Liao Town, was quite protective of his subordinates, and his boss was only a fifth-rank colleague, so he couldn't resist. This Sun Shoulian had done a good job in the routine and gave his family a better reason. That's right, the left and right are the affairs of Liao Town, and the Tianjin Weiqing Military Office can't control it like this, leaving it to the soldier who has not yet arrived to worry about it, so he replied with a dry smile and said:

"Since the adults said so, the younger ones will go back and return to their orders. The corpses will be burned and buried. I will trouble the adults, and the younger ones will leave now."

After speaking, the head catcher turned around to say hello, and the group of people turned around and left, leaving the shopkeeper stunned.

Sun Shoulian kicked Sun Si who was lying on the ground again, and cursed viciously:

"Get up for me, if you don't take up the post, you won't be able to finish the errands. From today to next year, you should stay here honestly. If you cause trouble again, I will kill you first."

Knowing that the guerrilla attack in Liao Town was involved, Gao Tongzhi also had a headache, and was about to pinch his nose and get confused, but God failed, and the police came back in the morning, and the owner of the Sifang Inn came to visit in the evening...
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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