Chapter 337

The owner of the Sifang inn was also an official. He returned home after returning to his official position. Although he has no actual power, but in terms of official etiquette, on the surface, such a person is more respected than the current official. After all, he has the same rank. High seniority.

Everyone is an official, and this owner is not stage-frightened when he sees Gao Tongzhi from the Qing Army Hall. After entering the door, he sits down and serves tea, and the owner of Sifang Inn cuts to the chase and says:

"Master Gao, this matter can't be so muddled!"

Gao Tongzhi wanted to divert the conversation away but had no chance to speak. Hearing this, he smiled wryly and said:
"Brother Du, this case involves guerrillas in Liao Town. Since that person wants to be vague, what can Gao do? But is this official Gao still doing it?"

Li Chengliang has been in Liaodong for nearly 20 years. He has a high position and authority, and the court is extremely caring. In addition, Li Chengliang is willing to spend money.

This case is really going to become a big deal, and people in high positions like Li Chengliang may have to take care of their own face, if they don't protect their own soldiers, they can kill or not, it will be embarrassing.

Offended such a behemoth, Li Chengliang didn't even need to do anything himself, if he had some acquaintances to say a few words and say hello, Gao Tong knew that this official should not be an official, and he didn't know any harsh measures to deal with it.

That Dudong's expression changed a few times, and he also sighed and said:
"Du also knows the difficulties of Mr. Gao. We have also passed through this officialdom, and our performance is excellent. When we are transferred, we must not have any accidents. Otherwise, we will delay our bright future. Mr. Gao, you are in trouble!"

Hearing this, Gao Tong felt a bit ashamed in his embarrassment, got up and bowed to Mr. Du, and said:
"I also ask Brother Du to be considerate of my little brother's difficulties!"

The face looks good, but Gao Tongzhi cursed secretly in his heart, thinking that if it wasn't that your surname is Du, you have a cousin who is the Imperial Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate (under the Deputy Imperial Censor), so why bother me? For your kindness.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Du stood up and cupped his fists and said:
"Mr. Gao, it's not that Du was inconsiderate, but the person who died was a relative of Shandong Zuo who participated in politics. If there is a real trouble, Du will not be able to explain it, and Mr. Gao will have difficulties!"

The situation of some people in this court is different. Shandong left can't compare with Liaozhen's general soldier. However, this man is noble and military, and he doesn't know what to do in the future, and he will be an official nearby, let alone his rank is far away. Higher than himself, he is still a character who cannot be offended, Gao Tongzhi's face immediately became bitter.

Gao Tongzhi and Du Dong's family are in trouble at this time, and they can't afford to offend them, so we must find a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Brother Du, do you know Wang Tong?"

"On the ground of Tianjin Wei, there are people who don't know Wang Tong. What does Master Gao mean by that?"

"Although Wang Tong is domineering, he is reasonable. When he was in the capital, he was generous and helpful when he saw injustice. No matter how you say it today, this incident is killing people in the street, and it hurts innocent people. Why don't you ask Brother Du?" When we get there, maybe we will give an explanation..."

Gao Tongzhi said it plainly, but Mr. Du listened and nodded repeatedly.

It's already the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, starting from the second half of November, every time I go to the canal and the Haihe River, I feel the wind blowing like a scraper.

Wearing leather robes can't hide it. All the laborers affiliated to Wang Tong still drink hot ginger soup. They may not have any new cotton clothes to wear, but they are also tightly wrapped.

On the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the active work of the laborers on the Haihe River was concentrated on paving and repairing roads. From the side of the canal and from the side of Tianjin Acropolis, the roads leading to the Haihe River are very poor. It can be said that there is no road, and it is completely dependent on people. If the goods are stepped on, the goods will increase, and the cart will not be able to move, so it will be useless.

On such a cold day, Wang Tong still had to go out early in the morning, and also went to the firearms workshop outside the city to finalize the production plan for the coming year with the director Ren Yuan. Of course, this era is not called this name.

Wang Tong now has five sea-going ships in his hands, three of which are very dilapidated, and the other two will be returned to others if the other party comes to redeem them with money in the coming year.

If you want to make a fuss about maritime trade, even if it is just a port, it is extremely important to have your own sea power. After Wang Tong broke the private port of Tangjiahe, he began to think about his own shipbuilding.

He currently has two craftsmen in his hands, one is Qiao Da's workshop, and the other is the Fire Organ Workshop, both of which are under his own command now.

There are nearly a thousand skilled craftsmen and thousands of apprentices. There is no shortage of materials. Wang Tong thought that building a ship was a very simple matter.

Tianjin Acropolis is not without shipwrights, but these shipwrights can only make fishing boat sampans for offshore fishing, and even the damage of these seagoing ships is considered and repaired by craftsmen in the workshop.

During the Jiajing period, the sea was banned, shipyards everywhere were burned, tools and blueprints were destroyed, a large number of shipwrights were either diverted to other industries, or were recruited by the maritime tycoons in Fujian and Zhejiang. There is no way to build a big ship even if you want to go out.

Even ordinary sea ships cannot be manufactured, let alone warships and gunboats, which have higher requirements.

At the very least, he needs to renovate the few sea-going ships in his hand. Ren Yuan usually thinks about casting cannons and making firecrackers. He really doesn't know anything about shipbuilding.

Wang Tong passed by every day, hoping that his knowledge could help the other party, and the two sides worked together to figure out ideas.

The boy at home opened the gate, and the horses went out slowly. Wang Tong who was on the horse was thinking, it is definitely not the way to just build a car behind closed doors, and it is better to recruit some knowledgeable boat builders.

Now there are only a few skilled shipwrights in Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, but these shipwrights are all in the hands of maritime merchants and tycoons, and they can't be recruited if they want to. The Portuguese in Guangdong and Macau can think of a way. But why should I let the other party travel thousands of miles to Tianjin Wei.

When I was studying blacksmithing skills in Macau, I once recognized Balmond as a teacher in the blacksmith shop. The relationship between the two parties is quite good. I don’t know if Balmond is still there. After all, it has been almost three years.

Today, if you go to the workshop, why not arrange for the foreign craftsmen to go to Macau together? These foreigners came to Daming from Europe, thousands of miles away, just to make a fortune, and the money will touch people's hearts. If you are willing to spend money on your side, you will naturally Please move craftsmen and talents.

Thinking of this, I have opened up a lot of ideas. Now that I have gone to Macau, I don’t need to hire only this shipbuilder. I can also invite a batch of craftsmen who know how to make Western guns. Anyone with skills can be invited. I have enough money here, and it is for the long-term.

Just walked out of the mansion gate, heard a noise in front, someone in front of him yelled and asked, several people around him even drew out their weapons, Wang Tong's heart trembled, just now he was distracted, his body subconsciously bent down, and his hand was on the handle of the knife.

There was a few short shouts in front, but the silence immediately returned.

When Wang Tong paid attention to the past, he saw a few people being pushed to the ground by the soldiers in front, struggling unceasingly there.

Wang Tong let go of his hand on the handle of the knife and looked over immediately. The soldiers who came over had been completely restrained by the soldiers. A general from the Tan family had already rode up to those people and asked them sternly.

"My lord, my lord, give the little one justice!!"

Wang Tong frowned, and called the "Master" to come out, indicating that the people blocking the way over there were not ordinary people, at least some official relatives were there. If they were ordinary people, the first sentence they shouted was probably 'Master Qingtian'.

"bring it here!"

Immediately shouted, the soldiers walking in front simply searched the person, and brought them here, but Ma Yunkui was on duty and led the team, the one who performed the best in the initial selection , at this time his complexion is not very good-looking.

In front of Wang Tongma, Ma Yunkui knelt down first, and said shamelessly:
"It's because the subordinates are not strict in guarding, and these people took advantage of the loopholes. Please punish me, my lord!"

Everyone could feel the rising momentum of Wang Tong's subordinates. These capable and ambitious people all held back their energy to perform in front of Wang Tong, but today they made this incident, which was a great embarrassment.

Wang Tong glanced at him immediately, and said with a smile:

"It's none of your business, they just came to sue, because they didn't have weapons and didn't want to attack, so you naturally ignore it, get up!!"

Ma Yunkui kowtowed and stood up, and the people who shouted "justice" were brought to Wang Tong, who immediately asked with a smile:

"Shandong chief envoy Si Zuo participated in politics, isn't he a relative of the murdered suffering master? Why don't you use this kind of relationship? Boss Du sent someone to tell you the name of the official, but you are here."

After saying this, the people who came to block the way to complain were stunned. One of them gritted his teeth and said:
"If I go back to Shandong and ask for a document, I don't know how much effort it will take to write it across the province, and that person is a general in Liao Town. When I go back there and arrest him, there is no one in Tianjin Wei to make decisions for the little ones. I heard that Mr. Wang is upright and honest, so I came here to find Mr. Wang to give justice to the little ones!!"

Wang Tong smiled, Zhang Shiqiang had already reported this matter to him last night, and someone even told them that they were blocking the way to file a complaint.

Seeing Wang Tong's indifferent expression, the person who blocked the way to file a complaint was anxious, and kowtowed desperately regardless of where he was, crying:
"Everyone is planning to go home together the day after tomorrow. It's a pity that there are parents, wife and children at home, waiting to go back together for the New Year..."

"Murder pays for life, I will give you this justice."

Wang Tong said something indifferently, turned around and shouted:

"Call the first battalion!!"
Chapter 2 will be later
(End of this chapter)

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