Chapter 338

"The sufferer who had the accident was quick-talking. It was indeed provocation first. A beating is not too much, but killing people in the street is a serious crime. Since the Qing Military Office doesn't care, someone must punish it!"

The first battalion was assembled quickly, and General Tan and the others also followed on horseback. The few who came to complain also thought about all kinds of difficulties before they came.

But he didn't expect Wang Tong to agree so happily. Seeing the soldiers and horses assembled and going out, these Shandong businessmen who came to complain were a little panicked.

The matter came too easily, and it always made people doubt whether it was true or false. Could it be that Wang Qianhu had some kind of conspiracy to succeed?

Tan Jiang rode up to catch up, and persuaded in a low voice with worry:
"My lord, shouldn't we act with caution, there are guerrillas in Liao Town, and I have heard the name of Sun Shoulian when I was in Ji Town, and said that he was from Li Chengliang's personal guard."

Wang Tong was silent for a while before speaking:
"Killing people in the street not only breaks the law, but also breaks the order of Tianjin Guards. If people are not punished for killing people in the street, what about the soldiers from Xuanfu and Ji Town, and the soldiers from the capital? If they kill our Jinyiwei people Woolen cloth!"

Having said that, General Tan was silent for a while, and said again:
"My lord, General Li of Liao Town is extremely powerful, so it's really unwise to offend the general for someone who speaks nonsense!"

"It's good to be offended. Everyone is so wary of me. If I sell the face of Li Chengliang in Liao Town, I don't know how I will be suspected. It is reassuring to be offended."

Having said that, General Tan didn't say any more, he rode his horse to catch up with Wang Tong, Wang Tong took a deep breath against the cold wind, said so much, in the final analysis, he couldn't tolerate this kind of evil.

Wang Tong is Daming's Jinyiwei, and his responsibility is to maintain the normal operation of this society and the normal order of the Ming Empire, but the fact that soldiers killed people in the street with the intention of escaping punishment has touched this bottom line.

Soon at the Sifang Inn, Wang Tong took the firecracker, strode into the lobby of the inn, found a seat, and said:
"Invite Master Sun and his subordinates over here!"

He had a cold voice, and the soldiers under him naturally knew what to do. The shopkeeper and the shopkeepers of the inn were also obedient, and immediately pointed out the whereabouts to the guards in brocade clothes. Such officials usually rent a house when they live in the inn.

Wang Tong sat on the seat, took out the firearm, wiped the firearm with a dry cloth first, and the cold firearm became somewhat warmer, then loaded the ammunition step by step, and tamped it with a cleaning rod.

At this time, there were screams and roars from the other direction of the inn lobby, as well as calm voices of orders.

The commotion was short. Under the pressure of Jinyi guards, Sun Shoulian, a guerrilla from Liao Town, gathered together with a group of soldiers, and walked in with an angry expression.

Seeing the Qianhu uniform on Wang Tong's body, Sun Shoulian's face became even more angry, and he shouted harshly:
"Sun Shoulian, the guerrilla guard in Liaobei, will be patrolling Liaobei. What do you want to do in such a broad daylight? Are there any rules and laws!!"

Hearing what "Wang Fa" said, Wang Tong couldn't help grinning, put the firecracker in his hand on the table, and said:
"Wang Fa, you also talk about Wang Fa, let them stand in a row!"

After giving the order, the Jinyi guards immediately shouted with their spears, but they didn't try to tie them up. They just used their weapons to force them, but under the pressure of the gleaming sharp blades, even though they were reluctant in their hearts and cursed repeatedly, they were still forced. Have to stand in a row.

"The Commander of Jinyiwei, Liu Shouyou, Liu Dutang, and our commander-in-chief also know each other. Don't act recklessly, this Qianhu. When the time comes, it will be difficult to explain!"

The other party didn't listen to them at all, but Sun Shoulian felt a little uncertain in his heart, and yelled loudly there, while Wang Tong sat there without getting up, and just said loudly:

"Who is Sun Si, stand up."

"The commander of Ji Town, Qi Jiguang, and the commander of my family are old friends. If you act recklessly, don't you think about the future!!"

"Who is Sun Si, stand up!! Dare to kill people yesterday, dare not come out today?"

Wang Tong still ignored Sun Shoulian's stern shouting, but raised his voice. The lobby is very spacious, the tables and chairs have been emptied by Jinyi guards, and everyone's weapons are aimed at the generals of Liao Town in the circle. All the soldiers subconsciously looked at Sun Si.

Right now, no one dared to move around. If there was anything abnormal, a dozen blood holes would be poked out of his body immediately. The shopkeeper and the clerk who poked their heads out not far away naturally recognized the person.

Everyone's eyes were focused on one place, even if they were hiding, they couldn't hide. Sun Si looked around and walked out hesitantly. Sun Shoulian was on the side and wanted to take a step forward. The surrounding swords immediately moved a little closer. I didn't dare to move anymore, but I heard Wang Tong asking:

"You are Sun Si!"

Sun Si nodded subconsciously, Wang Tong picked up the short gun on the table, glanced at the matchlock where the bird's beak was clamped, aimed at Sun Si and pulled the trigger.

With a loud "bang", Sun Si's body seemed to be hit in the chest by a sledgehammer, and he leaned back and fell directly to the ground.

Whether it was Liaozhen guerrilla Sun Shoulian and his personal soldiers, or the soldiers of the first battalion of Jinyiwei in the house, they were all startled by the sudden loud bang of firecrackers, and everyone subconsciously took a step back.

The shopkeeper and the waiter hiding inside the counter screamed in fright. Wang Tong waved his hands impatiently, and immediately a soldier went over to drive them out.

When everyone came back to look at the ground, there was a big hole in Sun Si's chest, and the blood flowed all over the ground. He was already utterly dead. Sun Shoulian looked down for a while, and when he looked up, his face was full of hatred, pointing at Wang Tong. , with trembling arms, said in a cold voice:
"Okay, okay, Lord Qianhu..."

Wang Tong stood up and said loudly:
"Today there is Sun, a soldier from Liao Town, who resisted arrest after killing someone in the street, and was shot to death in the street. Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu issued a document and returned the body to the headquarters."

After saying this, Sun Shoulian was about to scold angrily, but when he carefully considered Wang Tong's words, he froze there. Wang Tong ignored him, and said again:
"Bring up the people who complained."

The businessmen who complained were waiting outside, listening to the roaring and cursing inside, and the last loud noise, when they were feeling uneasy, the soldiers brought them in.

Shandong merchants were brought there, Wang Tong pointed to the corpse and said:
"Is the murderer this person?"

The merchants never expected that the murderer would have died in the shop in a short while, and they were stunned for a while before nodding. Wang Tong said again:

"The justice you are seeking has already been obtained. Killing people pays for their lives. You guys go to the Qing military hall to record a document, and take the corpse of your companion back to Shandong!!"

The merchants in Shandong did not expect this ending at all. They thought that they would spend money in a lawsuit. They just need to catch the person and ask Shandong to get in touch with them. Moreover, the people in this group want justice so much, so they might as well let their family get away. Meaning, after all, people are from Shandong, and Zuo Canzheng, the chief envoy of Shandong, is also a local parent official, so he can't afford to offend him.

But this morning they just blocked the way to file a complaint, and it took an hour at most. The murderer had already died in front of them, and he didn't react at all. The military office has completed the formalities.

After arranging all these, Wang Tong turned to Sun Shoulian. Just now, he had left all the dozen or so errands in Liaozhen there. So relieved, just looked at with a sneer, Wang Tong turned around and said:
"My official Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong, if you have any doubts about the ruling made by this official, you can file a lawsuit. Presumably the various departments will handle it impartially..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Shoulian, who couldn't bear it for a long time, cursed out there:
"This general is in charge of dozens of thousands of households, and your Jinyiwei's thousands of households..."

"Come to Tianjin Acropolis to do business. I welcome you. If you break the law again, don't even think about going back to Liaodong. Excuse me today and leave!"

Wang Tong hugged his fists with a smile and strode away.

The weapons around Sun Shoulian were also withdrawn, and everyone left the store together with Wang Tong. There were no weapons around to force them, but the scene of Wang Tong bombarding Sun Si with firecrackers while talking and laughing seemed to be right in front of him. The soldiers around Sun Shoulian didn't dare to make a sound until Wang Tong got on his horse and left, then they came up to Sun Shoulian and said loudly:
"General, we people in Liao Town can't die like this for nothing, and such a half-grown kid is so defiant."

They were talking angrily, but Sun Shoulian was staring at the direction Wang Tong was leaving in doubt, muttering "Wang Tong... Wang Tong...", a soldier next to him stepped forward and said in a low voice :
"General, it's better to arrange horses, go in at night and end the little thief, and avenge Sun Si, let's go back to Liao Town quickly, and whoever can do anything to us when we get out of the pass!"

Sun Shoulian simply ignored it, clapped his hands heavily, and said loudly:

"It was him..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned again. The surrounding soldiers watched Sun Shoulian's face flushed from anger just now quickly turn white. Although the lobby was warm, it was not enough to sweat, but Sun Shoulian's face began to sweat Come.

The surrounding soldiers were all panicked. Could it be that his general had some kind of sudden illness from anger? Just as he was about to ask, Sun Shoulian finally said another sentence:

"This is really a disaster."

"My lord, in the inns outside the city that can accommodate hundreds of guests, after hearing about your lord's upholding of justice, dozens of merchants who were about to leave stayed here again."

On the morning of the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, someone sent the news to Wang Tong early. Wang Tong smiled and said to Cai Nan and Yang Sichen who were in the room:

"Have you heard of the investment climate?"

The two naturally shook their heads, but Wang Tong smiled and said nothing. Just as he was about to look at the next business, someone announced loudly from outside the door:

"My lord, Sun Shoulian, the guerrilla guard in Liaobei, is asking to see me."

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(End of this chapter)

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