Chapter 339

"Sun Shoulian, a guerrilla patrolling Liaobei in Liaozhen, begged to see him..."

After the announcement was made, everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Yang Sichen and Cai Nan both stood up, and Wang Tong also raised his head in surprise.

There are dense footsteps outside, and Ma Sanbiao's loud voice can be heard yelling:

"You son of a bitch must have been unconvinced yesterday, and came here today to find trouble. Let him see our Jin Yiwei's skills today!"

Ma Sanbiao has been running back and forth in and out of the city for the past few days, and he happened to be away yesterday. After hearing it when he came back, he was quite regretful, hating himself for not following the prestige of the past.

His prestige in the Jinyiwei Huwei Army is quite high, just like Li Wenyuan's evaluation of Ma Sanbiao back then. Although he was late in learning the skills of the army, he was born with such materials.

Now that he is strong, proficient in martial arts, and has a brave and straightforward temperament, a standard martial arts model, it is no wonder that everyone in the army likes it. Ma Sanbiao yelled outside, and the guards in the mansion agreed in unison, and everyone is gearing up. preparation.

"Tan will go out and have a look. If you just come to ask for an interview, you can bring it here. This is the ground of Tianjin Wei. Our territory can be turned upside down."

Sitting there, Wang Tong ordered a few words, then suddenly raised his voice and shouted:

"All guards are not allowed to move rashly, everyone is on duty!!"

As soon as he roared, the noisy people outside immediately quieted down, General Tan bowed in agreement there, and went out to greet him.

Some fine furs, some bear paws and antlers, four pairs of old wild ginseng, and 1000 taels of cash.

Whether it's business or private, when meeting for the first time, it can be said that it is a heavy gift to prepare such a gift. Sun Shoulian, who was led in, changed into a long coat with a smile on his face, and he was very polite.

Only Wang Tong, Ma Sanbiao, and Yang Sichen were in the room. As soon as Sun Shoulian entered, he clasped his fists and said with a smile:

"I didn't know Mr. Wang yesterday. Meng Lang offended him a lot. I hope Mr. Wang will not be offended."

Sun Shoulian is now a fourth-rank military general, and he has a real lack of guerrilla warfare. He has tens of thousands of soldiers in Liao Town, and the territory under his control is as large as several Hejian Mansions, with a population of more than [-]. In terms of power on the surface His status is much higher than Wang Tong's, and it is indeed very polite to make such a gesture.

"I was just on business yesterday, and I didn't target Mr. Sun. Please sit down and watch tea!"

Wang Tong has been observing the other party carefully since he entered the door. This kind and polite attitude really doesn't seem to be a fraud.

It would be best if there was no grudge over yesterday's killing of Sun Si. Wang Tong didn't want to scare away merchants from all over the place because he killed someone in the street but couldn't be punished. Seeing the expensive gift list and seeing the other party's humble attitude, he became more polite.

Seeing Wang Tong get up and ask for a seat with a smile, Sun Shoulian was obviously relieved, and quickly clasped his fists in thanks, and sat on the chair.

Sun Shoulian is in his 30s this year, he is a high-ranking official, and he is still a guest. Wang Tong didn't even go out to greet him, and he didn't even stand up immediately after entering the house. However, Sun Shoulian didn't feel dissatisfied at all, and his attitude was even worse. , This is clearly the appearance of the lower official seeing the upper official.

"Liao Town, outside the customs, and the traffic inside the customs are not smooth, and the news is very inconvenient. Sun didn't know yesterday that Mr. Wang was on business. You should have known earlier. Why did you come in person? After the next document, Sun tied him to the yamen and punished him according to law. Nothing else."

The so-called inconvenient news is a lie. Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, is always concerned about the troubles of the court. The traffic between the capital and Liaoyang is constant every day. If there is anything wrong with the capital, Liaoyang will not receive the news for more than eight hours. sky.

Sun Shoulian, a Liao town general like Sun Shoulian, naturally knew that Wang Tong was now the most trusted courtier of Emperor Wanli, and he had done countless great things in Tianjin Wei by himself.

He came to Tianjin Wei to do business related to military preparations, not to Wang Tong, so he didn't plan to meet each other. After meeting yesterday, because the soldiers of Jin Yiwei in Tianjin were wearing coarse uniforms, they didn't look like yamen. I didn't notice it at first, but I knew it was bad when I heard Wang Bao's name.

Sun Shoulian is also cunning, he knew that if his family showed an acquaintance at that time, it might make the other party even more angry. Knowing our family name, you still dare to do this, simply pretend to be confused, and it is not surprising for those who don't know, and I also have an explanation to the angry servants around me.

I was confused yesterday, but I can't continue to be confused. I offended the emperor Xingchen, and all the officials knew what the consequences would be, so they rushed to visit.

When I came here, I was worried, young and hot-tempered, my family's attitude was also very tough yesterday, if this young man becomes angry, the two sides will freeze, after all, Liaozhen still has face, this matter cannot be escaped. Let's just say it, it's not beautiful to make the commander-in-chief angry.

I didn't expect that although this person is a young man, he looks like a veteran in the officialdom. He will step down as soon as he is given a step. Everyone looks good. If he is like this, it will be easy to handle.

"Master Sun waits for the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, what's the matter with Wang?"

"Actually, Mr. Sun came to pay his respects."

Sun Shoulian said something surprising, then got up and bowed, sat down and explained with a smile:

"This murder is a serious crime. The family of the sufferer always has to go to the government to make a fuss. Even if Sun took Sun Si back to Liao Town because of his comradeship for many years, when the Ministry of Punishment writes Liaodong, the commander-in-chief will protect him or not." Bao, but it’s not easy to be a human being inside and out, it’s always difficult, it’s better to die cleanly like this, murder for life, and give an explanation to the sufferer.”

Wang Tong nodded, and a soldier beside him came over with tea. Wang Tong raised the teacup as a gesture of invitation. His expression and attitude were already quite polite, and Sun Shoulian relaxed a lot, and took a sip of tea with a smile.

The big man standing behind the young Qianhu seemed to be a good hand. The middle-aged man who led him in seemed to be at least an upright person, and the scribe sitting on the side with his head bowed was also more handsome than a handsome man. The secretaries and staff in the mansion were silent, and while drinking tea, Sun Shoulian looked around the room and made a judgment on the people in the room.

However, the Qianhu Wang Tong sitting in the middle is a bit strange. It is not uncommon for him to be tall and strong. There are also older and stronger children of Liaozhen generals, but his calm demeanor is very strange. It is rare to see such a calm appearance, which is only available to people over the age of 30.

He is observing, and Wang Tong is also watching him. He has seen the generals of the Tan family, the military officers of the Yumajian, and even Li Dameng and others. He probably has a judgment on what the warriors of the Ming Dynasty look like. .

The guerrilla Sun Shoulian in front of him had thick joints and a strong body. He really looked like a general, but he always felt that there was something weird about his body, a bit like a businessman...

Liaozhen fought with the Tartars all year round, and those who achieved the position of guerrilla had their own merits. It was strange why the fighters were so smooth and looked like businessmen.

Both parties drank tea in a fake manner, but couldn't find anything to say. After a moment of awkward silence, Sun Shoulian saw that Wang Tong was more calm than him, so he laughed a few times and spoke first:

"Master Wang, Mr. Sun came to Tianjin Wei to discuss the transfer of military rations at the Bingbei Road, but the new official will not be able to take office until next year, so he had to wait here. During this time, he wandered around and went to the canal. I also went to the edge of the Haihe River, the prosperity inside and out is really pleasing to see!"

Wang Tong nodded and smiled, Sun Shoulian opened his mouth and continued:
"People from the south and foreign countries all gather here in Tianjin Wei. It's easy to buy and sell. This is really a golden treasure. Sun said that within three years, Tianjin Wei will definitely become the most prosperous and prosperous place in the world. where."

"Master Sun has good eyesight."

It doesn't take a very smart mind to make this judgment, but the feeling of a city's wealth and prosperity being born in his own hands is really wonderful. Wang Tong took Sun Shoulian's words directly as a compliment to himself and accepted it calmly .

"Mr. Sun rented four shops on the Haihe River with his own money. If he is lucky when he gets old and doesn't die on the battlefield, he will bring his family to Tianjin Wei to enjoy the blessings. When the time comes, he will ask Mr. Wang to take care of him. No, Lord Wang will already be in court by then, how could he still be in the small place of Tianjinwei, and he said the wrong thing!"

Everyone was polite, but Sun Shoulian didn't know that the pavement by the Hai River was Wang Tong's property, but after talking so much, Sun Shoulian finally got to the point.

"I don't know if Mr. Wang has been outside the pass. People all over the world say that it is bitter and cold outside the pass, but they don't know that there is a treasure land there. There are plenty of furs, ginseng, and mountain treasures. There are also many good ones in the hands of the Tartars and savages there." Things, Mr. Sun has heard many times from people inside the customs that they can be sold at a high price inside the customs. This time he came to the market in Tianjin Wei to see that the price was ten times or twenty times higher than that outside the customs. What a profit! !"

Goods from the south came to the north through the sea through the canal, which was huge profits. Similarly, the goods and special products outside the customs came to the inside of the customs, which was also huge profits.

"Every year, some Shanxi merchants come here. The prices are kept low and the goods are scarce. Our Liao Town can't make much money at all. Seeing that there are many merchants here in Tianjinwei and the transportation is convenient, I thought, if the goods are transported Come here, I don’t know how much more I will earn.”

Hearing this, Wang Tong smiled and said:
"Come to Tianjin Wei to sell. As long as you don't make trouble and make trouble, and pay taxes according to the regulations, I will definitely protect you. Everything is convenient."

Sun Shoulian laughed a few times, and said again:
"Your Excellency is fair and honest, Mr. Sun knows it, but Liaodong is a military town, and it is inconvenient to do business and exchanges with the customs. At that time, I have to ask Mr. Wang to take care of it. The goods are shipped out of Shanhaiguan, Yongping Mansion, From Shuntian Mansion to Tianjinwei, how many passes will it take..."

"Why do you want to go on land? Isn't it more convenient to go by sea?"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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