Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 340 Setting up a new private school

Chapter 340 Setting up a new private school

Hearing Wang Tong's words "wouldn't it be more convenient to go by sea", Sun Shoulian was stunned, then said a few polite words, got up and left with a smile on his face.

When they came in, Wang Tong met them inside the house, but when they went out, Wang Tong sent them all the way to the gate. Both parties had done enough etiquette at the gate.

Watching Sun Shoulian get on his horse and go back to the courtyard, Zhang Shiqiang leaned forward and said in a low voice:
"Sun Shoulian came to Tianjin Guard this time for the purpose of transshipping the delivery of military rations. The military rations of Guangning Guard and Ning Yuan Guard have to go from Tianjin Guard, and they have contacts with Tianjin Guard Beidao."

These news can be found out at the Tianjin Bingbei Road Official Office. Anyway, there are eyeliners arranged, so you can know it when you ask.

"How's the news from Sifang Inn?"

"The other side said that after Sun Shoulian came to Tianjin Wei, he just walked around, drinking and having fun, and often made a few noodles in the Peony Court, and there was no one to associate with him."

Wang Tong nodded his head, so that he could make a rough judgment. Walking back into the house, General Tan asked:
"Master, do you want to order Chihei and the others to prepare horses? Go to each camp to see."

"Don't worry, Sanbiao, go to the old Zhang's shop and call Zhang Chunde and Gu Zibin. I'm waiting for them here!"

As soon as Ma Sanbiao heard that he was going to Zhang Chunde's house, his interest immediately became high. Wang Tong added something dumbfounding, and said:

"Don't hang around there, go and come back!"

Who doesn't know that Ma Sanbiao and the daughter of the Zhang family are getting closer and closer, Ma Sanbiao will run there if nothing happens.Having said that, Ma Sanbiao also blushed, clasped his fists in salute, and ran out quickly amidst the laughter of everyone in the room.

Watching Ma Sanbiao go out, Tan Jiang said with a smile:

"Sister Ma has already set a date, saying that she will welcome the Zhang family's daughter into the door in March next year, what's the rush for Sanbiao!"

"There is a difference between a man and a woman. Zhang's daughter hasn't been married yet. What does it matter if he goes there all day long? There are always gossips outside. You have to remind Tan Jiang."

"Master Wang, Master Tan, you don't know that Sanbiao used to tease that Yuzhu, the child he brought with him. At the beginning, the child was terrified of Ma Sanbiao. He ran all day, either to give candy or to buy things. , the child gradually kissed him, and led the family home if there was nothing to do, and Aunt Ma was also very happy."

This is Cai Nan's words. As an eunuch, Wang Tong's inner house doesn't shy away from him. At first, Mrs. Ma felt that it was pity for Cai Nan to come to Tianjin Wei alone at a young age. She made some clothes and called When it comes to eating at home, Cai Nan is very close to the Ma family.

Everyone laughed out loud, Yang Sichen was a little stunned by the side, Wang Tong looked quite decisive here, Cai Nan was the supervisor who came out of the palace, General Tan had a calm demeanor, he had a city in his chest, each of them had their own strengths , There are differences in status, but it is often like this time, everyone talks and laughs like a family.

Would such an atmosphere be in such a group?Yang Sichen always felt that he couldn't figure it out, but he really wanted to be part of this group.

Having said that, Wang Tong paused, patted his forehead and said:

"Tan general, is your child eleven this year?"

Tan Jiang was startled, and nodded casually in response. There are seventeen members of the Tan family, twelve of whom are married, and all of them have children. Come down and get married.

"I remember you said that your children don't want to learn martial arts, and have been studying in private schools. There are not many family members in our Jinyiwei, but don't put them outside, and gather them together. Let Cai Jianjun and Mr. Yang learn literature." Go pay, learn martial arts, and there is no shortage of masters. We can take care of the food and housing. Anyway, they don’t need a penny. Let’s start school now!”

Yang Sichen quickly stood up and agreed, and just about to write it down, Wang Tong hesitated and said again:
"The original batch of Hangzhou Bridge, as well as the soldiers we don't accept, and the laborers by the Haihe River, if they have children who are willing to come and learn, they will also accept them."

Yang Sichen agreed again, after Cai Nan finished what he had to say, he got up and said hello, and went to work in the place next door where he had errands. Zhang Shiqiang called Zhang Shiqiang and Sun Dahai in again, and said to Zhang Shiqiang after entering the door:
"Don't keep our share of the safety money in December, and send it to the capital together. The gift money from Eunuch Feng and Zhang Eunuch, as well as the gifts from the security department of the capital, should be prepared in advance. Let's arrange it now. Accounts, this year's income and expenditure accounts must be sorted out, and they must be sent to the capital at the end of the year."

"My lord, when will this account be checked?"

"When it's December [-]th, don't make any mistakes, and don't make a little fake. If this account is sent in, the people who supervise the money will come to check it. In the future, they will come to us for a sum of money. Check."

Zhang Shiqiang solemnly agreed, Wang Tong's subordinates, soldiers, horses, businesses, and account checking are not a small project, and it's a bit late to do it now, Zhang Shiqiang received the order, turned around and went out immediately to handle it.

There were only four people left in the room, Yang Sichen hesitated and said in a low voice:
"My lord, the students read the newspapers from the capital. His Majesty is very close to Eunuch Sun of the Imperial Horse Supervisor. If we only send money and ledgers to him this year, although we are loyal, His Majesty may not see it. I think there is something remarkable about it, a student has a humble opinion, there are a lot of western ships coming here from Tianjinwei, and there are quite a few rare foreign things, why not buy a batch and send them over..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tong laughed, and said with a smile:

"These things will indeed make His Majesty happy, but what will happen to the Empress Dowager and Mr. Zhang, don't mention this matter."

Yang Sichen was a little anxious, leaned forward and said:
"My lord, the Son of Heaven..."

Wang Tong didn't answer the question, instead he turned to Sun Dahai with a smile and said:

"Remember to inform Li Hutou in the afternoon that he will escort the New Year's goods delivered to the capital this time, and must let him deliver the New Year's goods to everyone."

Sun Dahai bowed to accept the order, Yang Sichen was stunned for a moment, thought carefully but smiled, bowed to Wang Tong and said:
"Adults are far-sighted, students admire."

Wang Tong waved his hand, signaling him to sit down, and then continued to say to Sun Dahai:
"It's almost New Year's Eve in all the shops inside and outside the city. You lead the people and ask the shopkeepers of the two warehouses to go with you to check all the shops. Anyone who sells goods outside the customs, the price, inventory, where When purchasing goods, these must be checked thoroughly, and recorded in every pen, and both inside and outside the city will look at it."

Sun Dahai agreed, but Wang hadn't finished talking yet:
"After reading the shops inside and outside the Acropolis of Tianjin, you can go to the capital once and escort the goods with Hutou, and then go and check with the Secretary of Public Security the shops that sell goods in the capital and outside the Jingying customs."

Let me explain here that Yang Sichen quickly took notes with a pen and paper, and everything must be documented and filed. This is also Wang Tong's rule, and Wang Tong has to go through the daily diary at night.

Just as Sun Dahai left the house, Gu Zibin and Zhang Chunde had already walked in. They were very different from Wang Tong when they met for the first time. After Tianjin Wei's reunion, the family business has become more prosperous, and with Wang Tong at his back, everyone on the ground in Tianjin Wei respects him three-pointed.

It took less than a year for Zhang Chunde to go from a very desolate situation to being a big businessman in Tianjin Wei. However, the shabby and embarrassing situation at the beginning can no longer be found now, and he looks like a rich and wealthy businessman.

However, both of them also know who the change came from, not to mention that Wang Tong has already taken the majority of their business.

As soon as they entered the door, they had to kowtow to salute. Wang Tong sat on the chair and glanced behind them. When Ma Sanbiao was nowhere to be seen, he couldn't help laughing and cursing in his heart, and said straight to the point:

"You take out half of the smart and capable people to establish a new business. The money is paid by the officials, the shares are seven, Gu Zibin two, and Zhang Chunde one. Hurry up. After the first month, it will be erected on the bank of the Haihe River. This officer has reserved a shop for you."

The two kowtowed again, the two can barely be called giant merchants in Tianjin Wei, the shopkeepers, accountants, clerks and so on in the shop naturally made great efforts, and half of the people were recruited at once, the business is unknown How much to lose, but Gu and Zhang have nothing else to say.

They knew in their hearts that no matter what business Wang Tong wanted to do, giving them [-]% or [-]% of the shares would definitely make more money than the previous business. This was not asking them to do something, but giving them money.

"As for the distribution of this sub, I will make a paperwork, painting, stamp and seal in a few days, but don't tell the outside world, anyone who wants to ask, just say that you two are a partner."

"According to Mr. Wang's arrangement, I just asked a small matter, what is the name of this business, and the plaque will be made years ago."

Wang Tong stood up and took a few steps, then turned around and said with a smile:

"Accordingly, the name Four Seas is not bad at this seaside, but it's used badly. Let's call it Sanjiang as a counterpoint. Sanjiang Trading Company, the ranking sounds impressive."

Gu and Zhang hurriedly agreed, the two of them had no right to speak here, after Wang Tong explained, the two went down.

Regardless of the people in the room, Wang Tong rubbed his hands excitedly, and said to himself:
"If you can't monopolize southern and foreign goods, then monopolize all the goods outside the customs..."

In the capital, the Forbidden City, and in the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Wanli looked listlessly at the cabinet draft and said with some complaints:
"The left and right are Mr. Zhang's list. Feng Daban read it, and the queen mother also nodded, and the supervisor of ceremonies directly approved it. What's the use of the widow to read it!?"

Zhang Cheng on the side shook his head slightly, and was about to speak when he heard a report from outside:
"Long live, Lin Shulu, the supervisor of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, is here."
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(End of this chapter)

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