Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 641 Cooking Oil on Fire

Chapter 641 Cooking Oil on Fire
On the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Feng Bao, who was once a powerful figure in the Ming Empire, left the palace in a carriage accompanied by two guards in royal robes.

Despite the cold weather, at least half of the waterway of the canal from the capital to Nanjing is frozen, but all parties in the palace have reached a consensus that Feng Bao can't stay in the palace for one more day, go to Tongzhou to wait for the river to open up, or walk along the canal by himself All the way to the south, it is up to him, and the left and right can no longer stay in the capital.

It is naturally best to freeze to death on the way. If you don’t freeze to death and live in Nanjing, there will be no troubles, but if you want to be in the capital, it is too worrying.

The post of eunuch in the hands of the Ceremony Supervisor should not be vacant. Zhang Cheng, who had been with Emperor Wanli for a long time and was also the number two figure in the Ceremony Supervisor, was expected to sit in this position.

The first three supervisors of ceremonies, the first is the eunuch who is in charge of the inner court, the second is the admiral of Dongchang, known as the factory official, and the third is Bingbi, who is often also the supervisor of the Beijing camp. Feng Bao used to be the palm seal and the admiral Dongchang. In the factory, Zhang Cheng took the position, but he would not be allowed to have such benefits. The former eunuch Zhang Jing, the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, was transferred to the supervisor of ceremonies, and became the admiral of the eunuch of the East Factory.

The third one was the eunuch Zhang Hong who was promoted to the post. Although Zhang Hong was upright, he also contributed in the action of defeating Feng Bao.

What is more surprising is that Tian Yi, Feng Bao's former number one confidant in the palace, was not demoted after Feng Bao left, but instead was promoted to the chief eunuch.

However, Tian Yi's position as the head of the clerical office fell on Zhao Jinliang's head. Now that Zhao Jinliang is less than 12 years old, he holds two positions as the head of the sixth department and the head of the clerical room. It is a key task, but it is quite shocking for a child.

But everyone also knew in their hearts that Zhao Jinliang was with the emperor every day, so what time did he have to deal with government affairs?

The palm seal eunuch cannot also be in charge of the East Factory. This is a check and balance of power. Feng Bao made Emperor Wanli shy away because of his too much power. In the decree, there was an unnoticed mention of "being concurrently in charge of the Secretary of Public Security".

The Public Security Department is a new yamen, but in the capital to collect money for peace, there are many eyes and ears. The strength in the capital is no less than that of the factory guards. very many.

Another surprising appointment is that the eunuch of the imperial horse supervisor was not replaced by Zou Yi, but Chu Zhaoren. However, Sun Zhengshuo, who was transferred from the Military Bureau, was in charge, and Zou Yi stayed where he was.

Although Chu Zhaoren achieved the position of eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, he has no ability to take power. The Yongsheng uncle's mansion colluded with the Tartars and set up an ambush outside to kill the Huwei army. Don't have anything to do with it, let alone Lin Shulu causing chaos in the palace. He and Lin Shulu are usually very close, which is even more guilty and hard to explain.

Leaving him in this position is just to give the Empress Dowager Cisheng some face. Everyone looks good. Chu Zhaoren just stays in this position and stamps his seal. If he can't see clearly, he can set off a big prison to deal with him at any time.

The current Imperial Horse Supervisor, the supervising eunuch Zou Yi, is of course right, but Sun Zhengshuo is Zhang Jing's adopted son, and the Imperial Horse Supervisor Zhang Jing has been in business for a long time, so Sun Zhengshuo can naturally sit still.

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the news of Feng Bao's departure from Beijing finally became known to everyone. Feng Youning, who was in charge of thousands of households in Dongchang, resigned from his official position, and took his family to accompany Feng Bao to Nanjing for retirement. Everyone knew that everything was settled.

There are also rumors that Zhang Siwei sent someone to Shen Shixing's mansion to deliver a message, but Mr. Shen is not in good health, he must take good care of his illness, take more time to recover, and don't let the root cause of the disease fall. It is said that Shen's mansion immediately spread the news , Said that Mr. Shen is not in good health, and it is estimated that he will not get better until the first month of next year, and he may return to his hometown after returning to his post.

Anyone in the capital who is slightly sensitive to politics knows what to do now?Hurry up and go to the home of Mr. Zhang Siwei, the chief assistant of the cabinet, to give gifts and greetings.

According to the rules of the capital, every yamen is closed on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month. Except for the left-behind officials, they all go home to rest for the New Year.

The political dispute has only come to an end at this time, so don't take this opportunity to pay a visit to show your friendship, or else you don't know what will happen during the 20 days, and you will be kicked out because you didn't express your position in time, then you will regret it .

But gift giving always has to be particular, gold and silver cannot be carried directly into Zhang’s residence with a load, but most of the shops selling these in Jingshi are also closed for Chinese New Year, so where to buy them.

It is cheaper than the several shops of Sanjiang Commercial Bank. The shops of Jingshi are all opened in the name of Xiangchengbo and the Tang family of the emperor. These shops have a lot of jewelry specialties from Western and Arabian regions, which are suitable for gift giving.

Buying a piece of jewelry and matching it with gold and silver is more formal. For example, giving a pair of Persian silver vases and adding 5000 taels of silver is quite formal.

Needless to say, the noisy place in front of Zhang Siwei's gate is not inferior to that of Zhang Juzheng back then. Officials, big and small, in the capital can't tell the difference between clean and dirty officials at this time. Everyone is full of smiles, and the servants behind them carry gifts. The horses are pulling gifts, and they all come to Zhang's house to give gifts.

To say that it is very lively, like a market, is no longer enough to describe the scene of prosperity at this time. Although it is freezing cold, there is no chill in front of Zhang Siwei's mansion, and everyone is extremely eager.

Even though there was so much noise outside, the door of the Zhang Mansion was also wide open, and the concierge and servants with happy faces greeted the guests and rolled their names at the door, welcoming guests from all over the place.

Zhang Siwei did this to show the world and the officialdom of the capital, who is the winner, so that everyone can clearly understand the situation, and know who is the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty's cabinet, and who is the housekeeper of the Ming Dynasty.

Except for the Minister of Rites, Shen Shixing, the six ministers all came, and all the important officials promoted by Zhang Siwei also came, and they gathered together. This is also for outsiders to see, to see how impressive Zhang Siwei is now .

There are already quick-thinking scholars outside who are going to write a prose to praise him, and there must be a lot of compliments.

The so-called "all are upright and prosperous in the court" means that the court is full of honest men and gentlemen, and the world is prosperous, which is the best praise for the chief minister of the cabinet and the officials of the court.

But everyone has entered the official career through the imperial examination, and no one is much worse than the other in Jinxiuwen. If people outside can think of this word, people inside have already thought of it.

Zhang Siwei is welcoming guests in the living room, and those who can sit in the living room are all cabinet bachelors and ministers of the six ministers, and Zhang Siwei personally receives them outside.

"Elder Ge is happy today, and it's another gathering of talents, why don't you leave a calligraphy treasure to commemorate it?"

Those who can enter the cabinet step by step, their calligraphy is naturally excellent, but Zhang Siwei's calligraphy can only be said to be average, but everyone knows that Zhang Siwei likes to splash ink in it, and now it is really good for him.

These people in the room have been with Zhang Siwei for many years, or have worked together, or are close friends, and they all know his preference. Someone suggested it, and naturally everyone agreed.

No matter how deep Zhang Siwei was in the city, no matter how secretive he was, at this time his face was full of red and high spirits, and when he heard the proposal from others, he accepted it with a smile despite a few words of humility.

The clever servants rushed to prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones. The new Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Yang Wei, was quite fat. The ground dragon was burned in Zhang Siwei's house. The heat rose from the ground, and the room was very warm. Yang Wei wore thick clothes and his forehead Already sweating on his face, he took out a handkerchief and wiped it off, and said with a smile:

"It's so warm in the old house, I don't know if it's the same over Master Shen's side?"

"Master Shen must feel that this winter is bitter and cold, and it is hard to endure."

Someone echoed and joked, and everyone laughed, full of schadenfreude. Shen Shixing had always been calm and reserved, keeping a distance from everyone, and everyone didn't have a good impression of him.

The pen and ink have been prepared, and a large piece of rice paper has been laid out on the desk. Zhang Siwei picked up the pen and dipped it in the ink, hesitated for a while, and asked himself:

"What to write?"

"At this moment, why don't Ge Lao write 'All Zheng Ying Chao'!"

Chen Jingbang, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, said with a smile, everyone applauded this proposal, and this proposal praised Zhang Siwei and everyone in the room, which is indeed appropriate.

Zhang Siwei nodded approvingly, leaned over and swiped it, regardless of the words, everyone saw it, and they couldn't help applauding again, Zhang Siwei put down the brush, full of ambition.

At this moment, people with sharp ears heard some commotion and noise outside. It was noisy outside, but everyone was happy, but now the movement was wrong, and the chaos was coming towards the living room.

"Rang Rang, I have something urgent to report to the master..."

The shouts could be heard clearly by the people in the room. Zhang Siwei looked away from the writing, frowned, and the housekeeper who was serving in the room hurriedly opened the door and went out.

"What do you do on a day like this, are there any rules!!?"

"Where did you come from, why do you look at your face!!?"

"...The young one is the steward of Puzhou Mansion..."

The room could clearly hear the questions and answers outside, and everyone naturally knew that Zhang Siwei was from Puzhou, Shanxi. Suddenly, there was a scream from outside:
"What you said is true..."

Just as he was wondering and pondering, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the housekeeper who had just gone out and a middle-aged man in a leather jacket came in with pale faces. Nian entered the door and knelt down, kowtowed and cried:
"Master, Grandpa... Grandfather has gone..."

The room that was still laughing and laughing just now was suddenly extremely quiet. Zhang Siwei stood there dumbfounded as if struck by lightning.

In the Ming Dynasty, all officials who lost their parents had to report it, and after resigning, they returned to their hometowns to observe mourning for three years. They were called Ding You.
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(End of this chapter)

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