Chapter 642

If the parents die, the official should go home and observe mourning for three years, unless there is a will from the palace to force them to stay, which is called seizing love.But five years ago, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, seized his love, which caused a lot of uproar in the world, and finally issued an order to seize his love. Can Zhang Siwei be compared with Zhang Juzheng at the beginning?

What's more, the five Qingliu who were demoted in the Duoqing case have all returned to their posts. This is Zhang Siwei's statement, showing that he must act according to the principles of sages and sages, and is not the same as Zhang Juzheng's style of disregarding morality for major events, but now He, Zhang Siwei, encountered this incident himself, what should he do.

If someone stayed outside Zhang Siwei's mansion on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, he would definitely see a very exciting scene. The so-called officialdom is all here.

Someone stumbled and ran in, and everyone was still guessing. After a while, the news spread inside and outside. There is no need to hide such things from people.

When the parents of a great member of the court die, the magistrate of the place where he is located will send a messenger to the capital to inform the capital immediately, and the news of the arrival in the palace will not be much later than the news of the arrival here.

All the people in the living room are high-ranking officials, and many of them are Zhang Siwei's cronies. Even if they have any thoughts in their hearts, they will lose face, say a few words of condolences, and discuss what to do next.

People outside are different. Zhang Siwei's father passed away. If Zhang Siwei didn't win his love, Zhang Siwei would have to return to Puzhou, Shanxi Province to observe his filial piety for three years. The successor, whether it is Zhang Siwei's enemy or friend, has nothing to do with Zhang Siwei.

Not to mention people taking tea, the chief minister of the cabinet is the No. 1 among the courtiers. In this position, even Zhang Siwei's confidant, receiving Zhang Siwei's great favor, he has to do his own thing, use his own people, To be able to have some respect for Zhang Siwei is considered a remarkable accomplishment.

Those who can enter the door are those of the fifth rank or above, and the outside are all below the fifth rank. They are waiting on the street with gifts. In the eyes of the other party, now that they hear this news, who would foolishly stand in the cold wind and suffer from the cold? Wouldn't it be nice to keep this gift for the New Year?
It was still bustling and bustling just now, that is, in the blink of an eye, a street was full just now, and even the streets were full of people and horses, all of a sudden dispersed.

The people who entered the courtyard were even more regretful, thinking that this heavy gift was really a loss. Some people who have not yet handed over the gift after entering the door, whether they entered or retreated, they are thick-skinned, and they directly asked the servants to take it. Gift turned and went out.

The day is short in winter, and the bustle of Zhang's mansion is after the Wenyuan Pavilion court meeting. After such a toss, it was already getting dark, and Zhang Siwei's mansion, which was originally planning to be lively for the New Year, began to prepare for the funeral.

On the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, in the early morning...

Zhang Siwei was sitting in the living room, and no one noticed when the door opened. When the housekeeper came in, he lowered his hands and said in a low voice:

"Master, you haven't slept all night, this will hurt your body, go and have a rest!"

Zhang Siwei's eyes were a little slack. He was in the living room all night. Yesterday he was full of ambition and high spirits, but today he was a lot haggard. Although Zhang Siwei was nearly fifty years old, his beard and hair were black, but now he looked like frost .

"Master, drink some hot tea, go and have a rest!"

Seeing that Zhang Siwei did not respond, the housekeeper raised his voice and said something again. Zhang Siwei woke up from his trance. The first thing he realized was not to look at the housekeeper, but at the desk on the side of the living room. The picture he wrote yesterday was "all the people are in full bloom".

When writing that picture yesterday, Zhang Siwei felt that the whole world was under his control. All the members of Zhang Juzheng's party in the outer dynasty were reviled and reviled, and they took refuge in it. In the inner court, Feng Bao, who had been pressing on his head After being removed, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Jing, Zhang Hong and others brought down Feng Bao because of their alliance with him. They will also have a close relationship with him as the chief minister of the cabinet in the future, and Emperor Wanli will sit back and watch him defeat Zhang Juzheng's party , presumably also trust.

He also got the support and alliance of the emperor and the inner court, and the outer courts were all his cronies and cronies. He was sure to accomplish a great cause beyond Zhang Juzheng back then, but he did not expect that his father, who had always been in good health, died suddenly, and the wind rose to the blue sky. When he was just a touch away from touching the clouds, it was a blow to the head.

Zhang Siwei stared at the picture for a while, shook his head violently, and shouted loudly:
"Hurry up and prepare the sedan chair, we have to go to court..."

Every morning is the time for the court meeting. Today is only the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, and I still need to go to the court. Although the news of my father's death has spread all over the capital, the emperor has not yet issued an order, so there is room for change.

With Zhang Siwei's yell, the servants outside immediately started to get busy. The other side was not ready yet, but they heard footsteps coming towards this side.

The master and servants of a high-ranking family are dignified. It is impossible for the person who is still working outside so early to be the master, but this person is also not dignified, so he knocked open the door.

Zhang Siwei stood up suddenly from his seat. He was extremely anxious. Someone was so ignorant that he was about to get angry. When he saw the person approaching by the lights in the room, Zhang Siwei didn't shout. The housekeeper of Zhang's house was dressed in a shabby suit, and his face was full of panic.

As soon as he entered the door, he didn't know whether he fell or knelt down, and the whole person lay on the ground, and said in a hissing voice:
"Master, Shen Shixing has already gone to Qipan Street."

The cabinet ministers had to pass through the Daming Gate via Qipan Street, and then walked through the Thousand Steps Corridor into Wenyuan Pavilion in the imperial city. Shen Shixing, who said he would recover from his illness after a few years, actually went to the court. What does that mean?

He had been working with Zhang Siwei for a long time, so the person who came in to report the news naturally understood what it meant for Shen Shixing, who had always said he was sick, to go to court today.

"Good Shen Rumo, good... good... good, you bastard!!!"

No one in Zhang's family has ever seen Zhang Siwei like this. On weekdays, this master is calm and calm, and he is not angry and pretentious in the mansion. He has never seen such a gaffe.

Even the busyness outside quieted down, and the person who reported the report was even more frightened, kowtowed to the ground quickly, but after a while, there was no movement, and he couldn't help but look up, but saw Zhang Siwei trembling all over, and there was a shock at the corner of his mouth. There was blood, and his face quickly turned pale.

"Come on, come on!!"

The man kneeling on the ground also knew the advantages and disadvantages, so he yelled quickly. After a while, several servants rushed in. Seeing Zhang Siwei like this, they were all panicked. Going forward to help Zhang Siwei sit down, after Zhang Siwei sat down, he said in a hoarse voice:

"Don't hire any doctor, seal the news, anyone who wants to talk about the old man outside will be beaten to death..."

On the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, all the leading families in the capital sent people to various places in the imperial city. It doesn't matter who is in the palace. Everyone is waiting for the news to come out in the palace. Zhang Siwei suddenly faced Ding You's control. He was robbed of love, and everyone had to deal with it. If he went home to Ding You, everyone had another way to deal with it.

Seeing Zhang Siwei's complete victory in the political battle, everyone had already started betting to show their favor, but they didn't expect that something unexpected would happen.

Originally, Zhang Siwei's scheming methods were admirable at the time, but now, it seems that he is digging a hole for himself, rehabilitating the five Qingliu who were in the fight for love back then, and it sounds grand, but how can he fight now? His own face was really embarrassing.

How outsiders see it is one thing, in the final analysis it still depends on the attitude of the emperor. Now that Zhang Juzheng died of illness and Feng Bao was expelled from the Forbidden City, it is said that Empress Dowager Li also said that she would not recover from illness. The emperor's words are decisive.

No one got any news from the palace, but at the beginning of the day, that is, less than half an hour after dawn, the guards near the Daming Gate on Qipan Street saw a soft sedan carrying Zhang Siwei out of the palace, and their faces turned gray. The chief assistant got into his own sedan chair and left in a hurry.

In Maoshi early court, when Chen Shichu actually just started discussing matters, Zhang Siwei, the chief assistant of the cabinet, came out at this time and explained what everyone was confused about, but it also made people not have any good guesses.

At noon, the senior members of the cabinet in Wenyuan Pavilion began to eat, and the servants of the cabinet and the eunuchs who got the news finally had time to come out and show off their news.

Emperor Wanli gave a banquet to Shen Shixing, and Zhang Siwei was allowed to return to his hometown to observe mourning for three years...

There are not many purely filial officials in the world who want Ding You to be filial, but the rules are like this. Zhang Siwei must take the initiative to report and apply for Ding You's filial piety. thing.

Since Zhang Juzheng's death, Zhang Siwei has spread all over the cabinet and the DPRK. When he raised this matter, someone would take the initiative to report that Mr. Zhang, the chief assistant, is a pillar of the country and cannot be lacked for a day. Please ask your majesty to persuade him to keep something. It is said that Yang Wei, the new secretary of the Ministry of Industry, gave the performance on the spot with tears in his eyes.

"Keeping the system for the father is a family relationship and a great righteousness. Zhang Aiqing rehabilitated Zou Yuanbiao and others precisely because these five people uphold the way of sages..."

Emperor Wanli said a lot of truth. Having said that, Zhang Siwei could only insist on going back to his hometown to observe his filial piety. Shen Shihang temporarily acted for him.


In the past few months in the officialdom of the capital, Zhang Siwei has turned up and down, and has brought down many important ministers vigorously. Even Feng Bao, who has power all over the world, was sadly sent to Nanjing to live idle.

Everyone watched it wonderfully and admired it in their hearts. Everyone thought that Zhang Siwei's next prestige would not be inferior to that of Zhang Juzheng. No one thought that a big drama would come to an abrupt end, and finally got a cheap one. It turned out to be the low-key and restrained Shen Shixing ...

(End of this chapter)

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