Chapter 643
For a banquet in the palace, if a group of officials gather, it will naturally be full of delicacies and extravagance, but if there are only two or three people, the dishes will be very simple, and no one will go there to satisfy their greed.

In a side hall inside the Fengtian Gate, it was as warm as spring. Emperor Wanli and Shen Shixing were sitting opposite each other. There were only four dishes on the table, and Zhang Cheng stood aside respectfully.

"Shen Shixing, originally you were going to continue recuperating after the first month of the month, and I would send someone to urge you to come out to take this second assistant, but I didn't expect that your luck would be so good. Zhang Siwei actually wanted Ding You to return to his hometown. I will not hide it from you. After the first month Your acting role is official, what do you want to do in the future?"

Emperor Wanli asked casually. Shen Shixing felt a little difference in his words. In the previous court meeting, Emperor Wanli's words showed a sense of alienation, as if the world's major events had nothing to do with him at all, and even if he expressed something His own opinions are often rejected by the officials headed by Zhang Juzheng.

It is different now. Emperor Wanli's seemingly casual tone has a kind of confidence, a confidence to control everything. Now the queen mother in the palace is sick, and all the key positions in the inner court are private to Emperor Wanli. Outside the palace, Zhang Juzheng died of illness. Zhang Siwei was about to build up the strength of Zhang Juzheng, and then there was an unforeseen event, and when Ding You returned to his hometown, the gang force he had built up suddenly turned into a pile of sand by the sea, without any foundation to cohere.

After Zhang Juzheng's death, Emperor Wanli suddenly took control of everything inside and outside the palace. Shen Shixing's thoughts changed, he got up from the table and replied respectfully:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, the minister will plan to do what he did earlier, and the minister will plan to employ whoever is in front of him."

"It's just you and me here, you don't have to be so respectful, just sit down and talk back."

Emperor Wanli said it kindly, but he was quite satisfied with Shen Shixing's respect in his expression. He was a young man who had just held power, and his expression naturally showed traces. Down, just stood there and bowed again.

Emperor Wanli did not insist, but instead asked:
"The previous ones were all made by Zhang Siwei, and the ones used in the court are all Zhang Siwei's people. Are you really following along like this?"

"Your Majesty, regardless of whether the people used by Mr. Zhang Ge are cronies or not, but they are all capable people who have been in business for many years. They are still good at doing things. What Mr. Zhang Ge did is nothing more than what his predecessor Bingzheng did. At present, the national treasury is full. , then it means that there is nothing wrong with it, so I have this answer.”

Emperor Wanli nodded again, and everyone in the room understood that Emperor Wanli would never allow this situation between Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei to recur. Yue also filled the key positions with his cronies.

What Shen Shixing said was exactly what he wanted. He was isolated by Zhang Juzheng's disciples, and now there are only people promoted by Zhang Siwei in the court. Shen Shixing does not have any personal power. Jiuqing is not close, on the contrary, they control each other and check and balance each other.

This kind of situation is what Emperor Wanli wanted. Emperor Wanli was already tired of the strong chief minister. In the current situation, it is the most suitable,

When Shen Shixing left the palace from the Daming Gate in the afternoon, the people waiting outside finally understood the situation and ran towards each house. Everything should have settled at this time.

The second assistant of the Great Ming Cabinet made an unconventional sedan chair. It was covered with felt outside and had a charcoal stove inside for heating. Sitting in the sedan chair felt quite warm and comfortable.

However, it was warm and comfortable, but not to the point of sweating profusely. But at this moment, Shen Shixing in the sedan chair was sweating profusely, and then trembling non-stop. Only Shen Shixing knew whether it was hot or cold.

He wrote a letter to Yang Sichen, in which he vaguely revealed that if he has been suppressed like this, he might as well go back to his hometown for retirement, and then Lu Wancai came to the door and talked about the allusions in the palace.

Thinking about it now, although Lu Wancai's words pointed out that the power struggle against Zhang Siwei in the palace was just an attitude of watching the fire from the other side, it meant a lot to let him stay for a while.

Watching the fire from the other side does not mean going to fight the fire. Zhang Siwei did not give a clear statement at all when he is not in the position of chief assistant. If Zhang Siwei is in this position, he must suppress himself, but the almost explicit " And wait", why do you have this certainty.

Whether Zhang Siwei will resign because of Ding You, Shen Shixing has not thought about it, but what he knows, Zhang Siwei's father is in good spirits and in good health...why is it so sudden...
Thinking of this, Shen Shixing shuddered and didn't dare to think about it anymore. No matter what, no matter what hidden secrets, it was his turn to sit in this position after all. Thinking of this, Shen Shixing's trembling mood finally eased a lot. Fu, at this position, this is the pinnacle of scholars.

Shen Shixing's imperial examinations were smooth sailing back then, and he was the number one scholar in high school in the end. His subsequent career was also very smooth. After entering the cabinet, there were a few ups and downs, but in the end he got his wish and became the chief assistant of the cabinet.

With the rhythmic bumping of the sedan chair, Shen Shixing's mood gradually calmed down. As the chief assistant, he would definitely not be as arbitrary and decisive as Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei, and he would not even be able to catch up with the chief assistant Gao Gong of the Longqing Dynasty. , Xu Jie in the last years of Jiajing is also not as good.

Emperor Wanli sat and watched Zhang Siwei fight against Zhang Juzheng's party, and then drove Zhang Siwei home mercilessly.

Thinking of this, Shen Shixing smiled self-consciously, so what if he was obedient, the first assistant is the first assistant, the head of civil servants in the world, as long as he sits in this position, he can do a lot of things, why think so far...

After thinking it over by himself, Shen Shixing was not so nervous at last, but he also noticed that the speed of the sedan chair had slowed down, and after calculating the time, he should have arrived at his own mansion. Now, Shen Shixing still felt that something was wrong, and there was some noise around the usually deserted surroundings.

The place where Shen Shihang lives has always been deserted, not to mention that there are no gift-givers coming to the door, this is near the Spring Festival, and there will be no idlers wandering outside these official residences, Shen Shihang opened the car curtain in wonder and went out Looking at it, he immediately froze over there, and he had already reached the outside of the street where his mansion was located, but the street was full of people, cars and horses, and traffic jams. Many people were wearing official robes, followed by servants carrying gifts.

The so-called crowd is just like that, Shen Shixing looked at it in astonishment, shook his head and smiled...

"You show up tomorrow, and then order people to spread the news, saying that Hutou's emergency is not a cold, if not for the famous doctor who found it in time, I'm afraid something serious will happen."

In Wei Wangtong's mansion in Tianjin, Zhang Shiqiang, who had been away on business for several months, finally appeared, and Wang Tong called him to spy in the house as soon as he showed up.

Zhang Shiqiang could see the obvious cracks on his face, obviously he had suffered a bit on the way, when he heard what Wang Tong said, he quickly bowed and replied:
"Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will do it now!!"

"After spreading the news, you can go back and rest for a few days. This time is really hard... Let's just say that the work this time is not hard enough. Let's see the future!"

Zhang Shiqiang bowed and nodded. Given his relationship with Wang Tong, it was enough for Wang Tong to say this. Zhang Shiqiang turned to leave but was stopped by Wang Tong, and asked in a low voice:
"You can see the corpse with your own eyes, can you confirm it?"

"Returning to my lord, my subordinates went to Puzhou and found a house outside the city to live in. According to the arrangement realized, Tonghai Commercial Bank went to Puzhou to open a branch, and recruited several of my subordinates to become buddies and shopkeepers. I took him to give a gift to the old mansion of the Zhang family once. The good Liaodong old ginseng and Puzhou merchants have to go to the mansion of the Zhang family to pay a visit, because the gift is ginseng, which is a great supplement for the old man. Siwei's old father..."

Zhang Shiqiang's voice was a little hoarse, but what he said was very clear. It was late at night, and he unconsciously lowered his voice.

"The news about Zhang Siwei's stay in the capital was passed back quickly. The members of the Zhang family began to worry, and then became more and more happy. Showed up and had a few drinks, even the magistrate of Pingyang Prefecture came, there were many guests, even though the Zhang family was a big family, there were not enough manpower after busy work, Wu Er said that the precautions were finally slack, and the subordinates changed into The clothes of the servants of the Zhang family were turned over from the back wall, and Wu Er had already figured out the Zhang family mansion, and went directly to the courtyard."

Wang Tong let out a sigh of relief. Even though this matter was arranged by him, he still felt uncomfortable after saying this, and Zhang Shiqiang's expression didn't change much.

"I found out in advance that Zhang Siwei's father sleeps well at night, and the waiter can sleep well at night... We were lucky when we passed by, and the three of us touched it together..."

"Cover his mouth and nose with soaked mulberry paper. Did you wipe the nostrils and the corners of the eyes with a towel afterward?"

Wang Tong asked solemnly, and Zhang Shiqiang replied quite positively:
"Please don't worry, my lord, the subordinates have done everything that has been ordered."

Wang Tong nodded and said in a deep voice:
"The old man died suddenly from holding his breath in the middle of the night. This is also common. As long as there are no mulberry paper scraps stuck to the corners of his mouth, nose and eyes, even if he has doubts, he dare not make random guesses."

After saying this, Wang Tong was silent for a while, and asked again:
"Wu Er is optimistic now?"

"He's recuperating in the military camp outside the city. Without his subordinates going there in person, he won't be able to see anyone, let alone come out."
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(End of this chapter)

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