Chapter 645
One whip is a good policy for the country, Wang Tong has always thought so, and since the implementation of the one whip, the treasury has been incomparably full, which has deepened his impression. Today, when I went to the military camp outside the city, I saw these refugees, but I didn't expect it to be Forced out with a whip.

"I remember Eunuch Cai, Mr. Yang, and Gu Zibin and the others made a special calculation. After checking the acres of land, each household in Hejian Mansion paid about [-]% less tax than before. How could they force out refugees?"

"When I was young, I was confused at the beginning. Later, I specially asked someone to ask about it. The farmers paid less tax on the surface, but the silver that can be paid to offset the corvee is a big disadvantage. The farmers have food but no money, so they have to pay. To tax the money, we must first exchange the grain production for silver. The grain merchants keep the price very low. Only by selling more grain can the tax be paid in full. The loss of this extra sale is really too great, and small families cannot afford it. , if you don’t pay taxes and you have to suffer crimes, there is really no other way but to sell the land to raise money..."

After pondering what Sun Dahai said, Wang Tong also understood that there are pros and cons in everything. The purpose of this whipping method is to reduce the burden on farmers and land mergers. After being exploited by big landlords and grain merchants for grain sales, the burden will be reduced. Maybe it will be bigger than before, farmers sell their land, and it is the wealthy landlords who can buy the land, which intensifies land mergers.

At present, the only advantage of this matter is that small and medium landlords will not be in trouble, and the treasury will be full. After a long time, I really don't know how to say it.

Sun Dahai saw that Wang Tong was engrossed in listening, and continued to add:

"Hejian Mansion is not bad. It is said that in some counties in Shandong, they have to collect Dingyin for the discounted corvee, and there are also a lot of other taxes that should be paid and corvee that should be done. This is so miserable!!"

Wang Tong was a little speechless. If the local government did this, if they added another layer of taxes to the people, it would actually enrich themselves, but the people who were farming were suffering.

Riding out of the area of ​​the big vegetable market, Wang Tong was silent all the time. The guards and followers also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and the voices of talking and laughing were much lower.

"Are the Zhuangzi in the north enough to reserve?"

Hearing Wang Tong's question, Sun Dahai reacted after being startled for a while, and quickly replied:

"There is a lot of grain reserves. The grain over there is not only for the Zhuangzi's own use, but also for the food of Tianjin Wei. In addition to producing it by ourselves, they have been buying grain everywhere."

Wang Tong nodded, and said in a deep voice:
"When I go back today, I will arrange for people to recruit refugees to Zhuangzi, and then buy land near that Zhuangzi. It is said that they will open new fields and need a lot of manpower to cultivate them."

The farms that Wang Tong bought in the north are all in the territory of Shuntian Prefecture, but it is an area near the sea in Shuntian Prefecture. Because of the ban on the sea and the reasons for the coastal defense in the past, there are basically tidal flats and wild land covered with weeds, and there is only one Liangcheng. In the vicinity of Qianhu, Wang Tong set up farms and opened up wasteland here. Most people laughed at him for not knowing how to set up a family business, but no one stopped him. The properties of the royal relatives and noble families have nothing to do with this place.

Sun Dahai agreed, feeling in his heart that Wang Tong considered the matter comprehensively, resettling the refugees, and if the official reported impeachment, even if he was a cronies of Emperor Wanli, he might cause trouble, but if he was recruited with this The refugees reclaimed wasteland, and it was their own family business. At most, he was said to be greedy for money, but no one cared about the others.

"The maintenance and refurbishment of river courses and seaports must be carried out as soon as possible. Right now, these people are just looking for food and clothing, and they don't need to spend any wages. This is a good time for infrastructure construction."

Sun Dahai responded again. He was almost out of the town area, and the speed of the horse team began to increase. Wang Tong also shook the reins, and after a few steps, he said again:
"Let all the merchants in Tianjin Division, Jiangfang Shipyard, and Tianjin Wei go to the refugees to hire people who need employment. Don't they always complain about the lack of manpower? Tianjin Wei should not freeze to death and starve to death."

These words were solemn, and Sun Dahai also accepted the order with awe.

The barracks outside the city now have permanent security forces, temporarily recruited security forces, training places for guards from various places, and two battalions of the Huwei Army.

Li Hutou, Wu Er and others live in the barracks, surrounded by barracks, and they are all heavily armed soldiers, so there is no problem in terms of safety.

After entering the barracks, someone took over the horses. Surrounded by a group of people, Wang Tong walked towards the barracks inside. After walking a few steps, he saw Li Hutou yelling angrily in front of him:

"If you are so lazy, you will be slaughtered on the battlefield long ago. Be tidy. Why didn't you see that you are so weak when you eat cabbage and boiled fish at noon!!"

Although he was much taller than his peers, he was still short compared to the young men who were training on the school field, but he yelled and cursed there, but the people below obeyed obediently, and no one dared to disobey.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tong couldn't help but smile, and the accompanying general said jokingly:
"Although the adults told Mr. Li Tuan to rest, Mr. Li came out to supervise and train the security forces as soon as he recovered from his illness. These security forces complained every day."

Everyone laughed in good faith, and Wu Da, who was following Wang Tong, saw Li Hu's head, his eyes lit up, he looked forward for a while, and his face sank again.

Li Hutou also saw Wang Tong and others coming, and shouted at the people who were running in line:
"Continue to practice!!"

Running towards this side by himself, Wang Tong glanced back and said:
"Zhang Shiqiang and Wu Da stay here, let the others find a place to rest!"

Everyone bowed and dispersed, but Li Hutou came to him, Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"You are really energetic, and you didn't say to take a good rest. I will give you a vacation this year. Go to the capital to celebrate the New Year with your father. Your father has a thousand households this year, and the title of conductor is indispensable. You can also celebrate when you go back."

Li Hutou looked like a general in front of others, but he was casual in front of Wang Tong. It had been a long time since he saw Wang Tong was particularly excited, he jumped a few times on the spot, and then he said:
"I haven't been to the first regiment for a few months. I can't do without watching. Those bastards will relax if they don't watch for a while. Besides, it's better to be at home in the barracks. My father scolded me when I came home, but now I let me Be careful, the nagging is really unbearable."

"Your father is also doing it for your own good, take me to Wu Er's side!"

Wang Tong patted Li Hutou's shoulder helplessly, Li Hutou nodded in agreement, walked two steps but turned around and said:

"You are Wu Er's eldest brother, Wu Da?"

Seeing Wu Da nodding, Li Hutou said excitedly:
"Wu Er said a lot about you along the way, saying that he is tall and you are short, because you had nothing to eat when you were young, and you gave him all the food to make him grow so tall, but you delayed your body! "

Hearing what Li Hutou said, Wu Da's body shook, his eye circles turned red, he lowered his head and rubbed it with his hands a few times, Wang Tong frowned and looked at him a few times, thinking that Wu Da was a powerful man from Shandong Lulin after all, why was he like this? Children love each other, but Zhang Shiqiang sighed, Wu Da raised his head and said with a forced smile:

"Li Tuan always heard that Wu Er was there, Hu Chai. When he was a child, his family was destroyed by his enemies. The younger one ran out with Wu Er. He wandered outside for half a year. It was a lot of hard work during that half year. Later, the younger uncle came back from the sea. It's better, at that time, Wu Er was greedy for meat, and the younger one went to kill the dog..."

Thinking that they were just teenagers back then, Wu Da actually dared to kill a dog. He was really ruthless. It's no wonder they dared to confront Dong Chuangxi, a thousand householder of Jinyiwei, but Wang Tong was a little impatient to hear that, and patted Li Hu's head to urge him to signal lead the way.

Walking a few steps forward, there is a separate house in front of it. The barracks in the north of the city are row barracks, and there is no separate house. This house was built by Wang Tong. From a distance, the door of the house is closed, and there are more than a dozen people outside. A soldier was patrolling and guarding, and when he saw someone coming, he immediately put on a guard posture.

Li Hutou walked in front and raised his hand to greet them, and these people relaxed. When they saw that the person following was Wang Tong, they all bowed and saluted. When they walked to the gate of the house, Wang Tong said:
"Hutou, go back and practice your soldiers and horses. Zhang Shiqiang and Wu Da can just accompany me in."

Li Hu froze for a moment, turned around and left, and just turned around before turning around and pleading:
"Brother Wang, Wu Er's skills may not be very useful in battle, but if he is fighting in the city, he is an expert, and he knows a lot of things in green forests and cottages, so it is still useful."

After finishing speaking, he ran towards the training ground. Wang Tong was startled to realize Li Hutou's meaning. He couldn't help laughing, and finally figured out why Wu Da was so affectionate.

Wang Tong shook his head, turned around, opened the courtyard door and walked in. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Wu Er punching in the courtyard. When Wu Er saw that it was Wang Tong who came in, he stopped his posture and waited until he saw Wu Da behind Wang Tong. After that, his face changed suddenly, and he knelt down to kowtow to Wang Tong and said:
"My lord let the little one see my elder brother. This is such a great kindness, and the little one will never forget it in the next life."

After solemnly kowtowing a few times, he said to Zhang Shiqiang:

"Brother Zhang took care of Wu Er a lot along the way. When Wu Er was away, Brother Wu Er and the Wu family entrusted Brother Zhang to take care of him."

Zhang Shiqiang also nodded, Wang Tong shook his head dumbfounded, and said:
"I'm not here to silence you this time, stop messing with life and death things, go into the house and talk!!"

After speaking, he walked into the room. There was silence at first, and then he heard a "plop" and then a muffled "bump". You don't need to look back to know that it was the Wu family brothers kowtowing there. Wang Tong opened the door and went in. , opened his mouth and said:
"I want to kill you, but I still have to wait for you to come back...don't waste time, I'm busy!?"

Wang Tong was impatient, but the Wu family brothers felt like they had narrowly escaped death, but they still didn't believe it until they heard Wang Tong's words:
"The pirates and boatmen are less and less recruited, now let you brothers find some green forest characters, thieves and robbers...——
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(End of this chapter)

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