Chapter 646

The Wu family brothers were filled with the joy of escaping death, but they were stunned when they heard Wang Tong's words, thinking they had heard it wrong.

In Jinyiwei and Huwei Army in Tianjin, there is a kind of contempt for green forests and bandits. From a broad concept, everyone is a warrior with swords and guns. Robbers in the prime of life can't take much advantage against a soldier of the Tiger's Might who has been trained for several months, let alone a multi-person battle.

A team of ten Tigers can kill twice to three times as many bandits. If the Tigers have more than a hundred soldiers, it is not a problem to deal with six hundred bandits.

With such a difference in strength, it is true that they will not pay attention to it. Needless to say, Wu Da has been traveling outside for a long time. Even Wu Er himself realizes that what he learned before is not very practical, and what he has practiced all day is the most basic The skills, to give yourself make up lessons.

"My lord, these characters may be more famous, but they are actually not as capable as the elites of our Jin Yiwei or Tiger's Might Army, so they are of no use."

Wu Er kowtowed and said, after he realized it, he felt grateful, needless to say, he couldn't help it, and he completely put himself on Tianjin Jinyiwei's side when thinking about things.

Wang Tong glanced at him appreciatively, said with a smile:

"In terms of fighting on the battlefield and performing missions, these green forest bandits are not good, but they also have their advantages. Some things that are inconvenient to do, they are better than us."

After listening to Zhang Shiqiang's introduction, Wang Tong had this idea. His subordinates had to be said to be good players. Li Hutou, a few people sent to Puzhou, Shanxi, had excellent martial arts skills. But the three of them went to Shanxi, but Wu Er, who had never been to Puzhou, worked the most.

The reason is very simple, Li Hutou learned the skills of battlefield warfare, Zhang Shiqiang learned about intelligence and detectives, but Wu Er knew how to enter and kidnap people, how to kill people and steal goods, and they just used them in this matter.

"Wu Er has been by my side for a long time, and he is becoming more and more like a general of the Tiger's Mighty Army. Even if he doesn't want to let go of the skills he learned outside, he will gradually become unfamiliar, but there are some things that we want to do but are inconvenient to do. Yes, it is convenient to find these people.”

What they want to do but are inconvenient to do, the Wu family brothers understood in their hearts, and they didn't dare to continue to say more, but just kowtowed to accept the order, Wang Tong's voice became more serious, and he said:
"Leave this matter to Wu Da. It's the same as finding pirates and boatmen. Give them benefits. When they are found, they will be handed over to Zhang Shiqiang to take care of them, and Wu Er will help them. Let these people know what to do and how to use them. No matter how you control it, you have to come up with a set of rules.”

"Please don't worry, my lord. As long as I let them work for my lord, no one of these people would be willing to fight to the death in the rivers and lakes. They may not earn anything for a lifetime. Doing with your lord has a bright future. Please rest assured, my lord."

Wu Er said confidently, Wang Tong shook his head, and said in a deep voice:

"Money doesn't matter, but there is one thing you have to remember, this is not something I want to do, but you two brothers did it in private, do you understand?"

"You know, it's because you don't want to give up your old prestige, so you don't care about the adults' teachings, and you gather your old acquaintances together in private, and secretly do some things to get rich. It's your own fault, no wonder others..."

This time it was Wu Da who reacted quickly. Seeing that they were so knowledgeable, Wang Tong nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Wu Da will do it, Wu Er will take the title of General Banner first, and follow Zhang Shiqiang to do business!"

Jinyiwei has a general banner among thousands of households, and the Huwei army has a general banner. This title cannot be regarded as a high-ranking official, but if you work with Zhang Shiqiang, the rank of the general banner will not be low.

There are only two hundred households in the canal inspection and the Haihe inspection, each of which is on business with Zhang Shiqiang and Tangshan. Although Zhang Shiqiang is also a hundred households to the public, everyone knows that his future will not stop there, so he is not regarded as a hundred households. households.

By Zhang Shiqiang's side, he has great authority and high status, and besides the Canal Inspection Department, Zhang Shiqiang also has the jurisdiction of intelligence and detectives. The general banner beside him has a great chance of being alone.

Although Wang Tong didn't have any arrangements on Wu Da's side, he could come forward to recruit bandits from the green forest and thieves, and he was the one who came forward to take charge.

The two brothers of the Wu family immediately understood what Wang Tong meant. They looked at each other, knelt on the ground and kowtowed. Wu Da said solemnly:
"My lord's great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by my little brother, even if my body is smashed to pieces."

"Reward for meritorious deeds. In order to do a great thing, Wu Er must reward him well. Wu Da, you are taking advantage of your brother. There is nothing to say. The stricter your mouth, the longer you will be rich. If your mouth leaks, Maybe you will cause a catastrophe for yourself, do you two understand?"

Hearing Wang Tong's solemn inquiry, the Wu family brothers naturally knew the importance of the stakes at this time, and kowtowed again to agree.

Seeing Wu Da and Wu Er coming out with Wang Tong, Li Hutou was obviously relieved, and when he ran over to say hello with a smile, Wang Tong said to him directly:
"You have almost recovered from your illness here, go back to the barracks and keep an eye on it!"

Li Hu stood at attention with both legs, and said yes loudly, and then rode away with a smile.

The atmosphere on the return trip was a bit more relaxed than when he came here. This time, Zhang Shiqiang was following Wang Tong, and everyone knew the rules, and they all avoided back and forth.

"Although Wu Da and Wu Er are grateful, you can't relax your precautions here, and you have to add people to the hidden stake. You also have some swindlers in your hands, and you can also pretend to be people from the rivers and lakes to arrange for Wu Da and Wu Er."

Hearing Wang Tong's order, Zhang Shiqiang complied solemnly, and rode out of the area of ​​the barracks. There was a warehouse in front of it. It turned out that there was a dilapidated wooden house here. Now the prefabricated houses here have been demolished cleanly, and there are still some heavy goods such as granite piled up as usual. Now there are many places that need stone materials in rivers, seaports, and Tianjin Wei, and the granite is transported from other places directly to the construction site. The granite here is also gradually decreasing.

After walking quietly for a while, Zhang Shiqiang asked:
"My lord, Shen Wang and Sha Dacheng's boat company will open almost in the spring of next year. We have already deployed manpower to go in. These two are sea lords, and we have to guard against them. Do you want to add people to go in?"

Wang Tong nodded and said:
"We need to keep an eye on these important roles outside, and we must also keep an eye on the important places inside us, but you don't have enough manpower there, right?"

"What your lord said is that there is indeed a shortage of subordinates here. The ones who can be used now are those who were arranged in the homes of the Pandas. The others are found in the inspection department. They are more loyal and reliable, but they are careful. A bit courageous, there are very few people who are willing to be the spy's eyeliner."

Zhang Shiqiang always said something to Wang Tong, Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, let Zhang Shiqiang take care of the secret agents and detectives, he didn't expect any improvement, but among all the people around him, Zhang Shiqiang had the most unusual relationship with him , I have known each other since we were down and down, and we have come together in the same small flag to this day, which is the most responsible.

Zhang Shiqiang is today because of Wang Tong. Without Wang Tong, he would have nothing to say. There is no need to doubt Zhang Shiqiang's loyalty, so Zhang Shiqiang is most at ease in letting Zhang Shiqiang do these secret things.

But these people under Wang Tong can let go elsewhere, and those people can do things well by themselves, Zhang Shiqiang needs constant guidance.

"Among the people you are looking for, they are not the servants of your inspection department. Many of those people are natives of Tianjin Jinyiwei. What's more, the inspection department deals with merchants all day long, passes money every day, is flattered by others, and thinks all day about how to swallow up some money, how can it be possible to be loyal and reliable... "

Zhang Shiqiang was in charge of these two tasks. Hearing what Wang Tong said, Zhang Shiqiang felt a little ashamed. He laughed dryly there, and Wang Tong said again:
"On the human side, we still have to make up our minds on Yu Ding, a military household. Only the eldest son of a military household can inherit the land status, but there is only one son in any family. There is nowhere to go for so many children. Many of them came to Huwei Army and Jinyiwei. These People are ambitious, and their brothers must not be too far behind. This kind of people must be envious when they see their brothers serving as errands and soldiers. It is naturally easy to recruit, and they have brothers who work as errands and soldiers here. The military family members are registered on the register here, which can be regarded as a guarantee, and they will think of their families when they have any thoughts in their hearts, and these talents are the most suitable."

Whether they are servants or soldiers, they are the part that benefits from the Wangtong system. These people naturally protect the interests of the Wangtong system in every way, and their families are also beneficiaries, and the same is true.

"My lord said that my subordinates really didn't think of this. When I go back today, the villain will go to the supervising army to collect the list of soldiers, and take advantage of the Chinese New Year to visit more people to recruit more people to come in!"

Zhang Shiqiang was convinced, and even claimed it was, Wang Tong sighed in his heart, if others might have their own opinions, Zhang Shiqiang could only do so, but the most important thing is to be at ease in such matters.


Wang Tong, who was talking to Zhang Shiqiang, paused at the sound of shouting, subconsciously pulled the rein, and his other hand was already on the handle of the knife.

There were already five cavalrymen standing in front of Wang Tong, and the people behind followed him, guarding Wang Tong, a few of them took out their shields, and a group of people on the periphery moved towards the front.

"Villain Xiang Yan, villain Xiang Yan, I need to see you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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