Chapter 647 Feng Bao has something to say
Xiang Yan was a secret agent sent by Dongchang in Tianjin Wei. He was quite busy when Wang Tong first arrived in Tianjin Wei, but then he became silent.

Zhang Cheng, the current eunuch who is in charge of the ceremony, has always had his own people in Dongchang. Wang Tong knew some news about Dongchang back then. Although Xiang Yan belongs to Xue Zhanye, he has also received a lot of favors from Qianhu Feng Youning Later, the relationship between Wang Tong and the big bosses in the capital was cold, Xiang Yan also got a hint from the capital, and became estranged from Wang Tong.

However, at that time, Wang Tong already had good eyes and ears in Tianjin, and leaving Xiang Yan's side would not delay things.

Later, Feng Bao was expelled from the capital, Feng Youning resigned and escorted Feng Bao to Nanjing, and Qianhu, who was in charge of Dongchang, became Xue Zhanye. Naturally, this extension would not benefit much, and the capital gave it to him as usual. According to the news, Xiang Yan has been kicked out of Dongchang, and has nothing to do with the officials.

Unexpectedly, when New Year's Eve was approaching, Wang Tong went to the military camp to do business, and Xiang Yan suddenly stopped on the road and asked to see him on the way back.

He was no longer in Dongchang, and Wang Tong couldn't think of anything important to do, but he still had some sympathy after dealing with him back then. When the guards in front asked him, Wang Tong nodded and agreed.

Although Xiang Yan is not in Dongchang, he has also stayed in Tianjin Wei for many years, and he usually acts as a businessman. He has a store business in his hand, and his life is not bad.

When he came over, he was wearing a leather jacket and a felt hat. He was neatly dressed. When he saw Wang Tong on the horse, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to salute. Now Wang Tong is the commander of Jin Yiwei, and his status is very different from before. .

"The villain has seen Lord Wang!"

"So it's Boss Xiang. I haven't seen you for a long time. What can I do with you today?"

Wang Tong asked kindly, Xiang Yan kowtowed again, hesitantly said:

"The villain has something important to do, please ask the adults to let the left and right back down."

Wang Tong said "Oh" and nodded to the side. A guard immediately got off his horse, walked up to Xiang Yan and asked him to stand up, and searched from top to bottom. Xiang Yan was searched submissively. After the guards searched and turned back to report, Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"You guys stay away!"

There was no one on the road here, and Wang Tong and Xiang Yan also reached the open space on the side of the road. Xiang Yan lowered his hand and said:
"Eunuch Feng wanted to see Mr. Wang, so he specially sent a villain to invite him."

"Eunuch Feng? Feng Bao wants to see me?"

Wang Tong asked back in surprise, after Feng Bao was expelled from the capital, there would be no such person as Feng Bao in the world, and he might live for a long time, but in the eyes of the world, he would be the same as dead, Wang Tong Don't care about this last power eunuch who doesn't know how to measure.

But the news still came out, after the palace issued an order, Feng Bao and his party just took the portable items, and then left the capital, just like ordinary travelers, walked all the way along the canal, and stayed in Tianjin Wei.

Others can't find any faults, leaving the capital to live in Nanjing, as long as he leaves the capital, he has achieved his goal. There is no clear rule on when he will arrive in Nanjing, and this is also the affection of the palace.

Traveling in winter, at Feng Bao's age, he might die on the way. The safest way is to wait for the canal to open up and take the waterway. The Tianjin Wei canal can be sailed in February and March. It is normal for Feng Bao to wait here. They A family of thirty or so people found an inn to live in, and the people below reported the news. Wang Tong didn't bother to pay attention when he heard about it, but he didn't expect to come to the door today.

What time is it now, and what is Feng Bao's sensitive identity? Wouldn't it be troublesome for him to go to see him? Wang Tong paused and said with a smile:

"New Year's Eve is approaching, and I'm busy. Eunuch Feng's side must also be celebrating the New Year, so I'll just send someone to bring some gifts there."

The meaning of refusal in the words was already very obvious. Hearing this, Xiang Yan kowtowed on the ground again, and said:
"If Mr. Wang has any scruples, you can play His Majesty first, and then wait for His Majesty's sage. After Eunuch Feng said something about Beijing, he wanted to understand some things. He wanted to say something. He also wanted to say it to Mr. Wang. To convey to His Majesty."

"If that's the case, why not write a memorial and submit it. Now that the Holy Monarch is in power and the way of speaking is smooth, there must be no reason to hinder it."

Wang Tong didn't bother to bother, he turned around and was about to get on his horse, Xiang Yan kowtowed twice and hurriedly said:

"What Eunuch Feng wants to say is inconvenient to write down on paper, and I ask Mr. Wang to look at the past and see Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng went to Nanjing and knew he would not come back alive. Please be merciful, Mr. Wang! !"

He said it very earnestly, knelt there and kowtowed his head. Hearing this, Wang Tong was a little curious, what was it that was inconvenient to put on paper, and he explained it so clearly that he actually asked himself to go to Emperor Wanli to ask for an order. .

Wang Tong hesitated, turned around and said:
"In this case, you can go back and wait at ease. After the official plays, you will have your own holy order!"

"Thank you for your kindness, sir, thank you for your kindness!"

Xiang Yan kowtowed repeatedly, but Wang Tong ignored him. After getting on his horse, a group of people surrounded him and set off on his way back.

Back in the mansion, Wang Tong called Yang Sichen over and asked him to draw up a secret report, which was about meeting Xiang Yan today. After Yang Sichen heard about it, he persuaded Wang Tong, but Wang Tong also said understand.

"I met Xiang Yan today. After Xiang Yan said that, the news is that he is already on his way to the capital. It's not a big deal to see him or not. It seems that Tianjin Wei is open-minded in his heart. It's important."

When Wang Tong said this, Yang Sichen felt ashamed and wrote it quickly. The matter was simple and naturally finished quickly. The semicolon accounts of Fufu, Jizhen, Liaozhen, Shanxi, etc. have also been reported back, and they have to be settled before New Year's Eve. This is the most important matter for Wang Tong's subordinates, and Yang Sichen and others have to keep an eye on it.

Just as he was about to leave, Wang Tong stopped him and asked:
"The next year is the deadline for the examination. Does Mr. Yang have any plans?"

The general examination means that the candidates from various provinces go to the capital and Nanjing for two major examinations. Those who pass the examination are called Gongshi, and then the emperor serves as the chief examiner to take the exam. This is the palace examination. The big surprise is that you will not fail the palace examination, and your Jinshi background is almost a certainty.

In Daming, the most important thing for civil servants is to be a Jinshi. If there is no Jinshi, you will not be able to reach the position above the fourth rank in your life. The only exception is Hai Rui. This is the result of his incomparable integrity and incomparable integrity. The exception today is Lu Wancai, Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. Lu Wancai was promoted step by step because of his great achievements and Wang Tong's help.

But for the scholars, special cases like Hai Rui and Lu Wancai naturally cannot be imitated. It is the right way to seek a Jinshi background, step by step from Qinggui to the Taiwan Pavilion. try.

Yang Sichen was originally from Juren, and he also has the standard Qingliu style. The holding of the 12th year of Wanli Examination must be extremely important to his future. Yang Sichen now has a high status in Tianjin Wei. He was involved in a lot of things, and secondly, he was a bridge connecting Tianjin Wei and Shen Shixing, and his status was detached.

The exam is no small matter, he is not a great talent, he has to prepare for the exam for one or two years, but Yang Sichen is involved in practical work all day long, and the four books and five classics are probably a lot of waste, so he must not be able to do things if he wants to prepare. It is necessary to arrange a replacement, so I have this question.

Hearing Wang Tong's question, Yang Sichen was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile:
"To tell you the truth, the students are also hesitating whether to go or not."

Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"Why don't you go, study hard in the cold window, isn't it for this time? Didn't you come to the capital for this reason, and now Mr. Shen is the chief assistant, and you and him are such confidantes, this time to go , Jinshi should have a background, if I want to say something big, I will go to His Majesty to plead, and it is not impossible for you to get a No. [-] or No. [-]."

"Your Excellency said so, but the students are now villains in the eyes of Shih Lin, immoral people, and going to take part in the examination, there may be a lot of criticism and irony. On the side of Master Shen, when the students fell in love with Si Niang , although Mr. Shen is magnanimous, but this is not a glorious thing. If it is not for Zhang Siwei's oppression, how to deal with it is still unknown. Now that Mr. Shen is the chief minister of the court, there are some things that I don't want to mention again. The students will go to the exam, yes Whether it will be taken care of or vice versa, I really can't say..."

Wang Tong was taken aback when he heard this, then shook his head and laughed, Yang Sichen continued to smile wryly and said:

"The student was a purveyor in the Shen Mansion back then, and he can't compare to his disciples. He took the exam rashly. This..."

"You want to be cautious, but Xu Guangguo sent me a letter, saying that he asked me to help him. He wanted to get a Jinshi background in the examination. He also said that if he had this background, he would have a real job in the future and help Tianjin Wei. Big Yunyun, he has a good calculation."

Wang Tong sighed, but Yang Sichen said:
"Xu Guangguo's situation is quite different from that of the students. His uncle Xu Qingshan is still the servant of the household department, and his activities in the capital have not been so high-profile. He can give it a try."

Zhu Yiliu, king of Lu, married Weihui in Henan Province in the twelfth lunar month. Emperor Wanli gave 5 taels of silver and [-] hectares of land. For the brothers of the emperor, this gift is really a bit shabby.

Even so, some big bosses in the cabinet said that it was too costly, please His Majesty to live within our means. It is said that Emperor Wanli praised this big boss quite a bit, thinking it was a seasoned talk of seeking the country.

On New Year's Eve, the secret decree of the capital came, which was written by Emperor Wanli, "Go and listen, I want to know what Feng Bao wants to say"...
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(End of this chapter)

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