Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 648 Who is Long Live Like?

Chapter 648 Who is Long Live Like?

Since Emperor Wanli wanted to know what Feng Bao said, there was nothing to worry about on Wang Tong's side. During the Spring Festival at Ma Sanbiao's house, he led people to the inn on the first day of the new year.

Feng Bao is also an official, so he should live in an inn, but he has a large population and is used to being pampered, so he simply rented an inn on Tianjin Wei's side.

Among the people Wang Tong led were Ma Sanbiao, Tan Bing and Tan Jian. Ma Sanbiao just felt bored at home and went out to relax. He brought Tan Bing and Tan Jian because of another consideration.

Although Tan Bing and Tan Jian have their own errands under Wang Tong, Tan Bing is still the head of the first regiment, but they also have the identity of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang spies. Of course, this spy is not a secret. Everyone understands, but the purpose of taking them to such occasions seems to be a witness. Feng Bao's identity is too sensitive after all.

There were not many people on the street, a dozen cavalry guards, and a thousand people headed towards the inn in the city. It is said that the inn should be built in the waterway, at least in a conspicuous place. For example, Wang Tong and others just The place where I lived when I came to Tianjinwei is now the place where the canals, Haihe River and seaside are prosperous, and the city is very deserted.

But there are many more inns and restaurants in the city than before. They are all prepared for the rich and noble people in Tianjin Wei. These inns have no rooms, only individual courtyards, and the price is about ten times or several times that of the inns by the canal. Ten times, only the rich and powerful are accepted.

When the voice just came out, some people joked that it was not long, but they didn't expect that there would be a lot of customers soon, and such places sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The reason is that big merchants receive customers, as well as wealthy merchants from the sea and other places, and noble families from the capital, they don't care about money, they just want comfort and face, and this kind of luxury hotel is just what they like.

Later, not to mention rich and powerful merchants, even the officials of Tianjin Wei lived here in the past. Anyway, they didn't lack money in their hands.

Wang Tong and others entered the city, and when they arrived at the entrance of the inn, the guards under him came to find the shopkeeper. Hearing that it was Wang Tong's arrival, the shopkeeper naturally didn't dare to neglect, and led a group of people into the inn.

Wang Tong had heard of this kind of luxury inn, but it was the first time he had seen it. When he walked in, he knew that it was in accordance with the regulations of the mansions of rich families, and then divided into houses one by one, and each house was equipped with servants and maids. The waiter was like a servant of a wealthy family, which made Wang Tong feel emotional. This is clearly a replica of a modern hotel, the ancients are capable.

The tiger won't die, Feng Bao loses power, the place where he lives is the largest and best part of the inn, I heard that the family of the servants who came with him live nearby.

When Wang Tong and others walked over, they saw a servant at the gate of the courtyard asking the servant of the inn. When the servant saw Wang Tong coming, he just glanced aside and continued:
"Little brother, do you know where rice paper is sold in Tianjin Wei? Do you want the good one?"

"On the first day of the new year, why would a shop selling rice paper open, but you can go to Yangliu Residence in the north of the city, knock on the door and call for someone, maybe they will do your business."

"Thank you little brother."

The servant agreed and left in a hurry. Wang Tong looked back at the servant's back and said with a smile:

"The servants of the Feng family are really unusual. If the downtrodden officials saw us dressed as warriors coming over, they must have panicked. They had to run in to report. This one is calm and composed."

Tan Bing laughed dryly and said in a low voice:
"To tell you the truth, my subordinates think that the man just now might be a spy who is following Feng Bao."

Hearing this Wang Tong was stunned, shook his head and laughed, although Feng Bao and other important people were expelled from the palace, but there are not many people who trust him, and the palace, Dongchang, and Jinyiwei may all send spies out to follow.

"Jin Yiwei Commander Wang Tong, please see Eunuch Feng!!"

Ma Sanbiao yelled in a rough voice outside, and a middle-aged man ran out from inside after a while. This middle-aged man was wearing a brown and dark gold-edged double-breasted cotton bijia, and a royal blue Taoist robe inside. He looked at people as Wang Tong. Based on his experience, he could tell at first glance that this person's status is extraordinary, but from now on, his beard and hair are a little disheveled, and his face is haggard, probably because he has encountered something unpleasant recently.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang, the villain Feng Youning, who met Mr. Wang."

If they were really ordinary people, they would never say "so it is", and just kneel down and kowtow to salute. Feng Youning's kneeling is also very unfamiliar.

After all, he was in the East Factory and punished thousands of households for almost ten years. After nearly 20 years of rampant in the capital, he suddenly became a commoner. He really couldn't adapt to it. said:
"If you need anything in Tianjin Wei, come and talk to me, and take me to see Eunuch Feng!"

Although Feng Youning is domineering, it is not a scourge. Now his posture is quite satisfactory, and Wang Tong is also polite. Feng Youning thanked him and turned to lead the way.

When Feng Bao lost power, Feng Youning didn't wait for the palace to move, and resigned voluntarily to accompany Feng Bao to Nanjing, which can be regarded as filial piety. The eunuch's nephew and adopted son are often close and filial in every possible way when they are making money. It is common to even roll up the money and leave.

The house where Feng Bao lived in the inn actually entered twice. Ma Sanbiao and Tan Bing gasped in amazement. Feng Youning entered the courtyard and said loudly:
"Master Uncle, did Master Wang bring it?"

"Wang Tong is here, please come in."

Feng Bao's voice was full of vigor, but he didn't show any sign of depression. Feng Youning turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation. Wang Tong stepped in. Tan Bing and others wanted to follow, but Feng Youning stopped him and said:

"My uncle said that if you want to listen, you can listen to it from the window. It's not convenient in the house. Afterwards, he will also record a copy for Mr. Wang to take to the capital."

Tan Bing and Tan Jian looked at each other, and both stopped in their tracks. Since the other party said so, they are now receiving Wang Tong's salary, and they are Wang Tong's subordinates. Some things are not easy to do. He nodded and stopped.

As soon as Wang Tong entered the room, he found that the light in the room was quite bright. During the day, four vertical palace lanterns were actually lit, but Feng Bao was standing in front of the wall with his hands behind his back. There was a picture hanging on the wall. Feng Bao looked back, Pointing to the writing on the wall with his finger, he said:
"What do you think of the Preface to the Lanting Collection of our Linwang Youjun?"

Wang Tong can also write decent regular script now, and there is no problem with writing and reading, but cursive script is a heavenly script for him, let alone evaluate the quality of calligraphy. However, Wang Tong has heard people say that Feng Bao's handwriting, saying that if Feng Bao was not an eunuch, calligraphy must be a master in the world.

"Wang Tong doesn't know calligraphy, but looking at Feng Gonggong's handwriting, there is a sense of momentum rushing to his face."

"You can speak. You have been immersed in the officialdom for a long time, and you have almost honed it. What is momentum? This is the first time our family has heard such a compliment."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Feng Bao also laughed dumbfoundedly, turned around and said with emotion:
"Our family's handwriting didn't make much progress five years ago. I thought it should be like this in this life, but I didn't expect that after coming out of Beijing, it would be improved again. There are gains and losses, and there are gains and losses."

Wang Tong even felt that Feng Bao was about the same as when he met five years ago, and only after a closer look did he find that his gray hair had grown a lot. The Empress Dowager Cisheng has gray hair, but she didn't expect Feng Bao to be in such a good state of mind.

Feng Bao's demeanor was still the same as that of the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies. He pointed with his hand, motioned for Wang Tong to sit down, and said:
"The tea has just been served, pour it for yourself, sit down and talk to our family."

Seeing Feng Youning like that, Wang Tong thought that he was going to see a haggard and sad old man, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He was surprised in his heart, but he was much more relaxed. He poured himself tea and sat down. Bao Ye sat down, poured himself a glass, picked it up, took a sip, and said:
"Studying in the inner book hall, as usual, a senior scholar from the cabinet came to teach. Yan Song also came here. What he said was nothing more than the classics, but he also mentioned a few other things. There is one sentence that our family always remembers. These few days I often think of what he was talking about, saying, "A courtier is a courtier, and a slave is a slave. You must always remember your duty and not exceed the rules." He is right, no matter how big you are, long live It’s still Lord Long Live, with a word from Lord Long Live, no matter what happens to the courtiers and servants, they will still be beaten back to their original form, our family has just forgotten their duty in the past ten years!"

After speaking, Feng Bao sighed, shook his head, took another sip of tea, picked up a wet towel and wiped his ink-stained hands, and laughed again:

"After leaving Beijing, I became clean, and I figured out some things. On the contrary, I figured it out. In this life, since I entered the inner school to study, I went to the Sixth Section Corridor to write, and I went to the inner official prison to work as a writer. , I have made the palm prints step by step until now, I have thought a lot and calculated a lot all day long, and I only think about it now, what's the use of that, I can't take it away after death, I can't pass it on to others, and it may even implicate the Feng family , thanks to the end of it, it’s good now, it’s good now!”

Wang Tong smiled, clasped his fists in the direction of the capital, and said:
"Long live Lord is also thinking of Eunuch Feng's love for many years, so he is merciful. It is best for Eunuch Feng to think about it. From now on, let's let go of your mind and take good care of your life!"

"Watching the Long Live Lord grow up, I wanted to help more, so that the Long Live Lord would not be bullied by others, and was biased by the officials of the foreign court. Who would have thought that such a situation would gradually come to this situation? I really did not expect it at the beginning..."

Feng Bao's voice was a little choked up, and after saying these few words, he shook his head, cleared his throat and said solemnly:
"If you talk about such trivial things as children's love, I don't need to invite you to sit down and express my feelings. This time, I have some things to explain. Our family asks you, who do you think Long Live God is like?"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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