Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 649 Wu Zong Zhengde

Chapter 649 Wu Zong Zhengde
"Who does Long Live God act like?"

After Feng Bao asked this question, Wang Tong subconsciously looked at the doors and windows, and then scanned the room, as if no one was eavesdropping.

But this question is still difficult to answer, not to mention that saying this is a taboo, Wang Tong didn't know who he looked like.

"Be careful, kid."

Feng Bao glanced at Wang Tong, laughed teasingly, then waved his hand and said:

"Our family is just talking about it. Let us say it, like Emperor Wuzong. These actions are very similar!"

Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty was the Emperor Zhengde, a famous dissolute emperor. When Wang Tong heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then stood up from his seat, and said in a solemn voice:
"Eunuch Feng, what a saintly person your Majesty is, how can he compare with Emperor Wu Zong? If Eunuch Feng just wants to say some slanderous words today, then there is no need to talk about it."

Emperor Zhengde was the worst emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He indulged in sensuality, trusted eunuchs and generals, and denounced civil servants. It was extremely absurd.

The eight eunuchs are famous all over the world, and Liu Jin, the eunuch, is regarded as the biggest traitor of the Ming Dynasty. Liu Jin, together with the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Jiao Fang, made the court a mess, and trusted military generals Qian Ning and Jiang Bin. After Wu Zong died, Jiang Bin almost rebelled.

Needless to say, in life, many shops were built in the palace to imitate the appearance outside the palace, filled with eunuchs and maids, and they wandered around for fun.

He even set up a leopard house outside the palace, raised tigers, leopards, bears and other ferocious animals, gathered people from various ethnic groups in Tubo, Mongolia and the Western Regions, got close to foreign monks, and even liked to play with Buddhist monks. He didn't look like a king at all.

He likes martial arts, and once gave himself the title of mighty general Zhu Shou. He once led the army to fight against the little prince of Tatar in the Xuanfu. When King Ning rebelled, he also led his troops to march south. However, Wang Shouren led the army to pacify him. He actually ordered King Ning, who had been captured, to be released, and then captured again, in order to show his victory. All kinds of absurd things are endless.

Moreover, after he marched south, he was playing in the south of the Yangtze River, but he accidentally fell into the river. After catching a cold, he couldn't get sick. Although his life was absurd, he left no heirs. Datong is Emperor Jiajing.

His lineage has become extinct, and his behavior is ridiculous. The official and the people will naturally not have any good comments on him, because he favors his ministers and generals, and the scholar-bureaucrats also despise him. Therefore, when mentioning Emperor Zhengde, the first thing people think of is "" Faint Lord" word.

Now that Emperor Wanli is in power, although he has not done much himself, Zhang Juzheng is very capable. The national power is booming, and there is a scene of prosperity. The ministers govern the country, and the credit should be attributed to the emperor. The current article mentions Emperor Wanli, all are "Ming Jun" "Sage King", but this Feng Bao compared Wanli with Zhengde.

After Wang Tong heard it, he reacted with anger, thinking that Feng Bao was resentful because he was expelled from the palace, and he came here to complain, and immediately stood up and shouted angrily.

"Sit down, sit down, what's wrong with Emperor Wu Zong, isn't it good?"

Feng Bao sat there and asked back with a smile, Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, but it could be heard from this sentence that Feng Bao didn't seem to want to ridicule, Wang Tong sat down ponderingly, and said in a deep voice:
"There are many descriptions of Emperor Wuzong's actions in the memoirs and notes, not to mention folk rumors. Eunuch Feng's comparison is a big rebellion. No one else knows how the emperor is doing. Don't you know, Eunuch Feng?"

Feng Bao nodded with a smile, pointed at Wang Tong and said:
"That is to say, you are loyal and devoted to Daming's sake, so our family is hesitant, and we still need to say a few more words. Our family asks you, who wrote the memorandum and notes?"

"Naturally, he is a literati, a Hanlin civil servant."

"That's it, what they wrote, what they don't like, naturally they won't say good things, you have made Tianjin Wei so prosperous, and you send more than 100 million taels of silver to the palace every year, but who would say you Is it good, is there any literati in the capital writing articles to praise you?"

Wang Tong shook his head, it would be good if he didn't open his mouth to scold, otherwise Xu Guangguo would take the money to do something in the capital, Feng Bao nodded, and said again:
"So, what Emperor Wuzong did was not what you thought. Our family still remembers that the record said that Emperor Wuzong fought against the little prince in Yingzhou. Have you heard of this?"

This is the so-called great victory in Yingzhou. There are a lot of folklore and literati notes, but most of them are told as jokes, because the little Tatar prince led tens of thousands of troops to the south, and Emperor Wuzong led an army of 16 to march. The two sides fought fiercely in Yingzhou for several In the end, the Ming army killed 56 people and killed [-] people. This battle was so powerful, but there were so few beheads, but it was called a great victory by Emperor Wuzong. speaking.

Wang Tong nodded, Feng Bao said again:

"Our family remembers that there is a saying in it, 'Chengyu was trapped a few times, but fortunately several troops fought hard to rescue, and the emperor was safe'. At that time in Yingzhou, Emperor Wuzong also killed one enemy."

This Wang Tong has an impression, Feng Bao asked again:
"You also went out to fight. The Son of Heaven led an army of 16 in his own campaign. If it was true that the Tartars killed the Son of Heaven and all the armies desperately rescued them, you can imagine how fierce the battle would be. Even Emperor Wuzong killed one enemy. Where are the escorts? What about the other soldiers and horses? Did they just behead [-] people in the end?"

Hearing what Feng Bao said, Wang Tong fell into contemplation. After careful study, the battle process was completely written by laymen. When the Huwei army was full of firearms, when fighting at close range, dozens of soldiers were killed or injured inside and outside the formation. , and Zhengde personally led the army in such a fierce hand-to-hand battle with the Tartars, how could the casualties add up to less than a hundred, and Zhengde's killing of an enemy must not have been faked. .

"Our family was also confused when we read these records. It was the people from the Yumajian who explained it to our family, so our family understood. Otherwise, with the power of the little prince, why would Emperor Wuzong not dare to go south when he reigns? Because Yingzhou hurt him that time."

Hearing Feng Bao's words, Wang Tong shook his head there, wondering in his heart, although this reversal of the verdict is reasonable, it has nothing to do with Emperor Wanli, let alone any resemblance.

"Do you know when the emptiness of the Ming treasury began?"

"....It should start from the time of Emperor Sejongsu..."

Wang Tong only remembered that in the middle period of Emperor Jiajing, there was Altan Khan in the north, Japanese pirates in the southeast, and a lot of money was spent on military equipment and wars. At that time, the treasury began to be empty. Feng Bao shook his head and said:
"Since Emperor Xiaozong's time, the treasury has run out of money..."

Emperor Xiaozong is Hongzhi, the father of Zhengde. Xiaozong's reign is called Qingming, and the so-called Hongzhi Zhongxing, but he didn't expect Feng Bao to say something else:
"The little prince of Tatar is getting stronger and stronger, and the military spending on the Nine Borders is no less than it is now. Emperor Xiaozong is lenient to the civil servants. These famous people talk about the righteousness of the sages, but they never relent when they annexed the land. And at that time Maritime trade has just emerged, and they do not pay a single penny for this business. While spending a lot, taxes are getting less and less, and the treasury naturally has no money."

If it is similar, it is indeed similar to when Wanli ascended the throne, but there was no whip method at that time, and I don’t know how the treasury got over it. Feng Bao had already diverted the topic and continued to say:

"Emperor Wuzong came to the throne, and there are not many ways to fill the treasury. There are rumors that he wants to do two things. One is to open the sea trade, and the other is to let the officials and gentry pay taxes."

"...This is really..., how can it be so easy..."

Hearing this, Wang Tong couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion, paying taxes by officials and gentry is touching the interests of scholars in the world. Opening up sea trade is tantamount to competing for profits with the wealthy families in the southeast. Where they were born, they must be inextricably related to the rich families in the southeast. If you think about Zhu Wan who exterminated pirates in the Jiajing year, but was forced to commit suicide by taking poison in the end, you can know what skills these people have.

"It's not easy. When scolding Jiang Bin and Qian Ning, it is often said that Jiang Bin and Qian Ning not only brought Liao soldiers to the capital, but also recruited soldiers from various border towns to train in the capital and made a lot of noise. Chaos, people's hearts are disturbed, and it actually contains the heart of disaster, let me ask you, now the soldiers and servants of generals in various places in the world, do they listen to the imperial court or their generals?"

Feng Bao's topic jumps up quickly, this Wang Tong is familiar, he pondered for a while and said:
"Of course I listen to their general."

"The imperial court issued food and salaries to raise soldiers, but these generals used them to raise private soldiers. What Jiang Bin and Qian Ning did was to replace the already unbearable capital camps in the capital, and turn the soldiers and family members everywhere into the imperial court. The soldiers and servants..."

Wang Tong couldn't help shaking his head. Jiang Bin and Qian Ning actually came up with this method to deprive the generals of their personal assets. Wouldn't it damage the foundation of these people? He said with emotion:
"Maritime trade and taxes have offended the scholars and the wealthy families in the southeast, and this method of recruiting private soldiers has offended the generals everywhere. Wouldn't it offend everyone in the world by doing this?"

"Naturally, he was offended. Therefore, Emperor Wuzong wanted to use his internal officials and trusted generals. Why did Liu Jin gain power, and why did Qian Ning and Jiang Bin become prominent? It's not that no one is available. The treasury is empty, so they can only send tax inspectors, The mine supervisors and civil servants resisted, so they could only rely on internal officials to handle government affairs, and the border generals resisted, so they could only conquest by themselves... Hehe, what our family heard inside the palace is somewhat different from what you heard outside the palace , Believe it or not, but if someone says it, there is always some truth to it."

Feng Bao said leisurely.
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(End of this chapter)

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