Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 650 It's Really Similar

Chapter 650 It's Really Similar
Before Wang Tong came, he had various speculations about what Feng Bao said, but he never thought that Feng Bao would actually talk about the past of the Zhengde Dynasty with him. Feng Bao talked leisurely like a storyteller, but reversed the established impression in Wang Tong's mind. many.

Everyone has their own position, and the right or wrong of a wrong judgment will be different because of different positions. No one can be completely fair and fair.

Over the years, Wang Tong has also heard many such things. For example, the official history books all say that Yan Song is a treacherous prime minister, who corrupted the imperial court and was greedy for money. But in private, Wang Tong always listened to sarcasm. Yan Song is greedy for ink, and has been the head assistant for more than [-] years, while Xu Jie has been the head assistant for less than ten years. Why is Xu Jie's family property several times that of Yan's family?

But today's official articles mostly praise Xu Jie's incorruptibility and Yan Song's greed for ink, but why, it's not that Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng are all Yan Song's political enemies, and Yan Song must be denied to make them appear correct.

And then again, Yan Song can hold power, Xu Jie can fight Yan Song, whoever puts them in the position of chief assistant, and who makes them fight each other, no matter the history books and notes, they never mention this.

Feng Bao is more than 50 years old this year. He studied in the inner school in the palace, went to various supervisory offices to do handwriting and eunuch practice, and then confirmed the errands, stepping into the ceremonial supervisor and reaching the apex of the inner court.

This resume shows that Feng Bao entered the palace at a young age, and spent almost his whole life in the palace and Prince Yu's mansion. He experienced the Jiajing, Longqing, and Wanli dynasties. During the Jiajing Dynasty, it was not far from the Zhengde Dynasty. There may be many The eunuchs and palace people who have experienced that era, what they experienced and saw first-hand, is somewhat credible.

Why did he say these things to himself? Wang Tong vaguely grasped the intention of the other party, but Feng Bao who was sitting there did not finish.

"King Ning's rebellion was suppressed in less than a month. Emperor Wuzong's southern expedition was fruitless, and a farce of releasing King Ning and then re-capturing him was a farce. This emperor has something extraordinary, but this absurdity is beyond the reach of others!"

Wang Tong had heard this allusion many times, and thought that there might be something hidden in it, so Feng Bao continued:

"After staying in the south of the Yangtze River, but because he fell into the water while playing in the river and caught a cold, he fell ill immediately and died a few months after returning to the capital."

This is all historical facts, and Wang Tong's expression didn't change. Feng Bao asked with a smile after talking about this:

"Wang Tong, you are also from Jin Yiwei, and you have also been a servant of the Long Live Lord. Our family asks you, how can the Long Live Lord fall into the river when he is on the boat?"

Wang Tong nodded subconsciously, then his body shook, stared at Feng Bao, and asked suspiciously:

"Eunuch Feng, what do you mean?"

"The things in the memorandum are reliable, but our family is just puzzled. Although Emperor Wu Zong is addicted to wine and sex, he likes martial arts. He is in good health. He fell into the water and caught a cold. Why did he get sick when he arrived in the capital and never got up again? "

Wang Tong shook his head slowly, smiled wryly and said:

"Eunuch Feng has been in Da Nei for so many years, so he must know a lot of secrets and private affairs, but what's the use of telling the younger generation about it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, our family hasn't finished yet!"

Feng Bao interrupted with a smile. Wang Tong felt uncomfortable. He probably had an outline of what Feng Bao was going to say in his mind, and the outline became more and more clear. .

"The emperor has no heirs. Although it is rare, it is not without them. One is adopted by the prince of Jinzhi. They can’t even get out of the palace, and there is no sound inside or outside the palace, watching helplessly as Emperor Wuzong’s extinct heir, Emperor Sejong enters Beijing to inherit the great line.”

Speaking of falling into the water, Feng Bao clicked, and Wang Tong was shocked for a while, but Feng Bao's next words were just a general statement, a little vague, but the horror in Wang Tong's heart was even worse than before.

In this era, there is a shortage of doctors and medicines. Sometimes colds are fatal. This is true, but the Son of Heaven will never be short of doctors and medicines. It is just a disease caused by catching a cold. Why is it getting weaker every day after returning to Beijing to recuperate? , until he died, and the emperor wanted to adopt a child of the vassal clan to inherit the throne, the news could not be spread in the palace, and everyone was waiting for him to die, watching him die, how many hidden secrets, how much bloody darkness , I really dare not think about it.

What really horrified Wang Tong was that they dared to do these things to Da Tian Zi. How many parties and how many people were involved in this is now unknown, but just thinking about it makes people creepy.

"Later, Emperor Sejong came to Beijing and stayed outside Beijing. He said that this time he entered Beijing to inherit the legal system of Ming Dynasty, not to inherit the legal system of Emperor Wuzong. Empress Dowager Zhang and Yang Tinghe, who were in charge that day, had no choice but to agree to Emperor Sejong. Many people know the allusions in it, the one who instructed Emperor Sejong to do this was the teacher in Xingxian Palace, but on the day Emperor Wuzong was buried, this teacher was also poisoned to death..."

Listening to Feng Bao's eloquent stories about the palace, Wang Tong stood up from his seat and walked around the room. What he heard was not the same as what Feng Bao said, but what Feng Bao said Yes, but it seems to be closer to the truth. After the incident of the Sanyang Sect in the capital, Wang Tong also had his own understanding of the bloody struggle in Da Nei. , it doesn't count at all.

"It's ridiculous that Yang Tinghe, in Emperor Wuzong's reign, hated the internal officials and Jinyiwei deeply. When Emperor Wuzong passed away, he immediately convicted some of the crimes and dismissed them. Many of these people were helping him. When it was time for the ceremony, the people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei all stood on the side of Emperor Sejong, eagerly waiting for revenge, and drove all these people out of the capital at once."

"Eunuch Feng, what do you mean by saying this!!? Do you compare Emperor Wuzong to a sage like His Majesty?"

Wang Tong stopped in his tracks, staring at Feng Bao, and asked in a deep voice. Feng Bao has been the eunuch for ten years and has power all over the world. Naturally, he will not be suppressed by Wang Tong's aura. He just said with a smile:

"Our family is here to tell the story of the previous dynasty. You don't want to go to the Long Live Lord, Wang Tong, this is disrespectful!"

It was really unexpected that the majestic and powerful Feng Bao would be so relaxed. Wang Tong didn't know what to do for a while, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Feng Bao raised his hand with a smile, pointed his fingers and said:
"After Lord Long Live came to the throne, there were a few things that were quite different from the previous dynasty. The first one was to build the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall outside the palace, and select the children of martial arts families from all over the country to study together. The second one was to set up a security department in the capital. , investigating everywhere, and collecting taxes, the third, in Tianjin Wei Kaihai, and setting up cards on the canal to collect lijin, the fourth, getting close to the military officer, Jin Yiwei's commander and Zhi Wang Tong voted for the favor of Long Live Lord, and was very popular Chongxin, the fifth point is to build and train a new army, set up a Tiger Army in Tianjin Wei, led by Wang Tong, it is elite and powerful, and it will intimidate the Quartet."

Wang Tong's face darkened, and Feng Bao opened his crooked fingers one by one, and said:
"The leopard room is located outside the palace, where Emperor Wu Zong had fun, but some people said that he practiced with officers and soldiers there. How is this different from the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall? The factory and Jinyiwei are also among its spies. During the reign of Emperor Wuzong, Liu Jin built an expert factory to monitor the East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei and other places. Xing Haimao, set up a card on the canal to collect likin, this will damage the money of the wealthy and scholar families in the southeast, what is the difference between this and Xinghai Trade during Emperor Wuzong's time, where the officials and gentry paid taxes? Fourth, Emperor Wuzong Confidante Qian Ning and Jiang Bin, Lord Long Live is even more trustworthy to you than to Lu Wang. The fifth point is to set up another mighty tiger army and organize and train strong soldiers. Let’s see if there is any difference in building a strong army, and see if what our family said is right.”

Wang Tong stared at Feng Bao, Feng Bao took a sip of the tea beside him with a smile, Wang Tong was silent for a long time, and then said in a deep voice:
"But what your Majesty and Wang did was for the sake of the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty. These things were not for the good of the country and the country, the prosperity of commerce, and how much money was added to the treasury. If there is no Huwei army, how can there be two brilliant victories outside the Great Wall? If there is no Xing Haimao in Tianjin Wei, set up a card to collect lijin, and give 120 five yuan to the palace every year. What do you use to send in the two gold flowers and silver coins? They say that Wang Tong is a treacherous minister. I have worked hard every day these years, handling official duties, and the government and the opposition have criticized me a lot. Did anyone say that I was greedy for ink, or that I was licentious!? Such a comparison is too absurd!!!”

In the end, Wang Tong's voice has already raised his voice. It is difficult to understand that he is doing this business not for the country of the Ming Dynasty, not for the Emperor Wanli. Feng Bao is actually compared with the people of Emperor Zhengde at that time. I can't help being angry. This anger is firstly due to this comparison, and secondly because of some fear. Many things are changing unconsciously. Could it be that doing these things by myself will also make Emperor Wanli and himself walk on the path of Emperor Zhengde and his subjects? those fates.

"Long Live Lord's life in the palace is also boring. He has been careful for five years, and now he is proud of himself. He has only four or five concubines, and the food and clothing are ordinary. He likes the things of the common people. What extravagant spending..."

Feng Bao said a few words to himself, then shook his head and said:

"Do you know why our family told you this?"

(End of this chapter)

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