Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 651 Daming thanks to you

Chapter 651 Daming thanks to you
No matter what Feng Bao's intentions are in this comparison, what he said today has already given Wang Tong enough to remind him, don't think that you have the trust of the emperor, don't think that you can be complacent because you have done a great job, and think that prosperity and wealth are just that. In his whole life, there are many dangers around him, if he doesn't pay attention, his body will be smashed to pieces.

Wang Tong took a deep breath, clasped his fists and said solemnly:
"Wang Tong guessed one or two, but for the details, I still need to ask Eunuch Feng to enlighten me!"

Feng Bao nodded with a smile, and said:
"You child is sincere, and it's rare not to be pretentious. Why do you tell you this? It's just to ask you to be careful. Not only you, but also the care of the Lord Long Live. You have done so many things, how many places have you touched? How many people have been offended by your interests? Now you are strong here, and you are protected by the Lord Long Live, so you can overwhelm the Quartet, but what happens? I’m afraid of this event! If something extraordinary happens, if you don’t take precautions, you will be smashed to pieces , do you think Long Live Lord will not fall into some pond in the Imperial Garden?"

Wang Tong nodded solemnly, and said solemnly:

"From now on, we must be careful at every step, and we must not be careless..."

Only then did Feng Bao put away the smile on his face, sighed and said:
"Zhang Taiyue died of illness, and our family was expelled from the capital. Zhang Siwei thought he would have the best of the best, but he didn't expect that the sky would not give him, and he made Ding You three years, and the characters of this generation just dispersed."

Speaking of this, Feng Bao paused, looking at the window with some sense of loss, wondering if he was caught in memories, and after a long silence, he spoke again:
"When people die, the lights go out, and the tea is cold when people go away. Once Zhang Taiyue dies, a single whip will not last long, and the treasury can be kept full for three years... At most, it will be three years. Once Zhang Taiyue dies, our family will also leave. How long can Qi Jiguang, the chief soldier of Ji Town, continue to serve, he was promoted to this position by Zhang Taiyue, so I'm afraid it won't be long..."

The quality of a whip method is absolutely good for the treasury at present, but Wang Tong happened to see the disadvantages of this whip method a few days ago, but there is no need to talk about it at this time, but the chief soldier of Ji Town Qi Jiguang didn't last long, but Wang Tong didn't expect it.

But Yu Dayou has passed away, Ma Fang is old and faint, if Qi Jiguang leaves Ji Town again, only Li Chengliang will be left as a famous general in the border town, I am afraid that things here will also be ruined.

"When our family was in the palace, we were in a state of panic. We wanted to see the Empress Dowager and the Lord Long Live all day long, but we couldn't see anyone. When we got discouraged and figured it out, we left the capital. What is it for, is it for the future generations of the Ming Dynasty, or is it for personal glory and wealth, or more in the front!"

Feng Bao felt emotional again there, Wang Tong naturally wouldn't argue with an old man, just listened to Feng Bao continue to say:

"One whip law has been abolished, and the state treasury is in a hurry. Those officials in the court are more likely to think about raising taxes and taxes, and the left and right will not receive them from their famous people. It is ordinary people who suffer. If it is tight, I am afraid that the people will be forced into chaos. Qi Jiguang left from Jizhen and fell into the arms of the Tartars on the grassland. Troubles... internal and external troubles, how can our family rest assured to go to Nanjing for the elderly..."

Ever since Wang Tong came, Feng Bao had been speaking calmly and calmly, but he became excited when he said this, but coincidentally, some firecrackers went off outside, and they crackled together, suppressing all the voices in the room go down.

When the sound of firecrackers stopped, a group of children screamed and laughed, which made the atmosphere in the house much more relaxed. Finally, people realized that it was the first day of the Lunar New Year in the 11th year of Wanli, and they should celebrate the New Year at home.

After such an interruption, Feng Bao's agitated mood calmed down, and he smiled at himself, and said:
"It's no longer the palm print of the supervisor of ceremonies, but you still worry so much, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous...Wang Tong, sit down, sit down."

Feng Bao's excitement and calm just now made Wang Tong feel a little bit emotional. He nodded and sat down when he heard this. Feng Bao said:
"Without you, the two things just now might have been a serious problem, but with you, it may not be a serious problem. You manage well in Tianjin Wei and send 1205 million taels of silver to the palace every year. You are in Tianjin Wei every year. It should be far more than this amount, right?"

Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, but he didn't answer the question. Feng Bao didn't ask in detail, but said:

"What you do in Tianjin can also be done in other places in the world. If there are several places like this, the whip law will abolish the lack of silver in the treasury, and you can make up for it through commercial taxation. Qi Jiguang's army is unparalleled in the world. But he also wrote a letter to Zhang Taiyue to praise you, saying that you are a young star with a bright future, and Li Hutou, Li Tao, and Sun Xin are all young generals. Even if Qi Jiguang is not around, you can still take these positions, our family left Beijing and passed through Tongzhou, thinking of you, the anxiety in my heart is gone."

In this way, Wang Tong was actually compared with Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang. Although he had said a lot of harsh words just now, Wang Tong was still emotional when he heard these words. He stood up and saluted with fists, and said solemnly:
"Eunuch Feng won the award. How can Wang Tong be worthy of such an evaluation?"

"I can afford it, I can afford it, everything is done one by one, how can I not afford it."

Feng Bao said with a smile, Wang Tong has been looking at Feng Bao's expression, that kind of power is gone, but there is a bit of kindness left.

Having said that, I don't know how to continue, the two sat there silent for a while, Feng Bao said:
"Don't delay in Tianjin Wei any longer, go to the capital as soon as possible. Emperor Sejong has Lu Bing by his side. Except for the incident of the palace maid making trouble, everything is safe. Now Long Live God needs you by his side, so you should go there sooner. !!"

Having said that, Wang Tong no longer has any worries, nodded and replied:

"What Feng Gonggong said is that I am going to go to the capital immediately to take up my post. I have benefited a lot from listening to Feng Gonggong's teachings today. This time I am going to Nanjing. If you need my help, please ask as soon as possible. There are ways."

"Although our family was kicked out of the capital, it is not so destitute that we have no boats to do. Our family wants to stay in Tianjin Wei until the beginning of spring and enjoy the scenery on the sea. As we said tomorrow, our family will clean up. Here is a document file for you, after you read it for the Long Live Lord, tear it up and burn it, it will be troublesome to keep it."

Feng Bao said it very easily, but he considered it quite well. It is impossible for the palace not to pay attention to the private meeting with people like Feng Bao. Wang Tong's statement and Feng Bao's transcript will naturally make it clear.

The sound of firecrackers outside was already loud. There were too many talks today, and it was getting late. The two sides had no personal friendship at all, so at this point, Wang Tong got up to leave.

Feng Bao still acted like a great eunuch, sitting on his seat and nodding his head. When Wang Tong walked to the door, Feng Bao hesitated for a while, and said:
"Since you're here, our family wants to entrust you with something."

Wang Tong turned around and said:
"Eunuch Feng said that as long as Wang Tong can do it, he will try his best to do it."

"You Ning is a filial child. The palace is generous this time. When our family leaves the capital, You Ning can still be a wealthy man in the capital. But he gave up his wealth and sent our family to Nanjing for the elderly. Our family went to Nanjing, isn't it? Guarding the imperial palace in Nanjing is to guard the imperial tomb, he can't follow in, Tianjin Wei is a good and prosperous place, our family wants him to stay here and let you take care of it, how about living in peace for the rest of your life?"

Feng Youning's nearly [-]-somethings were taken care of by Wang Tong, who was under [-]. It's ridiculous to say that, but Wang Tong also knows, and Feng Bao also knows, whether the palace is magnanimous or not, it's still hard to tell whether the palace is magnanimous or not. Whether the court will continue to liquidate Feng Bao, no one can say for sure.

Letting Feng Youning live in Tianjin Wei actually meant giving Wang Tong shelter. Wang Tong hesitated, and Feng Bao said with a smile:

"Originally, our family didn't expect this, but some days ago, You Qi, the head of Zhang Taiyue's house, was evicted from Zhang's house because he was greedy for the money of the master Mo's family. I don’t know, he pretended to be someone else and came to Tianjin Wei, he made his home here early on.”

You Qi was able to control the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, with gold and silver in his hands like mountains and seas, and used the silver from the master Mo's family there. This was nothing more than to find a reason for himself to be kicked out, and to get out as soon as possible. Feng Bao was still in control at that time. Dongchang, of course, knows the news.

"Our family was also reminded by You Qi, what can Youning and He go to Nanjing now, it's better to stay in Tianjin Wei and enjoy the blessings."

Thinking about what Feng Bao said today, Wang Tong felt that it was really timely rain, so it was okay to sell Feng Bao's favor just for these words.

"Alright, let Brother Feng live in Tianjin Wei, Wang Tong will definitely take care of him carefully."

When Feng Bao heard this, he stood up from his chair, cupped his fists and bowed in thanks:

"Since this is the case, it will be a lot of trouble."

Wang Tong accepted the courtesy with a nod, but before he moved, Feng Bao said again:

"Xiang Yan has been saved by You Ning, so You Ning can order him. This person has no different intentions. When our family arrived in Tianjinwei, Xiang Yan helped a lot. When our family left, Xiang Yan There is no one on the other side. If you are willing to take care of Wang Tong, you can accept him as a subordinate. He was promoted by Xue Zhanye and received great kindness from You Ning. People are still useful."

Feng Youning entrusted Wang Tong to help, but Xiang Yan really had nothing to do with it. Seeing Wang Tong's hesitation, Feng Bao waved his hand with a smile and said:

"Our family is tired, you also go back to celebrate the New Year, go back!!"

Wang Tong bowed and cupped his fists, he knew that after this time, he might not see Feng Bao again.
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(End of this chapter)

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