Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 652 Going to Beijing Without Fear

Chapter 652 Going to Beijing Without Fear

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, in the main hall of Wang Tong's mansion, Wang Tong sat in the middle, Cai Nan sat on the left, General Tan stood on the right, and below the Huwei Army, Jinyiwei, and Tianjin Division, all Wang Tong's subordinates Confidants and leaders all gathered together.

As usual, these people had lunch in Wang Tong's mansion, and then they came to the hall to gather. According to the rules of previous years, everyone gathered in the mansion at this time of the year for a banquet, and then went away after chatting for a while in the afternoon. Everyone thought it was the same today. In this way, even though Wang Tong was not seen, everyone still talked enthusiastically, and they quieted down after Wang Tong appeared.

"In the morning, the capital sent a secret letter, and there is also a decree from the Holy Majesty. You don't have to get up to receive the decree. This official will convey it on your behalf."

Wang Tong said solemnly, the people below were all staring at them attentively, Wang Tong said:
"Just before and after New Year's Eve, His Majesty met Lord Shen. Lord Shen told His Majesty that Luo Sigong's position cannot be moved for the time being under the command of Jin Yiwei, because now all the key positions in the court are left by Zhang Siwei, and this Luo Sigong is also Zhang Siwei. Those who recommend it, if Luo Sigong is moved, it will inevitably make people more suspicious. Zhang Juzheng died of illness, Zhang Siwei and Dingyou. In less than half a year, the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet has been changed by three people. People's hearts are unstable. What turmoil, it is better to be safe!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said, the room exploded with a bang, and Sun Dahai said angrily:

"Your Excellency has made such great achievements, and he has usually helped Shen Shixing a lot. Why did he come forward to stop your progress this time? None of these civil servants can be trusted."

"Absurd, Zhang Siwei blocked it, and Shen Shixing is also blocking it, as if our adults will snatch their chief assistant position when we go to the capital."

This is Ma Sanbiao, and the crowd was excited, but Yang Sichen, who was born in the Shen family, said calmly:
"Master Shen is cautious in doing things, and will not offend anyone unless it is absolutely necessary. He has his reasons for saying this."

However, few people are willing to listen to his explanation. Even Cai Nan, who has a big picture, said:

"My lord Wang, why don't you play the Long Live Lord secretly and ask the Long Live Lord to make the decision. With Shen Shixing's temperament, it's possible that the Long Live Lord has made up his mind and he dares to refute it."

Every word you said was quite indignant. Wang Tong looked around with a smile. Everyone in the room had different attitudes towards this, but they all had the same thoughts for their own good. He looked at the bag in his hand again. The secret letter raised his hand, and the room immediately became quiet. Wang Tong said:
"Long Live Lord's letter clearly stated that he asked me to stay in Tianjin Wei'an for a few more months. If Luo Sigong knew the good and the bad, he would be given a fat job to change his post. If he didn't know the good and bad, he would always be guilty of making him unable to work for a long time. At that time, I will be decreed to be promoted to the commander of Jinyiwei."

"Let's just say that Lord Long Live will not forget your lord, and he must have something in mind."

"Your majesty is holy, Luo Sigong has worked in Jinyiwei for so many years, how can a shrewd person not understand this joint, if he doesn't want to understand, let's find someone to tell him."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, the crowd began to discuss in a hurry, and Wang Tong stretched out his hand to silence the crowd again, and said:
"I've already made a decision here. I will leave on the [-]th day of the first lunar month and go to the capital to take up my post."

"My lord! Why are you in such a hurry, there are still many things in Tianjin Wei that have not been finished in time, and you have to wait for your lord to make arrangements. It is really..."

"Everything in Tianjin Guard has rules and regulations. As long as it operates according to the rules, no matter who is in charge, there will be no mistakes. The first regiment and the second regiment of the Tiger's Mighty Army each have a regimental deputy. This is the order of the Holy One, so just do it as usual. "

After hearing Wang Tong finished speaking, the room became quiet again. Everyone could hear that Wang Tong had decided to go, and the next step was what Wang Tong arranged to do.

"The Huwei army still follows the previous system. The Huwei barracks officer is the official. I don't know what other arrangements will be made when I go to the capital this time. Cai Jianjun will not move and take charge of this matter. When I leave, I will recommend Zhang Shiqiang For Tianjin Jinyiwei Thousand Households, supervise Tianjin Division, Sanjiang Commercial Bank, Insurance Bank, Bank, and other cooperative businesses are basically in Tianjin Wei. If you are not sure about things, you should immediately go to the capital and ask me."

It's quiet down there, but everyone's expressions are different. As Wang Tong said just now, Cai Nan didn't move, Li Hutou, Tan Bing, Li Tao, and Sun Xin also stayed in the position of Huwei Army, Zhang Shiqiang was promoted, and everyone else The business and sales in the office are also not moving, and neither are the workshops and shipyards. Many people in the house are in this arrangement, but many people in these arrangements have not been mentioned. How to arrange this is anyone's guess. Thinking about this.

Wang Tong glanced around and found that although everyone had doubts, none of them jumped out to speak. They were obviously waiting for Wang Tong's arrangement. Such a reaction made Wang Tong very satisfied. He paused and said again:

"Sun Dahai went to the capital with me. Except for Tan Bing and Tan Huo who had errands, all members of the Tan family went with me to the capital. The personal barracks and cavalry were not included in the Huwei army's establishment. This time they are counted as my servants. , and also go to the capital together, if Mr. Yang has plans to take part in the examination next year, he can also go to Beijing with me."

After hearing what Wang Tong said, everyone suddenly realized that they had their own arrangements. Those who stayed in Tianjin Wei at this time, Tianjin Division and Jinyiwei were all in charge of Zhang Shiqiang, while Cai Nan was in charge of Huwei Army, Sanjiang Commercial Bank and a series of other companies. Each shop has a shopkeeper, and there are also managers in other places. They have no ability to govern each other, and each is in one place. In the end, Wang Tong is in charge.Those who stay in Tianjin Wei are promoted, and those who go to Beijing may not be buried. Sun Dahai is originally from Jinyiwei. This time he went to the capital, Zhang Shiqiang can have a thousand households, he must also have the title of a thousand households head.

As for the general of the Tan family, who was originally Wang Tong's personal guard, Ma Sanbiao, who has changed from the commander of the cavalry to the leader of Wang Tong's family, does not matter to him. The Ma family is now completely tied to Wang Tong. In addition, as long as he can follow Wang Tong's side, he will not be treated badly there.

After discussing a few words in a low voice, they became quiet again when they heard Cai Nan speak. Cai Nan said with some worry:
"If your lord goes to the capital to be the commander of the Jinyi Guards, it goes without saying, but now he is going to be the commander of the Jinyi Guards, the civil servants and Luo Sigong will definitely not be compatible with your lord, since the Lord Long Live has already said it in his will, think about it." There is also a plan to pave the road for the adults over there, why don't the adults follow orders!?"

Hearing what Cai Nan said, everyone agreed, Wang Tong smiled and said:

"You don't have to worry so much. Luo Sigong still dares to put on the airs of Jinyiweidutang in front of me. If he understands, he can live in peace for a few months. If he doesn't understand, then he will not be safe for a day."

This is indeed the case, today is not what it used to be, Luo Sigong was lifted up by Zhang Siwei, but behind Wang Tong is the arbitrary Emperor Wanli, Zhang Siwei is nothing now, comparing the two, the position is only the division of principal and deputy, Whoever says what he says, everyone will naturally understand.

Everyone in the room laughed for a while, and Wang Tong said again:
"Now that the position of Jin Yiwei's commander and acquaintance is vacant, there must be corresponding official duties that require people to be busy. Since I have the trust of His Majesty, I must go there in time to take up this burden."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, everyone was naturally speechless, Wang Tong clapped his hands and said:
"Although there is no training outside the Great Wall this year, you will not have an easy year. Each of you will return to your own duties. I will go to the capital to take up my post. If you need help, someone will arrange it. Cai Jianjun, Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang stay here!"

Everyone had their own thoughts, but they all got up and said goodbye. When everyone left, Wang Tong's face was not as relaxed as before, and he said:
"Please trouble the supervising army to write a memorial, just write what the official said, and arrange for the horse to be sent to the capital as soon as possible."

Cai Nan nodded, Wang Tong pondered for a while and said:
"I also trouble the supervisor to write a letter to Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Zou, explaining my thoughts in your tone, and send it out together. I am worried that if I go to the post like this, I will be misunderstood by them and feel angry. Beautiful."

"Lord Wang is too cautious, but there is no big mistake in being careful, let's write it right now."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said to Sun Dahai again:
"Now that the treasury is in your hands, how much cash can we use in total?"

"My lord, what about the Sanjiang Commercial Bank, what is the rent of the various shops in Tianjin Wei?"

Sun Dahai asked cautiously, and Wang Tong added:
"No matter what the purpose is, you can give me the amount of money you have accumulated in our hands and can be spent at will."

Sun Dahai bowed, but did not speak. He walked to the desk next to Wang Tong and tore off a piece of paper, wrote a few strokes on it, and then held it in his palm and handed it over. Wang Tong smiled and shook his head, opened the note and opened it. Look, I was stunned for a while, raised my head and asked Sun Haidao:

"There are so many!?"

"Returning to my lord, there are indeed so many. Every day when the bank goes in and out, there is a total number on the subordinate's side. Keep it in mind, and it will definitely not be wrong."

Wang Tong looked at the note and shook his head while laughing, and said with emotion:
"I don't care much about business matters, but I didn't expect to accumulate such a fortune, the sea, the principal of the insurance company and the bank are not counted in it!?"

"Returning to my lord, this is only counted in our own treasury. The money cannot be used, so it is not counted."

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, after a little calculation, flicked the piece of paper with his hand, and said:
"Leave 200 million taels for Zhang Shiqiang as a spare, and take the rest to the capital together!"

Hearing Wang Tong's tone, both Zhang Shiqiang and Cai Nan couldn't help looking at Wang Tong's hand, how much money they had, and why they left 200 million taels as if it wasn't much.

(End of this chapter)

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