Chapter 653
After hearing the news that Wang Tong was about to leave office, the eunuch Xu Guang and Tianjin Bingbei Dao Yu Jiyong couldn't help getting together for a few drinks, thinking that happy days were coming soon.

However, after three rounds of drinking, they have also pondered the taste. They were all crushed to death when Tianjin Wei was a thousand households of the Jinyiwei. Now they go to the capital to serve as the commander of the Jinyiwei. Their status is even more different, and they are still offended. I'm sorry, what's the use of being happy, besides, the two of them now have a lot of business here and there in Tianjin Wei, and they also take the opportunity to make a fortune. If they really offend, the money will be for naught.

As a result, after the two had a few drinks, they went home and arranged for someone to go to Wang Tong's mansion to give gifts, and said that they would definitely go see them off on the day they went to the capital to take office.

The rest of the yamen are okay to say that the relationship between Zuo Zuo and Wang Tong is not bad. The merchants in Tianjin Wei are the most nervous about Wang Tong's going or staying. Tong is gone, who knows what will happen.

Fortunately, Wang Tong's going to the capital is a high promotion, and as long as he has a little understanding of the current situation in the court, he can judge clearly that there is a bright future waiting for Wang Tong when he goes to the capital.

Tianjin Wei is the place where Wang Tong started his family. Master Wang went to the capital and was promoted to a higher position. Naturally, he will take care of his place of origin, and everyone may get more benefits.

One is to be grateful, and the other is to take this opportunity to build relationships. As soon as the news of Wang Tong's resignation was released, the people who saw him off broke the threshold. Of course, it is not so much a farewell as a gift. Those who met Wang Tong had to ask how the Tianjin Wei would arrange after Wang Tong went to the capital.

"I went to the capital, and Tianjin Wei will not leave it alone. What is going on here, and if there is anything, there will be a fast horse to pass it to the capital, and I will make a decision immediately. The Tianjin Division and Jin Yiwei will teach Zhang Baihu will take care of it... yes, Zhang Qianhu will be in charge from now on, and the Huwei Army will also be Cai Jianjun, Li Tuanzong, and Tan Tuanzong...yes, everything will remain the same...don't worry, if there is anything No, you can go directly to the capital to find this official, and now it will take less than three days to travel quickly, and this official will still make decisions for you..."

Since the twelfth day of the first lunar month, Wang Tong has to say these words dozens of times every day. His mouth is really dry. The big businessmen who stayed in Tianjinwei for the festival all came to visit, and Wang Tong could only take the trouble Explain and explain.

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the lamp factory was opened by the Haihe River in Tianjin Wei as usual. Wang Tong and everyone in Tianjin Wei who should say hello also said hello. When the news spread, everyone’s anxiety subsided. Second, everyone also has a judgment in their hearts. Tianjin Wei is so prosperous. Every year, the taxation of gold and silver seas, the treasury benefits, the capital benefits, the capital and the rich and powerful families in the world, whoever opened a business in Tianjin Wei, or Everyone has made a lot of money, and this place has become a hen that can lay golden eggs, and it is also a cornucopia for all parties to benefit from it. Unless the higher-ups are crazy, how can they make it difficult for their own pockets.

With peace of mind, Wang Tong had more or less free time here, and he finally relaxed. The outsiders dismissed him, but his family still had something to report. It was still Sha Dacheng, Hei Sha, who brought his family to celebrate the new year in Tianjin Wei. After hearing that Wang Tong was going to the capital, the two had different reactions.

"Sha Dacheng entrusted his subordinates to ask the lord whether his wife, concubine and children would move to the capital with the lord, and send Cheng Yi 5000 taels, and Shen Wang also sent Cheng Yi 5000 taels, but he didn't say that. ..."

Hearing what Tang Shan said, Wang Tong just smiled and said:
"At first, I thought that Shen Wang was honest, but I didn't expect that he was always thinking about jumping out. He thought that when the official went to the capital, Tianjin Wei would leave him alone? Don't worry about it, just send someone to keep an eye on it, don't worry about it. Let him get people out, now that our fleet in Tianjin Wei is getting bigger and bigger, and with Sha Dacheng's help, what kind of storm can he cause?"

Tang Shan followed with a smile, and said in a low voice:
"My lord, those four gunboats and fifteen Guangzhou boats are included in the navy, or are they counted as the fleet of Sanjiang Commercial Bank?"

Tang Shan asked in a low voice, Wang Tong was taken aback, and said with a half-smile:

"The Guangdong Navy came to Tianjin Wei to assist in the defense because there was no navy in Tianjin Wei. The four Western ships and the Canton Ship were only built because of the lack of ships for the Sanjiang Commercial Bank and foreign trade. The reason why there are a few cannons on them is There are many pirates and Japanese pirates on the sea, and they were built to guard against it, do you understand?"

Tang Shan's face was also full of smiles, and he bowed carefully and said:

"The villain understands, the villain understands, Sanjiang Trading Company has too much business going out to sea, so it needs to build a big ship. These people's ships have a lot of cargo and run fast with the wind. That's why they built it."

The two looked at each other and both laughed, and Wang Tong said seriously again:
"You know the area on the water. You have to keep an eye on it. Tell Juan and the others not to relax in training. Don't think that they are herding sheep on the sea after I go to the capital. I will come to see it regularly."

"Please don't worry, my lord. The villain will do everything with all his heart and won't delay the matter at sea."

Tangshan was born as a pirate. After being captured by Wang Tong, he was promoted step by step to the position of Haihe patrol inspector. Wang Tong gave him his wealth, life, glory and wealth. Without Wang Tong, he is nothing, and he understands himself very well. position.

When Wang Tong built a sea-going ship, someone else might make the same judgment as Tang Shan, but he might hesitate before making a judgment, but Tang Shan understood.

Talking to such a person saves worry and effort, and Wang Tong is also very relaxed. He patted the armrest of the chair with a smile, changed the subject and said:
"Sha Dacheng knows how to measure. Among his sons and daughters, if I remember correctly, there should be one sixteen. Ask him, if he is willing, he will be by my side as a personal guard. If he is not willing, he will be sent to the capital to work for him !"

"Sha Dacheng was severely suppressed by Shen Wang. If there is no adult to support him once, there will be a fire at sea this year. There are a lot of them, Sha Dacheng will definitely be swallowed up, and with the grace of the adults, he can survive it. If one of the subordinates guesses, Sha Dacheng must agree to let his son be the bodyguard of the adults. That has a bright future. Listen, villain Everyone is envious."

Tang Shan spoke with flattery, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"What are you envious of? Your son is a member of my personal guard. Are you afraid that you won't be able to be one!"

"I didn't expect my subordinates to have such good fortune. They thought they would spend their whole lives wandering on the sea. I don't know when I went to feed the fish. I followed the adults to figure out how to start a family. The child came out too late. He is only two years old now. When he grows up I don't know how many people are crowded around my lord as personal guards."

Tang Shan joked with a hippie smile, and Wang Tong laughed.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Tianjin Wei went to the official road to the capital, and the carts pulled by four horses were full of goods. What, except for the carriage, the strong man dressed in the uniform of the servants, either on horseback or on foot, ran between the carts.

Some curious idlers counted the number of large carts. Good guy, there are actually 150, not counting the coachman. Look at the servants who followed, there are more than [-] people, and this is not counting the nearly [-] cavalry around Wang Tong. All of them are armored with knives, and they are extremely powerful.

With so many cars and so many people, Wang Tong has always kept a low profile. How much money has been scraped off the ground in Tianjinwei? If you can keep the gold and silver mountains, go to the capital to enjoy the joy this time!
Pedestrians who came and went to watch the excitement were all amazed, even the officials who saw Wang Tong off with him couldn't help but look at these carts.

There is a mature and prudent thought, Wang Tong is usually well-behaved in doing things, why is he so public this time, does he have to let the world know how much money he has made in Tianjin Wei?
However, the officials of Tianjin Wei, except for Ren Yuan, the head of the Ministry of Industry who presides over the official square, are all people who wish for Wang Tong's bad luck. Seeing this, they all keep silent and just pretend not to see it.

"My lord Wang is going here, he will travel thousands of miles, and his official career will be prosperous, so Yu is here to congratulate first!"

Tianjin Bingbei Dao Yu Ji Yong has the highest status among the officials present, so naturally he is the one to speak. Now Wang Tong is the commander of Jinyiwei, a real close minister of the emperor, and a general of the inner guard. Even if Yu Ji Yong is also a senior official of the fourth rank, he must Make a low profile.

"It's not far to go to the capital, and I wish Mr. Wang a smooth journey."

People who originally had conflicts and did not have conflicts all smiled and said polite words. Wang Tong smiled and clasped his fists in return, and said loudly:
"Thank you, my lords, for sending me off. Wang is also reluctant to part with Tianjin Wei, but there is an order from the Holy Spirit, so we can't delay."

Everyone was eager for him to leave quickly, but their faces were filled with regretful expressions, and Wang Tong said again:
"Tianjin Wei has such a prosperous situation, and it is the tax base for the supply of palace expenses. It must be treated with caution. Even if Wang takes office in the capital, he will always pay attention to it. If there is anything inappropriate, Wang will promptly pay attention to it. My Majesty, please stop quickly, Mr. Wang misses the old love, and will not slack off in these things for the benefit of Tianjin, please rest assured, my lords!!"

After saying this, even in the scene of sending each other off, some people couldn't help but look ugly. Wang Tong was thinking about old feelings, and he was clearly letting go. Although I left, this place is still my territory , whoever dares to stretch out his hand indiscriminately, be careful, please move the god Long Live, I'm not polite to you.

However, after everyone thought about it, they found that they were helpless, and could only put on a smiling face, and continued to flatter:

"My lord Wang cares about the old love, it's really benevolent!"

"Tianjin Wei cannot do without Master Wang, what Master Wang said really reassures everyone!"

Two typos have been corrected, Khan, thank you friends for reminding
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(End of this chapter)

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