Chapter 654 The Thief
"This son is domineering, he must be Qian Ning and his ilk."

A group of people watched Wang Tong's brigade going to Beijing gradually go away, and the smile on the face of Yu Ji Yong, the Tianjin soldier, had long since disappeared, and turned into a look of resentment.

Xu Guang, the superintendent at the side, also said in a hateful voice:
"However, this Wang Tong is deeply favored by the Long Live God. If this continues, it will definitely ruin the court and mess up our country!!"

Yu Jiyong was transferred to Tianjin Wei because of You Qi's relationship, and Jianliang Huguang was related to Feng Bao. Now Zhang Juzheng died of illness, Feng Bao was expelled from the capital, and the two of them became rootless.

If there is no backer in the officialdom, not to mention promotion, whether they can keep this position, and whether they will return to their hometown safely are two matters. When the two of them came to Tianjin Weiben, they were suppressed by Wang Tong and couldn't raise their heads. Zhang Ju Zheng and Feng Bao's loss of power made them panic all the time.

Although it is said that he also got involved with the upstarts of the capital, but everyone knows that this is really inaccurate. It is ridiculous that Xu Guang still worshiped under Feng Bao's family back then. .

My family is in such a difficult situation, but Wang Tong is so proud, going to the capital must be of great use, the two of them are not kind and honest people, how can they not be jealous.

The two said a few words bitterly, Yu Jiyong looked back and saw that the other officials were far away, so he sneered and said:

"Grandpa Xu, the capital is a place where the Qing Dynasty gathers. They must not just sit back and watch these courtiers domineering and domineering. Seeing that Wang Tong is proud at this time, when the time comes to discuss impeachment, he will definitely be taught a lesson!!"

"Master Yu is really upright!"

Xu Guang smiled and said with a thumbs up.

During the first lunar month, the official road between Beijing Normal University and Tianjin Wei was still frozen hard, so there was no need to worry about getting stuck in muddy and soft soil when the carts were walking on the road.

Even so, when a cart pulled by four horses walks on the official road, you can still see the ruts and white marks made by the iron-clad wooden wheels on the road. There are many pedestrians and business travelers on the official road. There are also many such characters, and the cart has such traces on the road. Anyone with knowledge can tell that the cart is carrying valuable goods.

With such a scale, more than a hundred large carts, if you make one ticket, I am afraid that you will not be able to eat them all in your life. However, seeing those elite knights shuttling in the large convoy, and using flagpoles to provoke With that big banner, all thoughts are thrown behind me.

"Jin Yiwei Commander Tongzhi Wang Tong", seeing these big characters, some knowledgeable people are silent, hurriedly lowered their heads to avoid it, the common people don't know, but no one in the green forest knows, this hero on land and sea offended Wang Tong, some were exterminated, and some were made under the door to be eagle dogs. If you want to live well, don't provoke such killing gods.

With so many large vehicles and heavy loads, it is naturally not fast. Fortunately, there are also complete post stations along the way, and it is only a short stop.

At nightfall, the carts were gathered in a pile, the horses were put in the stables, and the accompanying "domestic servants" and guards were on duty all night.

Before Wang Tong went to the capital, he had already sent people to inform the arrangements along the way, so that the post stations affiliated to Tianjin Wei could purchase grain and fodder in advance, so that there would be no shortage of supply.

After leaving the first day, everything was safe. At noon on the second day, the fast horse from Tianjin Wei caught up with Wang Tong. Although he went to the capital to take up his post, the court has not made clear arrangements for the affairs of various places in Tianjin Wei. According to the previous rules, everything should be reported to Wang Xiao.

"Yu Jiyong and Xu Guang didn't send letterheads to the capital that month, and communicated with their cronies. It's fine to report these things every month. Don't worry about it... They treat me like a three-year-old child. I'm afraid that I will suffer losses if I go to the capital."

In the post station room, Wang Tong patted the newspaper on the table and said with a wry smile. Yang Sichen beside him was wearing a fur robe and said with a smile:

"The letterheads that Yu Jiyong and Xu Guang sent to the capital are usually in the middle of the month, but it is not at this time, and we can almost see the letterheads they send to the capital on weekdays, but this time there is no Hands on, they sent their cronies and family members to the capital."

Wang Tong nodded, and put the newspaper aside casually. The two people are in an awkward situation now. The capital's backup has gone, and a new backer has not been found. What kind of storms can they cause? No matter what.

Wang Tong's wry smile and complaints were not unreasonable. Wang Tong's trip this time, arranged for those who stayed behind, arranged for those who followed, and took away a large sum of money, which in his opinion was enough.

But I didn't expect that the people everywhere were not at ease. They also made various arrangements here. Originally, Wang Tong brought more than a hundred guards according to the regulations, and there were more than 500 strong servants. The strength in his hands was already enough. However, Cai Nan, Li Hutou and other generals from the Huwei Martial Arts Academy discussed and selected the two battalions of the first two battalions of firecrackers who followed Wang Tong. The 500 people selected were replaced.

These 500 people are equipped with a thousand firecrackers, ammunition needless to say, the armor is all high-quality plate armor made by the workshop, the weapons and ordnance are the most sophisticated goods, and Tianjin Wei is responsible for natural maintenance and replenishment.

Wang Tong was really startled when he saw the list, called Li Hutou, and said dumbfoundingly;
"What do you think I'm going to do in the capital? It's to take office, not to rebel. If His Majesty finds out about these things, there is no need for others to slander, His Majesty will be suspicious and angry. These things don't have to be transported with the team, if there is a need for them." , and then make preparations, the left and right are not far away."

On the evening of the third day, the officials and gentry of Xianghe County came to welcome them with chariots and horses, and prepared wine and meat as rewards. Fortunately, the officials of Xianghe County said that the gentry wanted to make a fortune in Tianjin Wei. They are all Wang Tong's confidantes, and there will be no mistakes if they are taken care of.

Such greetings and seeing-offs are commonplace in the officialdom, Wang Tong had to have a drink or two at least, he rejected the fans arranged by the county government, and went back to the inn to rest by himself.

On the morning of the fourth day, Wang Tong usually got up earlier than everyone else, and asked the people at the post station to prepare hot water. After washing his face a few times, he heard a commotion outside, and someone shouted loudly:
"Master Wang, my subordinate Chen Dahe!"

This sentence was regarded as a notification, and then he walked in in a hurry. Chen Dahe's arrow wound has been healed. During the recovery period, his duties will be temporarily replaced by others. Those who are trusted and useful, so I took them directly to the capital.

Right now, Chen Dahe is following as Wang Tong's personal guard, and he is responsible for arranging the carriages and horses every day and being on duty at night. When Wang Tong stopped, Chen Dahe's expression turned ugly, and the report said:
"My lord, I lost a load of money!"

Hearing this, Wang Tong was taken aback, and Chen Dahe said again:
"The subordinates check every night when they park, and check it when they get up early. The number of large cars was correct when they got up this morning, but when the people below set up the cars, they found that there was a light car, so they called the subordinates to go over there. Look, it's empty."

"I lost 5000 taels?"

Wang Tong was really stunned for a moment. Every carriage was pulling a huge amount of silver. In this era, for a family of four, 12 taels of silver a year is enough. This 5000 taels can make people violent To be rich, let a few people get rich, such a huge sum of money will indeed make people take risks, but it is really too courageous to dare to tease the tiger's power of the Tiger's Army.

Not long after, Wang Tong and his team got up, and the news of the loss of a cart of silver gradually spread, causing a faint commotion. Chen Dahe and Ma Sanbiao, who had heard the news, all had expressions of shame on their faces, and Wang Tong was stunned. After a while, the expression on his face was rather curious. Fifteen thousand taels of silver is a huge sum of money, but it is nothing to Wang Tong, but who is so bold as to steal this money? Wang Tong was interested in the rules, what method was used to get close to this side.

"Take me to see!"

Wang Tong said with a smile, after saying this, Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe who came over were relieved, and walked out the door together. The shopkeeper of this Sanjiang Inn was kneeling at the door, and when they saw Wang Tong coming out, they kowtowed. Said fearfully:

"Damn the small ones, damn the small ones, but please dispose of them with military law?"

Wang Tong waved his hands with a smile, and said:
"It's not your fault. The two of them didn't take good care of the night guards. Even the military law was applied to the two of them. It has nothing to do with you."

The shopkeeper still kowtowed non-stop, but the apology turned into gratitude. Chen Dahe and Ma Sanbiao had thick skins, knowing that Wang Tong was just joking, they were all laughing there, but when Wang Tong walked past the shopkeeper, he was smiling. said:

"If Liu Sanlang was here, there shouldn't be such a mistake."

I went to the position of the cart over there, but found that it was the outermost southern edge. General Tan was leading people to check over there. Except for twenty soldiers, everyone else was driven out to busy themselves Seeing Wang Tong coming, General Tan nodded to Bao Erxiao, and Bao Erxiao got up and reported:
"My lord, there is a rut going out along here. The rut that came in was so shallow that you couldn't see it, but the rut that went out was very deep. I just asked the clerk in this inn. Last night, for the supply of fodder for the horses, The common people hired from all over the place drove carts to deliver fodder, it should be under the guise of delivering fodder, they parked the cart beside the cart in a panic, moved the silver into the cart, and then went out again."

Wang Tong nodded and asked:
"In Beijing and Tianjin, who can do this?"

Bao Erxiao frowned and thought for a while, then looked left and right, and replied:
"The villain's house is mainly from the Yanlu Road, and I'm really not familiar with these."

"I don't know if you will come tonight or not?"

Wang Tong said with a casual smile.

(End of this chapter)

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