Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 655 2 consecutive 3

Chapter 655 One after another
Lost more than 1 taels of silver, Wang Tong saw it as a small episode on the way, but the people below did not dare to neglect, they were both annoyed and puzzled.

They followed the traces of the cart to find out, only to find that the cart disguised as transporting fodder was parked one mile away from the post station, and the pack horses were scattered everywhere. Needless to say, the money on the cart was naturally gone.

If the thousands of catties of silver were not in the car, someone must have taken them away, but there are no traces of footprints or hoofprints here. It has not snowed for many days, and the soil here is soft, even if there are footprints. It's not too difficult to cover up the hoof prints, but I couldn't find them after wandering around.

Tan Jiang wanted to keep a dozen people to search, but Wang Tong felt that it was meaningless and let the brigade continue on their way. If he could use such a scheming to get the money last night, he probably wouldn't show any flaws after stealing the money.

"Such a big sweet, if you eat it once, you might not be able to resist eating it a second time, so be careful tonight!"

Wang Tong opened his mouth and ordered.

Although the team was huge, the four-horse cart and the road were frozen and hard, so there was no delay along the way. The loss of money was delayed by about an hour. They rushed to rest at night and calculated that they would be able to reach Tongzhou at noon the next day. up.

Tongzhou is the land gateway of the capital, and now it is connected to Tianjin Wei. Naturally, it is prosperous. Although there is still a night and a half day, and it is the first month, there are more people on the official road.

Along the way, Chen Dahe didn't dare to slack off any more. He and Ma Sanbiao were on duty respectively, arranging guards on duty. They also had a bit of a headache. There were more and more pedestrians. Although they would take the initiative to retreat when they saw Wang Tong's team, God knows Will the people who play the idea of ​​​​the team hide in it.

A roadside inn can't supply more than a thousand people with food and fodder. Fortunately, Sanjiang Commercial Bank sent people to make arrangements early, allocated money, and asked them to sell them in advance.

In Wang Tong's team, whether it is the horses of the cavalry or the horses of the carts, they are all good horses bought from outside the country. They must be well maintained. Feed to keep the horse's strength, so I also negotiate with those who deliver the fodder, and deliver it at night.

This night, Wang Tong didn't take off his clothes to sleep, but only took off his outer robe. At midnight, when it was time to feed, Chen Dahe announced outside the door. He got permission, and said outside without opening the door:
"My lord, the thief seems to be here again tonight!"

Wang Tong was always alert when he slept at night. Someone outside informed him that he had woken up. He quickly put on his clothes and went out in a hurry.

Tan Jiang was old after all, so he went to bed early at night, but Tan Dahu and Tan Erhu were there, counting the rest of the dozen or so people, protecting Wang Tong and the others, followed Chen Dahe quietly.

Carts parked at night are arranged in a square line, with gaps in the middle, and soldiers walk on the outside and in the gaps to patrol and guard. It is said that the money was lost last night, and the patrol method should be changed tonight. However, in order to lure the thief back, the secret sentry has been strengthened , but outwardly everything remains as usual.

"My lord, just now the fifth team reported that among the wagons that came outside to deliver hay, the driver of one of the wagons acted suspiciously. He always looked at the outside of our convoy. His subordinates specially arranged for the driver to unload the wagon first." The hay, sure enough, went to the side with the fewest guards again."

While reporting in a low voice, Chen Dahe led the way in front, and after a while, he arrived at the inner side of that position, Chen Dahe made a gesture, and everyone followed, holding their breath and concentrating on it, bending down and walking lightly.

Although it was night, the place where the horses could be parked and tied was noisy. Feeding so many horses was not an easy task. Most of the guards brought by Wang Tong and the [-] "family members" were busy, and some people finished their work from time to time. Yitan, come over to replace the companion here, because it is night, the scene is a bit chaotic.

There were torches and lanterns everywhere, but after all, they couldn't illuminate every place. When Wang Tong and the others looked over from where they were, they could only see a carriage approaching, and the rest couldn't see the details clearly.

I could see the driver of the big cart walking hesitantly, as if he was looking around carefully, but he still leaned over the cart, just as he had analyzed in the daytime, he really was leaning over the cart, the driver Step on the shaft and get on the cart.


Chen Dahe cursed in a low voice, waved his hands, and a dozen men rushed out together. The guards around Wang Tong were not bad at their hands and feet, not to mention that there were so many people. He was directly beaten off the horse, and when he heard a few screams of pain, he was restrained.

"The good man spares his life, the good man spares his life!!"

"Bastard dog, that's a hero, grandpa belongs to Jinyiwei!!"

"Master, spare your life, master, spare your life, the little one just stood on the big cart to relieve himself, and dirty the place of the gentlemen, don't dare next time, definitely don't dare!!"

The man who was caught screamed like a pig, and the busy soldiers nearby were startled, and they ran towards this side, but they couldn't see clearly at night. When they came to ask, they realized that it was Wang Tong and others who were on business. Go back and return to your own duties.

The man suffered a lot of punches and kicks, and everyone felt something was wrong when they heard him howl. Wang Tong stopped the crowd and walked up to him. Someone had already set up a lantern to look for him. There were screams, the coachman was a man in his thirties and 40s, nothing unusual, when the lights came in front of him, he also saw the armor and official robes that everyone was wearing, and he was even more frightened, now everyone let go of their hands, this man Gu Not feeling the pain, turned over on the ground, knelt there and kowtowed, and said:
"The little one just wants to stand in the car and relieve himself. I don't mean to be disrespectful to the masters. Master, spare your life, master, spare your life!!"

"No weapons on you?"

Wang Tong frowned and asked, if this man had a weapon on him, the guards around him would definitely not allow him to turn over. Tan Dahu next to him said harshly:
"The subordinate and Erhu just touched it once, and there is nothing else on him except a wine gourd."

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, but he stretched out his hand to stop Chen Dahe and the others from making further moves, and asked:
"In such a large area, it is convenient to take off your pants everywhere. Why do you think about standing on your own cart after getting close to our cart? Are you crazy, or are we stupid?"

The voice was very cold, but he stopped the crying man immediately, Chen Dahe was a smart person, he immediately drew his knife and cursed angrily:
"Farting with sweet words, even if you are killed, you will be sent to the government to question your family's sins!!"

As soon as he saw the shining knife pulled out, the coachman immediately collapsed on the ground, not to mention that what Chen Dahe said could scare people, and his voice was already crying, and he pulled his hand into his arms, even though he had just searched His body, but seeing this movement, Chen Dahe's knife still touched the man's neck.

"Grandpa, ancestors, the younger one is paying for money..."

The coachman explained in a trembling voice that he didn't dare to move his hands anymore. It was Tan Erhu who stepped forward and took out a pocket from his arms, and dumped it on the ground. The coachman said in frustration:

"The villain took over the work of delivering fodder a few days ago, and today he wanted to go to bed early, and he still had the energy to deliver it in the evening, but someone gave the little man five taels of silver, so that the villain would drive the car to the side of the convoy at night, and then stand On the big car... said that the old man was not pleasing to the eye, and wanted to spoil it.... The little one thought it was not a big deal, so he was moved..."

Seeing that this person's performance is really useless, and his appearance and words are consistent with what he said, Wang Tong can't believe that he can meet any character who pretends to be so vivid. If he really has such ability, he will not commit the same method of stealing money. stupid thing.

"No!! This person is here to distract us!"

The next moment, Wang Tong came to his senses. As soon as he said it, everyone reacted after being stunned. Chen Dahe patted himself on the forehead forcefully, and cursed aloud.

"Good trick, Chen Dahe, tonight's duty is to guard a car by one person, don't need to search around, wait until dawn to worry about it."

Wang Tong shook his head, and said in a deep voice, Chen Dahe looked a little impatient, obviously wanting to start the investigation, Wang Tong opened his mouth and said:

"If you look for it with great fanfare, there will be chaos. In this dark season, if we are in chaos, I'm afraid people will take advantage of the loopholes. Now arrange people to guard, and return to Tianjin Wei early tomorrow morning to call Liu Sanlang and Wu Er. I'm still here. I really want to see who is so bold and who is so capable!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said was cautious, no one dared to say any more, and bowed to accept the order, the coachman was naturally detained, and he will have to wait until tomorrow to make a fuss about it.

"My lord, five cars have lost silver, totaling almost 8000 taels. The upper compartments were pried open, and the wallets were taken out. Each car took a few bags... Master Tan also led people Looking at our camp, when we were feeding last night, there was a mess of people and horses, and we couldn't see any special traces."

When he woke up in the morning, Chen Dahe came over to report in frustration. Last night, he guarded a car alone. This morning, he checked and found out the matter. He was robbed of his money for two consecutive days, and he was still on guard the next day. , this is indeed very embarrassing.

"A car was stolen the day before yesterday, and only 8000 taels were lost yesterday, which shows that our defenses are still effective. They will also have to go through a lot of trouble. Don't worry. We can't think of their way, so let's drag the net on the official road. Sieve it around, you won’t be able to escape.”

Wang Tong was very sure, he had been tossing around on the official roads in Beijing and Tianjin, and Tianjin Wei's intelligence network could not find out, but Wang Tong was also a little puzzled, the thief who stole the money for the first time and ran away immediately with the money The best choice, the second time last night, took so much trouble, but the risk was too great.

"My lord, there is someone outside begging to see me, and they say it's... that they're paying back the money..."

At this moment, there were guards outside to report.
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(End of this chapter)

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