Chapter 656

"When the thief is caught, I have to cut this bastard with a knife, and then throw it in the wild to feed the dogs..."

Listening to Wang Tong's arrangement, Chen Dahe gritted his teeth and said, that is to say, at this time there was an announcement from the guards outside, he was also stunned there.

Not to mention his surprise, even the hesitant tone of the guards outside reported, Wang Tong was also taken aback, looked at the people in the room, everyone was shocked, Wang Tong shook his head, and said:
"Go out and see!"

The guards and servants outside performed their duties, but the guards at the door were a little restless. They lost money for two consecutive nights. Although everyone would not talk about it, they were all wondering and angry in their hearts. They were wondering if the thief would When he came, the other party actually swaggered and gave money to the door.

There were three carts parked outside the door, several horses for riding, and eleven men in leather jackets knelt outside the door, knocking their heads on the ground.

This posture looked respectful, but Chen Dahe, Ma Sanbiao and others felt uncomfortable in their hearts, being counted continuously, this kind of respect seemed the same as provocation.

"Ever since I lost the money, I have wondered who is so brave enough to touch the money even if it is stolen, it can be hidden for three to five days, but not for ten or 20 days. You guys, I understand."

Wang Tong said with a smile, and the furthest kneeling man in the leather jacket below kowtowed and said:
"What the lord said is that the little ones got their hands, and that night the big households in the local area began to organize the young people to investigate. If they hadn't followed the lord's team on the official road these days, I'm afraid they would be caught and brought here! "

The towns and villages between the capital and Tianjin Wei have enjoyed a much better life in recent years. The reason is very simple. The young and old can go to Tianjin Wei to work and earn money. In addition to selling their products to the capital, they can also sell their products to Tianjin Wei, which is more expensive. The big landlord used to have a lot of food in his house, but he had little cash in his hand. Now he sold it to the Sanjiang Commercial Bank who came to buy it. He took the money to invest in Tianjin Wei, or kept it in his hands, and he got a lot of benefits.

Apart from these aboveboard ones, Bao Shanwen led the salt inspection team to conduct a thorough investigation around Tianjin Wei. If the private salt dealers and salt lords of the Beijing-Tianjin generation wanted to do business, they had to pass through that checkpoint first, while the private salt dealers and salt lords everywhere had to go through that checkpoint. Salt owls are almost all local tyrants.

These people are distributed in the villages in the countryside, and their vital interests are all related to Tianjin Wei. Wang Tong has suffered here. There is no need for Wang Tong to order anything, either for the sake of curry favor, or fear of offending, the local forces will act on their own.

A village or a township may not be considered a big deal, but it can't stand much anymore. The local snakes are well-informed, and it is difficult for outsiders to escape their searches.

This is still under the condition that Wang Tong did not order. If Wang Tong ordered a search and the guards from the Jinyiwei and Security Army assisted, the rich and powerful households in this area would have to act. Make sure you don't expose yourself, this is why Wang Tong has been in no hurry.

"Stop kneeling outside, come in and talk!"

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord. The stolen silver has been on the cart for the past two days and has not been touched. Please count it."

Wang Tong nodded to General Tan who was next to him, and General Tan immediately arranged for people to go over to take stock, while Wang Tong turned around and walked towards the residence.

Ma Sanbiao and Chen Dahe didn't dare to be ambiguous, they greeted, and the guards surrounded them, two of them restrained one, and the other searched carefully.

The money was stolen, and so many troubles were made, the generals under Wang Tong were all suffocated, and so were the guards below. Naturally, their actions were not so gentle, but the eleven men in leather jackets who came over realized that they were not so gentle. It should have been communicated, so he complied with the body search and did not resist.

"The younger one's surname is Shi, who ranks seventh in the family, so he is called Shi Qi. On the recommendation of Wu Da, he came here to join His Excellency."

Years ago, Wang Tong had asked the Wu family brothers to help recruit people from the Jianghu. He thought that no one would come over until after the first month, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"The younger ones have always been doing business in Shandong, and they have a deep friendship with Brother Angkor. When they heard Tianjin Wei is prosperous in Shandong, they decided to come here to see the world."

"Oh? Did you want to come to Tianjin Wei to do business, but didn't find any opportunities?"

Wang Tong asked back with a smile, everyone understood the meaning of what he said. Judging by the behavior of this group of people, they should be the kind of smart thieves, who seldom use force and violence, but use more resourcefulness and trickery.

What they said sounds good, but they just came to Tianjin Wei to do a few cases to make a fortune, but they didn't have the chance to start. Shi Qi knew it, kowtowed and reported:
"Tianjin Wei people come and go, household registration and road guide checks are strict, and there are too many servants and people, the young ones are afraid that they will not be able to escape Tianjin Wei, and Brother Ang also told the young ones that if they want peace When you go back to Shandong, don’t commit crimes in Tianjin Wei. What happened to the iron tower back then made the little ones anxious and sulked here. They just wanted to go back to Shandong in the first month, but they never wanted to hear what Brother Ang told about it..."

"Then you go directly to Wu Da and Wu Er, why are you here to steal my money?"

"Returning to the adults, the younger ones were comparable to the Wu family brothers in Shandong, but they were not their disciples. If they go to their side, the younger ones are really unwilling to be short. The purpose of stealing money is to show the adults that they are small. If you don’t rush to rely on your abilities, you also have the meaning of asking adults to value you.”

Different from Wu Da and Wu Er's kind of brave men, this Shi Qi is of medium build, with a slightly fat round face, even if he has no expression, he still seems to be smiling. Judging by his appearance, no one would believe that he is from the green forest. Small shopkeepers or shopkeepers who do business on the street are more suitable.

Although Wang Tong is under twenty, he has been in a high position for a long time and has killed many people. He has an aura in his gestures. People in the wild are often oppressed by his aura when they see him, and their speech and actions are not natural.

This Shi Qi had already been treated coldly by the guards at the door, and he knew what he had done in the past few days. When he was kneeling in front of Wang Tong to speak, he could still talk in an orderly manner. It was indeed not easy.

When Wang Tong saw the ten people kneeling behind Shi Qi, they were very nervous. Some people looked around as soon as they entered the door, and some looked up at Wang Tong secretly, trying to figure out how to retreat, but it was Shi Qi who was kneeling all the time. There, the report without raising the head is very polite.

A person in the green forest can have such calmness, coupled with the ingenious arrangement when stealing money, this Shi Qi is really a talent, Wang Tong's expression remained normal, and he asked again:

"Talk about how it was stolen in the past two days. I am also curious."

That Shi Qi kowtowed again, and began to talk, since he made up his mind to seek refuge and wanted to show his skills, this Shi Qi refused Wu Da's solicitation, while secretly observing Wang Tong's preparations before departure, When Wang Tong's team set off on the road, they also pretended to be merchants and hired carts to follow.

After walking for a few days, they found out the rules of being on duty at night and so on. They spent money to buy a farmer who delivered grass, and followed in at midnight. He didn't dare to speak, but he wouldn't let the news out.

At night, I drove over to steal the money, but I didn't take the money back directly. Instead, I buried it in the field not far from where the cart was abandoned. Although it was winter, the soil in the field was still soft, and there were weeds and residual snow. , buried in the ground, if you don't search carefully, you can't see any traces. Everyone buried the silver and left without any footprints.

When Wang Tong's group set off on the road, they took out the silver and drove the cart to follow. This night, they also knew that Wang Tong was on guard, but it was also within Shi Qi's expectation that people approached him again. The convoy is convenient, it costs a little money, and with a few explanations, the other party will follow suit without suspicion.

This side was still full of hay and went in, unloading the hay was the same as usual, but when there was chaos, someone untied the animals and leaned against Wang Tong's cart, pried off the cover, and threw them out. Throw money and wallets into the pockets carried by the animals, back and forth several times, and go out with the brigade when it calms down. After all, it is night, there is a lot of defense there, and people are still on duty in shifts, so there is always a space.

"You are familiar with it. Have you ever done such a thing before?"

"Returning to the adults, the younger ones used to use this method to steal caravans and fleets in the area of ​​Shandong and Henan. The first time they took precautions, but the younger ones took advantage of the loopholes to make the second round. It often took several times. Hands count."

"Why only did it twice this time?"

Wang Tong was actually aroused by what Shi Qi said, and he tried again and again, and every time he could take advantage of the other party's loopholes, which really required boldness and carefulness.

"As for the adults, after I succeeded last night, I went directly back to the village where the little ones were staying, but this morning, the big family in the village sent someone to ask, and the questions were quite detailed. Fortunately, the little ones got away with it. I have seen the methods of the adults in Tianjin Wei, and the adults have not moved yet, the place is already like this, if the adults give the order, I am afraid that the younger ones will not be able to come here, and if they are directly arrested outside, they may be thrown into the prison directly..."

Wang Tong nodded and was meditating there when Tan Jiang walked in outside and saluted at the door and said:
"My lord, the silver taels are counted correctly, and they are the ones that are missing."

At this moment, Wang Tongcai smiled and asked:

"If you vote for me, at most you can get a full amount of food and salary. The money is definitely not as much as you are a thief. Are you willing?"

"I don't lack money in my hands, I just want to have an aboveboard official status, and I can stand up straight when I go back to visit relatives and worship ancestors."

"Is there a murder case?"

"Reporting to my lord, I have never seen blood in the deeds of the villain brothers..."

After several questions and answers, Wang Tong nodded and was about to speak when a soldier from outside ran in and reported:
"My lord, there are people peeking outside!"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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