Chapter 657

"how many people?"

"Three people, coming from the direction of the capital, have been poking around outside all the time."

"Catch it in!"

The guard who came to report was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists in agreement, and turned around. Wang Tong also understood the mentality of his subordinates. When he was in Tianjin Wei, he could act calmly and boldly in his own territory. Now that the capital is getting closer and closer, things Be cautious about everything.

When the guards went out, Wang Tong smiled and said to Shi Qi and the others below:
"I'll lock you up for a few days first, and wait for Kuaima to go to Wu Da to ask for clarification, and then I'll resettle you."

Shi Qi was also savvy, so he kowtowed and agreed. Over there, Chen Dahe arranged for someone to take Shi Qi and the others away. Wang Tong spoke to General Tan and said:
"Arrange someone to go to Tianjin immediately to inquire whether what Shi Qi said is true, and if it is true, let's talk about other things!"

General Tan listened to the order and went to make arrangements, and Wang Tong took Ma Sanbiao and others to go out. With this episode of lost and found, the preparations for the departure were delayed a bit, and intensive preparations had already begun in the courtyard.

Wang Tong went to see the peeking person, he not only recruited thieves on the way, but also came to spy on him, but he was going to the capital to take up his post, so why did he come up with so many tricks.

After walking to the gate of the inn yard, he saw more than a dozen guards rushing back on horseback. In front of the team were three men with bruised noses and swollen faces, stumbling towards them.

"My lord, these are the three snooping thieves who wanted to run after chasing them just now!"

The guard reported that the three men were all wearing blue cotton gowns, tied with cloth belts around their waists, wearing earmuffs, and felt hats. Wang Tong recognized the clothes, and they were obviously the servants of the big family in the capital. flow.

"You bastard, you still don't kneel down when you see my lord!"

The cavalry guard behind him yelled, and the three men knelt down on the ground as soon as their legs softened. Wang Tong shook his head and said:
"The closer you get to the capital, the more ghosts and ghosts come over and make noise. Who are you and who sent you here?"

He asked in a deep voice, the three men looked at each other a few times, but remained silent, Wang Tong didn't bother to pay attention, waved his hands and said:
"Tie it to the car, take it to the capital, throw it in the prison and ask questions slowly, everyone is ready to go, and we will enter the capital after a good rest in Tongzhou!"

Everyone suddenly agreed, and some people got off their horses and tied them up. When they heard that they were sent to prison and asked, if they were going to be sent to prison by Jin Yiwei, then they would be treated as if they were not dead. The three of them immediately shouted:
"Master Wang, the younger one is the long follower of Mr. Chen Ge and Mr. Chen of the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

As soon as the man shouted, the other two also howled:

"The young one belongs to Master Tao Chengchun, the attendant of the Imperial Academy..." "The young one belongs to Wang Zhaojing, the Secretary of the Imperial Academy..."

Hearing these three identities, Wang Tong frowned and turned around, asking:
"The capital censors and deputy capital censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I don't remember one named Chen Ge, are you an imposter?"

"...No...No, Mr. Chen Ge and Mr. Chen are the censors of Guangdong Province..."

Hearing Wang Tong's questioning, the person who opened his mouth first explained in a panic that the attendant lecturer of the Imperial Academy, the secretary of the Imperial Academy, and the supervisory censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are all civil officials of the sixth and seventh ranks, except for the Imperial Academy. Except for the promising servants, the rest are low-rank officials in the Qingshui Yamen, who are nothing in the capital.

These three servants seem to come from different yamen, but they all have one thing in common, that is, their masters have a collective name "Qingliu" in the capital, the kind of civil servant who can impeach and ridicule the emperor and the chief assistant, and speak innocently Scholars, such people are the main initiators and participants of public opinion in the capital.

Although the spying this time was very clumsy, why did the Qingliu send people here? Wang Tong is the personal guard of Emperor Wanli, and he has never been treated by these Qingliu. Wang Tong also understands in his heart.

Seeing Wang Tong's hesitation, the guards who were going to bind him also stopped, which made the three servants think that Wang Tong had some scruples, so they shouted desperately:
"My lord, the younger one is just here on business. When I saw the lord's team, I couldn't help but look at it a little more curiously. I didn't expect to be caught by the lord's subordinates. The younger one has to do something for the family. I beg you to let me go." Small ones, small ones will not make a fuss when they return to Beijing."

Upon hearing this, Wang Tong couldn't help laughing, and said:
"You must think that I am quite scruples about your master, don't you? Everyone will be whipped fifteen times, and then send the capital to prison!!"

Those three people really thought that Wang Tong was being scrupulous. In the capital, even the cabinet chiefs had to give way to Qingliu, let alone a military general who was just about to enter the capital, but they didn't expect Wang Tong to be straightforward. Ordered to fight.

With Wang Tong's order, those guards would naturally not be polite, they just knocked down on the spot, stripped off their upper body clothes, and whipped them up fiercely.

The fact that the servants can ride horses shows that the master’s family is quite good. The three of them have never experienced any hardships. Fifteen whips really can’t bear it. After smoking, they were tied up and thrown in the car, and the brigade set off on the road.

"Master, I just went to ask again after the fight. Those three people were sent by their master to watch the adults' team. There is nothing else. They said they just watched carefully and reported back."

Hearing what General Tan said, Wang Tong, who was on the horse, pondered for a while, let the horse follow the team, and walked for a while before speaking:
"It's expected that Qingliu will come here to find fault, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. It depends on whether the prior arrangement can be used."

"The master is deeply favored by His Majesty, even if there are groundless remarks, there will be no hindrance!"

"Three people become tigers. If there are too many people talking about it, even if there is nothing, it will become true. Even if His Majesty doesn't believe it, it will always make them squawk, which is also annoying."

Despite General Tan's persuasion, Wang Tong said in a deep voice.

It's only been half an hour since we were on the road, and people with a little sensitivity can feel that something is wrong. Originally, on this road, the businessmen and passers-by who traveled with us all stayed away from them, lest they get close to the car of the boss of Jinyiwei and cause trouble for themselves. Wang Tong The big characters on the big banner of the team and the flying fish suit worn by the subordinates are the most obvious signs.

But starting today, the people who came were obviously aimed at this team. They rode horses or walked with them, followed, or even ran around. They are all quite decent, and many of them are not good at equestrianism.

He was decently dressed, not good at equestrian skills, and the saddle bridle was not unusual. This kind of person was similar to the three people who were arrested in the morning. I don't know whose servant it was.

"My lord, there are more than seventy suspicious people around our team. They look similar to the ones in the morning. They are not military scouts or thieves' scouts."

Chen Dahe came to report and said, Wang Tong nodded and said with a smile:

"You're going to grab one and ask him now. It must be a servant of someone in the capital who came here to do business for his master. He accidentally looked at our team a few more times."

Hearing Wang Tong's joke, Chen Dahe couldn't help laughing, this was exactly what the three people arrested in the morning said, and Wang Tong said with a smile again:

"Speaking of which, Jin Yiwei's commander Tong Zhi went to Beijing to take up his post, but attracted so many people to watch, I am afraid that this officer is also the first one."

After expressing emotion, Wang Tong said again:
"When I was young, I heard from my father that officials' cars are not allowed to collide at will. Violators will be punished severely and sent to prison, and lightly punished with whipping and reprimand. Dahe, I am the commander of Jin Yiwei. Our team should be regarded as officials' cars!"

Over there Chen Dahe nodded and said yes, Wang Tong waved his hand and said:

"In this case, you lead people out to fight, don't use iron tools, just use whips and sticks to greet, drive these flies away, look upset!!"

Walk on the main road well, a group of irrelevant people are watching and spying there, no one feels uncomfortable, Chen Dahe is young and vigorous, he can't bear it long ago, he heard Wang Tong's order, he agreed loudly, beat the horse and walked towards The team ran, shouting orders while running, and the "servants" who followed the team agreed loudly.

The people who watched outside didn't know what was going on. There was a lot of noise here, but these people came closer, wanting to listen and take a look, but they didn't expect that suddenly, the "guards" who had been the guard brigade just now rushed out on horseback and headed towards the Come over by yourself, in a hurry, this group of people haven't reacted yet, don't know that this is for me.

It was too late to run away when the horsewhip was raised in front of him, and it could only be said that the noisy official road suddenly became lively, with screams, cursing and crying everywhere.

After being hit a few times, who would dare to stay on the official road for too long? They reacted quickly and moved towards the other side. Those who couldn't react fell off their horses, and some panicked and ran to the fields on both sides of the official road. , became a mess.

Seeing the embarrassment of this group of people, everyone in Wang Tong's team laughed loudly. The irritability of being watched by these people just now disappeared a lot. Wang Tong also smiled and asked General Tan beside him:

"When I go to Beijing, the first thing I will do is to impeach my arrogant subordinates and beat innocent civilians on the official road. How can such a cruel person be a big boss?"

Hearing Wang Tong teasing himself, Tan Jiang could only smile wryly.

The official road is quite clean, but the speed of the brigade has not changed much. Counting the delay in the morning, it arrived in Tongzhou after lunch.

Tongzhou is the most prosperous place in Shuntian Prefecture. A team like Wang Tong can accommodate no less than a dozen inns inside and outside the city. Wang Tong will stay outside the city and after a little reorganization, he will enter Beijing the next day. up.

However, after arriving in Tongzhou, there are more spies around, and it is not accurate to say that they are spies. These people are watching around Wang Tong's team, and they are not afraid of being exposed. , the inn guys in Tongzhou are well-informed, and they all wondered:
"What did the big family from the capital send their servants to look at? It's just a new official, so why is it so new?"
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(End of this chapter)

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