Chapter 659
Although he didn't care, but in broad daylight, the horse should not be allowed to bump into a person. Wang Tong and the others subconsciously reined in the horse, and the convoy behind also hurriedly stopped.

Walking on the official road, no one expected to stop suddenly, and the team was a little messy for a while. This kind of chaos was seen among the crowds on both sides, but it seemed that Wang Tong's momentum was weak and he was frustrated head-on. When he got up high, someone shouted:

"Brother Chen is tough, how courageous!!"

There were also cheers from the side. Wang Tong looked over, but found that there were actually a few people standing in the middle of the official road in front of him. The rays of the setting sun shone through the door opening. The figure was too dark to see clearly, Wang Tong heard the noise on the side of the road, smiled coldly, and said:
"My officer, go to the front!?"

"My lord, the front is wrong!"

"Nonsense, of course I know it's wrong, just get out of the way!"

After being reprimanded by Wang Tong, the guards guarding Wang Tong had to disperse. Chen Dahe stared at the front and reminded in a low voice:

"Adults beware"

"As far as the above things are concerned, I have to be careful!!"

Wang Tong sneered, and stepped forward slowly on his horse. Seeing Wang Tong approaching slowly, the few people blocking the road were also a little nervous, and they all took a step back.

It was close enough, and Wang Tong also saw the clothes of these people opposite. After all, they had lived as errands in the capital, and the first time they saw Wang Tong, he knew that they were low-rank civil servants in the capital. It is the so-called Qingliu scholars.

"Why do you stop me from entering Beijing to take up my post?"

Wang Tong condescended and asked indifferently. The six people blocking the way looked at each other, and one of them stepped forward and said:
"You are domineering and lawless, why can't I stop you!"

"Break into an official's car driving team, according to the law of the Ming Dynasty, he should be arrested and questioned. The light ones are reprimanded and whipped, and the severe ones are exiled and beheaded. This is clearly written in the law of the Ming Dynasty. Do you have the face to say that the officials are lawless?"

Wang Tong said unhurriedly, the few people on the opposite side were stunned when he said this, he didn't expect this general to use the law of Ming Dynasty to be serious with them, and he didn't know what to do for a while, Wang Tong said coldly drank:
"I'm going to Beijing today, I don't want to argue with you morons, get out of the way quickly!!"

After the drink was stopped, the voice suddenly raised, the people in front of them were startled, their bodies trembled, one of them was timid and took a step back, tripped by something, and sat down. on the ground.

The originally restless crowd on the side of the road also calmed down just now. Seeing this man's distressed appearance, some people couldn't help laughing out loud. Hearing this laughter, the few people who originally thought that they were heroes even more Embarrassed, the person who stepped forward shouted loudly:

"Wang Tong, you rely on the emperor's cronies. You extort violently in Tianjin Wei, search for the people's aspirations, and you don't know how to be cautious when you are young. On the contrary, you are so greedy and domineering. You are so ostentatious along the way, ruining the reputation of the heavenly family and the trust of the emperor. People like you When you come to the capital, you must be a villain and treacherous official in the future, who will surely bring disaster to the court. How can such a villain be tolerated by a gentleman in the capital? If you can live in peace until your old age, if you insist on going to Beijing, and a gentleman will do great things in the future, I'm afraid you will die without a place to die!"

The words were full of spirit, after he finished speaking, the side of the road was quiet for a while, and someone started to cheer loudly, and everyone followed him, and suddenly there was a commotion, "Well said", "This is Haoran Righteousness" and "Chen Ge will enter the Taiwan Pavilion in the future", as if he was singing an opera, the famous actor played a high-pitched voice, and the audience applauded.

"You bastard, you dare to spout blood!!"

The man in front said he was happy, but the guards behind Wang Tong were angry. Chen Dahe directly raised his whip, and was about to step forward to beat the horse, but Wang Tong stretched out his hand to stop him before the man saw him. Chen Dahe came over, his body trembled, before he had time to escape, he saw that Wang Tong stopped him, his arrogance became arrogant again, and he said loudly there:

"Today, I, Chen Ge, have already made the worst plan. You are such a despicable martial artist, what skills do you have other than violence and violence? I don't know that there are sages and righteousness in the world, do you still have righteousness!!?"

It was another righteous speech, and the people around applauded loudly. Wang Tong shook his head and asked calmly:
"Chen Ge, on the way, I caught a few traitors who were spying on the team. One of them mentioned the Cantonese Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It seems that it was you. So many people gathered in front of the city gate, listening to your clamor, today After this incident, you have become famous in the capital, and people like you are known everywhere, and then you will be promoted a few levels in the support of Qingliu, isn't it? ?”

This is the so-called name-seeking act. After Chen Ge was impassioned, he didn't expect the other party to see it so thoroughly.

Now Chen Ge hopes that Wang Tong can't help it, and whips him over, so that he will become famous all over the world. He thought that Wang Tong would be impatient when he was young, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to be so calm. He was thinking about what to say next that would be exciting and irritating to Wang Tong, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to speak first this time.

"You say that this official is greedy for ink, that this official is extorting money in Tianjin, and collecting people's fat and anointing, do you have any evidence, and don't say that you are innocent as an official speaker, that is because you are in court, and you slander this official in the street, then It is the crime of slander and slander, do you think that if you can go to the emperor, you can't do it?"

From blocking the road to the present, Wang Tong's voice was stern for the first time. After all, he was a person who killed the enemy on the battlefield. Once angry and full of momentum, Chen Ge and the people around him trembled, and subconsciously retreated a few steps. Chen Ge I feel a little regretful in my heart, I didn't expect this Wang Tong to be so vicious, don't provoke the whip at that time, it won't be worth it if he is chopped off by a knife.

However, when he heard Wang Tong's question, he was determined. It seems that the commander of Jin Yiwei is really young, and he is entangled in such useless things. After Chen Ge stopped, he took a deep breath, pointed behind Wang Tong and said :
"Speaking of which, you are still so shameless, do you think that everyone in the world is blind, do you think all the scholars here are blind?"

After finishing speaking, he strode towards the convoy behind Wang Tong, and shouted loudly as he walked:
"Everyone, everyone, the roads in the first month are frozen and hard. What's more, in front of this city gate, people walk by cars every day, and there are folks who use dust to level it. It is very hard. But everyone, take a look, the ground has been pressed out of ruts. , What kind of goods can be so heavy, it is not gold and silver, you look again, how many carts are there, how much is each cart, what a huge amount in total, this Wang Tong went to Beijing with so much gold and silver , Isn’t it the people’s fat and people’s anointing, everyone, the people of Tianjin Wei have blood and tears, how can that small place be squeezed to find so much gold and silver, and he dares to lie so blatantly!!”

From the beginning to the present, Chen Ge has not had a chance to drink water. At this time, his voice is a little hoarse, and everyone is excited by the enthusiasm he incited. Think about it, everyone is very angry, why do you get so much money, and never give us a little bit of profit, if such a person doesn't fight him down, who should we get.

People on both sides of the road rushed towards the convoy, Chen Dahe pulled his horse, turned around and shouted:
"Guard the convoy, shoot out anyone who is three steps away from the convoy!!"

After such a toss just now, all the members of Wang Tong's motorcade were impatient. Hearing Chen Dahe's order, they suddenly agreed and took precautions.

How dare these onlookers approach, even Chen Ge jumped a few steps away to point and point, but the sky was not too dark, the ruts on the road were clearly visible, and everyone was even more uproarious.

"Have you seen, such a deep rut, how much blood and tears of the people of Tianjin Wei, how much people's fat and people's anointing are loaded on this car!!"

Chen Ge's voice was louder, and he was even more confident. Someone shouted from both sides of the road, roaring:
"Wang Tong is a big traitor. If this person enters the capital, I don't know how he will make people miserable. This kind of person will risk my life and not let him enter the capital!!"

"The 200th year of the state's support of scholars is today. Even if you are punished by the national law, you must drive this traitor out of the capital!!!"

Exciting slogans were shouted out one after another, but no one came forward, but the scene was a bit chaotic, Wang Tong still took his time, rode up to Chen Ge, and said:
"Chen Ge, you said it was the fat of the people and the blood and tears of the people, how dare you say that again!!"

Chen Ge was taken aback for a moment, and his mind turned sharply. No matter how he thought about it, Wang Tong had no other excuses to explain. He stuck his neck and shouted loudly:
"Fairness is in people's hearts. Do you think you can act recklessly if you ride a horse with a knife? Today is to let you know that there is a sense of justice in the world!"

Every time he said a word, people around him cheered. Chen Ge really became the center of attention at this time, and he was extremely excited. Wang Tong asked again loudly:
"Does anyone still say that this is the fat of the people, the blood and tears of the people?"

The crowd was excited, and everyone felt that today they are heroes who speak up for justice and are loyal to the country. After today, they will be famous all over the world. Under the excitement, they didn't care about what to think. Many people immediately shouted:
"This is the fat of the people, the blood and tears of the people..."

Hearing so many people yelling in unison, Wang Tong sneered on the horse, and as soon as he pulled the horse, the people rushing to the official road thought Wang Tong was timid, and they even clamored, but they didn't expect Wang Tong to pull the rein and shouted on the horse:

"Come here, arrest these rebellious people who have no respect for their fathers and deceive their superiors!!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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