Chapter 660
The crowd at the scene was furious, and everyone felt that they would become famous in the world, but they did not expect Wang Tong to yell out such a loud voice.

In the Ming Dynasty, if a scholar wanted to become famous, the best shortcut was to scold the emperor for lying to the imperial staff. If you were beaten by Jin Yiwei with a board, you will be a famous person in the world from now on, and you will be promoted much faster than others.

It is the ancestral rule not to kill officials, and the emperor of Ming Dynasty often has no choice but to do so. However, after so many years, he has gained a lot of experience. It is not easy for civil officials and scholars to deceive the imperial staff again.

Without a court staff, it would be nice to be able to humiliate the trusted generals and nobles around the emperor. Although these people are domineering, they also know that they should not be rude to civil servants, otherwise all the saliva in the world will drown him.

Wang Tong's various behaviors seemed to be quite deviant, but he did things in an orderly manner. When everyone came here to make trouble, it was calculated that there would be no danger. If Wang Tong couldn't help but be agitated, everyone would suffer a few whips and sticks at most. Afterwards, you can get a reputation for not being afraid of rape.

Hearing Wang Tong yelling like this on the horse, everyone thought he couldn't bear it anymore. The drumming and shouting only stopped for a while, and then they became even louder.

It was half an hour before the city gate was closed, and the commercial brigades of the people who had already rushed to Dongzhimen, whether they were leaving the city or entering the city, were attracted by the lively scene in front of them. On weekdays, there were five city soldiers and horse guards who were responsible for driving away idlers. The soldiers in the city don't care about it, they all watch the fun there.

Some people watched the excitement, some continued to make noise, Wang Tong's order was a military order, and the accompanying soldiers had long been disturbed by these people outside. When they heard Wang Tong's military order, they rushed out immediately, and the people who approached them arrested them. Those who shouted "the people's fat and the people's anointment, the blood and tears of the people" were all stared at and attacked.

"Wang Tong!! Do you think this is Tianjin Wei!! This is the capital, this is the foot of the emperor, there is the king's law, and the world's scholars are staring at you!! You act recklessly today, thinking that you can stop the world's mouths !!"

After being arrested, the people didn't have any fear at all, instead they jumped and cursed there, and some people still had uncontrollable excited expressions on their faces. Rushing to the front, in addition to becoming famous, may also embark on the road to prosperity.

But being caught is not so pleasant after all, and the soldiers of the Huwei Army are not polite. When they were tied up, the ropes were tied tightly, and if they resisted a little, they would immediately attack. After a few blows, they all screamed in pain, and those who were not caught immediately made birds and beasts.

Those people ran on both sides of the circuit, but they didn’t dare to run far. Many came back and watched helplessly. Most of the people who were arrested were from the master’s house, and most of the people who ran away were servants. If their master’s house was arrested, they didn’t run away. There's nothing left to do.

"Go to the city and cry in front of Lord Shen, Lord Zhang, and the cabinet members, and say that Wang Tong's army committed crimes!!"

"Go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and invite colleagues to come!!"

Shouting in a hurry, these people are not afraid, and their momentum has grown even more than before. However, it was dark after all, and many people didn't see the sneer on Wang Tong's face all the time.

There are family servants and servants who ran into the city to report the news. It is said that the road has become quieter now, so it is time for Wang Tong to give orders to enter the city, but Wang Tong has not given orders.

"My lord, let's go to the city at this time, the longer you delay here, the more trouble it will be!"

Chen Dahe rode over to report and said, Wang Tong shook his head and replied:
"What's the hurry, wait!!"

Chen Dahe was also a little anxious, thinking to himself, what are you waiting for in such a situation, if you procrastinate any longer, it will be troublesome when a certain adult is really invited in the city. Just as I was about to say it again, there was some commotion at the gate of the city.

Everyone was subconsciously quiet. Could it be that the people in the city came so quickly, everyone's eyes were looking towards the city gate, and the soldiers of the five city soldiers, Ma Si, and the guards who had not moved much all the time moved now. Someone yelled at the door:
"Who dares to be so unrestrained after passing through the city gate!"

It was only shouted from this side, and everyone heard the scream from the other side:

"Restrain your grandma, when our family ran here before, who told our family what restraints, get out of here!!"

Hearing this high-pitched voice, everyone in the capital knew that it was an eunuch in the palace, and the soldiers and horses of the five cities were ranked among the top three in the yamen of the capital, so they could offend the eunuchs in the palace , and the characters riding horses must all have identities.

The soldiers cheered and dispersed from the city gate, and a dozen horses rushed out from the city gate. With the remaining daylight, everyone could clearly see the eunuch's black robe with arrow sleeves on the horse. Everyone knew the origin of this. The person who came out of prison.

In front of the city gate and the convoy, there were still many people standing and watching the excitement, and some of them were clamoring loudly. The distance was so far that I didn't bother to catch them here. The eunuch on horseback rushed out of the city gate, and many people were too late. Dodging, the eunuchs like Yumajian didn't have the forbearance that Wang Tong just did. Seeing someone in front of him with a whip in his hand, he greeted him directly, cursing indiscriminately:
"Don't get in the way, the Imperial Horse Supervisor is on a mission, can you afford to delay!!?"

Just now when Wang Tong arrested people, the people below were excited, now this group of people were whipped by the eunuch of Yumajian, but they all kept silent, just ran away holding their heads.

When the dozen or so eunuchs arrived in front of the convoy, Qi Qi reined in the horses, hurriedly got off the horse, and ran towards Wang Tong. Wang Tong was wearing a general's robe, so he was easily recognizable.

Five steps away from the horse, these eunuchs stopped, bowed and saluted again, and said with a smile:

"The little ones have seen Mr. Wang. Eunuch Zou was discussing matters with the battalions of the Imperial Army. I only got the news from you half an hour ago. It's too late for the little ones to hurry. Please forgive me, Mr. Wang."

Everyone in front of Dongzhimen was quiet. The eunuchs in the palace have been tightly restrained these years, and they dare not act recklessly, but these eunuchs seem to be domineering outside, and there is no one in their eyes. Similarly, no one dares to offend these palace officials. The characters who came out, who knows what big bosses and nobles are standing behind them.

But now, seeing these eunuchs who have always been flamboyant nodding and bowing in front of a commander of Jinyiwei who came to take office from other places, everyone felt a little bit surprised, not to mention that those eunuchs seemed to be of high grade.

After all, Wang Tong hadn't been in the capital for five years. Although no one took tea, and the high-ranking people often had conflicts and debates because of him, he was very strange to the common people and lower-level officials, and he was just a name that was heard occasionally. , is just a small person who can be taken out and denigrated.

Seeing the respect of the eunuchs, everyone finally had a rough judgment on what kind of person Wang Tong was. Wang Tong spoke condescendingly, but he hadn't dismounted yet. The eunuchs didn't complain at all, and their waists were obviously bent even lower. .

"It's okay, it's all official business, and the father-in-laws are also working hard."

"My lord Wang is polite. I call my little one Xu Jun. In front of my lord, I can't be called a father-in-law!"

The frightened look of the eunuch in the head made the surroundings quieter. Those who were making noise, those who were tied up and were impassioned were all quiet, and those who were not caught just now on the side of the road did not dare to follow here. To make waves, order the family servants to avoid it first.

"Xu Jun, today's official road has also delayed a lot of work. These are the gold flowers and silver that were delivered to the palace this year. Let's make a rough one first. After entering the city, we will do the delivery tomorrow!"

The eunuch Xu Jun hurriedly bowed again, turned around and greeted, and a group of people trotted over, ready to count, Wang Tong pulled the rein to get them out of the way, and said with a smile:

"Eunuch Xu, when I entered the city just now, many people said that the money is the fat of the people, the blood and tears of the people. Look over here, those who were arrested, those who watched the excitement, are all shouting here!!"

When Xu Jun heard Wang Tong's words, he immediately stopped and shouted angrily:
"Who is it that slanders the Lord Long Live? Who is it that slanders Lord Wang? Tianjin Wei sends 1205 million taels of gold flowers and silver to the palace every year. The food and salaries of the generals, Tianjin Wei is so prosperous, these are taxes and lijin, to say that the people are fat, the people are anointed, the blood and tears of the people are not slandering the Lord Long Live, this is a serious crime of deceiving the king, even if we slaves hear it, we will never bear it!!"

The scene became more and more quiet. After Xu Jun finished speaking, an eunuch behind him said sharply:
"The most benevolent place under the emperor's feet is a place where the king's law is established. These people dare to make noise at the gate of the city at this time and slander the Lord Long Live. There must be someone behind it. Lord Wang, Eunuch Xu, we can't sit idly by and report to you." There is a division to investigate and deal with it!"

Wang Tong immediately nodded and said with a smile:

"What this father-in-law said is right. I have already arrested a group of people at the head. Some people slandered His Majesty in front of me and committed such a crime of deceiving the emperor. As a minister, there is absolutely no reason to sit idly by. Now, this witness, firstly, the officers and soldiers led by the official, the five city soldiers, horses, guards, and this onlooker passer-by, can all testify!!"

"No, isn't the gold flower and silver in Tianjin sent around 10 taels per month? This time, there are so many large trucks loaded, and it may be more than a million taels. Wang Tong, don't pretend to be false. You colluded with the internal officials and deliberately deceived , there must be fraud in it!!!”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Ge's body was a little weak, and the others were not much better, Chen Ge only shouted loudly, and the others naturally knew it was not good, so they all followed suit.

Before Wang Tong could speak, Xu Jun, who came out of the imperial horse supervisor, sneered and said:
"It's absurd. How Tianjin sent gold, flowers and silver to the palace is the will of the Long Live Lord. You don't know, why should you tell me that you are disrespectful to the Long Live Lord by saying that you are cheating and deceitful here!!"

(End of this chapter)

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