Chapter 662
Nanjing Lane in the east city of the capital, here are the mansions of officials who hold military positions in various yamen of the capital. Why is it called Nanjing Lane, because when Chengzu moved the capital, the military generals who came to the capital lived here.

During the eighth month of the tenth year of Wanli, this place was also lively for a while, because there was a commander of the Jinyi Guards here, and those who visited and gave gifts were naturally indispensable.

However, after Zhang Siwei and Ding You returned to his hometown, Shen Shixing took the position of chief assistant. Although he didn't see any action, the bustling Nanjing Alley quickly became deserted, and people went to cool down. At first, Zhang Siwei stopped the emperor to send Luo Sigong off. Now that Zhang Siwei is gone, no one will be proud of him after taking the position of commander of Jinyiwei.

This position is different from others, no matter who is in power at the top, they must always let people who are self-reliant come over, Luo Sigong and others are not self-respect, and everyone knows that he will not live long.

As soon as it was dark, the door of the Luo residence was closed tightly. In the study of the Luo family, Luo Sigong walked up and down the room anxiously, but there were several scribes sitting on the seats next to him.

In Jinyiwei, there are only a few who can read and write, let alone the study room, the so-called study room is just a relatively secret place for discussion. Anyone can see the anxiety on Luo Sigong's face. He walked a few steps, stopped and sat down. A scribe over there, seeing that scribe's face full of composure, Luo Sigong shook his hands and roared in a low voice:

"It's luck for me to be able to sit in this position. Since His Majesty prefers Wang Tong to do it, let him do it. You are tossing around at the city gate. Do you know how risky it is!? Now people have I was arrested, and the people who asked me just now have returned, and those bastards are locked in the cell of the Department of Public Security, unable to move. Originally, when Wang Tong went to Beijing, a group of people were staring at me. People are sent over, isn’t this a disaster!? A big disaster!!”

After Luo Sigong finished speaking, several scribes exchanged glances, and the scribe in front of Luo Sigong smiled and said:

"The proprietor is indeed a loyal person, and it's no wonder that Mr. Zhang Ge chose you for this position. Don't worry, those people can't get involved with the proprietor. These things are just some people speaking out in the guild hall, and some people talking in private He said that blocking Wang Tong from entering the door, no matter what the result is, he will be famous, and this is why the hot-headed people rush out to make trouble. This kind of thing happens every year, but this time it just hit the wall. Lord, don’t worry!?”

A person on the side interface said:
"Qingliu scolded the soldiers of the internal guards. This is a matter of course. Who would think that someone incited them. Since Wang Tong has the means, he can only say that they are unlucky."

As soon as the words "inner guard" came out, Luo Sigong glared at him, the person who spoke was stunned, and stood up with a dry smile to make amends, Luo Sigong then sat down on the seat with a cold face, and the word inner guard It's nothing, but this "martial soldier" is a great insult to generals and military officers. These days, the so-called "old soldiers" and "old soldiers" are all contemptuous terms for warriors. And scolded.

"You guys underestimated Wang Tong too much. Elder Zhang Ge and Elder Zhang Ge suppressed him for so many years, but what happened? Wang Tong made the situation in his hands bigger and bigger. You must have heard about the chaos in the palace. With such meritorious deeds, you think you can suppress him and make such jokes, don't be too sure, when it gets involved, everyone will have a hard time."

Luo Sigong said a few words in his seat, then slapped the table with his hand suddenly, and said bitterly:
"No, I will play tomorrow, saying that I am not feeling well, please resign from the commander. I was happy that day, and thought that luck fell on me. I didn't expect that I came to the stove to be roasted. Don't do it, don't do it !!"

Hearing what he said, the scribe who called his proprietor was taken aback for a moment, and without speaking, he leaned back in his chair directly, while the scribe called Internal Guard Martial Soldier sneered, and said calmly:

"Luo Dutang, it's not a good time for you to go down at this time. Students think, if you resign, the officials will impeach you in the future. You received 5 taels from the thousand households stationed in Henan, and you received 6 taels from the one in Zhejiang." I received [-] taels, how much I gave to the one who wanted to come back from Ningxia, I can't hide it from anyone!"

Luo Sigong slammed the table, stood up and shouted angrily:
"Bastards, you are threatening me!!"

"It's not a threat, it's just a reminder, Luo Dutang, you were recommended by Mr. Zhang Ge. Among the six departments of the capital's cabinet, except for the chief assistant Shen Shixing, the rest are all recommended by Mr. Zhang Ge. If there is a Zhang Ge The people I always recommend go down, and the rest of the people can go down naturally, this opening can't be opened, besides, His Majesty didn't even say to let Dutang resign, why are you so impatient!!"

These words were almost reprimanded, maybe they felt too stiff, the person named proprietor hurriedly said with a smile:

"For our Jinyiwei pro-army, the big guys don't want someone with an inexplicable background to come to the Dutang position, not familiar with any rules, and just care about it all day long. Besides, His Majesty alienates all officials in the court, but Getting close to courtiers, this is related to the great affairs of the country and society, we courtiers can't just sit idly by!!"

Luo Sigong stood there and looked around, some people laughed, some people were angry, he also understood in his heart that the people here said they were his aides and cleanups, and those big bosses were behind them, and he was helpless.

Standing there silent for a while, Luo Sigong let out a long breath and said wearily:

"You can do whatever you say, I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

Those few scribes all stood up, bid farewell politely and went out. These people went out and walked into Luo Sigong's personal servants to clean up. When they saw Luo Sigong covering his forehead and worrying, they moved lightly. , when he walked up to Luo Sigong, he was grabbed by Luo Sigong, and he heard him shouting in a low voice:
"Don't make a sound, go out and do something for me later!!"

Although Wang Tong had not been in the capital for more than five years, his house and Ma Sanbiao's house were regularly cleaned. This time when Wang Tong came back, before he entered the house, the fire in the house was already on fire. Walking into the house is warm as spring, tea and other things have been prepared.

Sitting on the chair in the main room, Wang Tong looked around. He didn't feel that he had been away for five years, but he seemed to have just come back. He could hear the guards on duty outside talking quietly there, which made Wang Tong feel a little different. Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip.

Before the tea bowl was placed on the table, someone outside announced that 'Shuntian Mansion chief arrester Li Gui has arrived', Wang Tong said 'please', and Li Gui opened the cotton curtain and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room and saw Wang Tong, Li Gui quickly knelt down to salute, Wang Tong stepped forward to help him with a smile, and said:
"They're all from my own family, what are you doing with such a birth!?"

"My lord Wang is in a different position now, but he is still so friendly and magnanimous. It's the little one who did something wrong. When the lord entered the city in the afternoon, the little one waited at the yamen and didn't go to greet him. I hope the lord can't be blamed!"

Now Wang Tong is the real commander of Jin Yiwei, and his status is very different from that of Li Gui. Li Gui is much more careful than before, but Wang Tong smiled heartily and said:
"There are so many people greeting us at the gate of the city, and the commotion is so loud, the momentum is not small, so we don't need to bother our own family!"

Both sides laughed, and Li Gui reported:
"Hundreds of people were arrested at night. When they were arrested, they had already mixed in with others. There were many people around, and it was dark. They didn't know who had stayed outside the city. Whether it was Chen Ge or someone outside, It is said that they heard people in the guild hall say that Wang Tong brought a large amount of money into the city. If he can be stopped or reprimanded, it will be a good opportunity to show righteousness. They sent people to make a routine, saying that their master asked them to go out of the city to see what happened, to make sure that Wang Tong brought a large sum of money to Beijing, and said that this is a good opportunity to become famous in the world."

Wang Tong sat there pondering for a while, and said:
"Didn't reveal the instigation behind it?"

"What these people said should be true. From this point of view, it seems that someone is instigating. These clear streams in the capital want to show their reputation. They listen to the wind and rain. They don't care about anything for the sake of fame. The villain thinks that the instigator should also be at the gate of the city. Watching the excitement, but certainly not going forward to join in."

Li Gui has been arresting fast in Tianfu for many years, and he has practiced in the Public Security Department for several years. He still has some experience, and his analysis is also reasonable. Wang Tong nodded silently, and Li Gui said again:

"On the contrary, some people from the Wucheng Bingma Division spoke the truth. These people have dealt with our public security department a lot on weekdays, and they are familiar with each other. They dare not speak outside, but they say it politely inside, saying yes. Commander Chen Jiuying of the Five Cities Army Commander was ordered to check carefully when the adults entered the city, but they didn't expect that there were already people blocking the city outside the city, so they stopped doing anything and watched the excitement from the sidelines."

Wang Tong sneered, waved his hand and said:
"The soldiers of Bing Ma Si recorded their statements and released them. They gave some money for tea in private, and they will still be useful in the future. Li Gui, look at many people in the capital who don't want me to come. You don’t want me to be in that position!!”

"The villain doesn't know anything else, but I know that when you come to the capital, the villain's good life will come, and I have confidence in my heart!!"

On the morning of the 28th of the first lunar month, Wang Tong had just finished washing, and someone from the guards outside reported that a eunuch had come to the palace. After welcoming him in, the eunuch said politely:
"Long Live Lord Xuan Wangtong enters the palace!"

Wang Tong couldn't help wondering, thinking that morning is not the time for the emperor and his ministers to listen to the government and discuss matters, why should he go to see him at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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