Chapter 663
For the officials outside the palace, Wang Tong may be a disaster, and there are too many people who have suffered through his hands, but for the people inside the palace, Wang Tong is a lucky star. The relationship between them is now all the way to prosperity.

Of course, with the relationship between Zhang Cheng, the eunuch who was in charge of the ceremony, and Zou Yi, the eunuch who was supervised by the imperial horse supervisor, Mr. Wang was even more someone who could not afford to offend.

The eunuch led Wang Tong, and he was polite all the way, not daring to be negligent, and when he entered the palace, several people came forward, this is the rule, but these people are also very respectful, and they are very respectful to Wang Tong's question. There are also questions and answers.

"In the past, when the old Zhangge was there, the court meetings were all held in Wenyuan Pavilion, but now the old rules have been changed and moved to Fengtianmen."

Listening to the eunuch, Wang Tong understands that this is the so-called Yumen listening to the government, but he still wonders what is wrong with him. The Commander of Jinyiwei is qualified to attend the court meeting, and he is the first in the list of military officers, but he As the commander of Jin Yiwei, he is not qualified.

The sun is not high yet, and the time is still early. It is obviously time for the court meeting. Why did you let yourself go there? When I asked this question, the leading eunuch also answered:

"Half an hour after the court meeting, the decree passed down by the Long Live Lord, the young ones are only on errands, I really don't know."

Listening to the government at the imperial gate is a rule handed down from the time of Chengzu Zhudi. It is said that it is to listen to the affairs of all officials in front of Fengtianmen, but it is impossible to do it in the open air. The four seasons are held in the side hall built on the side of Fengtianmen. Here But it is much bigger than Wenyuan Pavilion.

It was still in the first lunar month at this time, it was not ice and snow, but the chill had not subsided, and there was also a copper stove filled with silver charcoal in the side hall, which was as warm as spring.

"Chen Wangtong bows to His Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"You are the capital who arrived last night? Get up and answer!"

Emperor Wanli's voice was faint, and he couldn't hear any emotions. After Wang Tong thanked him, he stood up. When he got up, he took the opportunity to glance around. This was the first time Wang Tong participated in this occasion. Emperor Wanli sat on the throne, Their faces were not very good-looking. Zhang Cheng and others were wearing red python robes and standing behind the emperor on the right side. A middle-aged man wearing the robes of the commanding envoy of Jin Yiwei was standing at the lower right of Emperor Wanli, and there was a person with a faint expression on the lower left. Sitting on the embroidered pier, the rest of the people were all dressed in the third rank, and their faces were quite gloomy.

On this occasion, apart from Emperor Wanli, Wang Tong knew Zhang Cheng. The rest of the people recognized Luo Sigong. seat.

"Wang Tong, when you go to the court today, there is no discussion about serious matters. All you talk about is the matter of you arresting people at the East Gate yesterday. It's not fair, you are a witness, explain it!"

The meaning of favoritism in Emperor Wanli's words was very clear, except Shen Shixing's expression remained unchanged, the expressions of the rest of the people were a little gloomy.

"Your Majesty, please ask Wang Tong."

"Wang Tong, this is Yang Wei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. You answer truthfully, and don't deceive or cheat."

Wang Tong replied yes, the name Yang Wei is no stranger to Wang Tong, this person is one of Zhang Siwei's cronies, and has a relationship with the township party with Zhang Siwei, so it is normal for him to come out to question.

"Wang Tong, as the deputy general of Jinyi's army, do you know the admonitions of your ancestors? Those who speak are innocent!"

"The officer knows."

"Since you know why there was a massive raid in front of the gate yesterday, there are 12 censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, 16 heads of various ministries, and more than a dozen officials from the Hanlin Academy and the Imperial Academy. They just said a few words, you Just arrest them and put them in prison, you have completely corrupted your dignity, needless to say, the speaker is not guilty, where did you put the admonitions of the ancestors!!"

"My lord Yang, I know that the speaker is innocent, but I also know that this sentence refers to the words submitted by the Secretary of the General Administration. The words in the memorial will be lenient to criticize and ridicule the state affairs, but last night there were hundreds of people outside the city gate. People kept clamoring, saying that the gold flowers and silver sent by the lower officials to the palace were the fat and ointment of the people, the blood and tears of the people, and what the lower officials searched for. More than ten thousand people came in and out of the east gate every day, and these ten thousand people spread what they saw and heard everywhere. Your majesty's reputation has been greatly damaged. As a courtier, you must not sit back and watch the rebels slander the sage and slander the reputation of the heavenly family. As a deputy general in Jinyi's army, it is your duty to protect your majesty's safety and reputation, so That's why I ordered the arrest."

As a military general, there are not many people who speak with reason and evidence, and there are not many people who are articulate. Wang Tong is one of them. Yang Wei has always stayed away from the circle of the capital. He thought that bringing up the ancestors and ancestors at the court meeting would inevitably bring down this martial artist, but he did not expect to be refuted by Wang Tong with the same high-sounding reason.

In astonishment, Yang Wei froze there for a long time without saying a word. The hall was also quiet, but it was Emperor Wanli's laughter that broke the silence. He heard Emperor Wanli say leisurely:
"Wang Aiqing is a loyal subject. She knows how to protect my reputation in every way. She deserves to be rewarded instead of punished for her meritorious deeds!"

"Your Majesty, I have this Chen Zuo!"

Seeing that the situation in the palace was not right, an official standing under Yang Wei also came out. Emperor Wanli glanced at it, nodded and said:

"So it's Pan Jixun and Pan Aiqing from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. What questions do you have?"

Usually in the court, he only called Pan Aiqing, but today he called her by his full name, everyone in the hall looked at each other, and their faces were even more ugly, it was clearly Emperor Wanli who was introducing Wang Tong, how could he question him in such a situation.

"Your Majesty, Wang Tong's actions may be justified, but it also appears that he is domineering, and the Jinyi Guards are powerful, and they are investigating all directions, so that people in the world dare not speak out. This kind of evil government has already been learned from the past. Even if Wang Tong's actions are justified, they must be severely punished. Rebuke, put an end to the villain's strategy of making troubles in order to get ahead."

"Wang Tong, Pan Shangshu said that what you did was a villain seeking luck, what do you have to say!?"

Hearing Emperor Wanli's inquiry, Wang Tong bowed and agreed, and said to Pan Jixun sideways:

"Master Pan, the family has family rules, the state owns the laws of the country, and the laws of the Great Ming Dynasty are made by the ancestors. If there are laws to follow, they must be obeyed. Jin Yiwei has the responsibility to investigate and arrest. If someone violates the law, he should be dealt with strictly according to the law. , is violating the laws of the Ming Dynasty, it is violating the duties of Jin Yiwei. The subordinate officials abide by their duties, abide by the laws, and perform their duties with due diligence. From now on, Jin Yiwei and the officers and men of the world will not be able to arrest murderers, but they can only stand by when they see the rebels?"

"This... did the old man say that they can't do their jobs!"

"Then why do the lower officials do what the villains want to do, and others do it as their own job. Is it true that what the lower officials do is what the villains do instead?"

Pan Jixun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, his eyes widened, his face turned red, he raised his hand and put it down again, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Fantasy words, are just setting up a trap outside the city to deceive people with lofty ideals, and when they are out of righteous indignation, you can take the opportunity to arrest them..."

"Master Pan is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments. Why do you say that? Yesterday, the deceitful man was arrested. There were confessions and witnesses, and all of them were handprints. Among them were the officers and soldiers of the five cities and horses to testify. The next official went to Beijing to serve as an escort Jin Huayin's entry into Beijing is just a matter of business affairs, so why talk about traps..."

These words were clearly asking Pan Jixun whether he was qualified as the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment. Pan Jixun was speechless, and someone next to him was about to speak, and Pan Jixun said eagerly:
"Tianjin Wei sends 10,000+ taels of gold, flowers and silver to the palace every month. Why is it sending more than one million yuan at a time this year? If it's not a scam, what is it!?"

Hearing this random interrogation, many people in the hall sighed in their hearts. Wang Tong smiled and bowed and said:

"The palace needs Tianjin Wei to send the full amount of the year's gold flowers and silver in the first month, and the lower officials will naturally obey. I don't know if it's the trap Mr. Pan said!?"

"Zhang Banban, is there such a thing?"

Emperor Wanli asked leisurely, and Zhang Cheng, who was standing behind, bowed and replied:

"Long live Lord, yes, there were many fires in the palace last year, the halls and courtyards were severely damaged, and the repairs cost a lot. This year, the gold flowers and silver outside the palace will not be delivered until March. If the slaves and maidservants count together, let Tianjin first The Wei side collected a year's share and sent it, and the chief inspector had notified the cabinet."

Everyone's eyes turned to Shen Shixing again, and Shen Shixing got up to salute, and calmly replied:

"I did receive a notification from the Supervisor of Rites and the Supervisor of Horses. At that time, I thought that this was a matter in the palace and there was no need to make a fuss, so I didn't notify the various ministries of the cabinet. I didn't expect that there would be a misunderstanding today. Your Majesty will punish you for your fault."

"There is nothing wrong with Mr. Shenge. I want to use money here, and the Ministry of Household Affairs can't make it up. I have to squeeze it out from Tianjin Wei. This is not an honorable thing. You are right, Pan Aiqing, but do you have any questions?" ?”

The six ministers plus the left and right imperial envoys, either took refuge in Zhang Siwei, or were recommended by Zhang Siwei, but Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was not. After he spoke, no one in the court could not understand that Pan Jixun, the minister of punishment, took over with a red face. After several times, I finally calmed down, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, I have nothing to ask."

After saying this, they retreated back to the queue in a state of embarrassment. Everyone felt awe-inspiring. This Wang Tong and the others had never dealt with each other before, but they did not expect it to be so difficult to deal with. He also had the support of the emperor. That's a big trouble, but at this time I don't know how to deal with it.

Yan Qing, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, coughed dryly, stepped out to salute and said:

"Your Majesty, Wang Tong is the Commander of the Jinyi Guard, what position is he in charge of?"
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(End of this chapter)

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